THE delegates appointed
by the government of New Brunswick for the purpose of representing the
provinces at Charlottetown in the convention for a union of the Maritime
Provinces, were the Hon. Messrs. Tilley, Steeves, Johnson, Chandler and
Gray. The first three were members of the government, while Messrs. Gray
and Chandler were leading members of the Opposition, so that the
arrangement had the assent of the leaders of both political parties and
was in no sense a party movement. The Nova Scotia delegation consisted
of the Hon. Charles Tupper, the leader of the government, the
attorney-general, Mr. Henry, and Mr. Dickey, a Conservative supporter,
and also the Hon. Adams G. Archibald and Jonathan McCully, leaders of
the Liberal party. The Prince Edward Island delegates were also chosen
from both sides of politics. The convention was opened in due form at
Charlottetown on September 8th, in the chamber of the House of Assembly.
The delegations had no power to decide finally on any subject, because
any arrangements they made were necessarily subject to the approval of
the legislatures of the three Maritime Provinces. But at this time the
sentiment in favour of maritime union was so strong it was
confidently-believed that whatever was agreed upon at Charlottetown
would become the basis of a future union. .
The government of
Canada had full knowledge of what was going on at Charlottetown, and
they considered the time opportune for the purpose of bringing to the
notice of the delegates from the Maritime Provinces the subject of a
confederation of all the British North American colonies. A telegram was
received while the delegates were in session announcing that
representatives of the government of Canada had left Quebec for the
purpose of meeting the delegates of the Maritime Provinces, and placing
certain proposals before them. On the receipt of this message the
further consideration of the question which they had met to discuss was
deferred until after the Canadian delegates had arrived. They came in
the government steamer Victoria on the following day and were found to
embrace the leading men then in Canadian political life,—the Hons. J. A.
Macdonald, George Brown, Georges E. Cartier, Alexander T. Galt, Thomas
D’Arcy McGee, Hector L. Langevin, William McDougall and Alexander
Campbell. These delegates represented the Reform, as well as the
Conservative party, and were therefore able to speak with authority in
regard to the views of the people of both Upper and Lower Canada. They
were accorded seats in the convention, and at once submitted reasons why
in their opinion a scheme of union, embracing the whole of the British
North American colonies, should be adopted. The Hon. John A. Macdonald
and Messrs. Brown and Cartier were heard on this subject, the financial
position of Canada was explained, and the sources of revenue and wealth
of the several provinces were discussed. Speeches were also made by
Messrs. Galt, McGee, Langevin and McDougall, and after having commanded
the attention of the convention for two days the Canadian deputation
withdrew. Before doing so they proposed that if the convention concluded
to suspend its deliberations upon the question of Maritime union, they
should adjourn to Quebec at an early day, to be named by the
governor-general, to consider the question of confederation. On the
following day the convention adjourned, on the ground that it would be
more for the general interest of British North America to adopt the
larger union than a union of the Maritime Provinces merely, and it was
thought that this might be effected without any very great difficulty,
for there was then no strong feeling evinced in any quarter against
From Charlottetown the
members of the convention and the Canadian deputation went to Halifax,
where they were received most cordially and entertained at a banquet.
They then took their departure for St. John, where they were entertained
at a public dinner at which many leading men of the city were present.
The chair was occupied by the Hon. John H. Gray, one of the delegates,
and the expressions in favour of the proposed confederation were strong
and hearty. No one could have suspected at that time that the movement
for confederation would meet with so much opposition in New Brunswick.
All seemed plain sailing but, as the result showed, the battle for
confederation had yet to be fought, and it was won only after a long and
doubtful struggle.
According to
arrangement, the delegations from the other provinces met in convention
at Quebec on October 10th, all the colonies, including Newfoundland,
were represented and the delegates were as follows:—
Canada.—Hon. Sir
Etienne P. Tache, premier; Hon. John A. Macdonald, attorney-general
west; Hon. Georges E. Cartier, attorney-general east; Hon. George Brown,
president of the executive council; Hon. Alexander T. Galt, finance
minister; Hon. Alexander Campbell, commissioner of Crown lands; Hon.
