THE opinion that was
entertained of Mr. Wilmot by those who were closely associated with him
in the work of Reform was well expressed by the late Mr. George E.
Fenety, in his Political Notes.
“A great luminary,”
says Mr. Fenety, “set in semi-darkness on the day that Mr. Wilmot left
the forum for the bench. He was the light of the House for sixteen
years, the centre from whence radiated most of the sparkling gems in the
political firmament. It was at a time of life (comparatively a young
man) and a period when talents such as his were most wanted by his party
and his country. Notwithstanding his supposed mistake in having joined a
Conservative government, the Liberals were always willing to receive
their old leader back with outstretched arms—ready to forgive and go
along again with him over the old road, and, to a man, would have held
to him had he made a stand against Sir Edmund Head, and told him—‘thus
far and no farther shalt thou go’.”
Many of Wilmot’s
friends regretted that he should have accepted the office of judge on
the conditions under which it was offered. They thought that as
attorney-general he was entitled to the position of chief-justice, and
that in consenting to take the puisne judgeship he had lowered himself.
It is hardly necessary to discuss a question of this kind at the present
day. No doubt he had reasons of his own for retiring from the arena of
politics. The work he had been doing for the public had placed a great
strain upon him and interfered with his legal business to a very serious
extent. He was never a wealthy man, and had therefore to consider his
own future, while a position on the bench was one of honour and dignity
which was regarded as worthy of acceptance by any member of the legal
There was nothing
worthy of note in the career of Mr. Wilmot as a judge. He was never
considered to be a deeply read lawyer, but he filled the office of judge
with dignity and general acceptance. His duties were not sufficiently
arduous to prevent him from having leisure to engage in other lines of
inquiry, for his mind was much interested in questions connected with
science. He frequently appeared on the lecture platform and always with
When confederation was
accomplished, it was felt that of all the natives of New Brunswick he
was the most worthy to be appointed its first lieutenant-governor under
the new regime. Judge Wilmot himself was willing to accept the office as
a fitting close to his long and active career as a public man; but for
some reason, which it is now impossible to ascertain, the appointment
was not made until about a year after confederation. Judge Wilmot became
lieutenant-governor on July 23rd, 1868, and continued to hold that
honourable and important office until November 14th, 1873, when he was
succeeded by the Hon. S. L. Tilley.
So far, we have been
considering Wilmot as a politician and member of the legislature, but a
very imperfect idea of his character would be gathered from regarding
him merely in these capacities. He was a many-sided man, and had other
interests which occupied his attention as much as, or more than, those
public questions to which he devoted so much of his vigour. It has
already been stated that his father was a member of the Baptist Church,
and one of the founders of the church of that denomination in
Fredericton. It does not appear that the son ever identified himself
with that Church, or that while a youth he gave much attention to
religious matters. It was not until after the death of his first wife,
which took place in 1833, that he became affected by religious
influences and began to attend the services of the Methodist Church, the
pulpit of which was then filled by the Rev. Enoch Wood, a man of much
ability and eloquence whose style of oratory was very impressive. Under
his ministrations Mr. Wilmot became a convert, was baptized and joined
the Methodist Church in Fredericton, and from that time until the close
of his life he was a very prominent figure in it. He filled the office
of superintendent of its Sunday School for upwards of twenty-five years,
and was the leader of the church choir for thirty years. When he was
appointed governor it was thought that he would give up these offices,
but he still continued to fill them, and was superintendent of the
Sunday School up to the day when his life came to an end. He always took
a great interest in questions relating to the Bible, and frequently
lectured on topics connected with it. He vehemently opposed the
teachings of Darwin and others who followed the same line of inquiry,
and he stoutly maintained that wherever the Bible and science were in
conflict, science was in the wrong. He seems to have been, from first to
last, an unquestioning believer in the doctrines of the Christian
religion, and he viewed with great disfavour any one who ventured to
question any part of its creed. As a lecturer he was eloquent and though
discursive, always interesting. None of his lectures were written, so
that to-day they are only a fading memory to those who heard them
delivered. Though found acceptable at the time, it is hardly likely
that, if delivered at the present day, they would enjoy so high a degree
of popularity. People are not now so willing to accept sweeping
assertions which are in conflict with the conclusions of scientific men
who have devoted their lives to a patient study of the phenomena of life
and the records of creation.
One of the most
pleasing features of Judge Wilmot’s character was his fondness for
children. He was never so happy as when among the young people, and long
after he became a judge he took an intense interest in drilling the
schoolboys and instructing them in all martial exercises; indeed, he
seemed to be quite as much devoted to this work as he was to any other
of his numerous employments. When a very young man, he became an ensign
in the first battalion of York County militia, and speedily rose to be
captain. When the so-called Aroostook War [The Aroostook War arose out
of the unsettled boundary question between Maine and New Brunswick.
