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Past and Present
The Conference and the Crayons

There is not a more genial, sociable, warmhearted class of men in the world than Methodist preachers—whether found in the conventional society of Old England—the heartiness of Irish intercourse—the orential tendencies of European population in the East—amid the untrammeled sayings and doings of Yankeedom at large—or the melange of manners and habits which are exhibited in a British American, Colony, where all is yet knew, crude, and in a state of transition, such as Canada, taken as a whole, has been, if not still, is a fair example. The theology they hold and teach, which asserts universal redemption, and “ offers life to all”—the experience they have had of God’s willingness to save the vilest of the vile, which enables them to sing—

“Deeper than hell He plucked me thence,
Deeper than imbred sin.”

The perfect level on whieh they stand with each other in point of allowances and elegibility for offices—their rotation in the same fields of labor, bringing them acquainted with the same places and people—the training they have had and ever continue to have in Christian sociality in the class-room, the fellowship meeting, and the lovefeast—a partnership in the same toils and trials, the same privations and sufferings, all tend to endear them to each other ; and to place them 011 a footing of familiarity and fraternity not to be found among any other class of men. It is not to be wondered at, therefore, if the meeting of two or three hundred of these men in Conference is looked forward to, after the responsibilities and anxieties of a year, as a season of welcome relaxation and of pleasurable and profitable intercourse with those they love. Here brothers and sons of the same earthly parents meet, now doubly dear to each other, “ both in the flesh and in the Lord”—here old school-fellows, class-mates, or college chums, re-unite—and here former colleagues,

“Old soldiers of the cross,
“Who have struggled long and hard for heaven,”

embrace each other, shed the tear of fond recollection on each others shoulders, or “fight their battles o’er again,” in the cozy breakfast room of some indulgent Gaius, where the presiding genius at the tea-urn, looks as though she felt it to be her highest felicity to make the weather-beaten itinerant happy, and the strained and sparkling eyes of the little ones (God bless them !) betray the wonder they feel at the strange recitals, while some good little boy whispers in his mother’s ear, as his lips quiver with emotion, “Mama, I mean to be a minister!”

The pleasure is augmented to the individual when the place of the Conference’s meeting chances to be an old and favorite station, where, perchance, many of the now active members are his personal friends or his spiritual children : and this may be the case with several ministers in reference to that particular place. The scramble for these, and the loving altercation which shall have this or that one of them as a permanent lodger during the Conference, give no little perplexity to the current ministerial incumbents in their endeavors to make out a satisfactory “billet.” Sometimes the parties take the matter into their own hands, the householders writing off, frequently three months before the Conference, to those ministers they wish to be their guests. IF they consent, the matter is fixed. Afe all cannot have their choice, the disappointment must be compensated for by the preachers going out to tea, or dinner, whether to meet old parishoners, or former colleagues. '

But while there is this feeling of equality and fraternity among the men who compose the Conference, there is a diversity which is to be found no where else, Methodism has won its trophies and enlisted into its ministry men from all the walks of life, from all professions and trades, and with every variety of early training, both secular and religious. There, is a young man whose parents were wealthy and yet pious, who brought ^ him up in the fear of God and gave him a liberal education—all of which advantages of early culture, good habits, polished manners, and learned attainments he has brought with him into the ministry. Along side of him sits a brother, who perhaps takes his turn in the same circuits and offices, and who seems to sustain himself a3 well, and speaks with the same boldness in the deliberations of the body—only that there is an idiosyncracy about him not observable in the other—one who was born of poorer parents, perchance in the army, or on the mighty deep ; one, who it may be, was schooled among rough men—in the barrack room, the sailor’s mess, the backwoodsman’s shanty, among lumbermen and raftsmen, who is self-taught (excepting that he has taken the “ Conference Course” under the direction of his chairman) and who if he has not been classically trained, has by dint of reading and observing everything that came in his road, picked up a great deal of practical, and a great deal of an out-of-the-way sort of knowledge, which the grace of God makes available in the service of religion. The other knows more of books; this one knows more of men and things.

The former has seen the smoother side of humanity; the latter has seen both sides of it, particularly the rougher.

In our Colonial Conferences are Englishmen, Irishmen, now a large infusion of Scotchmen, some Americans, now and then a Dutchman, men of Welch extraction, a few Frenchmen, and native-born Colonists of all kinds. Our Canadian Conference exhibits these varieties in “glorious confusion.” Nor have we merely natives of different countries, but men who have seen ministerial life in almost every part of the world and under almost every possible aspect. Men who have labored amid the matured institutions of English Methodism—others who have grappled with the disadvantages and privations which Methodist Ministers experience in Ireland—some who have known it in the presbyterio-prelatical form it has assumed in the United States—several who have labored in two or three other British Colonies besides this—some men who have traversed the frozen snow-banks of the far, far North—and those who have labored for their Master’s cause under the enervating rays of a vertical sun within the tropics. These men have “ seen life” in all its aspects. They have enjoyed the princely hospitality of the wealthy planter, and have sat down in the huts of his field hands; they have kept the polished society of foreign British officials, civil and military, and they have held daily intercourse with the peasantry and the poor of all grades and classes. One night they have slept in a bed of down in the mansion of the rich; another they have turned and shivered on a straw pallet in the cottage of the poor. To-day, they feast on roast beef and plum pudding; to-morrow it is well if they have a dinner at all. They hold frequent and delighted converse with the most gifted and cultivated minds; but they still more frequently commune with the lowly minds of the uneducated.

While, therefore, there is one thing which gives unity of aim and effort, and sympathy of feeling to this strangely constituted body; that is, while

“The love of Christ doth them constrain,
To seek the wandering souls of men,”

it is not to be wondered at if they should view an existing question in very different points of light; and discuss it as variously. Years ago, to us it was a source of amusement to sii jfn the Conference and watch this diversity. Sometimes we have been drawn out on this subject among our friends in the social circle ; and always found that our description of its members excited interesting attention. Several years ago some of our ministerial brethren requested that we would prepare a volume of Takings. This proposal we always refused to comply with, on the ground of its questionable utility, and because the doing of such a deed had once been formally condemned by very high authority. After that condemnation, however, sketches of living Ministers, Methodist as well as others, obtained in Europe and particularly in the United States, which publications were sold by our own Book-Hoom authorities, and eagerly read by both ministers and members. Seeing which, my conscientious scruples began to relax a little. I thought also, if they portray the outward man on canvass, why not the inward on the pages of a book? If the inner-man of the morally deformed be portrayed, as it is every <Jay; why not paint the features of those who are renewed in heart ? And if we read with interest the description of living ministers in Europe and the United States, why would not the description of Canadian Wesleyan ministers be equally, if not more interesting? Besides, this pictorial method may be made the medium of conveying information on the present phases of our Colonial Methodism, and of teaching many a grave moral lesson in this agreeable way to those who are young, both lay and clerical? These considerations had nearly converted me, when, on going to the Conference last summer (1859) I picked up at my boarding place, for the first time, Watson’s “Tales and Takings,” of the U. S. Conference. I had had some “tales" by me for some years which now constitute the bulk of this volume. I thought I plight hit off a few “ takings,” and thus produce a Canadian book of a similar character to that of Mr. Watson’s. A few of those whom I knew best were briefly sketched—published in a paper for which I sometimes wrote, and handed around among those on whose judgment I could most rely, as a sort of feelert when the verdict rather appearing to be in their favor, I went on and published a large number through the same medium. They have been freely criticised, as a consequence; some have been cancelled, and most have been revised, or retouched. As the name imports, they do not claim to be finished pictures, but Crayons, of rough pencil sketches. The author has drawn his subjects, not to caricature them, but to present the moral beauty comprised in the contour of each face. His discussing the peculiarities of his brethren and the distinctive attributes of their ministry must not be regarded as setting himself above them. Many a writer presumes to review a work which he owns he could not have produced. So with us, we feel the worst of these men to be superior to ourself. We have portrayed them as we would have done the beauties of inanimate nature. Yet all must be aware, that lights necessarily require shades, or else there can be no picture whatever. We have used as little shading as possible, except in the case of some particular friends, whom we knew to have sense to perceive the reason and to make the allowances. Some of those we have sketched with the boldest hand and made the deepest lines, are precisely the ones we have the greatest admiration of—the Editor of the Guardian and the Chairman of the Toronto District, for instance, not to mention any of the others referred to. Some really good and humble men may, on the other hand, object that theirs are too flattering. They must allow othe people to judge for them ; and men who make such an objection, are not much in danger of being spoiled by flattery. We have sketched none we did not heartily approve of on the whole. There may be others we as ardently admire whom we did not sketch, simply because we could not describe every one, and did not “get the thought” of those particular ones in time. Some excellent men would have been gladly laid hold of* if we |ia,d not learned that they had decided objections to such freedoms with their names and doings. We freely own we have not said all the good of any one mentioned we might have done, but that would have made them too long. Some of the most superior men have the shortest description. If we have not placed any one in so good a light as he Reserved, he must reflect that these claim to be but one person’s opinion—and his, we frankly admit, of no great importance.

The very minuteness with which we try to stave off every possible objection is evidence that we feel that we, perhaps too Recklessly, have ventured on very ticklish ground. If we have erred, or injured any brother’s feelings, we humbly ask forgiveness. There are simply two things that encourage us a lit* tie—we are ministering to a great many living readers’ gratification ; and we shall have the thanks of posterity for our cc-temporary descriptions of so many of the excellent ministers of this age. And it may be a salvo to others, if they think they have been made too free with, that the “ poor author/’ is at the present moment the most thoroughly criticised man in the connexion. We leave the prefatory note to the editor of the paper in which they were first published, as a farther explanation of our views.


For the Hastings Chronicle.
Hamilton, June 1st, 1859.

Mr. Editor,—I have thought that a few Charcoal Sketches of members of the Wesleyan Methodist Conference now in session, might beguile the leisure moments of my sojourn in this city, and perhaps interest some of your readers, and I trust hurt nobody; for “naught shall be set down in malice.” And if I take more liberty than some modest men would like, they must try to remember that much similar to what I write, is said about them every day, and that public men are public property; also, the consideration of personal characteristics may be useful in a great many ways.

Yours considerately,


"Having resolved to try and hit off, in an easy manner, a few of the more prominent members of the Canadian Wesleyan Conference, I begin with one of the oldest, one who was superannuated last year, but who still thinks himself effective, as he has applied for restoration to the active work. We have heard somewhere, that British soldiers never know when they are beaten. In this respect, as in all others, Father Corson is a true Briton. He thinks he is as capable of circuit work as ever he was ; and physically, I think he is nearly so. But, alas for the dear old man! he, as some others of us, is behind the times,—though, like most others in a similar predicament, he does not know it. He never was distinguished for very great intellectual power, although a shrewd man, and his early education was defective, a defect he never greatly remedied by private study, although he has beep one of the most voluminous readers in the Conference. Even yet, he reads more books through in a year than almost any man we wot of. Furthermore, he has an excellent memory for the historical parts of what he reads. He is a sort of standing table of reference for facts and dates relating to American Methodism. Notwithstanding the drawbacks above mentioned, he has done good service for the Lord in the woods and wilds of Canada, during the last thirty-five or forty years. We remember our first sight of him at a camp-meeting thirty years ago, when his word was like electric fire among the people. And if he is not highly educated himself, he has raised up a family of educated sons, who are an honor to him, while they bear traces of the intellectual superiority of a good and dignified mother. Our hero never filled a City appointment, but he has traversed and re-traversed nearly all the rural parts of the Province, from Kingston to Sarnia, and from Lakes Ontario and Erie to Huron and Simcoe. For preaching often, and visiting he has no equal. He has been known to preach forty times in the month, and to visit a dozen families before breakfast. He has never filled any office in the connexion higher than that of Superintendent of a circuit, and has never received any particular mark of his brethren’s appreciation, although he lives in the affections of every brother’s heart. We know not that he ever published anything beyond a letter in a newspaper, but we once knew him to have written what we wish he had published.

No person ever bore toil and lack of honor better. He has sometimes made humorous allusion to his great abilities and high position. Humor is his forte. His is of the most broad and grotesque, yet genial and pious character. How he has “ brought down the house” (for be it known, he is a celebrated Conference debater,) all acquainted with the deliberations of Conference very well know. In this respect he has answered a valuable purpose in our ecclesiastical discussions, often dissipating the acrimonious feelings engendered by a stormy debate, by one of his irresistibly ludicrous speeches. Though ludicrous, they are not trifling; he is often most laughable when most in earnest. Father C. holds very decided opinions on all questions, and is not afraid to express them either. He often does the latter by very sound arguments, which would be really weighty and convincing, if it were not for the odd and humorous way in which they were put. To see him rise in Conference is the signal for a titter of delight to run through the assembly, while significant nods, and winks, and smiles, amount to saying, “ now for some innocent amusement.” The make of his tawny, good natured face, is comical; and his nod, when he addresses “Mr. President,” is formed on the most approved gchool-boy model of other days, when the urchin was expected to bring down his head to every passing stranger, in the use of the strictly enjoined “bow,” with a jerk that was serious to the vertebrae of the neck. But if our hero’s arguments are not telling in the ordinary sense, he often makes very lucky hits, which do good without hurting much. We have two of these in our rememberance, which were decidedly rich, but hesitate a little for the present in publishing them.

Still it must not be forgotten, that though Father Corson often provokes a laugh, he frequently beguiles the people of their tears, as he is by no means parsimonious of his own. Nor are they crocodile tears either; he has a warm, tender, and pious heart.

This old-fashioned itinerant, by an odd juxtaposition, has settled himself at Cobourg, where our rising Ministry are receiving the polish of a liberal education. They may very profitably take some leaves out of his book.

