IT was on September
13tb, after these preliminary arrangements and understandings with the
home government, that the new governor-general sailed in the frigate
Pique from Portsmouth, and after a stormy voyage of thirty-three days
reached Quebec on October 17th. In the meantime, as we have seen, he was
being very vigorously canvassed in the colonies over which he was coming
to preside. We have seen the estimate of his character and the
presentation of his views made by well-informed authorities in England.
An entry in his journal, while oil shipboard, indicates the personal
attitude in which he approached the task before him. It shows that he
recognized that he was not coming to Canada to be a figurehead, but to
be a central force in bringing about the reunion of the provinces, and
in reconstructing the political and financial systems. " It is a great
field, too, if I bring about the union, and stay for a year to meet the
united assembly, and set them to work. On the other hand, in England
there is little to be done by me. At the Exchequer all that can be hoped
is to get through some bad, tax. There is no chance of carrying the
House with one for any great commercial reforms, timber, corn, sugar,
etc.; party and private interests will prevent it. If Peel were in, lie
might do this, as he could muzzle or keep away his Tory allies, and we
should support him.
"On private grounds 1
think it good too. 'Tis strange, however, that the office which was once
my greatest ambition (the Exchequer) should now be so disagreeable to me
that I will give up the cabinet and parliament to avoid it. After all,
the House of Commons and Manchester are no longer what they were to me.
I do not think that I have improved in speaking—rather gone back.
Perhaps in Opposition, with time to prepare, 1 might rally again; but I
do not feel sure of it. I am grown rather nervous about it. The
interruption and noise which prevail so much in the House concerns me. I
have certainly made no good speech for two years. It is clear, from what
has passed, I might have kept Manchester as long as I liked. But till
put to the test by leaving it, one could not help feeling nervous and
irritated by constant complaints of not going far enough or going too
far. The last years have made a great change in me. My health, 1
suppose, is at the bottom of it. On the whole I think it is well as it
The above extract shows
also that the stale and unprofitable condition into which the Whig party
had fallen, from too long and too precarious a tenure of office, had
proved to him that it was impossible, for the immediate future, to find
in British politics an adequate expression for his personality or his
aspirations. In Canada alone did there seem to be such a field, and into
it, therefore, he threw himself without backward longing.
After remaining two
days on board ship, awaiting the arrival of Sir John Colborne from
Montreal, he landed, opened the Royal Commission and was sworn into
office on October 19th. On the same day he issued a proclamation
announcing his appointment as governor-general and his entrance upon the
duties of the office. The spirit in which he intended to discharge his
duties as governor-general is thus briefly expressed: "In the exercise
of this high trust it will be my desire, no less than my duty, to
promote to the utmost of my power the welfare of all classes of Her
Majesty's subjects. To reconcile existing differences; to apply a remedy
to proved grievances; to extend and protect the trade, and enlarge the
resources of the colonies entrusted to my charge; above all, to promote
whatever may bind them to the Mother Country by increasing the ties of
interest and affection will be my first and most anxious endeavour. In
pursuit of these objects I shall ever be ready to listen to the
representation of all, while I shall unhesitatingly exercise the powers
confided to me to repress disorder, to uphold the law7, and to maintain
He recognized the
unsatisfactory condition of affairs in Lower Canada, and hoped to be
able to find a means of restoring the constitution. He acknowledged the
essential loyalty of the people of Upper Canada, but recognized their
financial embarrassment, which hampered trade and provincial
development. These defects, however, he hoped to remedy, relying upon
the patriotism of the people and the wisdom of the legislature. Finally,
he called upon all who have the good of British North America at heart
to lay aside all minor differences and co-operate with him in promoting
the welfare of the provinces. Altogether it was a simple, candid, and
businesslike statement, quite unlike many of the stilted and perfunctory
proclamations to which the people of the colonies had been accustomed.
