The tide of emigration
has been setting very strongly, and in increasing volume. Canada-wards
for many years past now, and the natural inference, judging from
statistics, is that the country is filing up and becoming settled very
speedily. This impression is quite erroneous. The last census came as a
startling eye-opener concerning the true state of affairs. The illusion
that settlement was proceeding effectively was dispelled ruthlessly.
The Dominion maintains
a very energetic emigration campaign in this country. The machinery is
perfect, no effort being spared to attract the most serviceable and
competent, as well as enterprising, spirits to its shores. Yet, when the
authorities receive the emigrants into the country, they fail to hold a
very significant proportion. Why? This is a, question that has been
asked time after time, and has been discussed vehemently in an academic
manner, but no tangible answer or panacea has been found.
It is a problem, which
bristles with difficulties of a perplexing character to a country with
conditions which demand peculiar treatment. Broadly, there are only tw o
seasons in the year, spring and autumn being so brief as to be
insignificant, and under the circumstances the violent extremes in
climate are experienced fully. This contrast affects the labour market
very decisively. In the summer there is work enough and to spare for
all—the demand overbalances the supply—but in the winter the pendulum
kicks just as viciously to the opposite extreme. Then, with more than
half the country and its staple industries shut down by the Ice and Snow
King, the surplus labour brought in to combat the summer glut of work is
throw n suddenly upon its own resources. The result is that a large
volume of labour is sent drifting hither and thither, the sport of
fortune, which, being unable to hibernate like the bear, has to do
something to keep the human engine going until the summer comes round
once more.
This flotsam and
jetsam, comprising some of the best types of workmen that are to be
found unpossessed of capital wherewith to secure a firm establishment in
the country, for the most part trickles southwards into the United
States upon the close of the Canadian summer. South of the border the
opportunities for employment are more varied and plentiful. The original
intention of the wanderer is to tide things over through the winter in
the States, and then to return to Canada with the spring ; but when a
man has shaken down to a new job at good wages, and can hold it as long
as he likes, naturally he concludes that the berth in the States among
100,000,000 people is better than two in Canada among less than
8,000,000 fellow-beings. The result is that Canada acts as a kind of
sieve, where labour sorts itself out, the best and strongest turning to
the south to leave the dregs to swell the ranks of the Canadian
The number of people
who emigrate to Canada, and who shed the dust of the country from their
feet at the end of the first summer, is astonishing While the greater
part wanders into the United States, a large proportion rambles
westwards until it is pulled up by the Pacific Ocean. Yet it pushes
onward to the Antipodes, to find a home where snow and wintry blasts are
unknown. According to statistics, the trend of emigration from Great
Britain appears to have swung from New York to Canada, but these figures
are fallacious. The How of emigration to the United States from this
country is just as imposing, if not more so, only it runs via Canada.
The Dominion Government parades the figures of those who enter its
boundaries, but is silent over those who pass out.
The Canadian
authorities do not appear to have gripped the problem of emigration, and
apparently fail to realize that the task of peopling its vast tracts of
waste is just as much a business proposition as the maintenance of its
harbours. Free tracts of land arc given tinder the Homestead Law with a
liberal hand, but of what avail is it to give a man a block of 100 acres
if he has not the money wherewith to start operations, and is not in a
position to wait a few years until the land is cleared and brought to a
stage of productivity? It is all very well to say that the homesteader
must be prepared to face short rations for two or three years, but even
a hand-to-mouth existence costs something, and the man with no more than
the £5 in his pocket which is necessary to enter the country is not
prepared to face such a proposition.
Instead of giving the
quarter-sections away in the raw condition, the Government should offer
them as partly manufactured. Each 160 acres should be developed to a
small degree for the new arrival. At least twenty acres of the land
ought to be cleared and broken ready for the first cropping, to give a
man a chance. Then, instead of leaving the immigrant to live as best he
can in a tent, or whatever other kind of shelter he can run up
temporarily, a substantial shack should be provided. The total cost of
such preliminary opera! ions would not represent more than £100, taking
it all round. In some places it would be much less, in others slightly
more, according to the situation of the land and its virgin condition.
A partially-developed
farm is far more attractive to the new arrival than an ugly blotch of
tangled and twisted primeval forest or a stretch of green rolling
prairie. The British emigrant can form no idea when seated beside the
fire of his home and dreaming of his prospects in Canada, of what
‘‘virgin conditions” mean in the .Dominion. The very blackest pictures
he can conjure up in his mind are seen through rosy glasses, as he finds
to his cost when he is dumped on to the land and able to look round. His
first thought is to “chuck the whole thing up,” and if he is
unaccompanied, he generally follows this inclination, preferring to
knock about from pillar to post, picking up a job and money as best he
can, to starvation upon 160 acres which are about as inviting as the
North Pole.
But if the farm were
partially developed, it would be attractive. Arriving in the early
spring, the immigrant would be able to buckle into the broken twenty
acres in the confidence that within a very few weeks his farm would be
bringing him something in. No matter how little the income might be, it
would be sufficient to spur the man on. The present laws could be
adapted to the situation by compelling the settler to continue, and to
complete so much additional improvement work every year. In fact, the
man on the land would have every inducement to do so. The subsequent
improvements would be carried out steadily and persistently, because the
man, having received a good boost, would strive heart and soul to
complete the work.