May God in mercy give him a serene old age, and the happy death of a “good soldier of Jesus Christ,” such as he is! Amen.


I am about to try my hand on a very different subject from the last. It is said, I believe, that an artist finds it harder to paint the face of a model beauty, than one who has some features a little out of proportion. It is true, I refer not in this to the personal appearance of my subject. He is no beauty, yet a personable, comfortable looking man,—healthy, florid, and bulky without obesity, An intelligent Scottish gentleman said he liked to see him on the platform, as one felt, from his appearance, “ that there was no danger of his breaking down.”

Our subject has a well balanced mind. He unites a very emotional nature, with a very sound and sagacious judgment. He is prudent and cautious almost to timidity, which sometimes leads him, I have thought, (though I may be mistaken,) to lose the most favorable opportunity of effecting some important object. He is not forward to take on himself responsibility which he thinks belongs to others ; and yet we have sometimes known him to shoulder a great deal.

He must be a man of very successful management, or he would not have enjoyed the uninterrupted confidence of the British and Canadian Conferences so long continuously as he has: having been Chairman of a District in New Brunswick for several years,—Superintendent of Missions in Canada ever since the re-construction of the “Union,”—and President of the Conference no less than seven years in succession.

He began his itinerant labors in the West Indies, where he published an interesting little work, embracing some affecting matters of pastoral experience. Since then, we have hot heard of his publishing anything, excepting his well written Missionary Reports. He seems to have had a thorough business education. As to matters of learning, it would be harder to tell what he don’t know, than what he does. He has been offered, and declined, the degree of Doctor in Divinity. His general information is extensive; he has seen a great deal of what the world calls “good society,” but seems to prefer the company of the pious to all others. He can be punctiliously polite when required, or very free and familiar among his friends; he can indulge in or take a joke when it is not out of character.

As to public engagements, he rather shrinks from notoriety than courts it. He is retiring and domestic almost to a fault yet capable of the n^ost successful public effort when he tries, being a genial, able preacher, and an eloquent platform speaker.

He is English by birth and education, but a Colonist by adoption and feeling. He is Conservative, yet progressive. In a word, a great, good, kind, wise man is the Rev. Enoch Wood.

May he long hold his present honorable and useful position!


I turn my eyes to another man of port and presence, who, if a good physique be a matter of so much consequence to mental healthfulness and activity, as some psycologists maintain, ought to be the greatest man in the Conference; for he is large, strong, and well proportioned; and all who know him must confess that he is no mean man.

First of all, he has evidently no ill opinion of himself, and this self-reliance has borne him up in many an emergency, always supposing also that he has had a proper reliance on God.

He is a Canadian—a Bay of Quinte man. Converted in early life, and faithful to the present—a period of over thirty years—a good part of which has been spent in the Wesleyan Ministry. He went out in 1832.

He received an excellent business education, and has a taste for secular and commercial matters. This may account for his being chosen to act so often on financial committees. Nor has any man in the connexion subserved the interests of the church’s temporalities more than he. He seems to have a penchant for helping every one in the management of his business. I don’t mean to say this disparagingly; it is not done with offensive obtrusiveness. Yet he has done a great deal of thankless drudgery for others; but sometimes he has earned and received the deepest gratitude from those whom he has thus served.

He is a good pathetic preacher, with a plaintive, tear-extorting delivery; and I think feels very much when he makes others feel; a correct speaker, and fair sermonizer. His singing makes him interesting in social meetings; his voice undulates and quavers.

He does not make so much impression in his Conference speeches as he would if he did not fidget about so much when he speaks, and were he a little more lucid in his arguments. We think he is rising above these defects.

He has had his share of honor and responsibility; has been Principal of Mount Elgin Industrial School; Chairman of two Districts; and is now the heir-apparent to the throne of the Book-steward, at some future day. His name is as fragrant as a Bose.


I now sketch a twin-spirit of - the last. He is not so stout, but he makes up in length what he wants in breadth. Tall, straight, strong, wiry, spry on foot, enduring. A fine person of a man is he ; and a man every inch of him, too. Perhaps if there had been a little infusion of a softer metal, to modify the stern steel of which he is composed, it would have been better in the estimation of some.

Thoughtful and pains-taking, he has strong confidence in his own judgment. This gives him great advantages, with some drawback of unpopularity at times to one who is really a kind hearted as well as honorable man.

Pretension aside, he is really a very versatile, capable, yea, wonderful man. Few men are so clever in so many things as he.

He is a New Englander by birth—a New Brunswicker by education—and a Canadian by adoption. That is, he has .adopted our cause and country, and we have adopted him. IIo is one of the first-fruit benefits of our reunion with the British Conference. He has done us good service—as City Preacher and Superintendent—Chairman—Church Builder—and Treasurer and Moral Governor of Victoria College.

I do not know that he is ambitious, I rather think not; but he is so buoyant, he will always keep on top. There is nothing in the way of effort in connexion with the Church’s operation, he would not, if called to do it, undertake to do—even if she should confide to him the task of amputating a leg or an arm. He has any amount of physical nerve or courage, and has performed in his time prodigies of adventure—such as floating several miles on a strong-currented river on two inch boards, one laid on top of the other; driving his cutter a long distance through four feet of water; and swimming a river holding on to his horse’s bridle.

He is clear-headed, logical; debates well, keeps his temper, and exerts a great influence. He will, however, be estimated for all he is worth. Without the grace of God, he would not have been so amiable and interesting as he is—a beautiful example of sanctified manliness. He is powerful in prayer, and a real revival preacher.

He may sometimes do a little harm, unwittingly—but will do a great deal of good on the whole—and will, there is little doubt, get to heaven at last. We want to get ready to meet him there. Amen. Need any one be told we speak of the Bev. S. D. Rice?


If we are to have a picture gallery of Canadian Wesleyan Ministers, this one should have stood first in order,—not only by virtue of his office, but also by virtue of the tout ensemble which make up his well-balanced character, both as a man and a, Minister. But the writer, for that very reason, as in another case already mentioned, has felt that diffidence to begin, which an artist would feel in attempting to sketch a faultless subject. But as we are now in for it, we must make a venture.

He is a native of England—fair and florid in complexion— medium sized, but symmetrical, compact, and heavy. He has the orator’s full chest. We judge him possessed of great muscular strength. There are traditions of youthful feats of agility and strength, some of which he gave up at a very early age, as incompatible with his religious profession. Judging from his active habits and long-continued labours in different parts of the world, it is plain he must have great powers of endurance. Although he began his itinerant career at the age of nineteen, and has continued it in “summer’s heat and winter’s cold,” by sea and land, for thirty-five years, at least, he would easily pass for one whose age was only thirty-five. He is the son, we are told, of an old Methodist Class-leader, (a good parentage) ; was made a Local Preacher when a mere boy,—and, as we have already hinted, began to labor in the full Ministry at the early age of nineteen. His first appointment was to Lower Canada, then Upper Canada, then England, then Gibraltar, and was then called home to England again. From England he came out to Canada as “Superintendent of Canada Missions,” on the formation of the first “Union” with the Conference. That office he filled to satisfaction, and that also of President of Conference, for several years> performing some of the most toilsome journeys, on runners and wheels when he could, and on horseback when he could do it no other way. After the u dissolution ” he was called home, where he still showed himself the friend of Canada, and exerted no small influence in bringing about a “re-union,” when overtures were made for that purpose. In England he received offices and stations corresponding in importance to his previous position and usefulness—receiving in the meantime, the honorary degree of Doctor in Divinity from Victoria College, which he well deserves, although he says he has “perpetrated” but one piece of authorship. Two years ago he was the Representative from the British to the Canadian Conference, and one year ago was appointed its President. He presided in its last Session; has labored most indefatigably to advance its objects during the year, and is now conducting the business of the Conference with great propriety. He proves to be a much better President than we anticipated: serious, yet pleasant; good tempered and patient to a degree; fair and honorable.

He was originally well educated, and has acquired a great amount of various learning since, including the French and Spanish languages, which he speaks as well as reads. But there is no subject in which he is more complete than Theology. He is a great reader of his Bible, the words of which he quotes with beautiful propriety. His style in speaking and writing is chaste and elegant, but there are no prominences in it. It is “like the words of a pleasant song, of one who hath a pleasant voice, and can play skilfully upon the harp.” To listen to him, is like a jaunt through a beautiful, flowery, odoriferous prairie, so slightly undulating that you cannot fix on any particular locality as beautiful above the rest, or as particularly memorable, or even as a way-mark by which you may trace your way over the same ground again.

Dr. Stinson’s manners are those of a simple, humble, dignified Christian gentleman. His brisk, British-officer-like appearance, and fiery, restless eye, would make you think him a little haughty at first sight, but all that fades away on acquaintance. He is a true Methodist Minister, and God is giving him a son, “Joseph H. Stinson,” to succeed him in the work.


Perhaps we are now in the midst of the most interesting service among all the prudential institutions of our wonderful Methodism, not excepting the Class-meeting—the Love-feast— the Watch-night: What is it ? It is the public reception of the young men into full connexion with the Conference, who have passed through their ministerial probation. Four young ministers have spoken with great propriety and good feeling, relating their Christian experience and call to the ministry. The resolution for their reception has been moved by the Rev. Enoch Wood in an impressive manner. The motion is now being seconded by one who has never been called to perform the task before, although some thirty-two years in the itinerant field; a man very different in appearance from the preceding speaker, who is so rotound that his clothes sit smoothly upon him.

Our subject is somewhat tall, rather slight, haggard, and not very handsome, though interesting, whose arms hang loosely about him while speaking as though they were slightly articulated. He has notwithstanding good health, and seems wiry and enduring.

A man of a metaphysical, or rather logical, cast of mind is he; inclined to receive nothing but <on the severest scrutiny, and thus disposed to suspicion of new measures, and by no means disposed to receive strangers at once into unlimited confidence. He is not, therefore, from the constitution of his mind, the man for prompt decision and energetic measures. A person of his temperament, however, in a deliberative body, which is both legislative and executive, may exert a good influence in restraining the intemperate ardor of the sanguine and impulsive. A drag chain may be as useful in its place as the motive power. Let no one understand us that he is sour and cynical. No man is more full of smiles than he, with sometimes a spice of humor; his attempts at the facetious, howTever, are not always successful. He is too good and religious to be a trifler.

He is wholly of Canadian growth—the son of a good old Methodist couple, who, though very plain and unpretending themselves, raised a large family of talented sons—not brilliant, but substantial; five ministers and three lawyers; with two farmers, one of whom is a highly respectable and useful local preacher. One of the legal gentlemen is a Doctor of Laws.

Our hero is a masterly preacher of his class, but not “popular” in the conventional sense of that term. He is a man to be appreciated by the reflecting and the thoughtful, who, alas ! are not the many. For this reason, he occupied rather retired stations at the first, but has worked his way up into-, notice by dint of solidity and worth. He was once Secretary of the Conference, the highest office now in the gift of his brethren ; also he has been Chairman of a District for a number of years. He is this year appointed to accompany the two highest officers of Conference as a Representative to the next General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States. He must be a man highly esteemed, or he would not so generally get the President’s eye, when many others find a difficulty in catchingit; and enjoy the patient respectful attention of the Conference to his not unfrequent and not very lively speeches. He is a good speaker; but better writer than speaker, having written some profound and elegant articles in his time. His clear, calm manner of treating questions reminds us of the productions of Doctor Hodgson of the M. E. Church in the United States. It is a pity but he would turn his attention to some work, which would leave a permanent example of his powers, and be a means of usefulness when he is gone from earth.

Although his pertinacity sometimes seems a little dogged, the Rev. Asahel Hurlburt is a modest, pious, upright man, who might be trusted to any extent. We wish him all the happiness his merit deserves.


Our present subject is a native of Ireland, but came to Lower Canada young. He was converted, when a youth, in Ireland, by reading Mr. "Wesleys’s works, but began to preach in Canada. He is a junior member of a family of respectability, which had met with some reverses. Although a man who claims to be respected, he can be very condescending and familiar when he likes. Nor is there any extra refinement about him, having never wholly unlearned his broad Irish accent. A high-minded honorable man is he. He married respectably, and was no loser in a pecuniary point of view by the alliance.

His personal appearance is good, being compact, strong, well proportioned and healthy—light complexioned and young looking. He has a changeable, expressive countenance, which ill conceals his constitutional mirthfulness. He has all the advantages of physique which phrenologists say should accompany a healthy and powerful mind,—unless, indeed, the rather disproportionate size of the head be against that conclusion.

His perceptions are quick and lively, which, with a spice of wit and humor, make him ready and good at repartee. His naturally good powers have been improved by a fair share of education and private study. He is a man of extensive reading, and has a retentive memory. His love of books is shown in the largeness of his library, the pains with which it has been assorted, and the care with which it is preserved. Few persons have a larger amount of, and more general and accurate information than he. This, with his constitutional quickness, makes him both instructive and entertaining in private conversation. A taste for Medicine and Architecture, to both of which he has paid some attention, is sometimes made use of for his friends and the Church. He is a voluble, ready instructive preacher; popular on the platform and very clever in doctrinal controversy.

His stations and connexional offices have scarcely corresponded with his general abilities, although he seems to have been more noticed of late, and is now in the fifth year of his District Chairmanship. He is not now a frequent speaker in Conference; nor is lie one of the number of those who seem to sway that body and influence its decisions.

