There is a hollow
roaring in the air—
The hideous hissing of ten thousand flames,
That from the centre of yon sable cloud
Leap madly up, like serpents in the dark,
Shaking their arrowy tongues at Nature’s heart.
IT is not my intention
to give a regular history of our residence in the bush, but merely to
present to my readers such events as may serve to illustrate a life in
the woods.
The winter and spring
of 1834 had passed away. The latter was uncommonly cold and backward; so
much so that we had a very heavy fall of snow upon the 14th and 15th of
May, and several gentlemen drove down to Cobourg in a sleigh, the snow
lying upon the ground to the depth of several inches.
A late, cold spring in
Canada is generally succeeded by a burning hot summer; and the summer of
’34 was the hottest I ever remember. No rain fell upon the earth for
many weeks, till nature drooped and withered beneath one bright blaze of
sunlight; and the ague and fever in the woods, and the cholera in the
large towns and cities spread death and sickness through the country.
Moodie had made during
the winter a large clearing of twenty acres around the house. The
progress of the workmen had been watched by me with the keenest
interest. Every tree that reached the ground opened a wider gap in the
dark wood, giving us a broader ray of light and a clearer glimpse of the
blue sky. But when the dark cedar-swamp fronting the house fell beneath
the strokes of the axe, and we got a first view of the lake, ray joy was
complete; a new and beautiful object was now constantly before me, which
gave me the greatest pleasure. By night and day, in sunshine or in
storm, water is always the most sublime feature in a landscape, and no
view can be truly grand in which it is wanting. From a child, it always
had the n powerful effect upon my mind, from the green ocean rolling in
majesty, to the tinkling forest rill, hidden by the flowers and rushes
along its banks. Half the solitude of my forest home vanished when the
lake unveiled its bright face to the blue heavens, and I saw sun, and
moon, and stars, and waving trees reflected there. I would sit for hours
at the window as the shades of evening deepened round me, watching the
massy foliage of the forests pictured in the waters, till fancy
transported me back to England, and the songs of birds and the lowing of
cattle were sounding in my ears. It was long, very long, before I could
discipline my mind to learn and practise all the menial employments
which are necessary in a good settler’s wife.
The total absence of
trees about the doors in all new settlements had always puzzled me, in a
country where the intense heat of summer seems to demand all the shade
that can be procured. My husband had left several beautiful rock-elms
(the most picturesque tree in the country) near our dwelling, but, alas
the first high gale prostrated all my fine trees, and left our log
cottage entirely exposed to the fierce rays of the sun.
The confusion of an
uncleared fallow spread around us on every side. Huge trunks of trees
and piles of brush gave a littered and uncomfortable appearance to the
locality, and as the weather had been very dry for some weeks, I heard
my husband daily talking with his choppers as to the expediency of
firing the fallow. They still urged him to wait a little longer, until
he could get a good breeze to carry the fire well through the brush.
Business called him
suddenly to Toronto, but he left a strict charge with old Thomas and his
sons, who were engaged in the job, by no means to attempt to burn it off
until he returned, as he wished to be upon the premises himself, in case
of any danger. He had previously burnt all the heaps immediately about
the doors.
While he was absent,
old Thomas and his second son fell sick with the ague, and went home to
their own township, leaving John, a surly, obstinate young man, in
charge of the shanty, where they slept, and kept their tools and
Monaghan I had sent to
fetch up my three cows, as the children were languishing for milk, and
Mary and I remained alone in the house with the little ones.
The day was sultry, and
towards noon a strong wind sprang up that roared in the pine tops like
the dashing of distant billows, but without in the least degree abating
the heat. The children were lying listlessly upon this floor for
coolness, and the girl and I were finishing sun bonnets, when Mary
suddenly exclaimed, “Bless us, mistress, what a smoke!” I ran
immediately to the door, but was not able to distinguish ten yards
before me. The swamp immediately below us was on fire, and the heavy
wind was driving a dense black cloud of smoke directly towards us.
“What can this mean?" I
cried. “Who can have set fire to the fallow?”
As I ceased speaking,
John Thomas stood pale and trembling before me. “John, what is the
meaning of this fire?”
“Oh, ma’am, I hope you
will forgive me; it was I set fire to it, and I would give all I have in
the world if I had not done it.”
“What is the danger?”
“Oh, I’m terribly
afear’d that we shall all be burnt up,” said the fellow, beginning to
“Why did you run such a
risk, and your master from home, and no one on the place to render the
least assistance?”
“I did it for the
best,” blubbered the lad. “What shall we do?”
“Why, we must get out
of it as fast as we can, and leave the house to its fate.”
“We can’t get out,”
said the man, in a low, hollow tone, which seemed the concentration of
fear; “I would have got out of it if I could; but just step to the back
door, ma’am, and see.”
I had not felt the
least alarm up to this minute; I had never seen a fallow burnt, but I
had heard of it as a thing of such common occurrence that I had never
connected with it any idea of danger. Judge then, my surprise, my
horror, when, on going to the back door, I saw that the fellow, to make
sure of his work, had fired the field in fifty different places. Behind,
before, on every side, we were surrounded by a wall of fire, burning
furiously within a hundred yards of us, and cutting off all possibility
of retreat; for could we have found an opening through the burning
heaps, we could not have seen our way through the dense canopy of smoke;
and, buried as we were in the heart of the forest, no one could discover
our situation till we were beyond the reach of help.