There was a large area on the St John River, the ownership of which was
in dispute, and in 1839 the difficulty came to a head in consequence of
the governor of Maine undertaking to solve the question in his own way
by taking possession of the territory. Governor Fairfield, of Maine,
sent eighteen hundred militiamen to the front and Sir John Harvey, the
governor of New Brunswick, issued a proclamation asserting the right of
Great Britain to guard the territory while it was in dispute, and
calling on the governor of Maine to withdraw his troops. Fairfield
denied the right to issue a counter proclamation and called on the state
for ten thousand men. Sir John Harvey then sent Colonel Maxwell with the
36th and 69th Regiments and a train of artillery to the upper St. John
to watch the movements of the militia. A large force of New Brunswick
militia was also embodied and sent to the front Fortunately, President
Van Buren sent General Winfield Scott to Maine with full power to settle
the difficulty. He got into a friendly correspondence with Sir John
Harvey, which led to an understanding by which the troops on both sides
were withdrawn and all danger of war averted. The boundary question was
afterwards settled by the Ashburton Treaty.] broke out in 1839 he was
major of a company of rifles attached to that battalion, and he
volunteered for active service at the front. His interest in military
matters continued until a late period, and, in the first military camp
organized in the province by the lieutenant-governor, the Hon. Arthur
Gordon, in 1863, he commanded one of the battalions. If Wilmot had not
been a politician and a lawyer, he might have been a great evangelist or
a great soldier.
Judge Wilmot was very
fond of flowers, and the beautiful grounds at Evelyn Grove, where he
resided, were looked upon as the finest in the province. Nearly every
visitor to Fredericton found his way to that charming place and was sure
of a cordial welcome from the judge, who delighted to show strangers
what he had been able to accomplish in growing flowers and rare plants.
Not the least interesting feature of such visits was the conversation of
the host, who abounded in knowledge of horticulture, and was always
ready to give others the benefit of his information. It was in this
lovely retreat that the last years of Mr. Wilmot’s life were passed.
When his term as governor expired, the government of Canada very
properly gave him a pension as a retired judge. In 1875 he succeeded the
Right Hon. Mr. Childers, as second commissioner under the Prince Edward
Island Land Purchase Act. He was nominated as one of the arbitrators in
the Ontario and North-West Boundary Commission, but did not live long
enough to act in that capacity.
During the last two or
three years of his life he suffered much from chronic neuralgia, which
sometimes prevented him from stirring out-of-doors. No serious result
was anticipated, and he was generally able to take active exercise and
engage in his usual routine of duty. On Monday, May 20th, 1878, while
driving in his carriage with his wife, he complained of a sudden and
severe pain in the region of the heart. He was at once driven home and a
physician summoned, but in a few minutes he passed away. He had not
quite completed his seventieth year. His death evoked expressions of
regret and sympathy from every part of the province, and tributes of
respect and admiration from many who resided in other parts of Canada
and in the United States.
Judge Wilmot was twice
married. His first wife, whom he married in 1832, was Jane, daughter of
Mr. James Balloch, of St. John. She died very soon after their marriage,
and in 1834 he married Miss Elizabeth Black, daughter of the Hon.
William Black, of Halifax, and granddaughter of the Rev. William Black,
who is regarded as the apostle of Wesleyan Methodism in the Maritime
In estimating the
character and achievements of L. A. Wilmot, regard must be had to the
conditions under which the battle for responsible government was fought,
and the peculiar difficulties he had to face. He had not only to contend
against governors determined to use their power to the utmost, an
immovable legislative council and a reactionary executive, but he had to
attempt to inspire with something of his own spirit a House of Assembly
which had but little sympathy with his views. That he did not accomplish
more is less a matter of surprise than that he accomplished so much.
With heavy odds against him, he contended for the rights of the people
and the improvement of the constitution, and he lived to see the
principles for which he had fought so firmly established in his native
province that they can never be disturbed.
It was never his good
fortune to be the leader and master of a government or to have a free
hand in the work of legislation. We are therefore left in the dark as to
what he might have accomplished under more favourable conditions. Yet
there is but little doubt that, had he remained in public life, the
progress of Reform would have been greatly accelerated, and that such
important measures as the establishing of free schools would have been
brought about much earlier than was the case without his vigorous
support. The faults of Wilmot were those that belong to an ardent,
enthusiastic and liberty-loving temperament. He hated injustice in every
form, and in his denunciation of evil he was sometimes led to use
stronger language than men of cooler feelings approved. In this way he
aroused opposition and left himself open to attack. Yet it is doubtful
whether the censure of his enemies was as injurious as the flattery of
some who professed to be his friends, and who were ready to applaud
whatever he said or did. Being accepted as a leader when a mere youth
because he had made a few eloquent speeches, he missed the wholesome
discipline which most men have to undergo before they achieve fame. He
would have been a greater and wiser man if he had been spared the
unthinking flattery which was too lavishly bestowed upon him. Yet, after
all has been said by those who would seek to minimize his merits, the
fact remains that this son of New Brunswick stood for years as the
foremost champion of the rights of the people, and that it is impossible
to deny him a place among the great men who have assisted to build up
Canada. |