His sympathy for the poor, and his skill in settling difficulties, in which he combines authority and persuasion, counterbalance his want of pre-eminence in some other pastoral prerequisites. He is very clerical in his appearance; has high notions of ministerial dignity and the importance of the ministerial office; and thinks that ministerial functions should be performed in appropriate and distinctive vestments. Such vesments he thinks ought to be assumed by Wesleyan ministers; and has actually introduced the “gown and bands” into the pulpits of two of his stations.

Although the sun has its spots, it is still a glorious luminary ; and although he may have some peculiarities, the Rev. James Brock is doubtless a wise and good man.


I now turn my eyes to the oldest “effective” minister in the Conference; one who, though of the old school, might have merited attention before this. Although one of the original type of Canadian Methodist preachers, it by no means justifies the application to him of the epithet “illiterate,” so liberally bestowed upon them in former days. He had more than ordinary advantages for the day when he commenced, and had been a popular school teacher in early life. That training, we are inclined to think, was received in the United States, where perhaps also he was born. If so, his-early arrival in the country with the family to which he belonged, and his long continuance in it, have naturalized and acclimated him to all intents and purposes. He has been one of Canada’s most laborious and self-sacrificing pioneer evangelists. Something like twelve out of the thirty-eight years of his public ministry have been spent in laboring among the Indian tribes, to "whom he has a strong attachment. He is one of the few Missionaries to the Indians who have preference for this work. Others go to these heathen from a sense of duty; he from a sentiment of choice as well as duty.

The writer well remembers the first sight of this now veteran itinerant. He was then young, and being small of stature, round-faced, and light-complexioned, he looked still younger than he was. It was in our Upper Canadian capital, in the year 1825, as one of a troop of what the English peasantry call “riding preachers,” among whom were the then distinguished names of Wilson, Wright, and Metcalf, on their way to the annual Conference. The experience of that young minister related in the Love-feast on the occasion, referred to it, while floods of tears channeled down his cheeks, deeply affected one boyish heart.

Our subject was never what is called a great preacher, but he was a lively, gifted, and soul-saving one. His ministry was^characterized by pathos, zeal, and unction. Had a very musical voice, suited to the declamatory, hortatory sort of preaching which obtained at that time, and that seemed well adapted to reach the Canadian mind of that day—a style of preaching this, which seemed to be formed on the model of the Rev. Elder Case, who was considered a standard of perfection by young preachers at that period. Our hero was very pious, and would sing and pray in revival meetings the live-long night.

He holds his age well. He is still straight, active, and comparatively young looking, although he must be now over sixty. Several things have contributed to this: a good constitution originally; very temperate habits; plenty of out-door exercise; his jot being a slavish student; the absence of disappointment, from his being un-ambitious and expecting little ; and freedom from corroding irritation, being one of the best natured and most imperturbable men in the world. This last item is an element of character which a minister must‘have to succeed among the Indians.

Though not pre-eminently a bookish man, he has picked up a vast amount of practical knowledge. We know of no class of men whose conversation is more replete with intelligent remark than these old itinerants. The application of the wise man's name to him is, therefore, not wholly inappropriate; and the Rev. Solomon Waldron is a modest, sensible, and exceedingly companionable old gentleman, greatly beloved by all who know him. Our subject is on the outskirts of civilization labouring among the Indians of Walpole Island.


An affecting scene now presents itself to us, as we assemble in the last session of the last day of the Conference. It is the night season. The assembly is greatly reduced in numbers, many of the preachers having left since “the final reading of the Stations.” The lamps shed their mellow light on the eager faces turned towards the platform, while business is being hurried to its completion. The galleries and much of the space below are full of respectable citizens, young and old, listening to the debates. After the reading of sundry Reports, and the passing of sundry Resolutions, it is announced by the President that “Father Wright wishes to address some remarks to the Conference,”

The occasion is this:—This aged Minister had been "superannuated” some years ago, and was subsequently returned “effective,” that he might be sent to a particular Indian Mission, where they wanted their then Missionary to be removed, and Father Wright (an old friend) to be re-appointed among them. Now, after two years of sojourn among them, with the unrea-sonahle oapriciousness that sometimes characterizes even white people as well, “they wish a change.”

There he stands, his ample locks blanched to the whiteness of snow with the frost of years, and pleads his former toils—his present health and ability to labor—the success he has had even on this Mission the last year,—with a pathos that draws tears from the eyes of preachers and people.

Though our hero is thus introduced under circumstances of tenderness,—and though he himself knew how to be tender, and in the palmy days of his Ministry to draw tears from the eyes of his auditors, yet you are not to associate the mournful and the. melancholy with the name of jovial David Wright. His soul was naturally full of fun and frolic. Witty, humorous, and mischievous, he was in boyhood full of pranks and practical jokes. Through mercy he was converted young, and brought all his native vivacity into religion, which gave his piety an active, cheerful, and inviting character. He soon began to exhort and preach and after spending two years under the Presiding Elder, in what he used to call himself “stopping hog-holes,” he was received on trial in 1821.

The early part of his Ministry was marked by great success. It was just of the character to suit the genius of most of the population of Canada in that day. His preaching was desultory, slap-dash, and discursive, though powerful. He was wonderfully great in exhortation. Furthermore, he was exactly the man to forage in a new country, and would live well where most other men would starve; he would get his support by hook or by crook, and not offend the people either. His beaming, handsome face, laughing eyes, and cordial shake-hands, soon won his way to every heart. He was once chairman of a District.

His former colleagues have a lively recollection of the pleasant hours spent in his company. He has stood by and comforted many a soul in the swellings of Jordan and when the period may arrive when the Master whom He has loved and nobly served so long shall call for him, how it will delight his old companions who may linger a little longer, to learn that he was as happy in death as he has often been known to be in life, notwithstanding its cares and dangers. So prays an Old Colleague.


A little dark speck of humanity now crosses my mental vision, the original of which most Canadians have often seen ; for though born in England, Canada is proud to claim him. But how shall I portray what is so unique ? He stands some five feet six inches high, with width to correspond; very dark, and nearly as hardas an Egyptian mummy,—being little but a case of bones and sinews. His hair seems to have a decided objection to becoming grey; for though he is now on the shady side of fifty, its original raven gloss is not much impaired. I believe his eyes are black also, but I will not be sure; they are such a restless pair of little firy orbs, that it is pretty hard to tell. To make some use of another man’s figure, concerning another little man of talent and energy—Dr. Abel Stevens—he may be imagined to be composed of a piece of Canada’s toughest blue-clay, wet up with lightning. Then, such an organization phrenologically! The disproportionate largeness of his combativeness, not to mention destructiveness, would render him dangerous, were it not for the very large amount of the grace of God which all give him credit for possessing. But, with this controlling influence, those mental peculiarities only add to his executive energy. Energetic he is.

He entered the itinerant field a married man, under many disadvantages, yet he sprang up into notice at once. The testimony of Father Prindlc, his first Superintendent, was, “that he never knew a man who had so much preach in him.” What a run of success and popularity he had from that time till the temporary failure of his health a few years ago! Long Point, Belleville, Chairman of the Augusta District,—Kingston, Toronto East, Toronto District, Hamilton, Toronto West, and London. During this period, he was first President, and then Secretary of Conference. He is a wonder of mental ability, seeing he is wholly self-educated. His sermons are studied with great diligence, and every argument and phrase carefully elaborated, and some of them re-written a dozen times; yet the matter comes out as liquid as lava from a volcano, and nearly as hot. When he is thoroughly excited with his theme, we can think of nothing but a man shoveling red-hot coals. His, however, is not a creative genius ; but an acquiring, adapting, appropriating one. To use his own account playfully given, he “ begs, borrows, and steals, from the living and the dead.” But then, it is all fused over again, and run into one homogeneous mass. '

Though he is a man whom his brethren “delight to honor,” he does not take a very conspicuous part in the deliberations, or doings, of Conference, besides serving on most of its important Committees. He is more of an Executive officer, than Legislator. Two things seem to prevent his being an effective debater: first, his unfeigned modesty; second, we opine, his inability to command himself in the midst of so much confusion and excitement. He does best at a set speech.

Several slight productions, such as Sermons, Lectures, Be-views, &c., have emanated from his pen; and like everything else about him, they are all sui generis. With returning health, his activity and influence are returning. But his greatest praise is that he is a holy man—a faithful, laborious pastor—and very successful in promoting conversions and revivals of religion. Who will not recognize in the above sketch the features of our own Henry Wilkinson?


Our present subject is an older Minister than some placed before him, having gone out into the itinerant field in 1820. He was born where more than one Methodist preacher first breathed the vital air, in the British army. I have always thought there was a moral heroism in such men, not always found in others. His conversion was one of the fruits of a great Revival in the Military Settlement in the Townships of Drummond and Bathurst, brought about by the instrumentality of the sainted Metcalf and colleagues. He is a strong-built, portly, and not unhandsome man. As he has been one of the hardest workers, so he has proved himself one of the most enduring men in the Conference. Has scarcely been a week laid up from his work in thirty-three years, excepting once from a broken leg. Though fifty-four or five, he looks young, and scarcely uses an eye-glass at all.

He has not been often a City preacher, but has been mostly on large rural circuits, and (under the old regimen') on districts. Has been more years a Chairman of a District than perhaps any man now in the active work, Is one of the ex-Presidents, and has for many years sat on the platform till this year, and now is likely to go on to it again, as the Conference, by a vast majority of ballot votes, have asked his appointment as the President’s Co-Delegate.

It is somewhat hard to account for this man’s high position. His natural abilities, though good, are not great; he makes no pretensions to learning, in the highest sense of that term; and his preaching is not of what is called the “popular” kind. Furthermore, being rather stiff and sturdy, he is not so much beloved by preachers or people, as some others. Yet there is something about him that commands respect. He early took a respectable position, and he keeps it. It perhaps arises from fair abilities, good character and conduct, hard labor, prudence, and a reputation for being a safe man, acquired by never venturing beyond his disciplinary “record.”

In preaching he begins deliberately, feeling his way along— drawing out his words a little—till he gets self-command and the mastery of his subject; he then becomes heated with his theme, when his powerful voice makes the house literally jar, and the sinner’s heart to tremble. He preached an excellent sermon on Christian Perfection, in Hamilton, on the Sabbath preceding the Conference, which was attended with a heavenly influence. He is evidently ripening in holiness as he gets older. To all appearance there are still many years of ministerial toil before him. May he be eminently successful!

From what has been said, all will be able to identify the Rev. Richard Jones.


Circumstances having thrown me for several days of late into the company of some of the more junior members of the Conference, I am induced to sketch one, if not more, of these. A painter, though he may be able to paint from memory, nevertheless requires to have his memory refreshed by a sight of the original from time to time; and the more recent his contact with the object to be portrayed, the more lively the recollection, or the more distinct the impression which the lineaments of that object have left on the mind. Besides, painters, like poets, are “maggoty;” as the one cannot write without “getting the thought,” so neither can the other sketch without it.

I have before my mind’s eye at 'the present time, a model young Minister; he is a native of England, but owes his spiritual birth to Canada, and is a decided Canadian in his sympathies. He has always had tolerable opportunities of improvement, of which he has most faithfully availed himself. He was a beautiful example of filial piety when at home with his parents, and a pattern Local preacher. His leisure hours were given to private study; the hours of school (for he was a teacher) were devoted to the acquirement of the means of placing his aged parents in the possession of a home when he should leave them— and his nights and Sabbaths spent in travelling far and near to preach Christ and to promote the salvation of souls, by holding-protracted meetings, in which he has always been singularly successful. In view of so many engagements, the wonder is that he has become so well read and informed on all subjects. His Ministerial standing is six years, and his age is a little over thirty.

As a preacher, he excels in dealing with the conscience, especially with the consciences of professors of religion. His topics are not hacknied, nor his matter common-place. His sermons are original, and masterly in their conception and structure; and if his personal appearance and voice were as commanding as some men’s, he would be one of the most impressive preachers amongst us. “Popular,” perhaps he would not be; there is too much searching, disagreeable truth in his discourses for that. His voice is small and plaintive, but well managed, and his utterance distinct. His elocution is not so free and graceful as some, which gives the several parts of his sermons a somewhat angular and interrupted appearance. But continued practice will contribute to wear off the points, and make the various parts of his discourses flow into each other in a more pleasing way.

He is now in the third year of Ids Superintendency on one circuit, and that a very important one ; and he is proving himself a sound-hearted Methodist, and a thorough disciplinarian. He is industrious and exact—modest, but bold—mild, but firm and faithful; and, although his fidelity makes him to be thought punctilious by some, he is evidently winning golden opinions from all the right-minded and reflecting.

Should he keep in his present course, and God spare his life, lie is destined to render great service to the Church of God. May Infinite Mercy uphold and direct modest, faithful William Tomlin!

Should any person who has not seen him, wish to know how he looks, we have to say, he stands about five feet nine or ten inches high. He is muscular, but lean, being, like Wesley, “without an ounce of superfluous flesh.” He is straight, active, and wiry. His skin and eyes are dark, his features sharp, and face almost beardless. The hair comes far down on his forehead, which, however, is counteracted by a sort of “cow-lick,” causing it to stand upright. Such is our hero in mind and body.


In writing of the last mentioned brother, we were reminded of his last year’s colleague, a younger Minister, though he is a somewhat older man. He was born in Scotland, and though brought up mostly in Canada, has a considerable tinge of the Scottish accent, which is rather in his favor than otherwise. His voice is good and well managed; and his manner, though plain and unpretending, is very agreeable and winning.

His conversion was rather late in life, and early opportunities for mental improvement were neglected ; but he has made a good use of his time since he came under the influence of religion, and being possessed of active, facile powers of mind, his profiting has been great. We scarcely know a Minister of his years more desiderated, as a companion, pastor, preacher, and platform speaker. He is amiable—has good sense—and is not without poetical genius.

