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Across an Ocean and Time
The World as Seen by Harry Nash by John C. Nash (2014)

"Across an Ocean and Time" is the biography of Harry Nash, who was born in England but spent his later years in Canada. It deals in particular with his WW2 experiences, based on memoirs and photos he left. He was an armourer with RAF 247 (China British) squadron, which was staffed with a high percentage of men released from HM Prisons, whose sentences were commuted to "for the duration". Some of the stories had loose ends. Attempts to understand or at least find plausible explanations for these led to the novel "Thursday Afternoon" (J C Nash, 2012). This and two sequels as well as other materials can be found at These are Creative Commons Share and Share Alike Noncommercial licensed. They have no DRM and are open for reading. Please email the author (nashjc _at_ for other uses, or to provide feedback.

John Nash 2019-3-22

Download Across an Ocean and Time (pdf)

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