[The following
Communications have been received from the Writer of this Work during its
progress through the Press.]
THIS spring I have made
maple-sugar of a much finer colour and grain than any I have yet seen; and
have been assured by many old settlers it was the best, or nearly the best,
they had ever met with: which commendation induces me to give the plan I
pursued in manufacturing it. The sap having been boiled down in the
sugar-bush from about sixteen pailsful to two, I first passed it through a
thin flannel bag, after the manner of a jelly-bag, to strain it from the
first impurities, which are great. I then passed the liquor through another
thicker flannel into the iron pot, in which I purposed boiling down the
sugar, and while yet cold, or at best but lukewarm, beat up the white of one
egg to a froth, and spread it gently over the surface of the liquor,
watching the pot carefully after the fire began to heat it, that I might not
suffer the scum to boil into the sugar. A few minutes before it comes to a
boil, the scum must be carefully removed with a skimmer, or ladle,--the
former is best. I consider that on the care taken to remove every particle
of scum depends, in a great measure, the brightness and clearness of the
sugar. The best rule I can give as to the sugaring-off, as it is termed, is
to let the liquid continue at a fast boil: only be careful to keep it from
coming over by keeping a little of the liquid in your stirring- ladle, and
when it boils up to the top, or you see it rising too fast, throw in a
little from time to time to keep it down; or if you boil on a cooking-stove,
throwing open one or all the doors will prevent boiling over. Those that
sugar-off outside the house have a wooden crane fixed against a stump, the
fire being lighted against the stump, and the kettle suspended on the crane:
by this simple contrivance, (for any bush-boy can fix a crane of the kind,)
the sugar need never rise over if common attention be paid to the boiling;
but it does require constant watching: one idle glance may waste much of the
precious fluid. I had only a small cooking-stove to boil my sugar on, the
pots of which were thought too small, and not well shaped, so that at first
my fears were that I must relinquish the trial; but I persevered, and
experience convinces me a stove is an excellent furnace for the purpose; as
you can regulate the heat as you like.
One of the most anxious
periods in the boiling I found to be when the liquor began first to assume a
yellowish frothy appearance, and cast up so great a volume of steam from its
surface as to obscure the contents of the pot; as it may then rise over
almost unperceived by the most vigilant eye. As the liquor thickens into
molasses, it becomes a fine yellow, and seems nothing but thick froth. When
it is getting pretty well boiled down, the drops begin to fall clear and
ropy from the ladle; and if you see little bright grainy-looking bubbles in
it, drop some on a cold plate, and continue to stir or rub it till it is
quite cold: if it is ready to granulate, you will find it gritty, and turn
whitish or pale straw colour; and stiff. The sugar may then safely be poured
off into a tin dish, pail, basin, or any other utensil. I tried two
different methods after taking the sugar from the fire, but could find
little difference in the look of the sugar, except that in one the quantity
was broken up more completely; in the other the sugar remained in large
lumps, but equally pure and sparkling. In the first I kept stirring the
sugar till it began to cool and form a whitish thick substance, and the
grains were well crystallised; in the other process, --which I think
preferable, as being the least troublesome,--I waited till the mass was
hardened into sugar, and then, piercing the crust in many places, I turned
the mass into a cullender, and placed the cullender over a vessel to receive
the molasses that drained from the sugar. In the course of the day or two, I
frequently stirred the sugar, which thus became perfectly free from
moisture, and had acquired a fine sparkling grain, tasting exactly like
sugar-candy, free from any taste of the maple-sap, and fit for any purpose.
I observed that in general
maple-sugar, as it is commonly made, is hard and compact, showing little
grain, and weighing very heavy in proportion to its bulk. Exactly the
reverse is the case with that I made, it being extremely light for its bulk,
all the heavy molasses having been separated, instead of dried into the
sugar. Had the present season been at all a favourable one, which it was
not, we should have made a good quantity of excellent sugar.
By boiling down five
gallons of sap to one, and when just a little above the heat of new milk,
putting in a cupful of barm (hop-rising will do if it be good), and letting
the vessel remain in your kitchen chimney- corner during the summer, and
perhaps longer, you will obtain a fine, cheap, pleasant, and strong vinegar,
fit for any purpose. This plan I have pursued successfully two years. Care
must be taken that the cask or keg be well seasoned and tight before the
vinegar is put in; as the dryness of the summer heat is apt to shrink the
vessel, and make it leak. If putty well wrought, tar, or even yellow soap,
be rubbed over the seams, and round the inner rim of the head of the cask,
it will preserve it from opening. The equal temperature of the kitchen is
preferred by experienced housewives to letting the vinegar stand abroad;
they aver the coldness of the nights in this country is prejudicial to the
process, being as speedily perfected as if it underwent no such check. By
those well skilled in the manufacture of home-made wines and beer, excellent
maple-wine and beer might be produced at a very trifling expense; i.e. that
of the labour and skill exercised in the making it.
Every settler grows, as an
ornament in his garden, or should grow, hops, which form one of the
principal components of maple-beer when added to the sap.
This excellent, and, I
might add, indispensable, article in every settler's house, is a valuable
substitute for ale or beer-yeast, and is made in the following simple
manner:--Take two double handfuls of hops, boil in a gallon of soft water,
if you can get it, till the hops sink to the bottom of the vessel; make
ready a batter formed by stirring a dessert-platefull of flour and cold
water till smooth and pretty thick together; strain the hop-liquor while
scalding hot into the vessel where your batter is mixed ready; let one
person pour the hop-liquor while the other keeps stirring the batter. When
cooled down to a gentle warmth, so that you can bear the finger well in it,
add a cup or basinful of the former barm, or a bit of leaven, to set it to
work; let the barm stand till it has worked well, then bottle and cork it.
Set it by in a cellar or cool place if in summer, and in winter it is also
the best place to keep it from freezing. Some persons add two or three mealy
potatoes boiled and finely bruised, and it is a great improvement during the
cool months of the year. Potatoes in bread may be introduced very
advantageously; and to first settlers, who have all their flour to buy, I
think it must be a saving.
The following method I
found made more palatable and lighter bread than flour, mixed in the usual
way:--Supposing I wanted to make up about a stone and half of flour, I
boiled (having first pared them carefully)-- say three dozen good-sized
potatoes in about three quarts or a gallon of water, till the liquor had the
appearance of a thin gruel, and the potatoes had become almost entirely
incorporated with the water. With this potatoe-gruel the flour was mixed up,
no water being required, unless by chance I had not enough of the mixture to
moisten my flour sufficiently. The same process of kneading, fermenting with
barm, &c., is pursued with the dough, as with other bread. In baking, it
turns of a bright light brown, and is lighter than bread made after the
common process, and therefore I consider the knowledge of it serviceable to
the emigrant's family.
This is a barm much used by
the Yanky settlers; but though the bread is decidedly whiter, and prettier
to look at, than that raised in any other way, the peculiar flavour it
imparts to the bread renders it highly disagreeable to some persons. Another
disadvantage is, the difficulty of fermenting this barm in the winter
season, as it requires a temperature which is very difficult to preserve in
a Canadian winter day. Moreover, after the barm has once reached its height,
unless immediately made use of, it sinks, and rises again no more: careful
people, of course, who know this peculiarity, are on the watch, being aware
of the ill consequences of heavy bread, or having no bread but bannocks in
the house.
