Although unskilled
labour finds it just as difficult to get a start in Canada without
capital as in any other country, except in certain spheres of activity,
yet perseverance will enable one to carve out a good niche of comfort in
the temple of progress- and to occupy a more or less prominent position
in the world of affairs.
Take the hotels and
restaurants, for instance. He who attends to the wants of those at the
table in these islands is regarded as a servile menial, but in Canada he
becomes a person of importance. He can look forward safely to a steady
4s. per day at least in wages, augmented by two, three, or more times
that amount in tips, according to the standing of the establishment in
which he secures an engagement. In addition, there are many other
advantages which must not be overlooked. There are long intervals
between times which the waiter is at liberty to occupy just as he
pleases, and he is assured of a sound meal three times a day.
There was one waiter
who ministered to my wants while I was staying at a certain hotel in
Montreal. He bad fallen into Canada in the same manner as many of his
class- -bad worked his passage over as a steward on board a vessel to
New York, had buffeted with the ups and downs of life in the United
States for a while, and at last found himself on the northern side of
the International Boundary with his face set towards the premier city of
the Dominion. He found a job—the one ho was then fulfilling—within an
hour cf his arrival., and was netting a comfortable guinea a day for
seven days in the week, and with no deductions whatever, except for his
own private rooms. In the periods when he was not serving meals he was
Turning a real estate business which he had started, and he found
waiting at table an excellent medium for furthering these auxiliary
interests, as he secured introductions to clients who otherwise would
not have passed his way. The real estate business had grown from a
bumble beginning to demand the services cf two clerks. Of the dual
occupation the latter business was decidedly the more remunerative, but
he retained his position of waiter as a means to an end.
At another hotel there
was a young waiter of smart appearance and good address. A magnate from
the West patronized this hostelry during his fleeting visits to tho
city, and he beer me impressed with the diplomatic manner and methods of
this waiter. One evening, after the magnate had discussed an excellent
dinner, he tilted his chair and called the waiter.
“Do you intend to stick
this game for long?”
“Well, until I can got
something better!”
“And If you had the
offer of something better, would you take it?”
“Would you go West to
“Well, come with me.
I’ve got a job which I think will fit you out fine.”
An hour later the
waiter, having discarded his apron and serviette, was westward bound as
valet to the magnate. Being well educated and shrewd, although hitherto
debarred from displaying his talents, as he had been dangling at the
free end of Fortune’s string, he went ahead, and when his companions
heard of him later he was acting as secretary to his former customer.
If the unskilled
labourer, or the man who has never had the luck to be taught a trade,
drops into the vortex of bustle in the Dominion, can stand the jostling
with a tight hand upon his pocket, and can keep a clear head, it is
purely his own fault if he does not get out of the well-worn rut into
which he first tumbled. I spent a few nights with one man in his little
shack. He recalled the days when he sold newspapers in the street. He
climbed up a bit, but the city did not offer any promising chances to
forge ahead. So, with the little bit of money he had got together, he
made up his mind to go West. He did not exhaust his slender savings in
railway-fares, but secured the job to lock after a westward-bound
carload of cattle. His fare and expenses were paid, while he received
6s. wages a day into the bargain. It was rough work feeding and watering
the stock, and progress was slew, but he reached the new country at
last. He struck a small town, and, seeing an empty shack, took it over
at a nominal rent, and opened a small store or shop. The outlay on stock
ran away with the whole of his capital, but as he was not hampered by
competition, he pulled along very well, until filially he received a
tempting offer for his business. He closed with it. moved farther West,
and opened another store on the same lines. This he disposed of
profitably in the same way. This starting and selling small businesses
developed into his speciality. He always carefully reconnoitred his
ground. and always took care to be in on the ground-floor, and every
succeeding bargain had swelled his bank-book. When I met him he had
settled down for a longer period than usual, because he had struck a
very good spot, had got into the way of bartering profitably with the
Indians and between straight selling and trading he was making money
I ran across another
shack standing back from the trail about twelve miles south-east of the
Hudson Bay Trading Post at Fraser Lake. Within a mile was a straggling
Indian village, while four miles beyond was a large Red Colony. The shop
was stocked from floor to ceiling with articles of every conceivable
description, most of it, by the way, firmly secured in position as a
precaution against theft. It was by no means an inviting situation,
because the railway was over 100 miles away. Every ounce of the goods
had to be brought up by pack-horses at about 10d. per pound all round in
summer, and un sleighs in winter at about 2d. per pound. Passers-by were
few and far between, and yet on the average the owner was sending out
£300 in value and coin per month! Where was his connection? The Indians
almost exclusively. The Red Men had grown tired of dealing with the
Hudson Bay Post, and when this rival appeared upon the scene and held
oat more liberal trading terms, had transferred their custom to him.