There is nothing more
back and heart-breaking or soul-suffering than clearing heavy virgin
land such as rolls away over the hills and dabs of Quebec, Ontario, and
British Columbia, and the man has to be made of pretty stem stuff, and
supplied with plenty of pluck and spirit, to keep going against such
odds. Under the present conditions, the average homesteader, from my own
investigations and experiences, likens the first few years of his life
to a dose of penal servitude, and, indeed the simile is not far wrong.
There would be no
necessity to make tho settler a free present of the money laid out in
initial improvement. It should rank as a loan, repayable within a
certain number of years, the outstanding balance bearing a fair rate of
interest—3, 4. or 4½ per cent, would be equitable. The country could not
complain that it was not receiving a fair return upon its investment,
inasmuch as it guarantees the bonds of various other undertakings, many
of which are more speculative than land, which is the backbone of any
nation, up to these limits. If possible, the payment of a deposit should
not be enforced, unless it were extremely nominal, because the average
settler would require all his savings for acquiring seed, stock, and
implements. The first payment should be small—say, from £5 to £10.
according to the outlay on the improvement work—and should be collected
at tire end of the first year’s labours. In fact, all the instalments
during the first three years should be nominal, just to give the man the
chance to get his feet planted firmly. Afterwards, the annual payments
might be made heavier, gradually increasing every year until the debt
was wiped off. The fundamental idea of such a scheme should be to permit
the man to liquidate the debt out of revenue, of course giving him the
option to increase the amount of any instalment, because a year’s fruit
from the land might enable him to contribute a heavier payment without
straining his resources, and he should also have the right to dispose of
the balance in one sum if he felt so disposed. In other words the man
should bo able to buy 160 acres of freehold land in Canada as easily and
comfortably as he can acquire £5 worth ot furniture in Britain.
The existing homestead
law need not be repealad, but such a scheme made merely supplementary
thereto, with such modifications in. the present legislation as the
latter might render necessary. For instance, a settler should not be
permitted to secure his patent for his farm in fewer years than is the
practice now in vogue, and the value of the annual improvements effected
under his own initiative should be equal to, or slightly more, than is
demanded at present, owing to the man having received a substantial
start. Under any circumstances, the settler should be refused the title
to his land until he bad repaid the cost of the Government’s initial
improvements, and should not be permitted to sell, lease, or otherwise
dispose of it, until the quarter section became his own unfettered
From the Government
point of view, the investment would become entirely self-supporting. No
risks whatever would bo incurred, as the official surveyors would guard
against indifferent land being brought within the scheme. If the project
were run upon a basis of, say, £100,000 being voted for the work per
annum, in the first year 1.000 farms would be started, and possibly
6.000 people settled tightly in the country, on tho average of six souls
to a family. From the end of the first year the scope of development
would extend automatically more and more every year, because the
instalments and interest would swell the annual appropriation, allowing
further money for the undertaking somewhat after the manner of the
well-known “snowball system.” In the course of a few years the annual
appropriation could be stopped, and the scheme permitted to continue
upon the instalments and interest coming in from the previous annual
The practicability of
such a project is afforded by the results of the Canadian Pacific
Railway’s experiment upon similar lines. Some three or four years ago
this corporation set aside a sum of money for “ready-made farms upon the
easy-payment system.” The idea received such whole-hearted support that-
now it has been converted into a substantial commercial undertaking. The
control, however, should be vested in the Government in preference to
private enterprise, unless the latter was hedged in tightly by
restrictions, so as to prevent abuses and the infliction of any
hardships upon the settler, in which event the scheme would be brought
into disrepute.
There is no reason to
doubt that, if the Canadian Government entertained the project
seriously, a loan would be instantly forthcoming. A guaranteed interest
of S} per cent, upon a, land loan would mate a wide appeal, and,
surmising that the Government set the rate of interest at 4\ per cent,
for the homesteader, the difference of 1 per cent, should be ample to
defray the cost of operating the enterprise. Indeed, it could be carried
out by the existing homestead organization through the agent of the Land
Office for the district. It would not be necessary even to create any
new machinery.
The future of Canada
depends entirely upon the settlement of its land, and there is another
possible method by which this end might be accomplished rapidly and
positively. It is especially applicable to now territories while they
are being opened up. Armies of men are engaged in carrying forward the
settling forces of civilization, such as the building of railways. At
the present moment it is safe to assume that some 50,000 men—practically
unskilled labour—is finding employment upon these enterprises. Every man
represents a unit in the floating and drifting population of the
Dominion. When their tasks are completed they wander about aimlessly
seeking for work, or waste their substance in riotous excesses. They
have no tie to any one spot, or even to the country; there is no
inducement to settle and to become permanent residents; they may be in
Canada to-day and in the States to morrow. The very character of their
work stamps them as men who are likely to develop into healthy,
energetic, law-abiding citizens, but not a single straw of encouragement
is thrown out to them. Quite one-tenth of the present population of
Canada may be reckoned in the category of “drifting,” and, being birds
of passage, they cannot be construed as inhabitants of Canada. They are
merely workers in the land who, when the bottom of the labour market
falls out, hike to assist in digging the Panama Canal or some other
undertaking outside the Dominion.