He is going the present year where he will not find his responsibilities “ all poetry.” He is the apostle of Methodism on the Opeongo Road. A more suitable man for that pioneering enterprise perhaps could not have been selected—being pre-pos-sessing, laborious, self-denying, versatile, and capable. He should enlist the prayers of the Church. May God prosper him!

His career having been short, we dismiss him with this brief notice, believing that, if spared, the friends of Methodism will hear another day of James Masson.


Now comes a lump of good nature from the Emerald Isle, longer in the Ministry than either of the two last. His status is fourteen years. He owes a good deal to our College, where he was one of the first probationary students. His age is unknown to us; he may be forty, and he may be a great deal less. He is strong, stout, and fresh-colored, with curly locks. He is voluble, and rather oratorical as a speaker,—but we should think not very profound, and not a very hard student. [Since writing this, we learn he studies more than we gave him credit for.] He loves and serves the people, and they love him. He will get on as pleasantly through life as any one we know, and after doing very considerable good, will get to heaven at last. There are not many, the prospect of meeting whom affords us more pleasure, than that of Robert Robinson.


A tall, dark, lank figure now stands up before us. His face is flattened, nose prominent, teeth projecting, eyes large, full, and black; and there is a slight natural deformity in his hands. But still, he is so attentive to his person, and so genteel, that he is rather interesting than otherwise. Though newly ordained, he is not young; and may thank the “sliding scale” for coming into the connexion at his time of life. But he is an illustration of the usefulness of that scale, in allowing us to employ matured talent without too much jeopardizing our funds. Our hero was a studious, popular, and practical Local preacher for more than twenty years in England. This makes him the profound, well-furnished, deliberate, impressive preacher now; and his former commercial experience makes him the judicious manager and skilful engineer in church-building, and all the temporalities of the Church. He is Sweet in name, and by no means sour in disposition. There is perhaps one person in the world, at the present moment, a little anxious to know that this is the case. That person has decided favorably.


We turn to the greater lights again. The subject we now propose to consider, we find rather hard to sketch. We know not that we appreciate his character truly. The difficulty arises from some apparent contrarieties.

He is a native Canadian, of a pious, respectable parentage. Converted to God in youth, at a Methodist Seminary, while prosecuting his preparatory studies for a learned profession. Being full of zeal for God and souls, he almost immediately entered the itinerant ranks, as a probationer, in 1831, when about nineteen years of age, and continues to this day. He was one of the last batch of what has been called “ Old Dispensation” men.

He has the advantage of a fine personal appearance. He stands about five feet ten inches high ; but being rather stout and heavy, he may not seem quite so tall. He is by no means unwieldly, however; but straight, full-chested, and trim built. His hair is dark and abundant, skin clear, head good, and face massive, with Grecian nose and features—and to crown all, a genteel hand and foot.

His voice is strong, clear, musical, and manageable, but sometimes perhaps raised too high. His elocution is easy and elegant, and if he had as many advantages of mind as body, he would have few superiors as a public speaker. His mind was originally good enough, but we suspect he has not worked it so hard as he might have done. He has been rather practical than studious and literary. Thus, while he has not the reputation of being very intellectual, he has the satisfaction to reflect that he has been one of the Church’s most enthusiastic pioneers. For many years he was a sort of “Missionary Bishop,” and performed wonders in the “Huron World.” One who was privy to his labors there says, that “He was the right man in the right place.” He travelled extensively, revived camp-meetings, was the instrument of forming thirty new circuits, promoted the erection of thirty new churches, and nearly as many parsonages. For fear I may not have ranked him high enough, I will insert the description of him given by an American minister who shared his labors at an Indian camp-meeting on the shore of Lake Huron, and published in a New York paper:—“The Rev. Mr.-is a gentleman of a large, robust frame, a broad and full English face, the very picture of perfect health. From the cast of his cranium a stranger would accord to him a high degree of intellectual power. There is in his carriage an air of haughtiness; but this is only in appearance. If the discourses he preached while amongst us were a fair specimen, he ranks considerably above mediocracy as a preacher. They were excellent, not as specimens of pulpit orations, in the popular sense, but as clear, full, scriptural exhibitions of Gospel truth, practically applied to the hearers, and accompanied with the power of the Holy Ghost. Blest with uncommon strength of lungs, he made the encampments resound with his thundering appeals to the hearts of sinners. Nor was he anywhere more at home, or more active than in the prayer-meeting. While in his sermons he cast into the deep the Gospel net, by the fervency of his prayers he helped to draw it ashore and gather up the fishes.”

Although our friend has served the Church long and well, as he is now comparatively young, and particularly young with regard to health and stamina, we expect he will be permitted to serve it for many years to come. God grant that he may!

Most of our readers will recognize in this portrait the features of our genial, good natured friend Warner.


We turn to a very opposite character. One not possessed of the same advantages of personal appearance; one not so tall, graceful, and dashing; but shorter, meek looking, and less attractive. True, he is fair, fat, and comely, and that is enough. But he has superior advantages of mind. Not that it is original, philosophic, or marked by strength of genius. Our subject is rather characterized by the power of, and desire for, mental acquisition. For this he has had great facilities; and when he had them not, he made them. First, he was favored with a very liberal classical training in boyhood,—then, several years commercial experience was to his advantage, as teaching him business and accounts, and, what a boy can learn no where so well as in a shop, politeness. During this period he was converted, and, being very pious, he improved it in reading much in Theology, reading up his classics, and acquiring the French language. His early call to the itinerant field, and his appointment, for several years to bush circuits, seemed not to hinder his systematic progress in every branch of knowledge. He availed himself of his long sojourn in the two Toronto circuits to study in the Provincial University, where he successively bore off the prizes in Hebrew, Chaldee, Arabic, and Syriac. He reads twelve languages.

His learning has not marred his piety. He is the same humble, lowly Methodist preacher as at first. Indeed, he is naturally modest and retiring,—had to be thrust against his will into his first City appointments, Kingston and Toronto—and instinctively shrinks from office. Still, it is forced upon him. He is not only a Chairman, but holds the highest office in the gift of the Canadian Conference, and fills it well. In one matter, he is a little stiff: time to study, he will have; will •not be at the mercy of every invitation to tea; will not go to see the people any oftener than he thinks necessary; and believes his subordinate may serve the “ out places,” in general, quite well enough. This is the true way to" gain respect; for though the people will grumble a little, they will always do more for such a man than for one who slavishly serves them night and day.

In one respect Mr. Harper excels all men we wot of,—in his desire for, and skill in amassing a Library. Perhaps no person in Canada has a better knowledge of books than he. For the number of volumes, their rarity, choice of edition, beauty of execution, order of arrangement, and careful preservation, his Library is a sight to be seen.

Mr. H. is just such a preacher as you might expect from the description given above of his personal physique, mental calibre, scholarly habits, and pious disposition. Not oratorical and showy—not loud and boisterous; but evangelical, spiritual, expository, rich in matter, and always opportune and appropriate. A workman he is “who needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Is about forty years of age, and has been in the Ministry eighteen years. Will some day be no mean author. An Irish-Canadian is he.


And now my noble hearted friend Pollard, bare thy neck and shoulders for a sketch. Though thy person is small there arc beauties in thy mind ; though thy body is diminutive, the heart of a Christian hero glows in thy breast: though thy face be plain and beardless, thy high expansive forehead shows intellectual power; and thy large expressive eyes, prominent nose, and wide mouth, show thee to be a man of character and eloquence. The soul of eloquence is in thee.

Here is one of the best pieces of stuff we ever saw done up in so small a quantity. Our subject was born and converted in England, but had the discernment, on coming to Canada, which some old countrymen have not, to perceive the true genius and character of the Anglo-Canadian mind, and to adapt himself to it. He is acute and discriminating, polite, flexible, and versatile, with good business talents. Unites great sociality and pleasantness with lively, fervent piety. He is a shrewd observer of men and things, and has a lively, piquant manner in describing them; excels in personating others. -This makes him very entertaining in company. His opportunities for intellectual improvement in youth were wasted in gaiety and folly, but since his transformation by the grace of God, he has read extensively, and what is more, thoroughly ; and has kept the company of none but the best standards of style. He excels in verbal memory-—only needs to read a brilliant passage or paragraph twice, to make it his own. This he has done with all that suited his taste and genius. So much so, that it is hard now to tell what is original in him, and what is not. Nor do we think he very well knows himself. To scholarship he makes small pretensions, but of general intelligence he has a large amount; has a legal turn of mind, and would have made a successful lawyer; but that would have spoiled a soul-saving preacher. He is not ambitious, but has been lately preferred to the Chairmanship of an important district,—an office for which he has been long qualified. He knows well how to manage both men and matters. His practical turn of mind is shown in his acquiring the French language.

He has been in the Ministry about seventeen years, and has filled our most important City appointments,—Toronto, Hamilton, London, and Quebec. He is generally beloved, and many hearts pray for his prosperity. .


Canadian Methodism has had the honor of bringing up from. “ the dark and unfathomable caves” of human corruption, “full many a gem of purest ray serene and though she may not have had all the facilities for cutting, polishing, and setting them that could have been desired, she has rubbed off some of the rough exterior, and placed them in a position in which coruscations of superior light have flashed on the astonished gaze of beholders. One of these occupies a place in my mind’s eye at the present. A great overgrown, white-headed youth, uncouth in his appearance, and shambling in his walk, and imperfectly educated, some forty years ago, came under the power of the Gospel as preached by the warm-hearted itinerants of that day, and cast in his lot amon" the Methodists. True, he was not so much of a “ green-horn” as our first description might have led the reader to suppose. He was the son of a U. E. Lo}ralist born in New Brunswick, who had borne a commission in the Revolutionary War, and probably had the best advantages of schooling, and seeing the best society, which a country neighborhood in that day afforded. Furthermore, he had the schooling—for better for worse—of the British army during the late American war; in which, though the merest boy, he was thought worthy to carry a standard, and wear a sword and his Majesty’s uniform; and on assuming the Christian profession, he proved himself a “good soldier of Jesus Christ,” sacrificing his father’s house and friendship sooner than give np his religion: an instance of fidelity which was crowned with the conversion of a family of brothers.

Having married early to provide himself a home, he was not the first of the brothers who entered the itinerant field; but the necessities of the Church, and the fame of his increasing abilities as a Local preacher, drew him from his seclusion in the woods of Oxford, into the ranks of the regular Ministry. His first efforts proved him naturally eloquent, and earned for him the name of the “Canadian Orator.” A more loveable man than he was in the early part of his Ministry could not be found. He was humble and condescending, good-natured and affable,—pious and zealous to a degree,—and one of the most earnest, winning, voluble, pathetic, and persuasive preachers that one could wish to hear.

Eloquent he has been and still is, and 110 mistake. We can remember masses of people moved by his word, like forest trees swayed to and fro by the wind. And even now, there are few localities in Canada where the news that the “old man eloquent” is to be the speaker, will not bring out multitudes to hear. The elements of his power were a plaintive, agreeable voice, when not unduly strained; though weak—abundant command of lan guage—vast stores of information—good reasoning powers—strong feeling on his own part—and power to make other people feel and realize the truth and importance of what he was saying. But if he excelled in anything it was in sarcasm and ridicule; and these, in his more serious moods, he made to bear with withering effect against vice and villany. Of these also he made a very frequent, and sometimes efficient, use in the Conference debates, in which he took for many years a very prominent part, in overthrowing the argument of an opponent; this, many a hapless junior or weakling in that body knows to his heart’s content. He and the present Bishop of Huron were antagonists to each other in the celebrated discussion on the Ciergy Reserve question and Voluntaryism, held in Simcoe some years ago. Several other talented Ministers too took part in the debate, each characterized by some particular kind of ability; but the now Right Rev. Prelate said that Mr. Ryerson’s sarcasm was unequalled, and that it was worth the journey from London to Simcoe to hear it. Sometimes he has exercised his conscious power in this particular too severely, and made an enemy of many a one who would have been a friend, or planted a pang in many a bosom which would nevertheless “earnestly consider him still.” True, in course of time, those who knew, learned to make allowances, and to join in the laugh which the good cynic was raising at their expense. This peculiarity of his orations, is now rather a source of amusement than otherwise.

He never did anything by halves; as when he castigated it was with a vengeance; so also when he would commend, he eulogised. No person could pay a compliment more neatly and flatteringly than he. But no person must suppose from the extremes into which he was sometimes hurried in the heat of debate, or of public speaking, that he was deficient in judgment. Few men had more solidity of judgment than he; and at this hour I know of no person whose advice I would feel safer in taking on any matter that did not concern his feelings or prejudices, than his.

He is a man of some little learning—of most universal general information—and of a rare order of genius. He has devoured books with perfect voracity. Plan of study he has never had ; but, like the ox, he has gulped every kind of edible that came in his way into his capacious reservoir, and ruminated on it at his leisure. He has a mind unceasingly active; hence, if he is not in conversation with a friend, or with book in hand, he is usually pacing backwards and forwards, like a chained bear, (he will pardon the figure) working out some of those huge masses of thought which are ever laboring through his intellectual laboratory.

His conversational powers are extraordinarily good, having such stores of information, such accurate recollection, and such a sprightly conception.

He has a great penchant for public questions; and is perhaps too much of a politician, conversing on such topics some, times when others more sacred would suit the occasion better. But then we must remember that these tastes have been formed during a long, consistent, (on his individual part) and successful campaign in the warfare for Canada’s civil and religious rights.