As near as I can recollect,
the salt-rising is made as follows:--For a small baking of two or three
loaves, or one large bake-kettle-loaf, (about the size of a London peck
loaf,) take about a pint of moderately warm water, (a pleasant heat to the
hand,) and stir into the jug or pot containing it as much flour as will make
a good batter, not too thick; add to this half a tea-spoon of salt, not
more, and set the vessel in a pan of moderately warm water, within a little
distance of the fire, or in the sun: the water that surrounds the pot in
which your rising is, must never be allowed to cool much be low the original
heat, more warm water being added (in the pan, not to the barm) till the
whole is in an active state of fermentation, which will be from six to eight
hours, when the dough must be mixed with it, and as much warm water or milk
as you require. Knead the mass till it is tough, and does not stick to the
board. Make up your loaf or loaves, and keep them warmly covered near the
fire till they rise: they must be baked directly this second rising takes
place. Those that bake what I term a shanty loaf, in an iron bake-pot, or
kettle, placed on the hot embers, set the dough to rise over a very few
embers, or near the hot hearth, keeping the pot or pan turned as the loaf
rises; when equally risen all over they put hot ashes beneath and upon the
lid, taking care not to let the heat be too fierce at first. As this is the
most common method of baking, and the first that a settler sees practised,
it is as well they should be made familiar with it beforehand. At first I
was inclined to grumble and rebel against the expediency of bake-pans or
bake-kettles; but as cooking-stoves, iron ovens, and even brick and
clay-built ovens, will not start up at your bidding in the bush, these
substitutes are valuable, and perform a number of uses. I have eaten
excellent light bread, baked on the emigrant's hearth in one of these
kettles. I have eaten boiled potatoes, baked meats, excellent stews, and
good soups, all cooked at different times in this universally useful
utensil: so let it not be despised. It is one of those things peculiarly
adapted to the circumstances of settlers in the bush before they have
collected those comforts about their homesteads, within and without, that
are the reward and the slow gleaning-up of many years of toil.
There are several other
sorts of rising similar to the salt-rising. "Milk-rising" which is mixed
with milk, warm from the cow, and about a third warm water; and
"bran-rising," which is made with bran instead of flour, and is preferred by
many persons to either of the former kinds.
Of the making of soft soap
I can give little or no correct information, never having been given any
_certain_ rule myself; and my own experience is too limited. I was, however,
given a hint from a professional gentleman, which I mean to act upon
forthwith. Instead of boiling the soap, which is some trouble, he assured me
the best plan was to run off the ley from a barrel of ashes: into this ley I
might put four or five pounds of any sort of grease, such as pot skimmings,
rinds of bacon, or scraps from frying down suet; in short any refuse of the
kind would do. The barrel with its contents may then be placed in a secure
situation in the garden or yard, exposed to the sun and air. In course of
time the ley and grease become incorporated: if the grease predominates it
will be seen floating on the surface; in such case add more ley; if the
mixture does not thicken, add more grease. Now, this is the simplest,
easiest, and clearest account I have yet received on the subject of
soap-making, which hitherto has seemed a mystery, even though a good
quantity was made last spring by one of my servants, and it turned out well:
but she could not tell why it succeeded, for want of being able to explain
the principle she worked from.
Every one makes their own
candles (i.e. if they have any materials to make them from). The great
difficulty of making candies--and, as far as I see the only one, is
procuring the tallow, which a bush-settler, until he begins to kill his own
beef, sheep, and hogs, is rarely able to do, unless he buys; and a settler
buys nothing that he can help. A cow, however, that is unprofitable, old, or
unlikely to survive the severity of the coming winter, is often suffered to
go dry during the summer, and get her own living, till she is fit to kill in
the fall. Such an animal is often slaughtered very advantageously,
especially if the settler have little fodder for his cattle. The beef is
often excellent, and good store of candles and soap may be made from the
inside fat. These candles, if made three parts beef and one part hogs lard,
will burn better than any store-candles, and cost less than half price. The
tallow is merely melted in a pot or pan convenient for the purpose, and
having run the cotton wicks into the moulds (tin or pewter moulds for six
candles cost three shillings at the stores, and last many, many years), a
stick or skewer is passed through the loops of your wicks, at the upper part
of the stand, which serve the purpose of drawing the candles. The melted
fat, not too hot, but in a fluid state, is then poured into the moulds till
they are full; as the fat gets cold it shrinks, and leaves a hollow at the
top of the mould: this requires filling up when quite cold. If the candles
do not draw readily, plunge the mould for an instant into hot water and the
candles will come out easily. Many persons prefer making dip-candles for
kitchen use; but for my own part I think the trouble quite as great, and
give the preference, in point of neatness of look, to the moulds. It may be,
my maid and I did not succeed so well in making the dips as the moulds.
The great want of spring
vegetables renders pickles a valuable addition to the table at the season
when potatoes have become unfit and distasteful. If you have been fortunate
in your maple-vinegar, a store of pickled cucumbers, beans, cabbage, &c. may
be made during the latter part of the summer; but if the vinegar should not
be fit at that time, there are two expedients: one is to make a good brine
of boiled salt and water, into which throw your cucumbers, &c. (the cabbage,
by the by, may be preserved in the root-house or cellar quite good, or
buried in pits, well covered, till you want to make your pickle). Those
vegetables, kept in brine, must be covered close, and when you wish to
pickle them, remove the top layer, which are not so good; and having boiled
the vinegar with spices let it stand till it is cold. The cucumbers should
previously have been well washed, and soaked in two or three fresh waters,
and drained; then put in a jar, and the cold vinegar poured over them. The
advantage of this is obvious; you can pickle at any season. Another plan,
and I have heard it much commended, is putting the cucumbers into a mixture
of whiskey* and water, which in time turns to a fine vinegar, and preserves
the colour and crispness of the vegetable; while the vinegar is apt to make
them soft, especially if poured on boiling hot, as is the usual practice.
[* In the "Backwoodsman,"
this whiskey-receipt is mentioned as an abominable compound: perhaps the
witty author had tasted the pickles in an improper state of progression. He
gives a lamentable picture of American cookery, but declares the badness
arises from want of proper receipts. These yeast-receipts will be extremely
useful in England; as the want of fresh yeast is often severely felt in
country districts.]
[In the wish to render this
Work of more practical value to persons desiring to emigrate, some official
information is subjoined, under the following heads:--]
I. The number of Sales and
Grants of Crown Lands, Clergy Reserves, Conditions, &c.
II. Information for Emigrants; Number of Emigrants arrived; with extracts
from Papers issued by Government Emigration Agents, &c.
III. Abstract of the American Passengers' Act, of Session 1835.
IV. Transfer of Capital.
V. Canadian Currency.
VI. Canada Company.
VII. British American Land Company.
The following tables,
abstracted from Parliamentary documents, exhibit--
1. The quantity of Crown
lands _sold_ in Upper and Lower Canada from 1828 to 1833, inclusive, with
the average price per acre, &c.
2. Town and park lots sold
in Upper Canada during the same period.
3. The quantity of Crown
lands granted without purchase, and the conditions on which the grants were
given, from 1824 to 1833, inclusive.
4. The amount of clergy
reserves sold in each year since the sales commenced under the Act 7 and 8
Geo. IV., c. 62.
[Transcription note: The
data presented below was originally in the conventional tabular row / column
Row 1, Column Headings
Column 1: Year.
Column 2: Number of acres sold.
Column 3: Average price per acre.
Column 4: Amount of purchase money received within the first year.
Column 5: Amount of purchase money remitted to military purchasers within
the first year.
Column 6: Amount of quit-rent at 5 per cent on the purchase money received
within the first year.
Column 7: Whole amount of purchase money.