William McDougall, provincial secretary; Hon. Thomas D’Arcy McGee,
minister of agriculture; Hon. Hector Langevin, solicitor-general east;
Hon. J. Cockburn, solicitor-general west; Hon. Oliver Mowat,
postmaster-general; Hon. J. C. Chapais, commissioner of public works.
Nova Scotia.—Hon.
Charles Tupper, provincial secretary; Hon. W. A. Henry,
attorney-general, Hon. R. B. Dickey, Hon. Adams G. Archibald, Hon.
Jonathan McCully.
New Brunswick.—Hon.
Samuel L. Tilley, provincial secretary; Hon. John M. Johnson,
attorney-general; Hon. Edward B. Chandler, Hon. John Hamilton Gray, Hon.
Peter Mitchell, Hon. Chas. Fisher, Hon. William H. Steeves.
Newfoundland.—Hon. F.
B. T. Carter, speaker of the House of Assembly; Hon. Ambrose Shea.
Prince Edward
Island.—Hon. John Hamilton Gray, premier; Hon. Edward Palmer,
attorney-general; Hon. W. H. Pope, provincial secretary; Hon. George
Coles, Hon. A. A. Macdonald, Hon. T. H. Haviland, Hon. Edward Whelan.
Sir Etienne P. Taché,
who was then premier of Canada, was unanimously chosen president of the
conference, and Major Hewitt Bernard, of the staff of the
attorney-general west, private and confidential secretary. It was
arranged that the convention should hold its meetings with closed doors,
and it was laid down as a principle of the discussion that, as the
matters to come up for debate were all of a novel character, no man
should be prejudiced or held liable to the charge of inconsistency
because he had changed his views in regard to any particular matter in
the course of the discussion. It was also agreed that the vote, in case
of a division, should be by provinces and not by numbers, Canada having
two votes, representing Canada East and Canada West, and each of the
other provinces one. This arrangement made it quite certain that the
interests of the Maritime Provinces were not likely to be prejudiced by
the result of the vote, or the work of the convention. It was soon
decided that a federal union was to be preferred to a legislative union,
and on the second day of the meeting the outlines of the proposed
confederation were submitted in a series of resolutions by the Hon. John
A. Macdonald. The general model of the proposed confederation was that
of the United States, but with this difference, that whereas in the
United States all powers not expressly given by the constitution to the
federal government are held to belong to the several states, in the
Canadian constitution all powers not expressly reserved to the several
provinces were held to belong to the federal parliament. Thus in the
United States the residuum of power is in the several states, while in
Canada it is in the federal union and in the parliament of the Dominion.
No doubt the recent example of the civil war in the United States, which
was the result of an extreme assertion of state rights, was largely
responsible for this feature of the Canadian constitution. It is clear,
however, that it is a feature that is to be commended, because its
tendency is to cause Canadians to regard themselves rather as Canadians
than as belonging to any particular province, while in the United States
the feeling of statehood is still very strong. There are, of course,
many other contrasts between the Canadian confederation and the federal
union of the United States, arising from radical differences in the
system of government. Nothing like responsible government, as understood
in the British empire, exists in the United States, while this essential
feature had to be preserved in the Canadian constitution, not only with
reference to the Dominion parliament, but also in the legislatures of
the several provinces.
In all the proceedings
at Quebec, Mr. Tilley, as the finance minister of New Brunswick, took a
very prominent part. One great difficulty which arose was with respect
to the amount of money to be given by the federal government to the
several provinces for legislative purposes, in lieu of the revenue which
they had been accustomed to obtain from customs duties and otherwise.