These men receive
possibly a clear one or two guineas a week in wages after they have paid
out all expenses. They cannot amass capital very quickly. Even if they
were as thrifty as the proverbial Scotsman, they could not put by more
than £«0 or £100 per annum. Obviously, it is impossible for them to
comply with the present Homestead Law, no matter how earnestly they
might desire to settle down. Why not give them the opportunity? It
should be possible to amend the law in such a way as to attract these
The end could be
achieved satisfactorily if the Government were to consider the period of
labour upon the railway as equivalent to residence for a similar length
of time upon a homestead. Quarter-sections might be placed at the
disposal of men who would undertake to work for three years continuously
upon the grade, and then upon the completion of that term, to have
handed to them the 160 acres of freehold free from restrictions. Of
course, it might be argued that such a system would lead to wild
speculation in land; that the labourers would make their applications
for their quarter-sections, and then, when they had received them, would
transfer them to some land-looter at a small figure, without carrying
out a pennyworth of improvements. This practice would be followed by a
few undoubtedly, but the majority would cling to their property, as it
would offer them something tangible, such an is not within their
perspective at present.
Suppose 100,000 men
made applications for quarter-sections directly such a scheme were
sanctioned. The Government would be certain of the services of that army
of 100 000 men upon certain undertakings, the completion of which are
urgent, for three years. The railways, or what not, would not be held up
periodically from a dearth of labour; there would be none of that
scurrying round from time to time in the endeavour to hustle men to the
grade. The line would be completed in a third of the time which is
necessary under existing conditions, and the country would derive the
benefit from this more expeditious completion. On the other hand, the
Government would be parting with only 25000 square miles of land—a very
small total, considering the vast area of the country which still
demands settlement—and this method of disposal would not cause the
Government to suffer in any way, as it gives the land away to-day.
If an inducement of
this character were held out, it would prove highly beneficial. From my
associations with the grade and the men in the railway camps. I know
full well that a large majority would settle down permanently on the
land if they were only given a fair chance. In many instances the men
would be encamped in close proximity to the farm to which they would
become entitled, and they would accordingly put in their leisure upon
its improvement, so that it might be in a first-class going condition by
the time their three years on the grade wa3 completed. The Government
might even go so far as to clear end break a portion of every
quarter-section, end provide a shack in readiness for the labourer’s
permanent occupation, the man contributing the cost thereof in
instalments meanwhile from his wages. The cost of the improvement, if it
represented, say, an outlay of £75 might be made payable in rnanual sums
by the grader during the three years he w as at constructional work, in
accordance with the terms of his contract.
Another advantage would
result from the scheme. The land set aside for such disposal might be
allocated entirely in the new country in which the graders were toiling.
In a- single stroke the new country would be set going the nucleus of a
healthy community would be settled on either side of the railway running
through the territory, and the revenue earning prospects of the new line
would be improved vastly. When a trunk railway penetrates entirely new
country, it is anticipated that a period of ten years must pass before
the line contiguous thereto becomes sufficiently opened up and
productive enough to render the line profitable. This shows how slowly
settlement and development proceeds if left to its own devices. But, by
giving the country a good start-off and the railway-graders a chance to
become permanent residents, progressive expansion would follow before
the line was open for traffic.
The time has come when
Canada will have to consider seriously the modification of its honest
trading laws. Other colonies and countries during the past few years
have entered the British emigration market, and by means of far better
attractions than are possessed by the Dominion are diverting the
emigration tide to their respective shores. In this respect Australia is
manifesting commendable energy. Curiously enough, I found a yearning
throughout the West among the British homesteading population to try
their luck in Australia, where it was maintained that a. man had far
rosier chances of making good than were offend in the Dominion. Many had
gone, I found, and the letters they w rote to their former friends and
neighbours were irresistibly enticing. Certainly, in Canada agricultural
pursuits have been narrowed down very considerably, owing to the craze
to grew wheat, and unless this tendency is checked and diversified
farming receives more encouragement, the Dominion will be relegated to a
back seat. The other colonies have not the bogey of a long, hard,
pitilessly cold winter to scare the settlers. Also, the Australian
Government has reduced emigration to a scientific and soundly commercial
basis. Considering the strategical position that the Dominion holds
geographically and economically, financially and commercially, in regard
to the heart of the Empire, its position should be assured. Agriculture
is the sheet-anchor of every country, but its scope must be broad.
Wheat, while an indispensable commodity, will often lead to a nation’s
undoing. A few years ago the United States held the world as a
wheat-growing country’. It was passed by its younger rival to the north,
and to-day Canada is in danger of being outpaced in this respect by the
Argentine, Australia and Russia. Climatically, Canada is not comparable
with its greatest rival, Australia, and in the panning of the emigration
sand, unless a more up-to-date and liberal policy is displayed, the
Antipodes will receive the gold, and Canada the dross, of labour. |