Row 2
Column 1: 1828
Column 2: 20,011 acres
Column 3: 4 shillings, 11 pence
Column 4: 1,255 pounds, 14 shillings, 10 pence
Column 5: -, -, -
Column 6: 39 pounds, 12 shillings, 6 pence
Column 7: 5,044 pounds, 9 shillings, 9 pence
Row 3
Column 1: 1829
Column 2: 31,366 acres
Column 3: 5 shillings, 2-3/4 pence
Column 4: 466 pounds, 2 shillings, 11 pence
Column 5: -, -, -
Column 6: 307 pounds, 11 shillings, 0 pence
Column 7: 7,469 pounds, 17 shillings, 7 pence
Row 4
Column 1: 1830
Column 2: 28,077 acres
Column 3: 5 shillings, 8-3/4 pence
Column 4: 273 pounds, 10 shillings, 5 pence
Column 5: -, -, -
Column 6: 322 pounds, 3 shillings, 0 pence
Column 7: 7,461 pounds, 13 shillings, 5 pence
Row 5
Column 1: 1831
Column 2: 51,357 acres
Column 3: 6 shillings, 1-3/4 pence
Column 4: 815 pounds, 19 shillings, 8 pence
Column 5: -, -, -
Column 6: 484 pounds, 14 shillings, 7 pence
Column 7: 12,442 pounds, 8 shillings, 0 pence
Row 6
Column 1: 1832
Column 2: 24,074 acres
Column 3: 6 shillings, 9-1/4 pence
Column 4: 1,013 pounds, 1 shillings, 11 pence
Column 5: 555 pounds, 11 shillings, 0 pence
Column 6: 119 pounds, 2 shillings, 7 pence
Column 7: 6,139 pounds, 0 shillings, 10 pence
Row 7
Column 1: 1833
Column 2: 42,570 acres
Column 3: 4 shillings, 2 pence
Column 4: 1,975 pounds, 10 shillings, 11 pence
Column 5: 1,936 pounds, 9 shillings, 3 pence
Column 6: -, -, -
Column 7: 7,549 pounds, 1 shillings, 5 pence
Row 8
Column 1: Totals
Column 2: 197,455
Column 3: -, -
Column 4: -, -, -
Column 5: -, -, -
Column 6: -, -, -
Column 7: 46,106 pounds, 11 shillings, 0 pence
The conditions on which the land was sold were--on sales on instalments, to
be paid within three years; or on sales on quit-rent, at 5 per cent.,
capital redeemable at pleasure. N.B. Sales on quit-rent ceased in 1832.
[Transcription note: The
data presented below was originally in the conventional tabular row / column
Row 1, Column Headings
Column 1: Year.
Column 2: Number of acres sold.
Column 3: Average price per acre.
Column 4: Amount of purchase money received within the first year.
Column 5: Whole amount of purchase money.
Row 2
Column 1: 1829
Column 2: 3,893 acres
Column 3: 15 shillings, 1-3/4 pence
Column 4: 760 pounds, 6 shillings, 10 pence
Column 5: 2,940 pounds, 17 shillings, 3 pence
Row 3
Column 1: 1830
Column 2: 6,135 acres
Column 3: 13 shillings, 8-1/2 pence
Column 4: 1,350 pounds, 16 shillings, 6 pence
Column 5: 4,209 pounds, 3 shillings, 0 pence
Row 4
Column 1: 1831
Column 2: 4,357 acres
Column 3: 11 shillings, 3-1/2 pence
Column 4: 1,626 pounds, 15 shillings, 0 pence
Column 5: 2,458 pounds, 1 shillings, 8 pence
Row 5
Column 1: 1832
Column 2: 10,323 acres
Column 3: 9 shillings, 1-1/2 pence
Column 4: 2,503 pounds, 3 shillings, 5 pence
Column 5: 4,711 pounds, 2 shillings, 9 pence
Row 6
Column 1: 1833
Column 2: 26,376 acres
Column 3: 8 shillings, 9-1/4 pence
Column 4: 5,660 pounds, 8 shillings, 3 pence
Column 5: 11,578 pounds, 19 shillings, 3 pence
Row 7
Column 1: Totals
Column 2: 51,074 acres
Column 3: -
Column 4: -
Column 5: 25,898 pounds, 3 shillings, 11 pence
Interest is now exacted on the instalments paid.
Three years is the number
within which the whole amount of the purchase money is to be paid. The sales
of town lots, water lots, and park lots, in Upper Canada, are not included
in this table, on account of the disproportionate effect which the
comparatively large sums paid for these small lots would have on the average
price per acre. They are given, therefore, separately, in the following
[Transcription note: The
data presented below was originally in the conventional tabular row / column
Row 1, Column Headings
Column 1: Year.
Column 2: Number of acres sold.
Column 3: Average price per acre.
Column 4: Amount of purchase money received within the first year.
Column 5: Whole amount of purchase money.
Row 2
Column 1: 1828
Column 2: 2 acres
Column 3: 126 pounds, 0 shillings, 0 pence
Column 4: 63 pounds, 0 shillings, 0 pence
Column 5: 252 pounds, 0 shillings, 0 pence
Row 3
Column 1: 1829
Column 2: -
Column 3: -, -
Column 4: 63 pounds, 0 shillings, 0 pence
Column 5: -, -, -
Row 4
Column 1: 1830
Column 2: 19 acres
Column 3: 10 pounds, 10 shillings, 6-1/2 pence
Column 4: 55 pounds, 0 shillings, 0 pence
Column 5: 20 pounds, 0 shillings, 0 pence
Row 5
Column 1: 1831
Column 2: 3 acres
Column 3: 8 pounds, 7 shillings, 6-1/2 pence
Column 4: 95 pounds*, 12 shillings, 8 pence
Column 5: 25 pounds, 2 shillings, 8 pence
Row 6
Column 1: 1832
Column 2: 30 acres
Column 3: 15 pounds, 18 shillings, 6 pence
Column 4: 81 pounds, 18 shillings, 9 pence
Column 5: 327 pounds, 15 shillings, 0 pence
Row 7
Column 1: 1833
Column 2: 114 acres
Column 3: 14 pounds, 13 shillings, 9 pence
Column 4: 634 pounds, 8 shillings, 6 pence
Column 5: 1,674 pounds, 9 shillings, 0 pence
Row 7
Column 1: Totals
Column 2: 168 acres
Column 3: -,-,-
Column 4: -,-,-
Column 5: 2,479 pounds, 6 shillings, 8 pence
There were no sales in 1829. The 63 pounds currency paid that year was paid
as instalments on lots sold in the previous year.
The whole amount of the purchase money to be paid within three years.
*Note.--It is so given in the Parliamentary Return, but probably the 9
should be 1.
The following exhibits the quantity of Crown Lands granted, and the
conditions on which the grants were given, from 1823 to 1833.
[Transcription note: The data presented below was originally in the
conventional tabular row / column format.]
Row 1, Column Headings
Column 1: Year.
Column 2: Number of acres granted to militia claimants.
Column 3: Number of acres granted to discharged soldiers and pensioners.
Column 4: Number of acres granted to officers.
Column 5: Number of acres granted, not coming within the previous
Column 6: Total number of acres granted.
Row 2
Column 1: 1824
Column 2: 51,810
Column 3: -
Column 4: 4,100
Column 5: 34,859
Column 6: 90,769
Row 3
Column 1: 1825
Column 2: 32,620
Column 3: -
Column 4: 1,000
Column 5: 16,274
Column 6: 49,894
Row 4
Column 1: 1826
Column 2: 3,525
Column 3: 5,500
Column 4: -
Column 5: 48,224
Column 6: 57,249
Row 5
Column 1: 1827
Column 2: 7,640
Column 3: 6,300
Column 4: 800
Column 5: 38,378
Column 6: 53,118
Row 6
Column 1: 1828
Column 2: 7,300
Column 3: -
Column 4: 4,504
Column 5: 9,036
Column 6: 20,840
Row 7
Column 1: 1829
Column 2: 3,200
Column 3: -
Column 4: -
Column 5: 5,282
Column 6: 8,482
Row 8
Column 1: 1830
Column 2: 81,425
Column 3: -
Column 4: 2,000
Column 5: 10,670
Column 6: 94,095
Row 9
Column 1: 1831
Column 2: 9,400
Column 3: 8,273
Column 4: 3,408
Column 5: 9,900
Column 6: 30,981
Row 10
Column 1: 1832
Column 2: 10,116
Column 3: 19,000
Column 4: 4,000
Column 5: 4,000
Column 6: 37,116
Row 11
Column 1: 1833
Column 2: 5,200
Column 3: 22,500
Column 4: 1,200
Column 5: -
Column 6: 28,900
Row 12
Column 1: Totals
Column 2: 212,236
Column 3: 61,573
Column 4: 21,012
Column 5: 176,623
Column 6: 471,444
Settler's Conditions.--That he do clear twenty feet of road on his lot
within the space of ninety days.
