IN both provinces,
where there was the prospect of anything like a close contest, it was
quite evident that there was to be an exceedingly vigorous election
campaign. There had been no election in Lower Canada since the outbreak
of the rebellion, and the last election in Upper Canada was regarded as
having been carried by the Compact and Orange elements, with the
assistance of Lieutenant-Governor Head, in such a manner as to prevent
the legitimate expression of the popular will. The great issues of the
stability of the union, the dominance of race, and the future of
responsible government were all dependent on the outcome of the
The attitude of the
most responsible and influential element among the French-Canadians
towards the Union Act and the government to be formed under it, is given
in an address by the " Quebec Committee" to the electors throughout the
province. This was published in the Quebec Gazette, of February 22nd,
Mr. Neilson. the editor and proprietor, being one of the chief members
of the committee. The keynote of the address is given in the following
paragraph with
reference to the
practical duty of the electors: "No consideration whatever should
-induce us to vote for any candidate who does not disapprove of that Act
and its iniquitous provisions; for, in voting for such a candidate, we
would give our consent to the Act, and approve of those who have advised
it. We should proclaim our own dishonour and dishonour our country in
stretching forth the neck to the yoke which is attempted to be placed
upon us, till it be repealed or amended, so that the injustice which it
authorizes shall cease.
It was everywhere
admitted that this attitude and these principles dominated the
French-Canadian elections. All things considered, the attitude was
perfectly natural, but it involved at least this plain fact, that the
government could make no terms with the French-Canadian members until,
through experience of the working of the Union Act and of the attitude
of the government towards their interests as citizens of a united
Canada, they had modified their views and abandoned their pledges of
absolute opposition. Thanks to Lord Sydenham's policy and the
appreciation of the more enlightened French-Canadians, it was possible
for his successor, Sir Charles Bagot, to make the first practical move
towards incorporating in his ministry leading French-Canadians who could
command a respectable following of their fellow-members. It might have
been possible for Lord Sydenham to win over individual members of the
French- Canadian party, but in doing so he would have captured, not a
section of an army, but a few isolated deserters. lie had himself
offered to Messrs. Roy and Marehand seats in the legislative council, on
the sole condition that they should attend during the session of the
legislature and not treat the appointment as a merely honorary one; but
they declined. Time and experience alone could deal with that problem,
hence the criticism of Lord Sydenham's government, as lacking a
representative French-Canadian element, was quite beside the mark. The
fault was neither his nor that of the body of the French-Canadians; it
was a passing necessity of a stage in national development. Rut that the
necessity was a passing one, may fairly be placed to the credit of the
policy which Lord Sydenham inaugurated and which rendered possible the
action of his successors.
An interesting
side-light on the preparation for the elections in the Upper Province is
shed by a private letter from Robert Baldwin to Lord Sydenham. After
referring to the chances for the election of Mr. Dunn and himself, he
says, speaking in the third person: "Mr. Baldwin has just transmitted to
Mr. Murdoch, for His Excellency's information, a list of names of
persons whom he has been led to believe would make good returning
officers in some of the counties, and also the names of places where the
elections could be most conveniently held. The materials for this list
were collected chiefly when Mr. Baldwin was on the circuit. As to the
persons, he endeavoured to ascertain that they were men of reasonable
intelligence, personal respectability, and not of violent temperament.
As to the places, he endeavoured to ascertain that they were as
conveniently situated as possible for all, or at least the greater
number, of the electors, but, above all, that they were as far as
possible removed from the neighbourhood of any Orange clique. He has in
some instances mentioned the names of persons and places which were
represented to him as peculiarly ineligible." These precautions,
however, did not secure the avoidance of riot and even bloodshed at
several of the elections in Upper Canada, particularly in and around
Toronto, where the ultra-loyal and ultra-Protestant element conceived it
to be at once their privilege and their duty to employ violence in
support of British institutions and in opposition to a government too
strongly tainted with French-Canadian sympathies and responsible
government radicalism. Yet this was the same government against which a
solid French-Canadian opposition was being successfully organized in
Lower Canada, because of its supposed leanings towards Orangism and
ultra-British sympathies.
We cannot refer in
detail to the many objectionable and regrettable episodes which
characterized the elections in a number of constituencies, especially in
the districts around Montreal and Toronto.
