IT had been quite
generally assumed that the granting of representative government under
the Constitutional Act would confer upon the Canadians, whether in I
pper or Lower Canada, all the privileges and blessings of the British
constitution. But those who lightly employed such language to enhance
the concessions made in the Constitutional Act, in a vain effort to
dispose of the troublesome Canadian problem, seem to have assumed that
the essence of the constitution consisted merely of three allied
governing powers, the King, the Lords, and the Commons. These powers
Britain had had for centuries, and yet had obtained from them very
different systems of government, depending upon a special arrangement
and balance of the three correlative powers, but depending still more
upon the social and political atmosphere in which they operated, and
which was the expression of changing temperaments, ideals, and the
general public opinion of the body of the nation. Thus, not only did
these co-ordinate powers give many kinds of government in the course of
their past adjustments, but were to give wholly unexpected, and to many
of that age, quite shocking phases of government for the century to
come. When, therefore, the Constitutional Act added to the governor and
council of the Quebec Act a representative assembly, it did not follow
that, because the system superficially resembled that of the Mother
Country, it must of necessity produce the same results in Canada as in
Britain, or even similar results in the two provinces into which the
territory of Canada was divided. Nor did it follow that the balance of
power and the adjustment of executive responsibility, as worked out in
Canada, would at all resemble the British system of responsible
The governor who
represented the king, just because his powers were delegated, of
necessity occupied a very different position from that of the king,
whose powers were original, though greatly limited by gradually
developed traditions and usages. In some respects much more depended
upon a governor in Canada than upon the king in Britain, in others much
less. In his executive functions he was much freer from traditional
limitations, and depended to a far less extent upon the responsible
advice of his councillors, though, for quite other reasons, lie was
commonly at the mercy of his council in many irresponsible ways. In
other respects lie was supposed to be governed by specific Acts of the
imperial parliament, and to operate under an elaborate body of
instructions which curtailed his freedom in certain directions while
forcing his interference in others. He was also required both to seek
and accept special instruction and advice from the colonial office.
But there were other
differences quite apart from constitutional questions. The governor was
not born and reared in the midst of Canadian conditions, with family
traditions and personal interests all connected with the past, present,
and future of the country. lie came to Canada too often a stranger alike
to its historic and its actual conditions, and, being commonly a
military man, had little or no knowledge of the working principles of
civil government. On the contrary, he had the traditions of a man n
authority sent out to govern the distant possessions of the home
country, the emigrants to which lost their capacity for sound judgment
and the exercise of British liberty in much the same degree as if they
had been recruited into the army. From the point of view of the
colonists, too, the governor's position was very different from that of
the king. While recognized, for the most part, as an exalted and
important personage, this was chiefly due to the official position which
he filled and the influence which he exercised with those in power at
home, but his position was temporary and his powers delegated. His
decisions might be appealed against, his tenure of office was uncertain,
and by agitation it might be curtailed. Moreover, he was not, like the
king, a person who could do no wrong, because of the responsibility of
his ministers. His ministers might indeed be the real advisers of his
actions, but they were not responsible for them, being always able to
take shelter behind the authority of the governor, who, in turn, was
responsible to the home government, and might on occasion take shelter
behind his instructions from the colonial office. At the same time,
every governor came to Canada as a stranger, and must, therefore, of
necessity obtain most of his information and ideas on government from
those who filled the administrative offices, and who were thoroughly
familiar with local conditions, at least as seen from their particular
{ingle of experience or interest. Hence each successive governor was
naturally more or less at the mercy of his executive officers, the more
important of whom commonly occupied seats in both the legislative and
executive councils. The real governors of the colony were thus so
sheltered that to attempt to attack them resulted in ail assault 011 the
governor, and through him on the British government. The governor's
position, therefore, and his relationship at once to the country and to
the other estates in the government, were very different from those of
the British king.