Military & Militia conditions.--That he do, within the space of three years,
clear and cultivate four acres of his lot, and build a dwelling-house
[Transcription note: The
data presented below was originally in the conventional tabular row / column
Row 1, Column Headings
Column 1: Year.
Column 2: Number of acres granted to militia claimants.
Column 3: Number of acres granted to discharged soldiers and pensioners.
Column 4: Number of acres granted to officers.
Column 5: Number of acres granted, not coming within the previous
Column 6: Number of acres granted to U.E. Loyalists.*
Column 7: Total number of acres granted.
Row 2
Column 1: 1824
Column 2: 11,800
Column 3: 5,800
Column 4: 5,500
Column 5: 134,500
Column 6: 30,200
Column 7: 187,800
Row 3
Column 1: 1825
Column 2: 20,300
Column 3: 5,700
Column 4: 8,100
Column 5: 149,060
Column 6: 45,000
Column 7: 228,160
Row 4
Column 1: 1826
Column 2: 16,600
Column 3: 3,100
Column 4: 4,700
Column 5: 19,390
Column 6: 24,800
Column 7: 68,590
Row 5
Column 1: 1827
Column 2: 10,900
Column 3: 4,200
Column 4: 7,200
Column 5: 33,600
Column 6: 20,200
Column 7: 76,100
Row 6
Column 1: 1828
Column 2: 10,800
Column 3: 900
Column 4: 3,000
Column 5: 4,304
Column 6: 30,800
Column 7: 49,804
Row 7
Column 1: 1829
Column 2: 5,300
Column 3: 7,500
Column 4: 8,400
Column 5: 3,230
Column 6: 22,600
Column 7: 47,030
Row 8
Column 1: 1830
Column 2: 6,400
Column 3: 12,500
Column 4: 12,600
Column 5: 9,336
Column 6: 27,400
Column 7: 68,236
Row 9
Column 1: 1831
Column 2: 5,500
Column 3: 58,400
Column 4: 7,200
Column 5: 8,000
Column 6: 34,200
Column 7: 113,300
Row 10
Column 1: 1832
Column 2: 19,300
Column 3: 97,800
Column 4: 7,600
Column 5: 6,100
Column 6: 62,600
Column 7: 193,400
Row 11
Column 1: 1833
Column 2: 35,200
Column 3: 46,000
Column 4: -
Column 5: 9,100
Column 6: 135,600
Column 7: 225,900
Row 12
Column 1: Totals
Column 2: 142,100
Column 3: 241,900
Column 4: 64,300
Column 5: 376,620
Column 6: 433,400
Column 7: 1,258,320
Condition. - Actual settlement.
* U.E. Loyalists means United English Loyalists--individuals who fled from
the United States on the breaking out of the American war of independence.
The grants in the above column are mostly to the children of these
The conditions in force in
1824, the time from which the Returns take their commencement, were enacted
by Orders in Council of 20th October, 1818, and 21st February, 1820, applied
equally to all classes of grantees, and were as follows:--
"That locatees shall clear
thoroughly and fence five acres for every 100 acres granted; and build a
house 16 feet by 20 in the clear; and to clear one-half of the road, and
chop down, without charring, one chain in depth across the lot next to road.
These road duties to be considered as part of the five acres per 100. The
whole to be completed within two years from date of the location, and upon
proof of their fulfilment patents to issue.
"On the 14th of May, 1830,
an additional stipulation was made in locations to discharged soldiers,
which required an actual residence on their lots, in person, for five years
before the issue of their patents.
"On the 14th of November,
1830, the then existing Orders in Council, respecting settlement duties,
were cancelled, and it was ordered that in lieu thereof each locatee should
clear half the road in front of his lot, and from 10 feet in the centre of
the road cut the stumps so low that waggon wheels might pass over them. Upon
proof of this, and that a settler had been resident on the lot two years, a
patent might issue. Locatees, however, were at liberty, instead of placing
settlers on their lands, to clear, in addition to half the road on each lot,
a chain in depth across the front, and to sow it and the road with grass
"Upon discharged soldiers
and seamen alone, under this order, it became imperative to reside on and
improve their lands three years before the issue of the patent.
"On the 24th of May, 1832,
an Order in Council was made, abolishing, in all cases except that of
discharged soldiers and seamen, the regulations previously existing; and
which directed that, upon proof of an actual settler being established on a
lot, a patent should issue without the condition of settlement duty."
The following extract is
taken from "official information" circulated by Mr. Buchanan, and other
Government emigration agents in Canada:--
"Emigrants, wishing to
obtain fertile lands in the Canadas in a wild state by purchase from the
Crown, may rely on every facility being afforded them by the public
authorities. Extensive tracts are surveyed and offered for sale in Upper
Canada monthly, and frequently every 10 or 14 days, by the Commissioner of
Crown lands, at upset prices, varying according to situation from 10
shillings to 15 shillings per acre, excepting in the townships of Sunnidale
and Nottawasaga, where the upset price of Crown lands is 5 shillings only.
In Lower Canada, the Commissioner of Crown lands at Quebec puts up land for
sale, at fixed periods, in various townships, at from 2 shillings 6 pence to
12 shillings 6 pence Halifax currency, per acre, payable by instalments.
Wild lands may also be purchased from the Upper Canada Company on very easy
terms, and those persons wanting improved farms will find little difficulty
in obtaining such from private proprietors. On no account enter into any
final engagement for your lands or farms without personal examination, and
be certain of the following qualifications:--
"1. A healthy situation.
"2. Good land.
"3. A pure spring, or running stream of water.
"4. In the neighbourhood of a good, moral, and religious state of society,
and schools for the education of your children.
"5. As near good roads and water transport as possible, saw and grist
"6. A good title."
Clergy Reserves sold in
each year since the sales commenced under the Act 7 and 8, Geo. IV. c. 62
[Transcription note: The data presented below was originally in the
conventional tabular row / column format.]
Row 1, Column Headings
Column 1: Year.
Column 2: Number of acres sold.
Column 3: Average price per acre.
Column 4: Amount of purchase-money received within the first year.
Column 5: Whole amount of the purchase-money.
Row 2
Column 1: 1829
Column 2: 1,100 acres
Column 3: 4 shillings, 6 pence
Column 4: 10 pounds, 0 shillings, 0 pence
Column 5: 230 pounds, 0 shillings, 0 pence*
Row 3
Column 1: 1830
Column 2: 9,956 acres
Column 3: 4 shillings, 9 pence
Column 4: 543 pounds, 17 shillings, 0 pence
Column 5: 1,610 pounds, 3 shillings, 0 pence*
Row 4
Column 1: 1831
Column 2: 11,332 acres
Column 3: 7 shillings, 2-3/4 pence
Column 4: 541 pounds, 7 shillings, 6 pence
Column 5: 2,665 pounds, 9 shillings, 3 pence*
Row 5
Column 1: 1832
Column 2: 6,873 acres
Column 3: 5 shillings, 8-1/2 pence
Column 4: 533 pounds, 2 shillings, 2 pence
Column 5: 1,278 pounds, 11 shillings, 8 pence
Row 6
Column 1: 1833
Column 2: 37,278 acres
Column 3: 8 shillings, 2-1/4 pence
Column 4: 3,454 pounds, 11 shillings, 6 pence
Column 5: 12,791 pounds, 17 shillings, 5 pence
Row 7
Column 1: Totals
Column 2: 66,539 acres
Column 3: -
Column 4: -
Column 5: 18,576 pounds, 1 shillings, 4 pence
The number of years within which the whole amount of the purchase-money is
to be paid is three.