On reviewing what we have written, I cannot forbear remarking how much we have spoken of our friend as relating to the past tense. But he is still alive; and his brethren would still be glad to see him in their midst. That respect which once placed him in the Presidential Chair, and that sent him a a Delegate to England and the United States, still fondly lingers in their hearts for William Ryerson.

May his heart be replenished by every grace and consolation of God’s Holy Spirit. May his last days be his best! And may “his sun in smiles decline, and bring a pleasant night.” So prays one who has been his parishioner, his subordinate in the Ministry, and his fellow-Chairman.


This is a portrait of two brothers, who are so “lovely and pleasant in their lives,” that they ought not to be “divided,” even in a picture. Being tidy little men, they can easily go into one case. They are not twins, but very nearly of an age— perhaps forty-jive and forty-seven. The elder looks full as young as the younger. He is the younger Minister, though he is tho older man. These two brothers are pretty nearly balanced, the one excelling in little matters, the one who exceeds him in greater. They say “comparisons are odious,” but I can’t help it in this case.

They are natives of England, and though born into the world in different years, they were born again in the same revival of religion. Samuel knows the more, but William can make the better use of what he knows. Samuel is the younger man, but William is the handsomer man. The first has a drooping, diminutive appearence; the second is straight, and elegent in his movements. His face is fair and florid, which his abundant liair and beard, prematurely but beautifully white, adorn. Samuel has perhaps the best acquaintance with the original languages of any man in the Conference, without academic trainings William knows no language but his mother tongue. Samuel has, the better intellectual and theological furniture for a preacher,—William, the better delivery. We have often regretted that the elaborate, excellent sermons of the former were shorn of part of their effect by a mouthing manner of delivery, which, though it is now natural to the speaker, seems unnatural to the hearers. Again, Samuel, though just as pious as William, his piety is not so apparent; and though he is quite as amiable, perhaps more so, by a certain sneering manner and habit of banter, is thought not to be so amiable. The result is, although William would own himself the inferior, he has had the better stations, if any thing, and higher offices, having filled the Chairmanship in an important District. They are now, however, both Financial Secretaries.

Two more sensible, pious, laborious, estimable men, it would be hard to find in the Ministry of any Church. Their personal labors have been a blessing to Canada; and they are likely to leave sons in the Ministry after them who will more than supply their places. They will pardon the liberty taken by one who loves them dearly. May the Lord bless the “two Philps’!”


These are brothers too—Cornishmen also—converted in the same revival as the two last. It is well that Jvos Mvithel was ever found again after its submergence, for Canada owes much to it. We may have to sketch more Lost-withelians before we have done. Our present heroes are no pigmies, nor “ babes in the woods/' but a pair of strong, strapping, stalwart men, some five feet ten or eleven, and stout in proportion.

They are very pious and laborious, and Methodists in heart and soul. Their minds, too, are naturally good, which they have labored assiduously to cultivate. William has the more sense; Francis, perhaps, the more learning, and probably is the smoother preacher.—William’s preaching has the more pith in it. The preaching of the former would be the more admired', the latter the more felt. The one knows more of books, the other more of nature.

Being modest and retiring, they have neither had a very great run of the more prominent positions. Each has been a Chairman for a short time; and Francis is one now, by the ballot choice of his brethren.

Their highest praise is, their eminent sanctity and holiness. If there are any examples of Christian perfection on earth, they are doubtless among them.

The current of these men’s lives has been so even and quiet, that we find little of incident to lengthen out our notice. They have been in the Ministry severally, twenty-two and nineteen years. The older man is also the older Minister. Like the two brothers sketched before, they are distinguished for attachment to each other. They will doubtless meet in heaven. A blessing on “the two Colemans!”


Here comes another Lostwithelian,—one converted in the same revival, some older than either of the other four, and longer in the ministry. His standing is twenty-eight years ; he is not near so large as the smallest of the others; a sprightly, wiry little man is he. His voice is clear, and his delivery, despite a “pretty lisp,” is good. Little men have often the best stuff in their composition; this is an example.

He is clear-headed, sound in judgment, well informed, bold as a lion, studious, active, adroit, managing (could have made a fortune if he liked, and is not wholly indifferent to what the world calls “the main chance,” and preserving.

He has had good appointments, though he has generally shrunk from those where there was frequent preaching in the same pulpit,—and has filled almost every situation of trust in the connexion, excepting that of President and co-Delegate; has been a Chairman of District a very long time; was “Jomnal Secretary” many years, for which his bold, copy hand, and accuracy, qualified him well; then, “Secretary” proper. He has been Principal of both our Missionary Industrial Schools, an office he holds at Mount Elgin at present.

He is an effective debater in Conference deliberations, when he chooses to take a part, which, however, he is not overforward to do. He is more active on Committees, to which he is usually “nominated by the chair.” He is just radical enough to be backed by all the juniors, and to ensure the deference of all the authorities.

An upright, reliable, faithful, good man is he, who commands more influence than many a man of more calibre. We wish him well, James Musgrove is the man.


The perusal of our pen-and-ink sketch of the Rev. Wm. Ryerson (Crayon nineteenth) since publication, reminds us of another personage, who, in some respects, bears a strong resemblance to him,—though in other particulars there is a great dissimilarity between them.

Our present subject is at least fourteen or fifteen years younger than the other, and was more systematically educated than he. But they resemble each other in being both large men, with massive heads. The younger has much the larger head, though, in other respects he is not quite so large. They have both giant intellects, and the soul of eloquence is in them. Both are distinguished for breadth of thought, and a philosophic manner of viewing questions; and they are desultory, both in study and business matters, disdaining the plodding, punctilious process by which ordinary men bring things about.

Our hero has great power of keeping one subject before his mind for a long time; or rather, perhaps, he is characterized by the want of power to divest his mind from an enticing subjeet of thought. Though his aversion to the details of business is one reason why he is not oftener put on business committees, yet, like some others, who have the name of not being “business men,” for a similar reason, is capable of the most efficient transaction of business, when he chooses to direct his attention to it, leaving fussy pretenders far in the distance. Hence, though several years left out of that office, when he ought to have been in it, he is a wise and successful Superintendent of a circuit. Nor, great as he confessedly is, does he think our Buies too small to be kept. He is a sound-hearted Methodist, who has stood up for its vital principles when they were in danger. He is a penetrating man; but I think his habit of reading others, when unduly exercised, is liable to degenerate into suspiciousness.

As he is not much employed in the labor of committees, as his mind is active and his tongue is voluble, and as he has a good deal of nerve withal, it is not surprising that he should be drawn out to take an active part in Conference discussions, in which he is very effective, speaking very often. He is evidently a favorite with the Conference, for he always gets a hearing when even older men cannot squeeze in a word edgewise. He has the requisites for commanding attention—such as a fine person, ready utterance,—heavy, commanding, and musical voice, &c. He is also deferential to his brethren, genial, and polite. His eloquence is senatorial and forensic.

As a preacher he is evangelical, earnest, powerful. He showers down on his hearers a torrent of exposition, argumentation, and exhortation. He is not common-place, but rather involved and beyond the reach of ordinary minds.

He is eminently pure and good, and has of late years become very dignified and polite; but he can be playful and even very droll, when he likes. These matters, however, principally develop themselves in private, where he is a very engaging companion, He is willing to talk by the hour with any friend, however lowly, so companionable is he. He has been eighteen or twenty years in the work, and for that length of time he has had no undue proportion of conspicuous positions, considering his eminent abilities. He has been stationed in the cities of Toronto and Montreal,—is now a Chairman for the second time,—and was once the Secretary of the Conference.

Incessant thought, or something else, had nearly divested his head of its hair at an early age—which is now not more than 43. A severe indisposition had unfitted him for mental effort for a couple of years, but we are happy to observe that he is rising above it. Such a man ought to give to the world some permanent fruits of his thought j but, like his prototype, I fear he will not turn out a writer. Some ephemeral pieces show that he can write if he will.

One of his peculiarities is, if I mistake not, he is averse to personal scrutiny and criticism,—on which account, I pray that he may not visit with his wrath the luckless wight who has presumed to steal the likeness of Wellington Jeffers.

We must not omit to say that he is an Irish-Canadian of talented paternity, and respectable connexions.


As we have initiated the practice in some cases of putting relatives together, the last mentioned gentleman having a brother in the Conference, he might feel entitled to come next. And yet perhaps it is scarcely fair to dwarf this respectable mediocre Minister by putting him in juxta-position with his gigantic relative. Although Thomas is a little sensative with others, he seems in no wise jealous of Wellington’s reputation, but is rather proud of him than otherwise. Nor is any person more willing to concede his superiority than he. Thomas is the younger preacher, though a little older man. His personal appearance is good, being younger looking than his brother. We have not heard him often enough to pronounce on the character of his preaching,—it is respectable; but we should judge that his sermons are got up with as much hardship as the acquirement of the other’s is with ease. Diligence distinguishes the lesser preacher; and by his laboriousness, he effects perhaps more for the salvation of souls than the other. He is sincerely pious. May they both shine resplendent in glory everlasting!


Next to the brothers perhaps should come the brother-in-law, the husband of the talented and pious sister of these worthy men. He is a man dissimilar from both, somewhat younger, stout arid strong, fair, florid, and the picture of health. He is a native of old England, if Yorkshire is in England, which some deny, His spiritual nativity originated in Canada. H is spiritual father was the Rev. W. Ryerson, who, if he had been the means of no other good, by this paternity becomes a benefactor to his country.

Our hero in cast and calibre is just the man to be unboundedly popular with the great mass of our Methodist people, and to get on swimmingly in the large, rich, rural circuits which he usually travels. He is good natured to a degree, which renders it almost impossible to put him out of humor,—pleasant and amusing in private intercourse,—with an ability to describe all the queer scenes and to personate all the odd people which an itinerant meets with in his checkered career ; gifted and lively in preaching, without any profundities to bother any one, and the very life and soul of social religious meetings,—ready to pray, sing, or shout, as the case may require. No wonder that honest Michael Fawcett turns his circuits all topsy-turvy, and makes it hard work to any one to come after him. This difficulty arises from two sources,—his great favoritism with the people, and his peculiar mode of doing business, which, while it is perfectly orderly to him, does not always suit other people’s notions of order.

By rule, or not, he succeeds in doing a great deal of good; and will continue to do it, till he overtakes his much loved Bro. Thomas, “where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest.”

In one respect, he is a genuine Yorkshire-man: he keeps a good horse and knows how to handle him too. His Ministerial status is eighteen years, to which it is not unlikely God may add eighteen more.


In the year 1841, a precious waif fell into the hands of our Church authorities, in the person of a youth who looked like the merest boy,—a military local preacher, who had been born and educated in the army, and converted to God in the West Indies (in Antigua), through the instrumentality of Wesleyan Methodism. An opportune improvement of a favorable occasion, which might not have occurred again for years, transferred him from the service of her Majesty to our itinerant ranks; and a more worthy and true-hearted recruit never enlisted among us. He has proved himself a prize worth possessing.

He is another instance of a clever little man. His form and appearance are almost femenine,—being slight and smooth-faceed. He is, however, healthy, active, and enduring.

The inner man corresponds to the outer. He is naturally amiable, genteel, tasteful, and clever,. Though his rank was not high, he was respectably connected, had influential friends, was educated beyond his situation in life, having received the basis of a classical one, and, had he remained in the army, would doubtless have been promoted. These prospects, and more congenial offers of the Ministry in a Government Church, he relinquished for a place in the Wesleyan itinerancy. Since his entrance among us he has been very studious,—accomplishing his “Conference course” in a highly creditable manner, and performing a very liberal curriculum of learned and scientific study, of his own accord.

He is what is usually called a “popular” preacher—pronounced eloquent by the many, and sought after by the more aspiring places as an attractive pulpit man. The secret of this attractiveness, we never could exactly make out—unless it is that his personal appearance and manner are good in the pulpit ; his voice is pleasant; his utterance is ready; his spirit fervent j and his style what may be called ornate and elevated. With regard to this last—his style—both in writing and speaking, we, for our individual part, have thought it faulty; but as the great majority approve it, we must acknowledge ourselves heterodox in our tastes and opinions. One reason for Mr. Gemley’s great success is no doubt his prudence, amiable considerateness, and indefatigable attention to all the members of his flock, both rich and poor.

No minister of his years amongst us, has had more good appointments than he. He has run up the scale after this fashion: Prescott, Port Hope, Belleville, Dundas, Peterborough, Toronto, Montreal Centre. Last year he was Chairman of this important District (the Montreal), and performed the duties of his office well; but the adoption of the ballot vote displaced him, at the late Conference, by a very small majority. The one elected in his place is everything that is good, but it seemed ungracious to turn a brother out at the end of a year, who had done his best. This case is a proof that the ballot system will sometimes show the majority of the Conference to differ from a unanimous District. He has, however, an elastic mind, which rises to the level of every emergency.

We have been much pleased to see our hero take so active and efficient a part in the deliberations of the Conference during its last two or three sessions. He is likely to make himself respected in that body. Being yet young he has by no means reached his culminating point. We wish him abundant prosperity.

We had almost forgotten to say that our subject is one of that class of Ministers, not very numerous, who have the good or ill fortune, (just as you are pleased to view it), to be lauded in the papers—to be donated, jeted, and testimonialed—and who are summoned a long distance to open churches, to marry friends, &e., &c,; and he is one of the very few of the class who has the good sense and piety not to be spoiled by it.


