Growing in Canada By the Canadian
Department of Agriculture
The potato is one of
the important crops in the Canadian agricultural economy. In addition to
being the premier vegetable it ranks fifth among the field crops from
the standpoint of gross farm value. The potato has a wide adaptation and
succeeds well in most areas of Canada. It is grown on more farms and in
more gardens than any other single agricultural plant, reaching its
greatest importance in the Maritime Provinces where it provides a large
part of the total agricultural revenue.
In Canada potatoes are
used chiefly for human consumption. They are an economical food and an
excellent source of carbohydrates but have a relatively low content of
calcium and Vitamin A. When used with foods rich in protein, such as
meat, milk, cheese, fish, and eggs, they form an important part of the
Potatoes Canada
Potatoes Canada is your gateway to
opportunity in Canada’s potato world. Our organization brings together
leaders and stakeholders from across the country, representing every
sector of our vast industry.
Did you know that McDonald's World Famous
Fries are made from whole potatoes harvested mainly from farms in New
Brunswick, Alberta, and Manitoba? Watch and see exactly how our fries
get made, from the farm to the fryer.