* On sales on quit rent, at 5 per cent., the capital redeemable at pleasure.
N.B. Sales on quit-rent
ceased in 1832.
[Transcription note: The
data presented below was originally in the conventional tabular row / column
Row 1, Column Headings
Column 1: Year.
Column 2: Number of acres sold.
Column 3: Average price per acre.
Column 4: Amount of purchase-money received within the first year.
Column 5: Whole amount of the purchase-money.
Row 2
Column 1: 1829
Column 2: 18,014 acres
Column 3: 14 shillings, 8-1/4 pence
Column 4: 2,464 pounds, 14 shillings, 0 pence
Column 5: 13,229 pounds, 0 shillings, 0 pence
Row 3
Column 1: 1830
Column 2: 34,705
Column 3: 13 shillings, 6 pence
Column 4: 6,153 pounds, 5 shillings, 9 pence
Column 5: 23,452 pounds, 4 shillings, 0 pence
Row 4
Column 1: 1831
Column 2: 28,563 acres
Column 3: 12 shillings, 1-3/4 pence
Column 4: 8,010 pounds, 2 shillings, 11 pence
Column 5: 17,362 pounds, 12 shillings, 1 pence
Row 6
Column 1: 1832
Column 2: 48,484 acres
Column 3: 13 shillings, 3-3/4 pence
Column 4: 10,239 pounds, 9 shillings, 7 pence
Column 5: 32,287 pounds, 19 shillings, 0 pence
Row 7
Column 1: 1833
Column 2: 62,282 acres
Column 3: 14 shillings, 4-1/2 pence
Column 4: 14,080 pounds, 16 shillings, 8 pence
Column 5: 44,747 pounds, 19 shillings, 9 pence
Row 8
Column 1: Totals
Column 2: 192,049 acres
Column 3: -
Column 4: -
Column 5: 131,079 pounds, 14 shillings, 10 pence
The whole amount of the purchase-money to be paid in nine years. In addition
to the purchase-money paid, interest has also been paid with each instalment,
a statement of which is as follows:--
Interest received in 1829: 1 pound, 7 shillings, 3 pence currency.
Interest received in 1830: 62 pound, 16 shillings, 1 pence currency.
Interest received in 1831: 259 pound, 14 shillings, 9 pence currency.
Interest received in 1832: 473 pound, 17 shillings, 2 pence currency.
Interest received in 1833: 854 pound, 4 shillings, 3 pence currency.
In the year 1832 a little
pamphlet of advice to emigrants was issued by his Majesty's Commissioners
for Emigration*, which contained some useful information in a small compass.
The Commission no longer exists. In lieu of it, J. Denham Pinnock, Esq., has
been appointed by Government His Majesty's agent for the furtherance of
emigration from England to the British Colonies. Letters on the subject of
emigration should be addressed to this gentleman at the Colonial Office,
under cover to the Colonial Secretary of State. One chief object of his
appointment is to afford facilities and information to parish authorities
and landed proprietors desirous of furthering the emigration of labourers
and others from their respective districts, especially with reference to the
emigration clause of the Poor Laws Amendment Act. The following Government
emigration agents have also been appointed at the respective ports named:--
Liverpool ...Lieut. Low,
Bristol ... Lieut. Henry, R.N.
Leith ... Lieut. Forrest, R.N.
Greenock ... Lieut. Hemmans, R.N.
Dublin ... Lieut. Hodder, R.N.
Cork ... Lieut. Friend, R.N.
Limerick ... Lieut. Lynch, R.N.
Belfast ... Lieut. Millar, R.N.
Sligo ... Lieut. Shuttleworth, R.N.
And at Quebec, A. C.
Buchanan, Esq., the chief Government emigration agent, will afford every
information to all emigrants who seek his advice.
[* "Information published
by His Majesty's Commissioners for Emigration, respecting the British
Colonies in North America." London, C. Knight, 1832. Price twopence.]
The following is an extract
from the pamphlet published in 1832:--
"Passages to Quebec or New
Brunswick may either be engaged inclusive of provisions, or exclusive of
provisions, in which case the ship-owner finds nothing but water, fuel, and
bed places, without bedding. Children under 14 years of age are charged
one-half, and under 7 years of age one-third of the full price, and for
children under 12 months of age no charge is made. Upon these conditions the
price of passage from London, or from places on the east coast of Great
Britain, has generally been 6 pounds with provisions, or 3 pounds without.
From Liverpool, Greenock, and the principal ports of Ireland, as the chances
of delay are fewer, the charge is somewhat lower; this year [1832] it will
probably be from 2 pounds to 2 pounds, 10 shillings without provisions, or
from 4 pounds to 5 pounds, including provisions. It is possible that in
March and April passages may be obtained from Dublin for 1 pound, 15
shillings or even 1 pound, 10 shillings; but the prices always grow higher
as the season advances. In ships sailing from Scotland or Ireland, it has
mostly been the custom for passengers to find their own provisions; but this
practice has not been so general in London, and some shipowners, sensible of
the dangerous mistakes which may be made in this matter through ignorance,
are very averse to receive passengers who will not agree to be victualled by
the ship. Those who do resolve to supply their own provisions, should at
least be careful not to lay in an insufficient stock; fifty days is the
shortest period for which it is safe to provide, and from London the passage
is sometimes prolonged to seventy-five days. The best months for leaving
England are certainly March and April; the later emigrants do not find
employment so abundant, and have less time in the colony before the
commencement of winter."
From a printed paper,
issued by Mr. Buchanan at Quebec, the following statements are taken: (the
paper is dated July, 1835).
"There is nothing of more
importance to emigrants, on arrival at Quebec, than correct information on
the leading points connected with their future pursuits. Many have suffered
much by a want of caution, and by listening to the opinions of interested,
designing characters, who frequently offer their advice unsolicited, and who
are met generally about wharfs and landing-places frequented by strangers:
to guard emigrants from falling into such errors, they should, immediately
on arrival at Quebec, proceed to the office of the chief agent for
emigrants, Sault-au-Matelot Street, Lower Town, where every information
requisite for their future guidance in either getting settlements on lands,
or obtaining employment in Upper or Lower Canada, will be obtained _gratis_.
On your route from Quebec to your destination you will find many plans and
schemes offered to your consideration, but turn away from them unless you
are well satisfied of the purity of the statements: on all occasions when
you stand in need of advice, apply only to the Government agents, who will
give every information required, gratis.
"Emigrants are informed
that they may remain on board ship 48 hours after arrival, nor can they be
deprived of any of their usual accommodations for cooking or berthing during
that period, and the master of the ship is bound to disembark the emigrants
and their baggage free of expense, at the usual landing places, and at
seasonable hours. They should avoid drinking the water of the river St.
Lawrence, which has a strong tendency to produce bowel complaints in
"Should you require to
change your English money, go to some respectable merchant or dealer, or the
banks: the currency in the Canadas is at the rate of 5 shillings the dollar,
and is called Halifax currency; at present the gold sovereign is worth, in
Quebec and Montreal, about 1 pound, 4 shillings, 1 pence currency. In New
York 8 shillings is calculated for the dollar, hence many are deceived when
hearing of the rates of labour, &c.--5 shillings in Canada is equal to 8
shillings in New York; thus 8 shillings New York currency is equivalent to 5
shillings Halifax currency.
"Emigrants who wish to
settle in Lower Canada or to obtain employment, are informed that many
desirable situations are to be met with. Wild lands may be obtained by
purchase from the Commissioner of Crown Lands in various townships in the
province, and the British American Land Company are making extensive
preparations for selling lands and farms in the Eastern Townships to
"Farm labourers are much
wanted in all the districts of Upper Canada, and, if industrious, they may
be sure of obtaining very high wages; mechanics of almost every description,
and good servants, male and female, are much in request.