The proclamation was awaited with the greatest interest, as the first
utterance of a governor of a totally different type from any of his
predecessors, and concerning whose personality, views, and motives the
liveliest hopes and fears had been aroused. But especially was it felt
by every intelligent citizen that the whole future not only of the
Canadian provinces, but of British North America, was hanging in the
balance, so much depending upon the wisdom and policy of the new
On this same day His
Excellency was presented with an address by the magistrates of the city
and district of Quebec. This was of a very noncommittal character,
except for the very parochial appeal that the city of Quebec might not
be deprived of the residence of the governor-general, there having been
a tendency of late to favour Montreal. This the new governor adroitly
met by declaring that it would afford him the sincerest satisfaction to
contribute at all times to the prosperity of Quebec, and, when
circumstances permitted, to reside within its walls, in order to
cultivate the good feeling and regard of its inhabitants. This was only
the first of many scores of instances in which all classes of the people
were to be charmed with the ability of the governor to turn the most
unpromising materials, personages, and conditions to account, in order
to ingratiate himself with the Canadian public.
Altogether, the new
governors first day m Canada produced a most favourable impression, and
began a revulsion of feeling in his favour which, within a very short
time, had removed almost all doubt and distrust as to his personal
qualities, and had laid a solid foundation for that great personal
popularity which was to be so powerful an influence in mitigating
political bitterness, breaking down factious opposition, and promoting
those larger political objects to which the governor-general had devoted
On the day of his
arrival he despatched a letter to Sir George Arthur transmitting a copy
of his commission and instructions, together with a warrant reappointing
Sir George as lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada. This despatch met the
lieutenant-governor at Kingston, on his way to Montreal to pay his
respects to the new governor-general, as requested by Lord John Russell.
One of the first
official acts of Poulett Thomson was the appointment of T. W. Clinton
Murdoch, Esq., to be civil secretary of the general government, and of
Major George D. Hall to be military secretary and chief aide-de-camp.
Mr. Murdoch was a gentleman of exceptional ability, who rapidly acquired
a very intimate knowledge of Canadian history and of the actual
conditions of the country. His rare capacity for affairs, his sound
judgment, indefatigable industry, and admirable tact enabled him to
render invaluable assistance to Lord Sydenham during his term of office,
and at the earnest solicitation of Sir Charles Bagot he continued as
civil secretary during the greater part of his administration.
With characteristic
energy, amounting almost to impetuosity, the new governor immediately
plunged into the details of Canadian affairs, taking every method and
opportunity of making himself intimately acquainted with Canadian
conditions. On the twenty-first he held a levee at the Castle St. Louis,
which was attended by the principal inhabitants of Quebec and district,
without distinction of parties. At the close of this function came the
Committee of Trade of Quebec to pay their respects to the new governor,
hitherto only known to them as "the enemy of the Canadian timber trade,"
in which trade most of them were interested. However, they made the best
of it, and being merchants themselves they told him that they saw with
prule the government of the country entrusted to one who had himself
been a merchant. Notwithstanding that the opinions which he had been
understood to entertain with reference to an important branch of the
Canadian trade differed materially from their own, they believed that
his efforts as governor of the colonies would be directed to the
promotion not only of the political, but of the commercial interests,
including the timber trade. They recognized the difficulty as well as
the importance of the general task before him: to establish a just and
steady form of government, to develop the latent resources of the
provinces by improving the means of communication, to revive commerce,
and to recall to Canada the stream of immigration now diverted
elsewhere, and they promised him their co-operation towards the
accomplishment of these objects. To this address also he made a
felicitous reply, appealing to their rule and fellow-feeling as
merchants, soliciting their all-important assistance, and promising the
most hearty co-operation in all mutual interests.
The following day he
left for Montreal, there to meet Sir George Arthur in conference on the
affairs of Upper Canada. He reached Montreal on the twenty-third, and on
the twenty-fifth Sir George Arthur arrived. On the twenty-sixth he
received an address from the merchants of the city, to which lie made
one of his brief but effective replies. With his long training in the
intricate details of the Board of Trade, he at once grappled with the
tangled problems of Upper Canada. He held numerous conferences with Sir
George Arthur, whose breath was rather taken away by the rapidity with
which he covered the ground and followed up his conclusions with
decisions as to policy.
He found that
conditions were sufficiently tranquil in the Lower Province to permit of
his leaving it for a few months. In the meantime, he could devote
himself to the more immediate object of his mission, in taking up the
union question with the Special Council, and on his return from the
Upper Province, he would be able to discuss the detailed needs of Lower
Canada at greater length.