Responsibility for the
riotous conduct was pretty evenly divided between the rival interests,
but wherever violence was used in favour of a candidate favourable to
the union policy or responsible government, it was of course attributed
directly to the government, and even to the governor himself. Thus did
Lord Sydenham immediately experience one of the chief difficulties which
of necessity attached to the double function of governor and prime
The election returns
were known early in April, and the results were thus summed up in a
letter from Mr. Murdoch, the civil secretary:—"Government members, 21;
French members, 20; moderate Reformers, 20; ultra-Reformers, 5; Compact
party, 7; doubtful, 0." Considering the issues on which they were
elected, the French members, at first at any rate, could be safely
counted upon to oppose without question every measure brought forward by
the government. On most essential matters the majority of the moderate
Reformers would support the government, while the ultra-Reformers and
the Compact party would oppose it. Oil other issues, however, many votes
would depend upon the particular question before the House. The
government seemed fairly sure of a good working majority. But
considering the whole past history of Canadian representative bodies,
the most difficult task before Lord Sydenham would be to maintain a
united administration on all essential government questions. The
opposition to the government might, on occasion, prove very formidable;
for parties of the most incompatible views, such as the
French-Canadians, the Compact party, and the ultra-Reformers, might
enthusiastically unite in opposition to the government, and might even
out-vote it, without the slightest possibility of forming another
administration to take its place.
The members of the
legislature were finally summoned to meet at Kingston on June 14th,
1841. Postponement of the date previously fixed was due partly to the
state of the governor's health, he having been prostrated by a
particularly severe attack of gout, and partly in order to permit
agricultural operations to be sufficiently advanced to allow the country
members to attend. Lord Sydenham thus describes to the colonial
secretary the preparations made for the accommodation of the
"In pursuance of what I
had the honour of stating upon a former occasion, I decided on calling
the first Parliament at Kingston and of placing the seat of Government
there. Upon investigation I found that I could obtain without difficulty
the necessary accommodation both for the Legislature and the Government
Offices, of a temporary nature, but still affording more convenience at
less cost than if I had fixed upon either Montreal or Toronto. The
Hospital which was recently erected, but has remained unoccupied, will,
with slight alterations, afford better accommodation for the meeting of
the Legislature than even at Toronto. I have hired a new range of
buildings which was destined for warehouses and can be easily finished
for their new purposes as Govt. Offices, for all the different
Departments of the Government, - and they will be far superior in
convenience to any that are to be found in any of the Three Cities of
the Province. I have hired a house for the Residence of the
Governor-General, which with some additions will answer the purpose, and
altho' the different Officers of the Government will be obliged to
submit to inconveniences for a time, I have no doubt that accommodation
can be provided. The expense will not be very considerable and will be
defrayed from the balance of the Crown Revenues which I have
transferred, upon the declaration of the Union, to the Military chest,
to answer the claims upon it for various services."
The building used for
the accommodation of the legislature is once more the main structure of
the Kingston hospital. The government offices referred to, a row of low
stone buildings on Ontario Street erected by the Marine Railway Company,
are now devoted to much humbler uses. The house selected for the
governor's residence, a plain but comfortable stone mansion with ample
grounds, beautifully situated on the lakeshore on the western border of
the city, was erected and at the time owned by Baron Grant, and is still
known as "Alwington."
Just before the opening
of the legislature, Mr. Robert Baldwin, who had been solicitor-general
for Upper Canada since the close of the session of 1840, and who had
held a similar position as a member of the government since the
proclamation of the union, suddenly proposed to Lord Sydenham, within a
couple of days of the opening of the legislature, that he should
entirely recast his government and replace some of the most important
members by a combination of French-Canadians and ultra-Reformers. From
the point of view of elementary political wisdom, in the face of so
delicate a situation as then confronted the governor, the proposal was
preposterous and would undoubtedly have been so treated by Mr. Baldwin
himself when at a later date he had to frame and lead a ministry. To
Lord Sydenham, Mr. Baldwin's action naturally appeared more or less
treacherous; and yet Baldwin was evidently actuated by honourable
sentiments, if not guided by practical wisdom.
His attitude may be
more readily understood after reading the seemingly naive, and yet
remarkably able and adroit letter of Mr. Morin to Mr. Hincks, written
between the elections and the assembling of parliament. Notwithstanding
the utter hostility to the union, and the consistent repudiation of
responsible" government by Mr. Neilson, whom Mr. Morin acknowledges to
be the leader of the French-Canadians and to possess their entire
confidence, Mr. Morin, with his charmingly innocent and almost
affectionate manner to which his own thorough goodness of heart lent an
air of perfect sincerity, laboured to prove that the French-Canadians
and the Reformers of Upper Canada were natural allies and desired
practically the same objects. If, therefore, they united together they
could command the situation—an opinion which there was no disputing. He
announced also that he himself and a number of others were going up, a
few days in advance of the opening of the House, to confer with
representative Reformers with a view to effecting a combination. It was
with these men that Mr. Baldwin had been negotiating, and that they had
completely captured him is indicated by the proposition which he placed
before Lord Sydenham on the eve of the opening of the House. As it
turned out, both Morin and Baldwin were entirely mistaken in their
estimate of the situation. Mr. Neilson. and not Mr. Morin, proved to be
the true prophet of the political attitude of the French-Canadians in
the first session of the legislature. It is true that as the session
progressed the more enlightened French-Canadians, of whom Mr. Morin
himself was a conspicuous example, were often found voting in opposition
to the general body of their fellow-countrymen, but the majority, with
Mr. Neilson as their leader, steadily opposed all Liberal measures.