"Emigrants proceeding to
Upper Canada, either by the Ottawa or St. Lawrence route, are advised to
supply themselves with provisions at Montreal, such as bread, tea, sugar,
and butter, which they will purchase cheaper and of better quality, until
they reach Kingston,
than along the route. They are also particularly cautioned against the use
of ardent spirits or drinking cold river water, or lying on the banks of the
river exposed to the night dews; they should proceed at once from the
steam-boat at Montreal to the entrance of the Canal or Lachine, from whence
the Durham and steam-boats start for Prescott and Bytown daily. The total
expense for the transport of an adult emigrant from Quebec to Toronto and
the head of Lake Ontario, by steam and Durham-boats, will not exceed 1
pound, 4 shillings currency, or 1 pound, 1 shilling sterling. Kingston,
Belleville, up the Bay of Quinte, Cobourgh, and Port Hope, in the Newcastle
district, Hamilton and Niagara at the head of Lake Ontario, will be
convenient stopping-places for families intending to purchase lands in Upper
"There is considerable
competition among the Forwarding Companies at Montreal; emigrants therefore
had better exercise a little caution before agreeing for their transport to
Prescott or Kingston, and they should avoid those persons that crowd on
board the steam-boats on arrival at Montreal, offering their services to get
passages, &c. Caution is also necessary at Prescott or Kingston, in
selecting regular conveyances up Lake Ontario. I would particularly advise
emigrants destined for Upper Canada, not to incur the expense of lodging or
delay at Montreal, but to proceed on arrival of the steam-boat to the barges
for Bytown or Prescott.
"Labourers or mechanics
dependent on immediate employment, are requested to proceed immediately on
arrival into the country. The chief agent will consider such persons as may
loiter about the ports of landing beyond four days after their arrival, to
have no further claims on the protection of his Majesty's agents for
assistance or employment, unless they have been detained by sickness or some
other satisfactory cause."
Comparative Statement of
the number of Emigrants arrived at Quebec from 1829 to 1834 inclusive:--
[Transcription note: The data presented below was originally in the
conventional tabular row / column format.]
England and Wales
1829: 3,565
1830: 6,799
1831: 10,343
1832: 17,481
1833: 5,198
1834: 6,799
1829: 9,614
1830: 18,300
1831: 34,133
1832: 28,204
1833: 12,013
1834: 19,206
1829: 2,643
1830: 2,450
1831: 5,354
1832: 5,500
1833: 4,196
1834: 4,591
Hamburg & Gibraltar.
1832: 15
Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, West Indies, &c.
1829: 123
1830: 451
1831: 424
1832: 546
1833: 345
1834: 339
1829: 15,945
1830: 28,000
1831: 50,254
1832: 51,746
1833: 21,752
1834: 30,935
The total number of emigrants arrived at Quebec, from 1829 to 1834, is
198,632. It will be remarked, that the number rose high in 1831 and 1832,
and fell very low in 1833.
Distribution of the 30,935
Emigrants who arrived at Quebec during 1834:-
City and District of Quebec: 1,500
District of Three Rivers: 350
District of St. Francis and Eastern Townships: 640
City and District of Montreal: 1,200
Ottawa District: 400
Total to Lower Canada: 4,090
Ottawa, Bathurst, Midland
and Eastern Districts, as far as Kingston, included: 1,000
District of Newcastle, and Townships in the vicinity of the Bay of Quinte:
Toronto and the Home District, including Settlements around Lake Simco:
Hamilton, Guelph, and Huron Tracts, and situations adjacent: 2,660
Niagara Frontier and District, including the line of the Welland Canal, and
round the head of Lake Ontario, to Hamilton: 3,300
Settlements bordering on Lake Erie, including the London District, Adelaide
Settlement, and on to Lake St. Clair: 4,600
Total to Upper Canada: 22,210
Died of cholera in Upper and Lower Canada: 800
Returned to United Kingdom: 350
Went to the United States: 3,485
[Total:] 4,635
Of the number of 30,935
Emigrants who arrived at Quebec in 1834, there were of:--
Voluntary emigrants: 29,041
Assisted by parochial aid: 1,892
Number of males: 13,565
Number of females: 9,683
Number of children under fourteen years of age: 7,681
Emigrants who prefer going into Canada by way of New York will receive
advice and direction by applying to the British Consul at New York (James
Buchanan, Esq.) Formerly this gentleman could procure for emigrants who were
positively determined to settle in the Canadas, permission to land their
baggage and effects free of custom-house duty; but in a letter dated 16th
March, 1835, he says:--
"In consequence of a change
in the truly liberal course heretofore adopted at this port, in permitting,
without unpacking or payment of duty, of the personal baggage, household,
and farming utensils of emigrants landing here to pass in transit through
this state to his Majesty's provinces, upon evidence being furnished of the
fact, and that such packages alone contained articles of the foregoing
description, I deem it my duty to make known that all articles arriving at
this port accompanying emigrants in transit to Canada, will be subject to
the same inspection as if to remain in the United States, and pay the duties
to which the same are subjected. I think it proper to mention that all
articles suited to new settlers are to be had in Canada on better terms than
they can be brought out--and such as are adapted to the country."
The difference between
proceeding to Upper Canada by way of Quebec and New York, consists chiefly
in the circumstance that the port of New York is open all the year round,
while the navigation of the St. Lawrence up to Quebec and Montreal is
tedious, and the river is only open between seven and eight months of the
year. The latter is, however, the cheapest route. But to those who can
afford it, New York is the most comfortable as well as the most expeditious
way of proceeding to Upper Canada.
The route, as given in a
printed paper, distributed by the British consul at New York, is as
"Route from New York and
Albany by the Erie Canal to all parts of Upper Canada, west of Kingston, by
the way of Oswego and Buffalo:--
New York to Albany, 160 miles by steam-boat.
Albany to Utica, 110 do. by canal or stage.
Utica to Syracuse, 55 do. by canal or stage.
Syracuse to Oswego, 40 do. by canal or stage.
Syracuse to Rochester, 99 do. by canal or stage.
Rochester to Buffalo, 93 do. by canal or stage.
Total expense from Albany to Buffalo, by canal, exclusive of victuals for an
adult steerage passenger--time going about 7 or 8 days--3 dollars 63 cents;
ditto by packet-boats, and found, 12-1/4 dollars, 6 days going.
"Ditto do. by stage, in
3-1/2 and 4 days--13 to 15 dollars.
"Ditto do. from Albany to
Oswego by canal, 5 days going, 2-1/2 dollars.
"Ditto do. by stage, 2
days--6-1/2 to 7 dollars.
"No extra charge for a
moderate quantity of baggage.
"Route from New York to
Montreal, Quebec, and all parts of Lower Canada:--
"New York to Albany, 160
miles by steam-boat, 1 to 3 dollars, exclusive of food.
"Albany to Whitehall, by
canal, 73 miles, 1 dollar; stage 3 dollars.
"Whitehall to St. John's,
by steam-boat, board included, cabin 5 dollars; deck passage 2 dollars
without board.
"St. John's to Laprairie,
16 miles per stage, 5 shillings to 7 shillings 6 pence.
"Laprairie to Montreal, per
ferry steam-boat, 8 miles. 6 pence.
"Montreal to Quebec, by
steam-boat, 180 miles, cabin, found, 1 pound, 5 shillings; deck passage, not
found, 7 shillings 6 pence.
Those proceeding to
the eastern townships of Lower Canada, in the vicinity of Sherbrooke,
Stanstead, &c., &c., will proceed to St. John's, from whence good roads lead
to all the settled townships eastward. If they are going to the Ottawa
River, they will proceed from Montreal and Lachine, from whence stages,
steamboats, and batteaux go daily to Grenville, Hull, and Bytown, as also to
Chateauguay, Glengary, Cornwall, Prescott, and all parts below Kingston.
"Emigrants can avail
themselves of the advice and assistance of the following gentlemen:--at
Montreal, Carlisle Buchanan, Esq.; Prescott, John Patton, Esq."