It had evidently been
his intention to dissolve the House of Assembly in Upper Canada, and lay
the proposition for a union of the provinces before a House elected
specifically on that issue. He found, however, that this would occasion
considerable delay. Moreover, the lieutenant-governor was apprehensive
lest a new election at that time should be attended with undue
excitement, resulting possibly in riots in certain parts of the
province. It appeared also that the existing assembly was not opposed to
the measure of re-union, though inclined to attach onerous conditions
thereto as regards the majority in the Lower Province. But even should
the assembly indicate a tendency to seriously run counter to the general
wishes of the people, it was still within the power of the governor to
dissolve the House and .appeal to the electors. All things considered,
therefore, he resolved to proceed to the Upper Province about the middle
of November, and before the close of water communication. Accordingly,
Sir George Arthur was instructed to return to Toronto and to summon the
provincial parliament for December 3rd.
Already the vigorous
yet prudent activity displayed by the new governor-general, his obvious
desire to acquaint himself with all phases of public opinion, and to
reach the most equitable and practicable conclusions, caused him to rise
steadily in the general estimation. His movements and his utterances
were followed with the keenest interest, and fully chronicled in the
leading newspapers of Lower and Upper Canada. There was, of course, a
special curiosity as to his attitude on the subject of responsible
government. His repeated assertion of his intention to maintain and, if
possible, strengthen the connection between Britain and the colonies,
reassured the more conservative element, while his known sympathy with
the chief recommendations of Lord Durham's Report and his avoidance of
any hostile criticism of the advocates of responsible government, gave
no occasion to the Reformers to apprehend that he had renounced his
Liberal views.
His interviews with Sir
George Arthur had caused no little uneasiness in the mind of that
outspoken opponent of responsible government. The lieutenant-governor
now saw very clearly that the stand which lie had lately taken against
that heresy, and his known sympathy with the legislative council in its
opposition to the union, were no longer to be supported by the chosen
representative of the home government. Having promised to assist the
governor-general in his various measures in Upper Canada, lie began to
have visions of himself publicly repudiating his previous utterances,
abandoning his friends of the Compact, and, quite generally, performing
the unpleasant task of supporting in the name of the home government
what lie had previously condemned m the name of the same authority.
Reflecting upon these things on his way back to Toronto, and doubtless
taking counsel with his friends there, he wrote a long letter of
explanation to the governor-general, dated November 9th.
After informing the
governor that, according to his desire, the provincial parliament had
been convened to meet oil December 3rd, he took advantage of the
occasion to give His Excellency some information on Upper Canadian
conditions, and especially as to his personal position before he took
over the government of the province. He repeated the statement that he
had been instructed at the time of his appointment to follow the policy
of his predecessor, Sir F. B. Head. These directions on the part of the
home government he had taken pains to make public, believing that it
justified him in "giving every possible encouragement and support to the
constitutional party who desired British connection and monarchical
institutions under the existing constitution of 1791, in opposition to
the Reform party, whom my predecessor considered collectively disloyal
and desirous of republican institutions." In following this policy he
believed that the condition of the province had been distinctly
improving up to the time of the appearance of Lord Durham's Report, and
he had hoped among the better disposed Reformers to regain all the
ground that had been lost. He saw no hope of reconciling the American
party or those Reformers who had long associated with them in striving
for the introduction of republican institutions, under which he
evidently included responsible government. But he had hoped to win the
moderate Reformers, though without any departure from the principles of
the constitutional party, who were, above all things, not to be
As to a union of the
provinces, he believed that many who favoured it in 1822, when it failed
to carry, had since become opposed to it, He also referred to the joint
address of the legislative council and assembly to the late king
deprecating the policy of the union, the reply to which had informed him
" that the project of a union between the two provinces has not been
contemplated by His Majesty as fit to be recommended for the sanction of
parliament." He also stated that Lord Thirham himself had on several
occasions expressed his decided objection to union. Hence, when
consulted about it by members of both Houses, he had always opposed it.
He claimed to have taken the precaution, however, to state that it would
not be well to be too sure of the course to be taken ih England, and
that it would be desirable to accept whatever measures were finally
determined upon there. He now finds that the home government has adopted
a union policy, and that His Excellency has come out to endeavour to
carry it into effect. But though he has personally opposed it, he
believes from the sentiments he has heard expressed that, as an abstract
proposition, it could be carried in Upper Canada, though perhaps not in
the form presented in the bill sent out from Britain.