We pass from one of the “highfalutins,” to one still higher, perhaps the most so of any one in the Conference,—if indeed he can be said to be of that body,—who “by permission of the Conference,” spends his time in the service of a public charity, and in travelling for his personal pleasure and profit. He is an unique man, and altogether sui generis. He first breathed the vital air amid the “bonny hills o’ Scotland,” “that land of rock and glen.” His mother tongue is Gaelic, which, with all Highlanders, he thinks the most beautiful and expressive language spoken. He can and does preach in it when occasion serves, and it is when he has a congregation of Highlanders before him that he truly fires up. He speaks English rather with the rich accent of the educated Lowlander, than that of the Gael. Pie early got so much of a knowledge of Latin as would have enabled him to matriculate, but he never went through College. He has, however, been very studious and observing, and his attainments on all subjects are very respectable; has studied Greek and Hebrew.

But a superior genius done for him what a University education has failed to do for many who have been favored with it. His imagination is gorgeously poetical—delights in towering flights and bold imagery. His descriptive powers are good, and there is a great deal of the historical in his sermons. These qualities of mind, joined to fervent piety and the most large-hearted benevolence, have earned for his addresses the universal mede of eloquent; although his is rather the eloquence of poetry, than force of diction; yet his diction is forcible enough.

His exuberant good nature, ready wit and humor, render him a universal favorite on the platform, where (if in any one particular above another) he excels.

His fine personal appearance and stentorian yet musical voice, and free and easy movements, greatly add to his ascendancy over an audience. Imagine to yourself a noble person of a man six feet high, straight as a rush, well-proportioned, yet lithe and supple, with a mass of coal black hair, coarse and a little inclined to curl, combed back, revealing a fine though not very spacious forehead, while an equal mass in the form of beard, (his head on the whole is very long), embellishes the lower part of his well-proportioned face. Imagine him coming forward to the front of the platform with a light and sprightly tread; hear him accost “Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen,” in a full, round, musical tone of voice; wait but a little while till he kindles with his theme and begins to use his arms, those levers of eloquence and argument, till the audience become enwrapt, excited, and moved to thunders of applause, and you have some conception of our Scotch-Canadian Wesleyan Orator, Lachlin Taylor, Agent of the Upper Canada Bible Society, and now travelling in the lands of the Bible.

Mr. T. is a good Theologian and Expositor of Scripture, but no better than scores of his brethren who do not possess his other advantages. He gets at things rather by a stride of his genius, than the slower process of induction or ratiocination. He excels in pathos—not without a little bathos at times.

He was brought up in the bosom of the Established Kirk of Scotland, of which his father was long an Elder and Parochial School Teacher. But being brought to God in Lower Canada through the instrumentality of Wesleyanism, while he is one of the most catholic-spirited men in the world, he is a decided Methodist. Arminianism seems to suit his large heart and expansive soul.

He has been in our Ministry twenty years; and has been always in demand for the best stations, when he was willing to go, or stop in them, when there—which he never has in any one more than a year at a time. In one thing, he resembles the Bev. Robert Hall—he is too fastidious about his composition to write much for publication. The reader will be surprised to hear, after learning that he has so fine an imagination and such good extemporaneous powers, that all his sermons and addresses are painfully elaborated, and that he is foolish enough to trammel himself with notes. An over carefulness of his reputation has led to this. We are persuaded, if he were to throw away these buoys, and strike out fearlessly into the deep, he would effect even more than he now does, much as that is. He should be more independent of the opinions of his hearers—he could afford to be. He will take this well from an “old crony.”

The most wonderful thing about this most wonderful man is, that, with the most captivating sociality of spirits, the truest politeness, and the greatest gallantry towards the softer sex, which make him a universal favorite with the Ladies, he is yet unmarried, though already on the shady side of forty. His public reason, playfully given, is, “ he loves them all too well to love any one of them in particular.” Our hero, along with his general affability, is one of the most prudent and purest of mankind. A lot among the blessed and holy society of heaven awaits our friend. May we meet him there.


Well on to forty years ago, two or three young men came over in company from the United States to try their fortunes in Canada. One of them, a large inexperienced youth of about twenty-one years of age, was a Methodist, and bore an “Ex-horter’s Licence,” as they phrased it then. He was sincerely pious, and had better advantages of education than most young men in his position in Canada at that day. It was soon discovered that he had good gifts for public speaking, and was encouraged by his Presiding Elder, the now sainted Case, to give himself to the itinerant work; he consented, and appeared at the first session of the Canada Conference, held in Hallo-well, August, 1824, accoutred in the usual paraphernalia of a travelling preacher, with horse saddled and bridled, valise and 25 over-alls. And though not regularly received on trial till the next year, was appointed to the Smith's-Creek Circuit, which extended from the Carrying-Place on the East, to Darlington on the West; and from the Lake shore on the South, to the remotest settlements (beyond where Peterborough now stands) on the North.

He began at once to attract attention as a preacher. His preaching was a little unusual, being declamatory and florid in its style. It had its defects no doubt, not being equal, or equable in all its parts—the young orator, as it is said, sometimes “going up like a rocket, and coming down like a pole." Yet even his failures showed a noble aspiration. And, ere long, he certainly became very respectable as an Expository and Hortatory Preacher; and, being lively, pathetic, and ornate in his style he was soon very popular. He was a favorite in the pulpit so long as his voice, which was never very strong, (though well managed) allowed of frequent preaching.

He went up in all other respects as well. He was the favorite protege of the then ruling mind in Canadian Methodism, Elder Case, by whom he was highly valued till the old man’s death. He got the best circuits—was elected Secretary of the Conference—^chosen to preach Missionary Sermons—placed on “Stations” (the preachers on which were beginning to constitute a sort of elite amongst us, when a salutary return to the good old circuit system discouraged the formation of that kind of aristocracy)—made a District Chairman in the eighth year of his ministry—which led a punster, in allusion to his youth and his name, to say that “we had a green [A. Green] Presiding Elder.” His good nature will pass over the indignity of relating this.

Such were the antecedents of the famous Doctor Green, many years Chairman of the most important Districts in the Province—once President of the Conference—for many years, as he is now again, our Connexional Book Steward, Treasurer, or Bursar, of the College—thrice our Representative to the British Conference—and thrice to the American General Conference. He married, respectably—acquired some wealth than which nothing could show good financiering more, as his itineracy was confined to the early days, when salaries were small—and has taken a genteel social position. Some years ago, he received the degree of Doctor in Divinity, from one of the most respectable Methodist Universities in the United States.

It may be asked, How has he so wonderfully out-stripped most of his compeers in the matter of honors, offices, and distinctions of all kinds ? This is a question which it may not be very] delicate for us to answer; but we venture to say, by more than ordinary good abilities, and by unusual skill in management. Very learned, in the highest sense of that word, he does not profess to be; for though he is worthy of his degree, many of his brethren, on the ground of attainments, would be equally deserving. He is distinguished by an assemblage of fair qualifications of all kinds. He has a good practical judgment ; and possesses a native sagacity on most subjects, that amounts to genius : and he is so cool and self-possessed as not to betray his designs prematurely. These qualifications have made him the successful diplomatist, in the management of several difficult matters. Such as the defeat of certain pseudo claimants to recognition, as legal and standard Methodists, before the American General Conference in 1844; the negotiation of the advantageous arrangement with the Methodist Book-Concern in New York, in 1848; and in the active and successful part he took in the restoration of the Union with the British Conference, which has since worked so harmoniously.

He is very kind as an administrative officer, and yet has a good degree of boldness and firmness.. There never was a moro satisfactory presiding officer in a Quarterly or District meeting, or in the Presidential Chair of the Conference, than he; he has that peculiar combination of talents that qualifies a may fop conducting routine business. He was never so ambitious of talking as to interfere with the debates; and he would treat all with fairness and yet keep them to the point. His coolness and weight of character always paved the way for successful debating, when not in the chair.

He has ever showed a lively interest in the financial affairs of the connexion. His brethren have gladly, and almost necessarily, availed themselves of his abilities and bent of mind in this direction, to do what many ministers are not qualified to manage; and he has proved himself a safe and successful business man. He is one of those to whom we are indebted for the origination and maturity of our connexional funds—the father of the Ministers’ Annuitant Fund is he; and, like most fathers, right fond of his offspring. His financial talents alone are sufficient to account for his position.

But, besides what we have mentioned, his self-reliance, composure in the presence of the great, and observance of conventional proprieties, have all contributed to give him position. His complacency with the ceremonies—his ability to pay a compliment, and to act as master of ceremonies, point him out as a fitting man to wait on civil authorities, to lay the foundation of public buildings, and to take a part in that most intolerable of all bores, to all but the very dignified—ceremonious speaking on what may be called “state occasions.” But “every man in his own order some must do these things, and his talents for doing them have subserved the cause and contributed to strengthen his position.

We should mention, both to make our description complete, and to account for his respectable standing, that he is a man of “port and presence,” and attentive to his person. He is large? but even now not ungainly. In youth, he would have been pronounced handsome, being well proportioned, blue-eyed, darkhaired, and well-skinned. Hi3 face is large; his head is wide, but not so high proportionately; and his once glossy hair is now “silvered over with age.” He cannot be far from sixty—fifty-six, or seven, at tlie least.

He was “superannuated” for a time, but has come to the rescue, at a juncture when on account of the monetary circumstances of the country, his presence is needed in our Book and Printing Establishment: in which, if he succeed, he will confer a lasting blessing on the connexion and deserve the grateful acknowledgements of the ministers of the church. Our friend has the rare satisfaction of remembering that he has been un-deviatingly identified with the Conference “ in weal and woe,” from the year of its organization to the present day.

We must not omit to say, he is catholic-spirited, and enjoys a good share of respect beyond the pale of Methodism. Being a good natured, liberally minded man, we presume on his forgiveness for bringing him unauthorized before the public.


As I have sketched our excellent Book-steward, his Colleague, seated in the Editorial chair, may feel slighted if I do not honor him in a similar manner. It is a task of which the poor artist is somewhat afraid; for, any way you take him, he is a difficult subject to “handle.” An unusual genius is Spencer. I sharpen my stylus afresh, and address myself to the work with strong trepidition.

He is an Upper Canadian, and born, if I mistake not, near the celebrated battle field called Lundy’s Lane. Whether this has made him bellicose, I will not presume to say; but he is composed of pretty stern material. He is medium-sized, strong, and healthy. I should pronounce his face decidedly Grecian, but not handsome. His head is large, high, and poised on a pretty stiff neck. He is not ill formed, but has a certain careless manner of walking—slapping the ground with his feet—which certainly was not acquired in a school for the study of calisthenics. His manner of dressing, I should think, to be a little on the Dr. Abernethy order. His style of wearing his hair (if that may be called a “ style” which is left pretty much to nature) is what might be called porcupinish,—it stands fiercely up in front. His whole appearance is of a don’t-care-what-the-world-thinks character.

He is of a respectable Methodist parentage—at least we have been told his mother was a sterling old Christian of that denomination. That was a good thing to begin with. His plain manners, industrious habits, and healthy constitution, were formed and nurtured on a farm. Subsequently, he became a very ingenious amateur mechanic; and early showed taste and skill in that mechanical inventiveness for which his name is likely to be handed down with those of Hutton, Watt, and Arkwright, to future generations.

Mr. S. was very respectably educated—receiving first a good schooling at home; and then attending Academies and Colleges both in the United States and Canada. He was regarded as a good student in his College days. And though he never regularly graduated, we regard him as far in advance of some who have. He is well and extensively read in Latin and Greek; and his excellence in the natural sciences, particularly as a chemist, is known and appreciated by all his acquaintances who are capable of judging. No University would be wasteful of its favors, though it made him Doctor of Laws.

He was early converted, and became a sober, steady, pious youth. We remember well that he used to be called “ the Bishop” many years ago, when a student at “old Vic”; and his usefulness in that Institution in promoting revival meetings, was one reason why his friends recommended him for the travelling Ministry, and thrust him into it, rather against his will. The writer knows a person against whom our hero seemed to have a decided pique for several years, for his share in this business.

His itinerant career was marked by considerable success in some circuits; and he seemed to effect the most, and to be the best beloved, where he remained the longest. His first appearance as a preacher is not captivating. An apparent want of energy, and a certain monotonous sing-song in his voice, detract sometimes from the power of his truly eloquent sermons. These peculiarities of voice and manner cease to offend after the hearer becomes familiar with them. The characteristics we have mentioned, kept him from taking the first appointments, where many vastly his inferiors were received with eclat.

He had been thought of for years, by those who would call themselves the “liberal party” in the Conference, as Editor of our connexional organ, and unsuccessfully run him for it two or three years before his election to that position in 1851. But no sooner was he in than he began to win golden opinions,—and it seems now as difficult to get him out as it was to get him in, at the first. Take him for all in all, no Editor has given so much satisfaction. This is saying a great deal, when we consider the respectable character of all who went before him, and the transcendant abilities of some. We need not dwell on the qualities of his style, whieh is classical,—his controversial powers, in which wariness and self-command, and a fondness for the argumentum ad hominum conspicuously appear—or his industry and research in his selections, which would sometimes appear to more advantage if ho had not too many “ Addressors” and other machines in his head. But we spare him, as we observe an improvement of late. Like all liberals out of office, he is a little stern in, office. But with all his sternness, and impracticable unmanageableness in any position he has taken, in which he doubtless thinks himself right, he is a very good natured man, possessed of a large vein of quaint, quiet humor, and is, by consequence, a very engaging private companion; ancl a very reliable friend is he, who would risk any thing in defence of those lie loves.

With an occasional feeling of displeasure at him, “we do earnestly consider him still.”

We recollect ourselves, and must not omit to say, that of late years he has become conspicuous as a debater and legislator in the Conference, exerting more influence than any man of his years. He is 46 years of age, and 21 in the Ministry. The characteristics of his debating are nerved and dogged perseverance. His legislation has introduced some sweeping changes, which we must wait for the fruits of, before we with too much confidence pronounce them reforms. His doings in the Conference, however, answer a valuable end. And here we end our remarks.