The legislative council
was supposed to be the counterpart of the House of Lords. A great part
of the Constitutional Act was taken up with provisions for securing in
the colony a body of landed aristocracy which, when furnished with
suitable titles of honour, would provide the requisite nobility from
which to recruit the legislative council, or Canadian House of Lords.
The proximity of the exalted rank and dignity of these Canadian nobles
would incidentally sharpen the tooth of remorse which was assumed to be
gnawing the consciences of those fallen republicans in the lower regions
to the south.
As aristocratic
institutions were still naturally associated with divine rights, so the
normal support of an aristocracy was a State Church. Extensive provision
was accordingly made in the same Act for the support of an Established
Church. It is doubtful which of these two allied contributions of the
Constitutional Act caused most trouble in the country before they were
finally disposed of. The provision for an aristocracy contributed the
Family Compact, with the necessary accompaniments of land-grabbing
intrigues, for an impecunious aristocracy would inspire little awe and
less envy. The provisions for a State Church contributed that apple of
discord, the Clergy Reserves, which provided so many and so sadly
neglected opportunities for the display of Christian charity.
As the members of the
legislative council held their offices for life, they were free from the
corrupting influences which press upon those who have to keep m touch
with the vulgar multitude. They could, therefore, if so inclined, freely
devote to public questions an enlightened mind and unbiassed judgment;
or, if differently minded, they could devote themselves with equal
effect to the pursuit of private interests and class privileges, with a
calm disregard of public opinion.
The executive council,
gradually shaping itself into a body of ministers with specialized
functions, consisted, as a rule, of the special members of the
legislative council who presided over the administration of government.
Theoretically they were selected by the governor, practically, as we
have seen, they were commonly selected by the office-holding cliques who
monopolized the ear of the governor. The governor, however, was
ultimately responsible for their actions, on practically the same terms
as the president of the United States is responsible for his cabinet of
secretaries. Not being mutually responsible to the people, as in the
present form of the British or Canadian cabinet, they might be, and
sometimes were, quite at variance with each other, whether as to the
general policy of administration, or as to special, though vital,
features. Quite generally, however, the absence of mutual responsibility
to the legislature was supplied by the bonds of self-interest and mutual
appointment essential to the effective control of successive governors.
These close corporations of office-holders were known in Upper Canada as
the Family Compact, and in Lower Canada by various names, among them the
"Scotch party."
The foundation of the
Family Compact in Upper Canada was laid by Governor Simcoe, who brought
with him as his first executive officials a number of men for the most
part associated with him in the late Revolutionary War. Appointing these
to the chief offices of trust and to seats in the legislative council,
lie virtually established for them a life tenure m the executive
offices. These were the men who were encouraged by Simcoe to regard
themselves as the foundation stones of that new aristocracy which, with
their successors, would become the bulwark of the British authority, and
ensure the remaining British possessions in America against the subtle
inroads of democracy which had undermined the authority of the home
government in the lost colonies to the south. These gentlemen took their
functions very seriously. With lavish hand they bestowed upon themselves
in the king's name vast tracts of the best land in the province. In the
meantime, while the poorer immigrants in the surrounding settlements
were raising these idle lands into valuable estates, they subsisted on
the various offices of considerable emolument in the province, and in
various ways so identified themselves with the king's interest that to
doubt their authority or their rights was to dispute the royal
prerogative, to question their pretensions was disloyalty, to attack
their privileges was treason, and to seek to overthrow their power, or
to subordinate the executive to the representative body was
republicanism and rebellion.
In Lower Canada, after
furnishing the French-Canadians with an assembly as their organ, the
legislative and executive councils became the stronghold of the English
element, who, naturally furnishing a controlling atmosphere for the
successive governors, persuaded them that in spite of the Quebec Act the
province was destined to be ultimately British. By means of more or less
active measures they assisted in promoting that idea. The French
element, becoming more pronounced in their opposition to this policy,
utilized, with increasing skill, their majority in the assembly to block
this purpose. But, by putting themselves in opposition to the English
element, they became a party of disloyalty, losing incidentally the
confidence of the governor and therefore all prospect of filling any
important offices in the administration of the province.