However, the question
which has given rise to most discussion since the appearance of Lord
Durham's Report is that of responsible government. The Report virtually
recommends that the executive council be made responsible to the House
of Assembly, and this is almost universally accepted as recommending
that form of government contended for even to rebellion by Mackenzie and
Papineau. This he maintains has rehabilitated that whole movement, and
so-called " Durham meetings" have been held in various parts of the
province to advocate this policy. Many of these meetings have indeed
been very perplexing, because, while warmly supported by the late
rebels, they have also been favoured by persons of undoubted loyalty,
some of whom have admitted that their object was to exclude eventually
Her Majesty's secretary of state from any interference in the local
concerns of the province. His own attitude towards the idea of
responsible government has been to decidedly discountenance it,
considering himself as justified in this attitude by the statements of
Lord John Russell and the Marquis of Normanby in the British parliament.
He flatters himself also that his course has caused this "dangerous
innovation" to lose much of its popularity.
Referring in particular
to his reply to the address presented to him as a result of the "Durham
meeting " at Hamilton, he presents the usual alternatives as set up at
that time by the opponents of responsible government. "A governor, if
the Crown allowed him to name his council, would surely for his own
peace and success, select persons disposed to work in harmony with the
legislature. By the responsible government now sought men want to place
the council, in effect, over the governor, and to set aside altogether
the influence of the imperial government by rendering the executive
government wholly dependent upon the provincial parliament." It might be
stated parenthetically that it was just because hitherto no governor had
ever attempted to follow the first alternative that the second was
advocated by extreme Reformers. However, after presenting his abstract
alternatives, Sir George Arthur proceeds half unconsciously to justify
most of the agitation for responsible government. He admits that the cry
for reponsibility does not surprise him, for the chaotic condition into
which both the executive and legislative councils of the government had
fallen left no real responsibility anywhere. "Partly owing to the House
of Assembly having taken into its own hands matters purely executive,
and partly from other causes, there has been, in reality, in some
transactions, no responsibility, and great intricacy exists, and a want
of system, n the manner in which the public accounts have been kept,
some of the departments have worked most inconveniently to the public,
and there are. as it seems to me, no adequate checks over the receipts
and disbursements of public money." He had proposed when tranquillity
was restored to show by drastic measures of executive reform that an
honest and efficient governor could eradicate the evils of the existing
conditions and introduce a new " system of government under which all
public officers may be made strictly responsible, in every practical and
useful sense of the term." In other words, his conception of
responsibility was responsibility to a benevolent despotism. But there
was apt to be a very uncertain series of despots.
After referring to the
embarrassed condition of the provincial finances and the necessity for
developing the resources of the country, and to that end completing the
public works already undertaken, Arthur proceeds to sum up the
difficulties of the situation in which he finds himself. He considers
that it was his special function to provide for the safety of the
province, and though that is not altogether insured, still he recognizes
that it may be the policy of the British government to make considerable
changes in the system of administration. On the principles of the union
he had left a way of escape for himself, but 011 the principle of
responsible government he infers from his brief interview with His
Excellency that his views are not in accordance with those which he
himself has been publicly expressing. This may indeed cause some
embarrassment to the new governor, for " it is impossible not to
perceive how difficult it must be for Your Excellency to avoid being
entangled with past transactions." As regards himself under these new
conditions, "Her Majesty's government has placed me in circumstances of
very considerable embarrassment, from which I have endeavoured to
relieve myself, so far as I can, by this unreserved and detailed
explanation." He trusts, therefore, that the governor will not require
him to take a course for the future too glaringly inconsistent with that
of the past, as it would destroy his influence as an auxiliary in
carrying out the new policy.
It is plain from this
that while it was acknowledged that the governor-general had come out to
Canada prepared to introduce a new policy in the administration of the
country, he was to find himself hampered, not only by the prejudices of
the majority of the people in positions of power and influence, but by
the previous policy and definitely expressed convictions of former
governors, even Lord Durham himself being quoted against the
recommendations of the Report which bore his name. |