So far as the fur
industry is concerned, the sway of the Honourable Adventurers trading to
Hudson Bay is vanishing rapidly. On all sides they are meeting with
spirited competition from small individual traders, who lure the trade
away from the Indians by the offer of better terms. The small man has
the advantage over the Company, because his expenses are lower, and
accordingly it is not surprising to find one of these shacks at times
housing £1.000 worth of furs of all kinds. Again, the Company is not
regarded with favour by the average individual, either red or white.
Both use the Trading Post when necessity compels, but not otherwise. An
Indian will travel twenty miles on his cayouse to get 2d. or 3d. more
oil a pelt from an independent trader than the Company will offer him.
although his home may be within a stone’s-throw of the Hudson Bay Post.
It must be admitted,
however, that many of these independent men take long risks which the
older rival declines to entertain, such as the traffic in illicit skins—
i.e., the furs of animals which are protected by law. One of these
traders was going out of the country with a bulging dunnage sack or two
thrown over his pack-horse. He was putting up at one of the “stopping
places” on the Cariboo Road, had dumped down his baggage in one corner,
and was lounging found. But a. dog roving about the place sniffed the
bags, and set up a loud excited barking. The dog’s cries aroused the
interest of a fellow-being at the bush who came up and asked the trader
what he had in his bags. The latter retorted insolently, resenting the
inquisitiveness of the stranger, and then started bluffing, when the
latter revealed his identity as a game-warden. As the trader manifested
no desire to comply with the official’s request, the latter deftly
seized one of the bags. and in the twinkling of an eye his suspicions
were confirmed. Among other articles which rolled out on the ground were
a number of beaver skins! The other bags were laden similarly.
The trader was caught
with the goods. Explanations were useless. He had proscribed skins in
his possession, and that was sufficient for the game-warden. The trader
was handed over to the law, the skins were confiscated, and he himself
was mulcted heavily m a fine. The smuggling of illegal pelts is
practised extensively, and, despite the vigilance of the authorities,
few of the offenders are caught.
The Adventurers labour
under the delusion that the methods which they adopted when they first
set foot m the North-West in the Middle Ages are sufficient for to-day.
They held autocratic sway for so many centuries that, when they found
their powers curbed, they declined to adapt themselves to the new
conditions. No Western Canadian has a word to bay in favour of the
Hudson Bay Company. and, so far as my oto experiences are concerned, I
think the natives are somewhat justified in their attitude. The
Westerner would like to see the Company out of existence, and if the
opportunity arose he would not shrink from confiscating every possession
which the organization now holds, is the Company has been guilty of
holding-up the country. The citizen maintains that “when the Company was
top-dog- it did nothing for the good of Canada, and now that the
positions are reversed why should the interests of the Company be
studied?” It is an unanswerable argument, because, unhappily, evidences
of the Company’s braking policy are visible on every hand.