Owing to the position
which he had taken at the opening of the session, Mr. Baldwin himself
was constrained to oppose some of the most liberal measures of the
government, such as the introduction of a comprehensive municipal
system, the extension of the main highways of Upper Canada, the reform
of the usury laws, etc. On the other hand, it was due to Mr. Hincks and
the general body of the Reformers that these important measures were
passed. Mr. Hincks has told us in his Reminiscences that he, in common
with Mr. Baldwin and many other Reformers, firmly believed, before
coming into close touch with the general body of the French-Canadian
party, that it was possible to form a combination of Reformers from
Upper and Lower Canada which would command a majority in the House and
compel the governor-general, in accordance with his avowed principles of
responsible government, to frame an administration which would command
their confidence. He found, however, as the result of practical
experience, that it was quite impossible, at that time, to unite in one
Reform party the majority of the French-Canadian representatives who
followed Mr. Neilson and the Reformers from Upper Canada. In his own
words, published in his paper the Examiner later til the session:—
"We found, moreover,
when we came to act in parliament with men, the great majority of whom
we had never met before, that we could not act as a party man with
several gentlemen who must be considered active leaders of the Lower
Canadian Reformers. There -s no individual in the House of Assembly for
whom, as a private individual, we entertain a more sincere respect than
the venerable and kind-hearted member for the County of Quebec, Mr.
Neilson; but as a politician, we have found ourselves almost invariably
opposed to his views. We have been an attentive reader of the Gazette
for several years, and our subscribers must be well aware that its
principles are entirely dissimilar from those advocated in the columns
of the Examiner. Mr. Aylwin is another prominent leader of the same
party, and with this gentleman we hold no views »n common. Lower Canada
politics are indeed a mystery to us. In some instances the contrasts are
most singular. The Liberals of Lower Canada send us Messrs. Neilson,
Aylwin, Berthelot, and Burnett as Reformers, while the Tories send us
Messrs. Sol.-Gen'l Day, Black, Dunscombe, Holmes and Simpson.—Without in
the least degree adopting the opinions of the latter gentlemen, we
hesitate not to say that they are many degrees more liberal than the
Under these conditions
Mr. Hincks's position was perfectly plain.
" he formation of a new
Ministry on the declared principle of acting in concert with the united
Reform party having failed, all parties were compelled to look to the
measures of administration, and we can now declare that, previous to the
Session of Parliament., our opinion was given repeatedly and decidedly,
that in the event of failure in obtaining such administration as would
be entirely satisfactory, the policy of the Reform party was to give to
the existing administration such a support as would enable it to carry
out liberal measures which we had no doubt would be brought forward. We
have adhered to that opinion. We consider that it would have been
political suicide, because we were thwarted in our own views, to aid the
Tories in embarrassing an administration disposed to carr out Reform
measures, although not so fast as we could desire."
As to the extreme
action taken by Mr. Baldwin, he has this to say, in the same article:
"We are now warranted in saying that a large majority of the party
desired that Mr. Baldwin should have remained in the council, and that
he should only have abandoned it in case he found that other influence
preponderated over his own."
Mr. Baldwin's influence
with his party had been very great, and on any reasonably defensible
issue his defection would have been a serious blow to the government;
but in this case, in resigning from the government on such an issue and
adopting an attitude of extreme opposition, he lost for a time the
sympathy of the general body of the Reformers, who preferred the much
sounder policy of Mr. Hincks, the other great leader of the Reform
element and a man at once of sounder constitutional principles and of
more far-sighted political wisdom, if not of so interesting a
The governor-general
thoroughly appreciated Mr. Baldwin's valuable qualities and his great
influence with the Reformers. As his despatches show, he sympathized
with his general principles, though not with his reckless haste for
their extreme realization. He had gladly taken advantage of the first
opportunity to bring Mr. Baldwin into the government and. had done his
utmost to meet his personal scruples, as when he took upon himself the
responsibility of modifying in his case the oath of office prescribed in
the Union Act; he therefore felt the more aggrieved when Mr. Baldwin
attempted to break up the government on the eve of a most critical
session. |