Whatever deficiency there may be in the Methodist system with regard to the standard of Ministerial qualification, as it respects science and scholarship, it must be confessed to have the praise of not only securing a converted Ministry, but of securing the best class of minds in the ministry. In other communities, where a liberal education is made the sine qua non to an exercise of the Ministerial functions, many men are set apart to the sacred calling, who but for that training, would never have been able to speak at all with any tolerable degree of acceptability and effectiveness. Now we are bold to affirm that, while no knowledge comes amiss to a minister, and while he is all the better for the addition of learning to grace and natural gifts, yet he whose qualification for preaching has been wholly created by schooling, is scarcely fit for the work after all. We rejoice in the facilities now afforded for giving the Wesleyan Ministry the advantages of a more liberal education, yet it is to be hoped it will be restricted to those whose natural gifts would have made way for them irrespective of such training; and that connexional money will not be squandered in imparting learning to supply the place of mind, instead of directing and polishing minds of native force and vigor.

The person’s mind whom I now essay to sketch, was no doubt of the highest order of intellect naturally, and although he never had a regular Collegiate curriculum, he has so far improved upon his Grammar-school education as to become a man of extensive erudition and boundless general attainments. So completely out of the common order is our subject, that our attempt to measure the proportions of his giant mind is, we fear, like the attempts of a fly to scan the dimensions of the dome of St, Paul’s. Another thing embarrasses us: our subject has had an eventful, checkered public history. Still we have presumed to “show an opinion,”

We can well remember when we heard in boyhood that another and a third son of old Col. R. had embraced religion, and had become a Methodist preacher. It was our good fortune to see and hear him after that. It was at a camp-meeting. We remember his text, "0, Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself, but in me is thine help.” He was then, perhaps, twenty years of age—fat, and boyish-looking, like Spurgeon, only with a far more intellectual looking face. The physique and physiognomy of our herp, whether in youth or riper years, has been such as became our notions of a great man. Rather over than under the medium size—well proportioned—fair complexioned—with large, speaking blue eyes—-large nose, more Jewish than either Grecian or Roman—and then such a head! large, full, well-balanced, without any sharp prominences, but gently embossed all over like a shield. The mass of brain before the ears is greater in him than any other man we wot of. The height, and breadth, and fulness of that forehead is remarked by all observers. He is benevolent and generous to a fault; has a very emotional nature, and we are safe in saying, a very devotional one also. He was converted in early life, and “ nourished up in the words of faith and holiness” by pious maternal influence and care. No wonder that he should have early decided in favor of the Gospel against the Laic. With all his versatility, it seems a pity that his attention should have been divided and distracted between sacred and secular subjects. Had he de-.voted all his attention to law and politics, for which his statesman-like views, his extensive knowledge of history, and his powers of debate, if not of special pleading, so eminently qualified him, he would likely have passed through all the gradations to the highest pinacle of secular eminence attainable to a subject in a colony. And had his thoughts and studies been confined to the Bible, and Theology, and to the various accomplishments desirable in a minister, he would have attained even greater eminence in ministerial ability and usefulness than he has, high as has been his excellence in those particulars. But the peculiar circumstances of the country and of all denominations excepting the then dominant Church, rendered it necessary that some one should step forth in vindication of their rights, while the anonymous review of Dr. Strachan’s defamatory Sermon and Report pointed him out to the leaders of the Connexion as a champion, at the early age of twenty-two. Right boldly did he draw the sword of controversy, and right skilfully and successfully did he wield it also. But to write the doings of his public life, would be, to a great extent, to write the history of Upper Canada; and his Life and Times, it is to be hoped, he will find time to record with his own hand.

In point of ability, it is not too much to say that he has proved himself a great preacher, a great writer—this is perhaps his forte—and a great debt to Mr -. As a preacher, when he does himself justice in the matter of preparing, he is able in exposition, and pointed and powerful in application. His, we should judge, is the true style and method of preaching—he steers dear of “random rant” on the one hand, and of slavish memorising on the other. He uses so much of previous meditation as is necessary to master the outlines of his theme, and then draws on his general resources to fill it up and illustrate it, as he passes along. His characteristics as a writer are well known to the reading public—perhaps strength, and clearness, and forcibleness of illustration may be said to be its prominent attributes. The figures he most uses are antithesis, climax, and irony. He can be keenly sarcastic when he likes. Both in writing and debate he is not very choice of the means by which he demolishes an opponent, so long as it is done. When scientific missiles are not at hand he extemporises others which answer his purpose. His onslaughts are like an avalanche of snow and ice from a mountain’s brow, which brings every destructive thing along with it—trees and rocks, and, it may be, a deluge of muddy water if it stand in the way*

He has been charged with mystifying au unacceptable subject—>with inconsistency in his public career—and with frequently deserting from one side to another* That he knows how to conceal the objectionable parts of his projects, is no doubt true, but that he does more of it than his opponents would if they could, is doubtful. As to his inconsistency, he maintains that he has never changed his great leading views and principles 5 and that it is only when others have abandoned these, that he has seemed to change sides. One thing is true, that in nearly every apparent change, he has gone from the strong side to the weak one. It was so when he sacrified his old Tory friends, who were then in the ascendancy, in 1826, when he took scot and lot with those who were moving for equal rights. So when he published his “Impressions” in ’33, and was accused of changing, the Beform party were the vast majority ; but when he took up his pen in favor of Bidwell, in ’37-8, that party was prostrate in the dust, and its leaders expatriated. Again, Beform was in the ascendancy when he took up his pen in favor Lord Metcalf. We simply refer to these facts of history, and leave them to speak for themselves.

We do not pretend to say that he has been without his faults,—we ourselves have often been offended with him,—and it is said that the faults of great men are generally great faults, Their errors and deviations are more palpable than those whose talents and errors are not so conspicuous.

His greatest mistakes, in the eyes of Methodists, have been, when he has showed an indifference to their public religious sentiments on the subject of certain fashionable amusements, and relative to the preservation intact of those institutions by which the life of religion in the heart can alone be preserved. But we ascribe the peculiarity of his views in these particulars to the particular stand-point to which his position, that of Superintendent of Education, has for several years restricted him. Notwithstanding the peculiarity of his views in these respects, we regard him as the well-intentioned and ardent friend of Methodism, who, while he is distinguished by an enlightened catholicity, has shown the most decided preferences for the church of his choice.

Perhaps we have erred in discussing a subject so generally known, but we could hardly pass so prominent a member of the Conference as Dr. Egerton Byerson.

We must not omit the after thought, that he is very pleasing in his private manners, being very condescending, affable, and polite. His conversational powers are great.


“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” The truth of this declaration is illustrated and confirmed by the conversion of the subject of the present sketch, and that of his now sainted brother. Two little brothers some forty or fifty years ago used to accompany their pious mother (the wife of the Captain and owner of a merchant ship,) to the Wesleyan chapel in the seaport town of Hull, in Yorkshire, England. In its Sabbath School, and under the Ministry of the Apostolic itinerants, who spake the word of life within its walls, as well as by maternal instruction, they were “trained up in the way they should go/’

While yet in youth, commercial disaster and reverses of fortune happened to the father,—-the family w^ reduced in cir* cumstances,—and parents and children sought a home in the woods of Lower Canada. Now the superior commercial education of these young men began to stand them instead of other means of support. They betook themselves to teaching, in which they were very successful; and they found their way into Upper Canada. Unhappily their religious training was defeated for a time by intercourse with a degenerate world. They lived for some years an irreligious life, and even tried to be sceptical. They endeavored to satisfy the cravings of their immortal minds with literary pursuits; and they had each a Novel in course of preparation, when their conversion occurred. That of James, the elder, took place first; Ephraim's soon followed. The honored instruments were the never-to-be-forgotten Metcalf and his then youthful colleague, our prospective Co-Delegate, who were the Circuit preachers. This occurred iu the Township of Bastard. We speak of the two Evanses.

James’s talent for preaching, though afterwards he became so eminent as a Missionary to the Indian tribes, did not develop itself so fast; but Ephraim, our present hero, was perhaps the soonest called out on a Circuit after his conversion, of any man amongst us—that is, as soon as his probation for membership was completed. Yes, and after a few weeks’ trial in the country, he was sent to the second station in importance in the Province, the town of Kingston, and to take the place of a rejected preacher too. He told them at his first debut, that, though he was from the country, “he knew no difference between town and country sinners, excepting this, that town sinners were generally a great deal worse.”

Let no person say that his introduction to the work of preaching was premature. He was a man for age, being twenty-five years old; he was an educated man, and possessed of great natural endowments, and one who had drank in the purest theology in early life. It was only directing his extraordinary abilities in another and the proper channel, and he was the accomplished preacher at once. Like Bunting, to whom, we should think, he bears a strong moral and intellectual resemblance, he seemed to preach as well at the first as he does now. And having then the fire and vivacity of youth, with the zeal of a new convert, he was much more popular than he has been of late years. He was always deliberate, argumentative, and prolix. These, since he has lost his youthful sprightliness, cause his long, correctly expressed, and profoundly argumentative sermons, notwithstanding his beautiful language and musical voice, to be regarded as heavy by many hearers.

Canada during the early part of his Ministry was full of isms, some of which were heretical. Methodism had to club its way through much opposition. In the work of controversy he was a champion, and a host in himself,—fearless, cool, and ready to debate by the day with all comers. This he often did literally. He went out in 1827.

A person so gifted and so constituted, would soon become a man of mark in the Conference, and take a very decided part in its deliberations, which he did. At first he was a great admirer of E. B., who, though his junior by a year, was his senior in the ministry. The anxious discussions of following years, sometimes placed him in antagonism to his early friend. And now that F. M. had retired, he perhaps was the only man in the body who was likely to do it, that could fairly cope with

him. Still in our humble opinion, he was never quite his match. Evans was clear, direct, honest, and able; but the other could place a subject in that plausible light that would carry the majority with him.

Doctor E vans has stood in immediate relationship to the English as well as Canadian Conference; and held two very responsible situations in Nova Scotia under its immediate direction. In Canada, he has been Secretary of Conference, Chairman of District, and Editor of the Guardian. He is a strong, clear, correct, and forcible writer who, however, was not quite provident and plodding enough for an Editor. He has a lawyer-like mind. He is very versatile, and exceedingly well informed on all subjects; he has a good share of what is called Learning, and is, therefore, worthy of his Degree, but he does not seem inclined to incumber himself with the lumbering part of it.

He has a strong will, and a little tendency to arbitrariness, although he designs to be fair and honorable. Such men, .however, crowd less tenacious spirits out of the arena of discussion, and preserve the floor pretty much to themselves when present.

It is somewhat singular that just such a man as we have described should have offered and been sent to his present position in New Columbia. He seems, however, to be displaying his characteristic resolution, and will doubtless do much good. Though pretty impracticable with equals, we opine that he is bland and indulgent towards juniors and inferiors in general, though there is an air of hauteur about him. He is tall, well made, and graceful; and when young, was decidedly handsome. His age must be about 57.

His private manners are characterized by dignified and simple politeness. A very composed and self-possessed man is he, whether in the pulpit or parlour. We deeply sympathize with him in the bereavment ho has suffered in the death of his virtuous only son; a and circumstance which will add to his loneliness in that distant land whither he has gone. God be gracious to him and his, and support them!


Our present subject is a sort of cynic philosopher, rather disposed to view things in a morose and gloomy light, not wholly free from severity on erring individuals. He is, however, possessed of good nature at bottom, as we can easily see when his grim and wrinkled features are lighted up with a smile, which we arc glad is not seldom.

His looks, in their prima facie aspect, are against him; and he seems more cynical than he is, by the grum and oracular manner in which utterances are made from his deep bass voice. Imagine a man of medium size, rather stoutly built, light complexioned, and freckled, and you have some idea of the person. His head is of large dimensions and taurine shape, covered with a light coating of very peculiar hair.

He is one of a family of preaching brothers already referred to in these sketches—Canadians. He was the third introduced to the Conference, although the eldest of jour. He had been several years employed as a local preacher and missionary school teacher among the Indians, before his name appeared on the “Minutes.” The way in which he began the account of himself at his “public reception” was characteristic of the man: he said, “It is with peculiar feelings, I come before this assembly as a candidate for reception into the body, as it must be evident to you all, that I am not a young man.”

He is a man of excellent sense and judgement—of good intellectual powers, rather strong and weighty than brilliant—sincere piety—and of great probity and worth. He views matters in a very sober light; and would be far more likely to under-value, than over-value anything he was doing for the cause.

Although he seems to have a distaste to it, by some means or other, he has been a large part of his time connected with the lndian department of the work. This is the more remarkable as he has been very acceptable in his appointments among the whites]; he was Treasurer of the College, but has not attained his brother Thomas’s proficiency in the Indian languages. He has, however, the elements of character to earn the confidence of the observant and reflecting Indian mind, and to maintain an ascendancy over it. His gravity, integrity, and consistency are a tower of strength to him among this peculiar race. He has been for several years the very successful Principal of the Alderville Industrial School.

His dress and manners are plain and farmerlike, and he is very practical in his views and habits. He stood high in the esteem of the late venerable William Case, “the father of Canadian Missions,” to whom he was a sort of “right hand man,” Our friend must be well on towards sixty^—although his compact frame, sound health, and simple habits, would at present seem to insure a longer continuance in the work, than some who are twenty years his juniors. We pray the church may long enjoy the benefit of his self-denying labors.

There are few in the Wesleyan body, who will not be able to recognize the features of the Reverend Sylvester Hurlburt.


