The figures on record for the Dominion of Canada
regarding lumber production differ somewhat from those of the
provinces added together because the Federal Parliament itself
controls the timber in the several territories which have not yet
reached provincehood, and also controls some of the timber in the
provinces, such as that on Indian reserves. Besides, the provincial
statistics take account of the timber cut on Crown lands only, that
is, lands belonging to the province, while the Federal statistics
take in the timber cut on private lands as well.
The following tables of production are made up
from the most reliable sources' obtainable. Owing to the better
equipment for taking the census in later years, the later the census
the more correct it is likely to be. Thus in some cases what looks
like a reduction may really be a more exact census. This must be
true in some cases, since Canada’s exports were never so large as
now, nor was her internal development ever before progressing at
such a rapid rate, and yet production in some lines appears
lessened. The world’s demand for forest products is increasing with
the increase of population, and on a per capita basis as well, and
Canada is one of the great available sources of supply.