Number of Emigrants who
arrived at New York from the United Kingdom for six years, from 1829 to
[Transcription note: The data presented below was originally in the
conventional tabular row / column format.]
Row 1. Headings
Column 1: Year.
Column 2: England.
Column 3: Ireland.
Column 4: Scotland.
Column 5: Total.
Row 2
Column 1: 1829
Column 2: 8,110
Column 3: 2,443
Column 4: 948
Column 5: 11,501
Row 3
Column 1: 1830
Column 2: 16,350
Column 3: 3,497
Column 4: 1,584
Column 5: 21,433
Row 4
Column 1: 1831
Column 2: 13,808
Column 3: 6,721
Column 4: 2,078
Column 5: 22,607
Row 5
Column 1: 1832
Column 2: 18,947
Column 3: 6,050
Column 4: 3,286
Column 5: 28,283
Row 6
Column 1: 1833
Column 2: -
Column 3: -
Column 4: -
Column 5: 16,000
Row 7
Column 1: 1834*
Column 2: -
Column 3: -
Column 4: -
Column 5: 26,540
Row 8
Column 1: Total
Column 2: -
Column 3: -
Column 4: -
Column 5: 126,464
* The returns for 1834 are made up to the 20th November of that year.
The 9th Geo. IV., c. 21, commonly called the "American Passengers' Act," was
repealed during the Session of 1835, by an Act then passed, the 5 and 6
Will. IV., c. 53. The intention of the new Act is, of course, to secure, as
effectually as possible, and more effectually than the previous Act did, the
health and comfort of emigrants on board of passenger ships. By a
clause of the Act, copies or abstracts are to be kept on board ships for the
perusal of passengers, who may thus have an opportunity of judging whether
the law has been complied with; but the discovery of any infractions of the
Statute may be made at a time when, in the particular instance, it may be
too late to remedy it, so far as the comfort and even the health of the
passengers are concerned. It is to be hoped, therefore, that the humane
intentions of the legislature will not be frustrated by any negligence on
the part of those (especially of the officers of customs) whose business it
is to see that the regulations of the Act have been complied with before
each emigrant ship leaves port.
No passenger ship is to
sail with more than three persons on board for every five tons of registered
burthen. Nor, whatever may be the tonnage, is there to be a greater number
of passengers on board than after the rate of one person for every ten
superficial feet of the lower deck or platform unoccupied by goods or
stores, not being the personal luggage of the passengers.
Ships with more than one
deck to have five feet and a half; at the least, between decks; and where a
ship has only one deck, a platform is to be laid beneath the deck in such a
manner as to afford a space of the height of at least five feet and a half,
and no such ship to have more than two tiers of berths. Ships having two
tiers of berths to have an interval of at least six inches between the deck
or platform, and the floor of the lower tier throughout the whole extent.
Passenger ships are to be
provisioned in the following proportion:--pure water, to the amount of five
gallons, to every week of the computed voyage, for each passenger--the water
to be carried in tanks or sweet casks; seven pounds' weight of bread,
biscuit, oatmeal, or bread stuffs, to every week for each passenger;
potatoes may be included to one-third of the extent of supply, but seven
pounds' weight of potatoes are to be reckoned equal to one pound of bread or
bread stuffs. The voyage to North America is to be computed at ten weeks, by
which each passenger will be secured fifty gallons of water, and seventy
pounds weight of bread or bread stuffs for the voyage.
Where there are 100
passengers, a medical practitioner is to be carried; if under 100, medicines
of sufficient amount and kind are to be taken out as part of the necessary
Passenger ships are not to
be allowed to carry out ardent spirits as merchandise beyond one-tenth of
the quantity as would, but for this restriction, be allowed by the officers
of the customs upon the victualling bill of such ship for the outward voyage
only, according to the number of passengers.
[An important restriction,
which ought to be enforced to the letter of the law. The strong temptation
which the tedium of a voyage presents to numbers pinned up in a small space
to resort to drinking, has frequently made sad havoc of the money, comfort,
and health of emigrants, when, especially, the ship steward has contrived to
lay in a good stock of strong waters.]
In the enumeration of
passengers, two children above seven, but under fourteen, or three under
seven years of age, are to be reckoned as one passenger. Infants under 12
months are not to be included in the enumeration.
Passengers are entitled to
be maintained on board for 48 hours after the ship has arrived at her
destination. [Emigrants whose means are limited may thus avoid much
inconvenience and expense, by planning and executing with promptitude the
route which they mean to take, instead of landing, and loitering in the
expensive houses of entertainment of a sea-port.]
Masters of ships are to
enter into bonds of 1,000 pounds for the due performance of the provisions
of the Act. The penalty on any infraction of the law is to be not less than
5 pounds, nor more than 20 pounds for each offence.
[The government emigration
agents at the various ports, or the officers of customs, will doubtless give
every facility to passengers who seek their advice relative to any violation
of the provisions of the Act, and point out the proper course to be taken.]
If there be any doubt that
a ship about to sail is not sea-worthy, the collector and comptroller of the
customs may cause the vessel to be surveyed. Passengers detained beyond the
time contracted for to sail, are to be maintained at the expense of the
master of the ship; or, if they have contracted to victual themselves, they
are to be paid 1 shilling each for each day of detention not caused by
stress of weather or other unavoidable cause.
It is, of course, of the
greatest importance to emigrants that whatever capital they may possess,
over the necessary expenses of the voyage, &c., should be remitted to Canada
in the safest and most profitable manner. Both the British American Land
Company and the Canada Company afford facilities to emigrants, by receiving
deposits and granting letters of credit on their agents in Canada, by which
the emigrants obtain the benefit of the current premium of exchange. It is
unsafe and injudicious to carry out a larger amount of specie than what will
defray the necessary expenses of the voyage, because a double risk is
incurred,--the danger of losing, and the temptation of squandering. The
emigrant, therefore, who does not choose to remit his money through either
of the before-mentioned companies, should procure a letter of credit from
some respectable bank in the United Kingdom on the Montreal bank.
In all the British North
American colonies accounts are kept and prices are quoted in pounds,
shillings, and pence, as in England. The accounts are contra-distinguished
by calling the former currency, or Halifax currency, and the latter sterling
or British sterling.
The one pound Halifax
currency, or currency, as it is more commonly called, consists of four
Spanish dollars. The dollar is divided into five parts--called in Spanish
pistoreens--each of which is termed a shilling. Each of these shillings or
pistoreens is again subdivided into twelve parts, called pence, but
improperly, for there is no coin answering to any such subdivision. To meet
the want a great variety of copper coins are used, comprising the old
English halfpenny, the halfpenny of later coinage, the penny, the farthing,
the American cent.; all and each pass as the twenty-fourth part of the
pistoreen or colonial shilling. Pence in fact are not known, though almost
anything of the copper kind will be taken as the twenty-fourth part of the
[* The Americans also have
their 1 shilling, which is the eighth part of a dollar, or 12-1/2 cents. It
is no uncommon thing to hear the emigrant boast that he can get 10 shillings
per day in New York. He knows not that a dollar, which is equal to eight of
these shillings, is in England equivalent but to 4 shillings 2 pence, and
that the American shilling is, therefore, when compared with the English
shilling in value, only 6-1/4 pence, and consequently, that 10 shillings a
day is, in fact, but ten 6-1/4 pence or 5 shillings 2-1/2 pence. This rate
of payment it may be said is still great; so it is, but it is not often
obtained by the labourer; when it is, it is for excessive labour, under a
burning sun in sea-port towns, during the busy shipping season.]