The whole customs establishment was to be transferred to the central
government, and as most of the provinces would have no other means of
obtaining a revenue except by direct taxation, this feature of the
matter became of very vital importance. The difficulty was increased by
the /act that by the municipal system prevailing in Upper Canada the
local needs of the municipalities, in the way of roads, bridges, schools
and other matters, were provided for by local taxation, whereas in the
Maritime Provinces the provincial government had been accustomed to bear
these burdens. It was therefore an essential requisite to any scheme of
union, to make it acceptable to the people of the Maritime Provinces,
that sufficient money should be given to the provincial governments to
enable them to continue these services as before. It was difficult to
convince the representatives of Upper Canada of this, and it appears
that the conference nearly broke up without arriving at any result,
simply because of the apparently irreconcilable differences of opinion
between the representatives of the Maritime Provinces and those of
Canada in regard to this point. Finally these differences were overcome,
and the conclusions of the conference were embodied in a series of
seventy-two resolutions, which were agreed to, and which were to be
authenticated by the signatures of the delegates, and transmitted to
their respective governments, and also to the governor-general, for the
secretary of state for the colonies. These resolutions formed the first
basis of confederation and became what is known as the Quebec scheme.
It was perhaps
inevitable that during the discussion of the scheme -of confederation by
the Quebec convention, the proceedings should be secret, but this
restriction should have been removed as soon as the convention
adjourned. That this was not done was the principal reason for the very
unfavourable reception which the Quebec scheme met with from the people
of New Brunswick, when it was placed before them. It was agreed at the
Quebec conference that the scheme should not be made public until after
the delegates had reported to their respective governments for their
approval, but it was impossible that a document, the terms of which were
known to so many men, should be kept wholly concealed from the public,
and so the details of the scheme leaked out and soon became a topic for
public discussion. These discussions would have been conducted in a much
more friendly spirit if the Quebec scheme had been given freely to the
world, but as it was, prejudices and jealousies, in many cases, darkened
the question, and made men, who were otherwise favourable to
confederation, assume an attitude of hostility to the Quebec scheme.
One of the points which
at once attracted the attention of the opponents of the scheme was the
sum allowed to the several provinces for the purpose of conducting their
local affairs. As the provinces had to surrender to the general
government their right to levy customs and excise duties, it became
necessary to make up in some way a sum sufficient to enable them to
carry on those services which were still left to the provincial
legislatures. It was arranged that this sum should be eighty cents a
head of the population of the provinces as established by the census of
1861, which would give to New Brunswick something more than two hundred
thousand dollars. This feature of the confederation scheme was eagerly
seized upon as being a convenient club with which to strike it down. The
cry was at once raised that the people of New Brunswick were asked to
sell themselves to Canada for the sum of eighty cents a head, and this
parrotlike cry was repeated with variations throughout the whole of the
election campaign which followed in New Brunswick. It has often been
found that a cry of this kind, which is absolutely meaningless, is more
effective than the most weighty arguments, for the purpose of
influencing men’s minds, and this proved to be the case in New
Brunswick, when the question of confederation was placed before the
people. It was conveniently forgotten by those who attacked the scheme
in this fashion that, if the people of New Brunswick were selling
themselves to Canada for the sum of eighty cents a head, the people of
Canada were likewise selling themselves to New Brunswick for the same
sum, because the amount set apart for the provincial legislatures was
precisely the same in each case. It would not, however, have suited the
enemies of the confederation scheme to view the matter in this light;
what was wanted was a cry which would be effective for the purpose of
injuring the scheme and making it distasteful to the people who were
asked to vote upon it.
It is not necessary to
assume that those who opposed confederation were all influenced by
sinister motives. Many honest and good men, whose attachment to British
institutions could not be questioned, were opposed to it because their
minds were of a conservative turn, and because they looked with distrust
upon such a radical change that would alter the relations which existed
between the province and the mother country. Many, for reasons which it
is not easy to understand, were distrustful of the politicians of
Canada, whom they looked upon as of less sterling honesty than their
own, and some actually professed to believe that the Canadians expected
to make up their financial deficits by drawing on the many resources of
the Maritime Provinces through the confederation scheme. On the other
hand confederation was opposed in the province of New Brunswick by a
number of men who could only be described as adventurers, or discredited
politicians, and who saw in this contest a convenient way of restoring
themselves to influence and power. There were also among the opponents
of the scheme some men who recognized in its success the means of
perpetuating British power on this continent, and who, being
annexationists, naturally looked with aversion upon it for that reason.
The vast majority of the people, however, had given the matter but the
slightest degree of attention, and their votes were cast in accordance
with prejudice hastily formed, which they had an opportunity of
reconsidering before another year and a half had elapsed.