Obviously, during the
regime of the Constitutional Act, the legislative council in both
provinces was anything but an obsolete institution. It was the only
vital organ for expressing the wishes of the British element in Lower
Canada; in a somewhat less special degree it was the organ of a very
select class of interests in Upper Canada. Since all legislation must
either originate with the assembly or at least receive its sanction, the
majority in the assembly could, on the one hand, insist upon their
favourite measures being brought forward, or, on the other, block any
measures distasteful to them which might originate in the council or
were introduced by the minority in the assembly who sympathized with the
council. As from the first the French-Canadians were in a majority in
the assembly of Lower Canada, and could control it when so minded, and
as, after the introduction of the Constitutional Act, the English
element predominated in the council, the race cleavage was enabled to
express itself effectively in the two branches of the legislature. But,
while each branch of the legislature was all-powerful in blocking any
objectionable movements on the part of the other for the introduction of
new laws or the amendment of old ones, each was correspondingly impotent
to insure the enactment of any legislation, no matter how vital it might
be for the interests of the country. Only such measures, therefore,
could be passed as were of a neutral character as regards the racial
issues, or such as were absolutely requisite for even a hand-to-mouth
provincial existence, and on which a compromise might be arranged.
The leaders of the
popular party in Canada became familiar with the superficial aspects at
least of the powers and functions of the House of Commons in Britain and
the virtual responsibility of the ministers of the Crown to the majority
iu that House. It was then readily perceived that, if this principle
could be introduced and secure recognition in Canada, it would enable
the popular party to control the situation. In the Lower Province it
would give to the French-Canadian nationality, through its leaders, a
complete control of the government of that province, while in Upper
Canada it would enable the party controlling the majority in the
legislature to control also the executive government. In Lower Canada,
once the French-Canadian party was efficiently organized, this would
have meant that, by the introduction of this one feature from British
constitutional practice, the French-Canadians would have been able to
prevent any other British element from being brought in to contaminate
their historic institutions. They would then have been free to
accomplish Carleton's aspiration in preventing any further British
immigration to Lower Canada, and would have regarded with much
complacency the exodus of the British settlers to escape the French
system. In Upper Canada it would probably have had the opposite effect,
as the majority in the assembly professedly favoured progress and
innovation, though it must be admitted, from a survey of the measures
which they frequently advocated, that their conception of progress was
distinguished for its ardour rather than its wisdom, and their
innovations were frequently ill-digested arid even impossible. In
neither province, however, with a very few exceptions in Upper Canada,
did those who advocated the British system of a government controlled by
the popular branch of the legislature understand what that really meant
as operated in England. Nor did they realize what were the
characteristic details of political organization and practical
administration which must of necessity accompany responsible government
in order that it might be operated in Canada witli anything like the
same efficiency as in Britain. It was one of the chief functions of Lord
Sydenham's administration to enlighten the Canadian politicians on this
subject, and to demonstrate to them, from his own personal experience,
how many other factors and how much of detailed organization were
indispensable to the elementary working of responsible government.
It was, however, a
well-known historic fact that the chief means by which the English House
of Commons had risen from a very subordinate, to a distinctly
controlling position, was its command over the national purse. This
avenue to power had not, it may be imagined, been neglected by the
popular leaders in the assembly of either province. However, certain
difficulties had been met with from the first. Before the days of
representative government in the Canadas, certain imperial Acts had
provided sources of revenue which were beyond the control of the
assembly, this revenue was provided for before Britain pledged herself,
in a belated effort to reconcile the American colonies, not to levy
further specific taxes upon any of the colonies. Moreover, in the
earlier days of the assembly, certain revenue Acts were made permanent,
but these could be amended, to give the assembly annual control, only
with the assent of the legislative council, which was of course steadily
refused, the purpose of the .amendment being too well understood. With
these permanent sources of revenue and some assistance from time to time
from imperial funds, it was possible for the executive government to
continue its functions even when the assembly refused to vote supplies.