At a time when the Spanish
dollar, the piece of eight, as it was then called, was both finer and
heavier than the coin now in circulation, its value at the mint price of
silver** was found to be 4 shilling 6 pence sterling. Accordingly, the pound
currency was fixed at 18 shillings sterling, and 90 pounds sterling was
equal to 100 pounds currency, the rules of conversion being, add one-ninth
to sterling to obtain currency, and deduct one tenth from currency to find
the sterling. This was called the par of exchange, and was so then. So long
as it continued correct, fluctuations were from a trifle above, to a trifle
below par, and this fluctuation was a real premium or discount, governed by
the cost of the transportation of bullion from the one to the other side of
the Atlantic, an expense which now does not exceed, and rarely equals, 2 per
cent. 4 shilling 6 pence has long ceased to be the value of the dollar. Both
the weight and purity of the coin have been reduced, until its value in the
London market*** is not more than 4 shillings 2 pence, the pound currency
being consequently reduced to 16 shillings 8 pence sterling and 100 pounds
sterling become equivalent to 120 pounds currency, or 480 dollars, the
common average rate now given for the 100 pounds sterling bill of exchange
in England.
[** The mint price then
coincided more nearly with the market price than at present.]
[*** It is necessary to use
the market price, as the difference between the mint and the market price is
4 per cent., and as the Spanish dollar possesses no conventional value, it
is only worth what it will bring as an article of traffic.]
The Government, however,
still sanction, nay, will not change, the old language, so that the
difference is made up by adding what is commonly termed a premium. The
difference between the real par, 4 shillings 2 pence, and the nominal par, 4
shillings 6 pence, is 4 pence or eight per cent. Thus the fluctuations,
instead of being from 1 to 2 per cent. below, to 1 or 2 per cent. above the
real par, are from 1 to 2 per cent. below, to 1 to 2 per cent. above 8 per
cent. premium as it is called on the nominal par, or from 6 or 7 to 9 or 10
per cent. premium on the par. This leads to gross deception, and the
emigrant in consequence is not unfrequently outrageously cheated by parties
accounting to him for money obtained by sale of bills, minus this or some
portion of this nominal premium. Nothing is more common than to hear the new
comer boast that he has sold his bill on England for 8 per cent. premium,
while in fact he has not received par value. As by the above changes 100
pounds sterling is shewn to be equal to 120 currency, or 480 dollars, the
rule of conversion, in the absence of a law, where no understanding to the
contrary existed, should be, add one-fifth to sterling money, and currency
is obtained, or deduct one-sixth from currency, and sterling is found. An
examination of the exchanges for ten years has proved this to be correct.
The Canada Company was
incorporated by royal charter and Act of Parliament in 1826. The following
are extracts from the prospectus of the Company:--
"The Canada Company have
lands for sale in almost every part of the province of Upper Canada, on
terms which cannot fail to be highly advantageous to the emigrant, as from
the Company requiring only one- fifth of the purchase-money to be paid in
cash, and allowing the remainder to be divided into five annual payments,
bearing interest, the settler, if industrious, is enabled to pay the balance
from the produce of the land.
"The lands of the Canada
Company are of three descriptions, viz.--
Scattered reserves:
Blocks or tracts of land, of from 1,000 to 40,000 acres each; The Huron
tract, containing upwards of 1,000,000 acres.
"Scattered reserves. The scattered crown reserves are lots of land of from
100 to 200 acres each, distributed through nearly every township in the
province, and partaking of the soil, climate, &c., of each particular
township. These lands are especially desirable for persons who may have
friends settled in their neighbourhood, and can be obtained at prices
varying from 8 shillings 9 pence to 25 shillings currency an acre.
"Blocks of Land. The blocks
or tracts lie entirely in that part of the province situated to the westward
of the head of Lake Ontario, and contain lands which, for soil, climate, and
powers of production, are equal, and perhaps superior, to any on the
continent of America. These are worthy the attention of communities of
emigrants, who from country, relationship, religion, or any other bond, wish
to settle together.
"The largest block of this
kind in the Company's possession is the township of Guelph, containing
upwards of 40,000 acres, of which the greater part has been already sold,
and, in the space of a few years only, a town has been established,
containing churches, schools, stores, taverns, and mills, and where there
are mechanics of every kind, and a society of a highly respectable
"The Huron Territory. This
is a tract of the finest land in America, through which the Canada Company
have cut two roads of upwards of 100 miles in extent, of the best
description of which a new country admits.
The population there is
rapidly on the increase.
"The town of Goderich, at
the mouth of the river Maitland, on Lake Huron, is very flourishing, and
contains several excellent stores, or merchants' shops, in which any article
usually required by a settler is to be obtained on reasonable terms. There
is a good school established, which is well attended; a Church of England
and a Presbyterian clergyman are appointed there; and as the churches in
Upper Canada are now principally supported by the voluntary subscriptions of
their respective congregations, an inference may be drawn of the respectable
character of the inhabitants of this settlement and the neighbourhood. The
town and township of Goderich contain about 1,000 inhabitants; and since the
steam-boat, built by the Company for the accommodation of their settlers,
has commenced running between Goderich and Sandwich, a great increase has
taken place in the trade and prosperity of the settlement. In this tract
there are four good saw-mills, three grist-mills, and in the neighbourhood
of each will be found stores well supplied. And as the tract contains a
million acres, the greater portion of which is open for sale, an emigrant or
body of emigrants, however large, can have no difficulty in selecting
eligible situations, according to their circumstances, however various they
may be. The price of these lands is from 11 shillings 3 pence to 15
shillings provincial currency, or about from 11 shillings to 13 shillings 6
pence sterling per acre."
Emigrants wishing to
communicate with the Company should address the secretary, John Perry Esq.,
St. Helen's-place, Bishopsgate-street, London, or the Company's agents at
The British American Land
Company state, in their prospectus, that they have purchased from the
British Government "nearly 1,000,000 of acres in the counties of Shefford,
Stanstead, and Sherbrooke," in what are termed "the Eastern Townships of
Lower Canada." These townships comprise "a tract of country, lying inland,
on the south side of the St. Lawrence, between 45 degrees and 46-1/2 degrees
north latitude, and 71 degrees and 73 degrees west longitude. This tract,
containing between five and six millions of acres, is divided into eight
counties, and these again are subdivided into about one hundred townships.
These townships enjoy an important advantage in their geographical position.
On the one side, they are of easy access from Montreal, Quebec, and Three
Rivers, the shipping ports and great markets of the Canadas; on the other,
from New York up the Hudson River and through Lake Champlain, as well as
from Boston and other parts on the seaboard of the Atlantic. By their
compact and contiguous position, facility of intercourse and mutual support
are ensured throughout the whole, as well as a general participation in all
local improvements."
The terms on which the
Company propose to dispose of these lands "vary according to the situation,
quality, and advantages which the different lots may possess; but in the
first instance they will generally range from 4 shillings to 10 shillings
currency per acre, and in all cases a deposit of part of the purchase-money
will be required, viz.:--On the higher priced lots one-fifth; on the lower
priced lots one-fourth.
"The terms of payment for
the balance will be six annual instalments, bearing the legal interest of
the province from the date of sale; but should purchasers prefer
anticipating the payments, they will have the option at any time of doing
"The price of a building
lot at Port St. Francis, for the present season (1835), is 12 pounds 10
shillings, payable 5 pounds cash down, and the balance in one year, with
"Deposits of purchase-money
may be made with the Company in London for lands to be selected by emigrants
on their arrival in the country.
"By the agreement between
his Majesty's Government and the Company, upwards of 50,000 pounds of the
purchase-money paid by the latter are to be expended by them in public works
and improvements, such as high roads, bridges, canals, school-houses,
market-houses, churches, and parsonage-houses. This is an extremely
important arrangement, and must prove highly beneficial to settlers, as it
assures to them the improvement and advancement of this district. The
formation of roads and other easy communications are the great wants of a
new country; and the application of capital on works of this nature, which
are beyond the means of private individuals, is the best mode by which the
successful settlement may be promoted and accomplished.
"The expenditure of the
large sum above mentioned, will offer at the same time an opportunity of
employment to honest and industrious labourers, immediately on arrival."
The office of the British
American Land Company is at 4, Barge-yard, Bucklersbury, London: they have
also agents at the various outports. |