It had been arranged at
the convention that the first trial of the scheme before the people
should be made in New Brunswick, the legislature of which was about
expiring, and accordingly the appeal was made to the people and the
elections came on in the month of March, 1865. The enemies of
confederation were very active in every part of the province, and they
left no stone unturned to defeat the measure. The great cry upon which
they based their opposition to the union with Canada was that of
taxation, and, as the voters of New Brunswick were not inclined to
favour any policy which involved high taxation, the appeals made in this
way had a powerful effect. All through the rural constituencies the
Opposition candidates told the electors that if they united themselves
with Canada direct taxation would be the immediate result. They said
that every cow, every horse, and every sheep which they owned would be
taxed, and that even their poultry would not escape the grasp of the
Canadian tax-gatherers. In the city of St. John, Mr. Tilley and his
colleague, Mr. Charles Watters, were opposed by Mr. J. V. Troop and Mr.
A. B. Wetmore. Mr. Troop was a wealthy ship-owner, whose large means
made him an acceptable addition to the strength of the anti-confederate
party, although previously he had taken no active part in political
affairs. Mr. Wetmore was a lawyer of standing in St. John, who was
considered to be one of the best nisi prius advocates at the bar, and
who carried the methods of the bar largely into his politics. In the
course of time he became attorney-general of the province, and later on
a judge of the supreme court. Mr. Wetmore, when haranguing St. John
audiences, used to depict the dreadful effects of confederation in a
manner peculiarly his own. His great plea was an imaginary dialogue
between himself and his little son, that precocious infant asking him in
lisping tones, “Father, what country do we live in?” to which he would
reply, “My dear son, you have no country, for Mr. Tilley has sold us to
the Canadians for eighty cents a head.”
In the county of St.
John, the Hon. John. H. Gray, Charles N. Skinner, W. H. Scovil and James
Quinton, who ran as supporters of confederation, were opposed by John W.
Cudlip, T. W. Anglin, the Hon. R. D. Wilmot and Joseph Coram. Mr. Cudlip
was a merchant, who at one time enjoyed much popularity in the city of
St. John. Mr. Anglin was a clever Irishman, a native of the county of
Cork, who had lived several years in St. John and edited a newspaper
called the Freeman, which enjoyed a great popularity among his
co-religionists. He was admitted to be the leader of the Irish Catholics
of St. John, and had acquired an ascendency over them which was not
easily shaken ; yet he was not, as a politician, a great success, nor
did his efforts to improve the condition of his countrymen always lead
to satisfactory results. The Hon. R. D. Wilmot had been a prominent
Conservative politician, but was defeated, and had retired to his farm
at Belmont. For some years he had been devoting his abilities to
stock-raising; but at the first note of alarm on the confederation
question he abandoned his agricultural pursuits and rushed into the
field to take part in the contest. Mr. Joseph Coram was a leading
Orangeman, and a highly respected citizen.
In the county of York,
the Hon. George L. Hatheway, who was then chief commissioner of the
board of works, appeared in the field as an Opposition candidate, in
company with John C. Allen, John J. Fraser and William H. Needham. Mr.
Hatheway deserted the government in its hour of need, apparently because
he judged from the cries that were raised against confederation that the
current of public opinion was strongly adverse to the Quebec scheme.
Having left Mr. Tilley in the lurch on the eve of the confederation
contest, he deserted the Smith government sixteen months later, when the
second confederation election came to be run, thereby inflicting upon
them a blow from which it was impossible they could recover. William H.
Needham, whose name has already appeared in this volume, did not lay
claim to any high political principles; but having retired some time
before to private life, he found in the confederation struggle a good
opportunity of getting into the legislature. He was a man of very
considerable ability, and had his principles been only equal to his
knowledge and talents, he might have risen to the highest position in
the province. But his course on many occasions made the public
distrustful of him, and he died without having enjoyed any of those
honours which men of far less ability have obtained. John James Fraser,
afterwards governor of New Brunswick, was a man of a different stamp,
and seems to have been a sincere opponent of confederation from
conviction. The same may be said of John C. Allen, afterwards
chief-justice of the province, a man whose sterling honesty has never
been questioned. |