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The Canadian Horticulturist
Published by the Fruit Growers Association of Ontario

The Directors of the Fruit Crowers’ Association have long felt the importance of having a monthly publication as a medium of communication between the members, and a means of imparting information on subjects of interest, more frequently and promptly than can be done by the Annual Report. And now, .after careful deliberation, they have decided to make the experiment, and commence to-day the issue of the Horticulturist, in the hope that it will find favor with the members. It will be devoted chiefly to the publication of such information as is sought after by those who are interested in fruit culture, yet not neglecting those kindred subjects which are closely connected with that pursuit. The lover of fruits is also usually a lover of flowers, and delights to surround the house with a well kept lawn. It will therefore contain occasional articles intended to guide and help those who seek to cultivate flowering plants and shrubs, and to make their grounds bright with summer flowers. And if the less showy, but not less important vegetable garden should have a place now and then in these pages, there are those among the readers, it is believed, who will welcome any timely information in this department also.

But while the Directors will spare no pains to make the Horticulturist acceptable and profitable, it will nevertheless be, in a very large degree, what the members shall make it. If they shall use it as the medium through which they tell each other of success and of failure with particular fruits, flowers, trees, &c., and in which they ask for information upon doubtful points, then will it become what the Directors hope, a mirror, in which is reflected continually the Horticultural progress and skill of Ontario. They ask therefore that the members will regard it as their publication, put forth in their interests, to help them in whatever way it can, and to be used by them for the promotion of Horticulture in this Canada of ours.

Here is a sample article from Volume 1...


As long ago as in the Autumn of 1873, Mr. I’. C. Dempsey, Albury, Prince Edward County, exhibited at the Emit Growers’ meeting a few bunches of a grape that on account of the beauty of its appearance, its earliness of ripening, and delicacy of flavor, attracted much attention and called forth universal praise. In due time a committee was appointed to visit Mr. Dempsey’s grounds and examine the vine and fruit; and such was the character of their report that the Directors requested Mr. Dempsey to propagate it largely, so as to be able to supply the Association with vines sufficient to give one to each member. Since this arrangement was made, the members have become familiar with its general appearance through the colored lithograph which was presented to them in the Report for 1876. Air. Dempsey has given to this excellent grape the name of our honored President, and henceforth it will be known in the Pomological world as the “Burnet” grape.

This grape was raised by fertilizing the Hartford Prolific with pollen from the Black Hamburgh. The vine seems to possess much resemblance to the Hartford Prolific, is a vigorous grower, of robust and healthy constitution, very productive and hardy. The fruit is very like that of the Black Hamburgh, the bunch is large, slightly shouldered; berries large, sweet, and delicately flavored, having nothing of the foxiness of the Hartford Prolific. The flesh is tender, almost melting, with none of the tough pulpiness of the most of our hardy grapes. It also ripens early, somewhat earlier than the Hartford Prolific, and considerably before the Concord. Our members are to lie congratulated on the reception of so valuable a grape—one that gives promise of being held in lasting estimation as a variety of unusual excellence, and adapted to general cultivation in nearly all parts of our Province. It will be sent to all who are members this year as early in the Spring as the season will permit.

Volume 1 (1878)

Another 45 or so issues can be found on the Internet Archive and also at the Biodiversity Heritage Library.

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