Fortunately, there is
no need for drastic action on the part of the man in the street, or
rather bush. That great leveller—competition—is performing peacefully
what the average citizen in his exuberance would like to accomplish in
one stroke. Boycotting and the active support of rivals is achieving the
desired end just as effectively. A powerful rival—the eminent French
firm of Revillon Freres—is forcing its way into the country on every
side, and the star of the Hudson Bay Company is waning, so far as
trading is concerned. This active competitor is opening posts where
barter can be practised upon level terms on every hand, where the red,
and the white, men are sure of a square deal. The time is not far
distant when this firm, will have woven a complete trading post girdle
around the Northern Hemisphere. Its outposts on the Canadian Pacific
shore will be able to shake hands with those on the Pacific seaboard of
The agents of this
concern are very much alive, and many men who have gained experience in
the bush seize the opportunity to enter the Revillon service. In many
instances they are getting a foothold under the very noses of their
older rivals. There was one man who had hiked into the wild hinterland,
and in a small tumbledown shack was doing big business in fur barter. He
did not wait for the Indians to come his way, but waylaid them as they
were on the trail to the Hudson Bay Posts. By specious talking and the
offer of slightly better terms he filched the trade from the English
trading company. I asked how he could dispose of his furs. He winked and
muttered “Revillons.” Many an innocent looking trading shack, ostensibly
the property of a private individual, I found to have some remote
connection with the great French firm. It was the vent for the little
trader’s wares, at all events.
The Indian is on
excellent customer for the 'white man who treats him fairly. The day is
gone when he was compelled to trade, willy-nilly, with “Hudson Bay” as
he calls it. The little man working on his own—everyone in the bush
appears to adopt trading as instinctively as a duck takes to
water—resorts to the most extraordinary methods in order to drive in his
competitive wedge farther and farther, and he generally makes a very
good thing out of the transaction. I encountered one novel example of
such enterprise. This individual boasted no commercial training, but yet
he had a certain amount of business instinct. He was mushing through the
Indian country in Northern British Columbia in an aimless kind of way,
keeping a sharp eye open to seize anything which might be turned to
profit. He observed that the Indians were inordinately fond of
sugar-stuffs. That gave him an idea. He tracked back to the nearest
railway-station and promptly ordered some 4C0 pounds of cheap,
attractive-looking sweets. He stowed this consignment on the backs of
two pack horses, which he bought up cheaply., and harked back to the
Indian country. He hung about the Red Settlement, with a smell A-tent as
his home, and in less than a month the whole 400 pounds of sweets had
changed under for excellent furs. The sweets cost him about 3c1. per
pound, but the Indians paid for them in kind at the rate of about as
many shillings. With his cargo of skins the peripatetic trader returned
south, netted a snug little sum for his goods at a Revillon store, and
repeated the tactics upon a larger scale with the increased capital at
his command. When 1 struck him he had become established firmly in a
little wooden shack which he had run up on the spot where ho had first
pitched his tent, with his nearest white neighbour about twenty miles
away. He was doing a roaring trade. Although at this time sweets were
not his sole vehicle for bartering with furs, as he had a good
assortment of other necessities displayed in his shack, yet brightly
coloured fondants and chunks of toffee were in more popular request than
shirts or even flour. One might be disposed to conclude that seeking for
a profit ranging from 600 to 1.000 per cent, was a kind of robbery, but
similar tactics have been practised by the old Trading Company from its
earliest days. To charge an Indian “two bits,” or 1s., for a notebook
and pencil which can be purchased anywhere in Britain for a humble penny
is no worse than changing the same individual 3s. for sweets that cost
less than 6d. per pound.
Skilled labour,
especially in connection with certain trades, always commands a good
market. The activity of budding operations calls for masons,
bricklayers, plumbers, painters, joiners and decorators. This demand is
likely to continue for some time to come, owing to the rapid growth of
the cities, and the fact that many of the frontier towns are now in
course of transition from wood to stone. Water-power is being developed
very extensively, and this factor has an influence upon the many
branches of the electrical industry. Mining is being extended upon every
hand, especially in coal and such commercial metals as copper silver,
and lead. These latter industries, however, demand expert labour, and
unless the new arrival is a Cousin Jack from Cornwall, or hies from
South Wales, the North of England, Scottish, and other mining centres he
stands little or no chance of making headway. Wages fluctuate violently,
rising and falling with the season of the year end the locality. So far
as building and the cognate trades are concerned, the demand is confined
to the cities and the railways, the latter being in connection with
permanent structures, such as bridges, stations, and buildings for the
rolling stock.