For such public objects as the assembly could not afford to neglect,
they were compelled to vote specific sums. Control of the revenue being
an all-important factor in the conflict with the executive and
legislative councils, especially in Lower Canada, the contest tended to
centre round this problem. The central object of attack, however, was
the legislative council with its adjunct the executive council. The
lines of attack were not always very consistent with each other. It was
finally demanded, as the most direct way out of the difficulty, that the
legislative council should be made elective, which would give the French
the command of both houses of the legislature.
In Upper Canada, there
being no racial problem, there was much less definiteness in the issues
which divided the political groups.- Class privileges and an
office-holding oligarchy were the chief objects of attack. A whole
volume of grievances was ultimately compiled, but the majority of the
items resolved themselves into instances of arrogance and self-seeking
by the favoured group who sought to monopolize the most promising
resources of the province, especially the public offices. One of the
most prominent subjects of discord, the Clergy Reserves, was simply a
case in point, being essentially a question of class privilege in the
enjoyment of public funds. In Upper Canada the movement towards popular
control of the executive was steadily working out, though in a rather
crude fashion. It was simply a matter of time, accompanied, of course,
with much political friction, as to the final control by the assembly.
It suited the purpose of the Compact party and of the
lieutenant-governor, who was their very willing instrument, to identify
the Mackenzie episode with the purpose of the reform party, in order to
brand their movement as essentially treasonable. In this, for a time,
the oligarchy was fairly successful. The cause of reform appeared to
have received an indefinite set-back, when, fortunately for its
advocates, the Durham Report exploded the reactionary programme. While
condemning the small body of desperate men who attempted or favoured
rebellion, Durham's Report strongly supported the more rational features
of the reform policy, and boldly advocated the adoption of the British
system of responsible government as an ultimate remedy for the political
difficulties of the Upper Province.
In Lower Canada, on the
other hand, most far-sighted observers had perceived, even from the tune
of the adoption of the policy of the Quebec Act, and afterwards at the
time of passing the Constitutional Act, that the situation in that
province must lead ultimately to an open rupture between the two races,
and even between the two provinces. To insure to the French-Canadians
all the essentials of their nationality, and yet to deny to them the
logical and necessary consequences of a complete control of their
domestic affairs and of an ultimate escape from the national humiliation
of a foreign yoke, was nothing short of the refinement of racial
cruelty, which, fortunately for the reputation of British humanity, the
English people have repeatedly condemned when practised by other
countries. To expect the French-Canadians to voluntarily forego their
nationality, and peacefully resign themselves to British citizenship,
was the height of absurdity. There was plainly no alternative,
consistent with reason and humanity, other than that of granting them
full independence as a distinct people, or to take away once and for all
the occasion of those tantalizing dreams of French nationality, and give
them to understand that, however distasteful for the present, their
ultimate fate was to be a corporate part of an Anglo-Saxon colony with
unified and harmonious political institutions.
Wisdom and humanity had
long demanded one or other of these alternatives. No one of the long
series of frequently changing colonial secretaries and their delegated
governors could find any other solution. But, with the exception of a
half-hearted attempt to reunite the provinces in 1822, in the face of
the plainest warnings, no one of them had the 80 courage to face either
alternative. They simply temporized while the situation steadily grew
worse, each contenting himself with the prayer that peace might he
vouchsafed in his time. At last the inevitable and long-expected
happened. It matters little whose pipe sets the heather on fire when any
spark will start a blaze.
Had the
French-Canadians been as well organized as they were ripe for revolt,
and had those beginning the rebellion enjoyed competent leadership, a
few initial successes would have brought the great majority to their
assistance, while almost none would have declined to join an independent
French government. The Loyalist party in such a case would have been
easily taken care of. But French-Canadian leadership was woefully
deficient, and the rebellion was short-lived; nor was a second outbreak,
immediately following Lord Durham's departure, any better managed or
more successful. |