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Statistics Canada

Statistics Canada, a member of the Industry Portfolio, produces statistics that help Canadians better understand their country—its population, resources, economy, society and culture.

In addition to conducting a Census every five years, there are about 350 active surveys on virtually all aspects of Canadian life.

In Canada, providing statistics is a federal responsibility. As Canada’s central statistical office, Statistics Canada is legislated to serve this function for the whole of Canada and each of the provinces and territories.

Objective statistical information is vital to an open and democratic society. It provides a solid foundation for informed decisions by elected representatives, businesses, unions and non-profit organizations, as well as individual Canadians. As a member of the United Nations Statistical Commission, Statistics Canada endorses the Fundamental principles of official statistics.

Canada Year Book 2011

Table of contents

Chapter 1: Aboriginal peoples
Chapter 2: Agriculture
Chapter 3: Business, consumer and property services
Chapter 4: Business performance and ownership
Chapter 5: Children and youth
Chapter 6: Construction
Chapter 7: Crime and justice
Chapter 8: Culture and leisure
Chapter 9: Economic accounts
Chapter 10: Education, training and learning
Chapter 11: Energy
Chapter 12: Environment
Chapter 13: Ethnic diversity and immigration
Chapter 14: Families, households and housing
Chapter 15: Geography
Chapter 16: Government
Chapter 17: Health
Chapter 18: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Chapter 19: Information and communications technology
Chapter 20: International trade
Chapter 21: Labour
Chapter 22: Languages
Chapter 23: Manufacturing
Chapter 24: Population and demography
Chapter 25: Prices and price indexes
Chapter 26: Retail and wholesale
Chapter 27: Science and technology
Chapter 28: Seniors
Chapter 29: Society and community
Chapter 30: Transportation
Chapter 31: Travel and tourism

CYB 2011 also includes:

Abbreviations and symbols listing
List of maps, charts and tables

Canada at a Glance

Canada at a Glance presents current Canadian demographic, education, health and aging, justice, housing, income, labour market, household, economic, travel, financial, agricultural, foreign trade and environmental statistics. This booklet also includes important international comparisons, so that readers can see how Canada stacks up against its neighbours. Updated yearly, Canada at a Glance is a very useful reference for those who want quick access to current Canadian statistics.

You can visit this web page at: where you can click on the topics in the left column to learn more.

You can visit their main web site at

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