I ran across one
unusual display of enterprise, but one which has many opportunities in a
new town. It was at Hazleton. There were about 200 or 300 settled
population, I should imagine, and businesses and shops of all
descriptions were flourishing in the streets. It was a frontier town in
the fullest sense of the word, as there was not another community within
200 miles. Into this strange colony a young English lady had fallen. She
was deft with the typewriter, one of which machines she had brought up
with her. With this she was busy from morning to night. I do not think
there was another typewriter in the place, and the rising firms, wishing
to convey an impression that they were more imposing than a glimpse of
their timber-frame offices would convey might duly had their
communications and reports for the outside world executed in accordance
with the practice of the most up to date city offices, showing that,
although they were marooned 200 miles in the bush, yet they were
practising modem scientific business methods. This young lady occupied
one corner of the solitary room of a business office, apparently in
return for the execution of whatever typewriting the owners desired, and
she was in keen demand among one and all throughout the town, making, as
it w ere, a round of the various establishments in the manner of the
postman, or ready to answer a call from here, there, and everywhere. It
was certainly one of the strangest methods I had witnessed of making
good, and the experiment was evidently perfectly satisfactory to
The blacksmith is
another toiler who, taken on the whole, is in very keen demand. Rut he
must be conversant with every branch of his craft. At one moment he will
be required to shoe a horse, at another a damaged wheel will demand his
expert assistance, at a third perhaps a hinge will have to be overhauled
or made, or an agricultural implement put right—in fact, he will have to
be ready and competent to carry out any working in iron, no matter how
puzzling it may seem, that may be brought his way. In the frontier towns
as a rule the blacksmith is not very much in evidence. The railways and
other constructional works are quite ready to take on any son of Tubal
Cain that may present himself for employment. Many of the settlers in
the remote districts suffer from this deficiency, and it is by no means
unusual to find the blacksmith in many districts touring the country
within a certain distance of his home. Shoeing is the most urgent
requirement, seeing that the horse is the popular beast of burden, and
the settlers often are in a quandary when a horse has cast a shoe, and
possibly the blacksmith is fifteen miles away ! On one of our
pack-trains one of the boys was expert at farrier work and he carried
out all the demands in this direction, the shoes being carried readymade
in a variety of sizes upon the true American standardization principle,
and as a rule a horse could be reshod in about twenty minutes.
In seeking for
employment in such a country as Canada. success is dependent vitally
upon the character of the man. and his ability to determine the market
w7here his labour is likely to command its value. It is useless for a
cotton spinner to hang about the Crows’ Nest Collieries for work, while
a miner will wear the skin off his feet looking for a job in the
vicinity of Winnipeg. But if the cotton-spinner will come east, and the
mines will go Nova Scotia way, or west, then each will drop into his
appointed groove.
The “waster” has a
short life in Canada; he generally degenerates into a tramp. Similarly,
the man who is prepared only to do a fair day’s work for a fair day’s
pay receives a rude awakening. Nor are there any dead men’s shoes for
which the competent are compelled to wait in their determination to get
ahead. Individual exertion is the only lever by which one is able to get
on top. The man who lingers for a friendly boost will grow grey while
waiting. The “remittance man,” who is sent to Canada by his parents
because he is a constant source of anxiety and worry at home, and who is
regularly forwarded a certain sum of money to keep him from starvation
without work, has killed the chances of those who, deficient in pluck
and confidence in their own abilities to forge ahead, are content to
remain passive until others can give them a friendly push.
The heavy grinding mill
of experience has worn out the axiom that only men with influence behind
them can win. The man at the lowest rung of the ladder, who has no one
to give him a friendly jolt upwards, will, through grit and pluck, get
to the top long before the less competent, who is content to be pulled
along at the end of somebody's influential shoe-strings. While the man
with a card of introduction airs his heels outside the office of the
principal, waiting for an interview to give him the required start for
the position to which he aspires, the other man, working off his own
bat, will carry off the job through his own sheer merit and capacity. |