I closed the door, and
went back to the parlour. Fear was knocking loudly at my heart, for our
utter helplessness annihilated all hope of being able to effect our
escape —I felt stupefied. The girl sat upon the floor by the children,
who, unconscious of the peril that hung over them, had both fallen
asleep. She was silently weeping; while the fool who had caused the
mischief was crying aloud.
A strange calm
succeeded my first alarm; tears and lamentations were useless; a
horrible death was impending over us, and yet I could not believe we
were to die. I sat down upon the step of the door, and watched the awful
scene in silence. The fire was raging in the cedar-swamp, immediately
below the ridge on which the house stood, and it presented a spectacle
truly appalling. From out the dense folds of a canopy of black smoke,
the blackest I ever saw' leaped up continually red forks of lurid flame
as high as the tree tops, igniting the branches of a group of tall pines
that had been left standing for saw-logs.
A deep gloom blotted
out the heavens from our sight. The air was filled with fiery particles,
which floated even to the door-step—while the crackling and roaring of
the flames might have been heard at a great distance. Could we have
reached the lake shore, where several canoes were moored at the landing,
by launching out into the water we should have been in perfect safety;
but, to attain this object, it was necessary to pass through this mimic
hell; and not a bird could have flown over it with unscorched wings.
There was no hope in that quarter, for, could we have escaped the
flames, we should have been blinded and choked by the thick, black,
resinous smoke.
The fierce wind drove
the flames at the sides and back of the house up the clearing; and our
passage to the road, or to the forest, on the right and left, was
entirely obstructed by a sea of flames. Our only ark of safety was the
house, so long as it remained untouched by the consuming clement. I
turned to young Thomas, and asked him how long he thought that would be.
“When the fire clears
this little ridge in front, ma’am. The Lord have mercy upon us, then, or
we must all go!”
“Cannot you, John, try
and make your escape, and see what can be done for us and the poor
children My eye fell upon the sleeping angels, locked peacefully in each
other’s arms, and my tears flowed for the first time.
Mary, the servant-girl,
looked piteously up in my face. The good, faithful creature had not
uttered one word of complaint, but now she faltered forth,
“The dear, precious
lambs!—Oh! such a death!”
I threw myself down
upon the floor beside them, and pressed them alternately to my heart,
while inwardly I thanked God that they were asleep, unconscious of
danger, and unable by their childish cries to distract our attention
from adopting any plan which might offer to effect their escape.
The heat soon became
suffocating. We were parched with thirst, and there was not a drop of
water in the house, and none to be procured nearer than the lake. I
turned once more to the door, hoping that a passage might have been
burnt through to the water. I saw nothing but a dense cloud of fire and
smoke—could hear nothing but the crackling and roaring of the flames,
which were gaining so fast upon us that I felt their scorching breath in
my face.
“Ah,” thought I—and it
was a most bitter thought— “what will my beloved husband say when he
returns and finds that his poor Susy and his dear girls have perished in
this miserable manner? But God can save us yet!"
The thought had
scarcely found a voice in my heart before the wind rose to a hurricane,
scattering the flames on all sides into a tempest of burning billows. I
buried my head in my apron, for I thought that our time was come, and
that all was lost, when a most terrific crash of thunder burst over our
heads, and, like the breaking of a water-spout, down came the rushing
torrent of rain which had been pent up for so many weeks.
In a few minutes the
chip-yard was all afloat, and the fire effectually checked. The storm
which, unnoticed by us, had been gathering all day, and which was the
only one of any note we had that summer, continued to rage all night,
and before morning had quite subdued the cruel enemy, whose approach we
had viewed with such dread.
The imminent danger in
which we had been placed struck me more forcibly after it was past than
at the time, and both the girl and myself sank upon our knees, and
lifted up our hearts in humble thanksgiving to that God who had saved us
by an act of His Providence from an awful and sudden death. When all
hope from human assistance was lost, His hand was mercifully stretched
forth, making His strength more perfectly manifested in our weakness:—
“He is their stay when
earthly help is lost,
The light and anchor of the tempest-toss’d.”
There was one person
unknown to us, who had watched the progress of that rash blaze, and had
even brought his canoe to the landing, in the hope of getting us off.
This was an Irish pensioner named Dunn, who had cleared a few acres on
his government grant, and had built a shanty on the opposite shore of
the lake.
“Faith, madam! an’ I
thought the captain was stark, staring mad to fire his fallow on such a
windy day, and that blowing right from the lake to the house. When Old
Wittals came in and towld us that the masther was not to the fore, but
only one lad, an’ the wife an’ the childer at home,—think’s I, there’s
no time to be lost, or the erafchurs will be burnt up intirely. We
started in-stanther, but, by Jove! we were too late. The swamp was all
in a blaze when we got to the landing, and you might as well have thried
to get to heaven by passing through the other place.”
This was the eloquent
harangue with which the honest creature informed me the next morning of
the efforts he had made to save us, and the interest he had felt in our
critical situation. I felt comforted for my past anxiety, by knowing
that one human being, however humble, had sympathised in our probable
fate; while the providential manner in which we had been rescued will
ever remain a theme of wonder and gratitude.
The next evening
brought the return of my husband, who listened to the tale of our escape
with a pale and disturbed countenance; not a little thankful to find his
wife and children still in the land of the living.
For a long time after
the burning of that fallow, it haunted me in my dreams. I would awake
with a start, imagining myself fighting with the flames, and
endeavouring to carry my little children through them to the top of the
clearing, when invariably their garments and my own took fire just as I
was within reach of a place of safety. |