I am inclined to think I had better dispatch all the Hurlburts, while my hand is in. Thomas now by order of seniority falls into our hands.

A remarkable man is he. He stands out by himself from all the members of the Conference—we have but one Thomas Hurlburt. He is a strong, stout, farmer-looking man of just about fifty years of age. As we usually phrase it, “he holds his age well,” notwithstanding the many hardships through which he has passed. But he makes himself very patriarchal-looking by wearing the whole of his stout, coarse beard, now a little sprinkled with grey, while the hair on the crown of his head begins to wear thin. He is rather light complexioned.

He began at the age of twenty, and has been consequently thirty years in the work, the whole of which time has been spent among the Indian tribes of this continent. After spending a few weeks at Grape Island in 1829, he was sent on as Missionary School Teacher to Muncy-town, where he got the first insight into the Chippewa language. Thence, he was sent, after being ordained, to Saugeen, on the shores of Lake Huron. There he remained two years. Then he spent a year at St. Clair and Walpole Island. The next three years he was in the Lake Superior country. The next two, namely 1841, and ’42, at the Pic, in the Hudson Bay Territory. The next year he returned to Canada and was appointed to Lake Simcoe. From thence, obeying what he thought to be the call of God, he went in 1844, to the assistance of our brethren in the United States, where he was a member and Presiding Elder, in their Indian Mission Conference, stretching, I believe, from North to South through all the States West of the Mississippi. While there, he extended his acquaintance with the Indian dialects. There he continued till 1851, when he returned to assist his first friends in Canada, and was stationed at Alderville. The next two or three years he supplied the Bice Lake Mission. In 1855, the Hudson Bay Missions having been transferred from the direction of the British Wesleyan to the Canadian Conference, Mr. H. was entrusted with the Superintendency of the whole work in that Territory. His own station was Norway House, Lake Winnepeg. Here he performed progidies of labor in preaching, school-teaching, board-sawing and house-building, type-founding, printing, translating, and studying languages. While there he added the Cree to his previous stock of Indian dialects.

We regret to have to say, that he was forced from this very useful position by the failing health of his devoted wife, who found herself unable to endure the rigors of the climate. He came down to Garden River, where he had the charge of Lake Superior District in 1857. In 1858, he was transferred to the old and important mission of St. Clair, where he now resides.

Besides discharging the ordinary duties of a missionary, he is likely to serve the cause of missions as a Professor of the Indian languages. The Conference made a commencement the present year to train missionaries for the Indian work expressly, instead of leaving the matter to accident. It was decided to place two young men at once under the tution of Mr. H. with a view to their spending their lives in that department of the work.

Our hero, (for hero he has proved himself) is altogether a a very remarkable man. He has been too long among the Indians to be a very captivating preacher in English. He has learned the Indian so thoroughly, and has spoken it so much, that he speaks English with aii Indian idiom and intonation. He can think in Indian, and says that at one time, he used to dream in it also. The Indians themselves give him credit for great expertness in their language, one of them pronouncing him “an Indian in a white man’s skin.” In their language he is very voluble and persuasive.

Besides expertness in learning and systematizing barbarous tongues, in which he has showed a philosophic perception of the essential structure of language and linguistic affinities, he has shown a philosophic turn of thought in general matters. His knowledge of natural science, particularly of Geology, is very ponsiderable. He has amused himself and imposed obligations on scientific discovery by his careful observance and public record of natural phenomena of various kinds.

He is a kind, equable tempered man, with a quiet vein of Indian sort of humor running through his conversation. Although he represents himself as behind the conventional usages of civilized society, his stores of information being of a character so very unique, render his company very agreeable and much to be desired by the best informed persons who have formed his acquaintance. He is healthy and may serve the church another twenty years. Long may he live!


Erastus, though the younger of the four Hurlburts, was perhaps the best educated originally of either. But although a sound and excellent preacher, it is doubtful whether he will ever attain to the eminence of his brothers. That is, relative eminence; for it may be questioned whether he is not held back relatively by the rapid augmentation of talent and energy among those who are nearer his own age in the ministry. It requires more learning and more ability to be distinguished now, among increasing numbers and increasing talent, than in former years when ministers were few and their talents small.

Our brother has received a new religious impulse of late years, and in his last circuit before the present, he was made the instrument of a great and glorious revival. May his present one be similarly blessed!

He is about thirty-eight years of age, but as he is very light complexioned and healthy he looks much younger. He is very attentive to his person, equipage and parsonage premises. He has any amount of good nature; and, whatever may be the number of his admirers, we should think he has no enemies.

He is one of that sort of men who will wear a long time, and who often wake up in middle life and make their influence felt for good during the rest of their days. We shall rather expect this of him. We have some special reasons for feeling interested in his success. God bless him !


Seven years ago the Methodists in Montreal, experienced somewhat of a trial. Their principal minister in the city, and the newly appointed chairman of the Lower Canada District, a man of rare accomplishments and unbounded popularity, whom the people had almost idolized, suddenly announced his acceptance of a call to a popular and wealthy Presbyterian church in the city of Philadelphia, where his salary was to be vastly in advance of the very liberal allowance of the Montreal Stewards.

The officials very politely and properly declined his services for the balance of his time among them; and sent to the Missionary Secrataries in London, to whose jurisdiction they were then amenable, for a supply. The person sent was regarded as one of the best students and preachers in one of the Branches of their Theological Institute, where he had been about three years. He had been an acceptable local preacher for several years before going there and must have had very respectable attainments. But they were much greater, when he left the Institution. If his qualifications are a fair specimen of the sort of training received in those Institutions, a sojourn at either of them must be an incalculable blessing to a junior preacher who may be favored to attend it. Our friend’s knowledge of Theology, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and Biblical criticism, was very considerable.

So thoroughly trained a young man we have perhaps never had in our Canadian connexion. He has systematically built on the foundation so broadly and deeply laid at the Institution. He seems to have little desire for any kind of study, excepting what has a direct reference to his sacred profession. This would appear to be the true method in general. It is undoubtedly so for him; for it is in accordance with his tastes as well as his convictions. But where a minister’s tastes and opportunities lead him to more general and miscellaneous reading and study he may safely imitate the example of John Wesley, who read everything which came in his way, and of Adam Clarke, who “intermeddled with all wisdom.” For divinity, and the means of illustrating divine truth, may be. drawn from every branch of knowledge, by an ingenious and pious mind. Preachers who pursue such a course are among the most interesting and useful to the mass of hearers. They may not please accurate theologians so well.

Our subject is a neat, clear, sound preacher, with a distinct and deliberate utterance, much esteemed for his preaching ability in the circuits in which he has been stationed, which, with the exception of one year, have all been city appointments—Montreal and Toronto. He has excellent qualifications to make an able Minister, pleasing in his address; pointed, and earnest; and attends to all his work with regularity and fidelity.

He is rather short of the medium height, but stout-built and healthy. Being very light complexioned, with a round, rosy face, he looks almost boyish, although he is perhaps 34 or 35 years of age. He is a good natured person, with risibles easily excited. He has, however, a just perception of clerical propriety, which he always preserves.

He begins to occupy a useful place in the doings of the Conference, His report as Secretary of the Sabbath School Committee last June was ably drawn up, and impressively read to the Conference. He has been honored the present year with the Financial Secretaryship of the district to which he now belongs—a post for which he is well qualified. A rising man is lie. His office is suggestive of his name; for by all who hold Presbyterian views, he will be regarded as a true and scriptural Bishop. .


One year after the first Union with the British Conference, (that is 1834) there being then a deficiency of laborers in the Province, the Canada Conference requested of the Parent body to send out six young preachers from their list of reserve for that year, which Dr. Alder pronounced “ the best batch” that had gone out for several years. In due time, the brethren arrived. They were not very young, although they were “ young men” technically. But if there was a want of' the sprightliness of youth about them, they possessed what was of vastly more importance—experience and maturity of preaching ability, the result of having exercised the local preacher’s office for several years. They were also men of some learned attainments, and much general information. They all, excepting the lamented Gladwin and Price, who died after a few years labor, rendered considerable service to the cause. The now sainted Slight labored successfully in Upper and Lower Canada among Indians and whites, for the space of twenty-three years—proving himself the accomplished preacher, the faithful, judicious pastor, and an author of no mean ability. Among the three that survive, one (eminent for his piety) is a superannuate ; one has filled some of the highest offices of the connexion, and is one of its best financial minds; and one remains to be described in this paper.

He is plain in his appearance, portly and grave-looking, and now begins to look elderly. He is a man of sincere piety—of very industrious habits—decidedly Wesleyan in all respects —well-educated—extensively read, with literary tastes and talents. He is also a sound theologian ; and nothing but a slight occasional hesitancy (a nervous affection, much influenced by circumstances,) in his speech, prevents his being considered the eloquent preacher. Eloquent he is in thought and language, if those “thoughts that breathe and words that burn,” could but find a readier utterance. He is both imaginative and pathetic. His addresses excel in originality, in ingenuity and fancy, and in variety. An address of his at a public reception of young Preachers, delivered before the Conference held in the town of St. Catherines in 1845, is often referred to by his brethren as a most successful effort, and a model for such occasions. While in the active itinerancy his prominent features were his great partiality for pastoral visitations and revivals; dogged adherence to old Methodism; enthusiastic love of Britain, but firmly attached to Canada, and Canadian Methodism. His conscientiousness and high sense of honor would lead him to distrust ungrateful, vascillating, or jesuitical men. As a Missionary spirit brought him from England, this noble institution shares largely in his aspirations and sympathies.

But perhaps our subject is more known and celebrated as a writer, than in any other department. His first appointments were Indian Mission Stations, in which work he was very acceptable ; but some pungent articles from his pen on public questions which affected the interests of religion, brought him into notice as a writer, and led to his election to the Editorial chair of the Connexion, of which he was an incumbent four years. The characteristics of the paper in his time were religiousness and non-political. His style is perhaps rather too diffuse, and his articles sometimes slightly prolix. These are his only defects. He was once elected Secretary of Conference, but declined the honor.

The indisposition of an excellent wife, who cannot endure the fatigue of moving, obliges him to hold a supernumerary relation, who otherwise would be very effective. He is, however, exceedingly useful to the connexion, as the Secretary of the General Superintendent of our Missions, and by his preaching far and near on the Lord’s day.

With all the capabilities above described, the voice of our friend is never heard in the deliberations of the Conference. Yet, when its decisions are promulgated, he is ever ready to expound and defend them with his pen. Still his services to that venerable body are known and appreciated in the almost unanimous adoption of several important addresses to the British Conference, a number of Pastoral Addresses, and of the longest Obituary found in the Minutes,—that of the Apostolic Case. A thorough Colonist is he in his sympathies and views. Who that knows him does love and revere the Reverend Jonatiian Scott?


It is strange that we should have overlooked our present subject till now. His sizeable person, bustling habits, and very respectable abilities, cause him to fill a considerable space in the public eye.

He is the son of a worthy Irish Methodist, and was himself born in Ireland. He was classically educated at Victoria College; and before his entering the ministry, was for some years a popular and efficient teacher of a higher school.

His ministerial life and labors have been marked by great success. And no wonder—he pays the price which can alone ensure it. He is fervently pious,—serious in his conversation,—impassioned in his sermons, exhortations, and prayers—abundant in labors, and pastoral in his habits. His preaching talents may be pronounced very good ; but liis advantages of voice and manner, the one being strong and the other fervent, may cause him to rank higher with the masses than his actual level.

Although he does not show it, by participation in the debates of Conference, he is public spirited, and has done a great deal of connexional work—not to say drudgery. He was for two years the successful Agent of the Victoria College. His stations have been very respectable ; and he is now (185960) the pastor of our Collegiate Church at Cobourg,

Being of a pushing disposition, laggards may perhaps consider him pertinacious and intolerant, a conclusion not uncommon in such cases.

He is a very good defender of our connexional proceedings, whether “on the stump,” or with the “grey goose quill.” In both he is practical, and comes down to the popular level.

He is now in the fourteenth year of his ministry. Although one of the most serviceable men to the body of his standing, he is a little too conservative and deferential to existing authorities to receive the sufferages of that numerous class whose management in caucuses influence all appointments to connexional offices. He will, however make his mark on the body, if he live long enough. And as to living, his robust health, renders this probable for many years to come. His age must be thirty-six or eight.

It is almost a superfluity to say we are writing of the Rev. William Henry Poole.


When a person has symmetry and beauty of body—vigor of intellect—amiableness of temper—great educational attainments—manners polished by good society—and real, evangelical piety into the bargain, they make the possessor a very loveable object. Such is the one we are now about to sketch.

He had his birth (and spent his childhood under the roof of pious, Methodist parents,) in an interesting rural part of Upper Canada—Mount Pleasant. He was brought up on a farm. where many of our best public men occupied their boyish days. There they acquired simple habits and good constitutions. We rather suspect our subject never labored more than enough to harden his muscles a little.

The first place we ever heard of him was at Yietoria College. But we are told by himself that he was converted at the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, N. Y., before going there. He was, however, licensed to preach as a local preacher at Victoria; and while there, decided in favor of the full work of the Christian Ministry. This is one of the many instances in which that too much undervalued Institution has been the means of sequestering the highest class of minds to the cause of sacred truth.

He finished his collegiate course at Middletown University where he received his degree—first A. B., and then of A. M. He entered the full work of the ministry in 1847, and was stationed in the Port Hope circuit. His highest ambition seems, to have been, to be a faithful, laborious Wesleyan Minister. Nor did he aspire to the cities, as do some young men of far less ability to go into them. From these he seemed to shrink, but wished to begin, where that man of iron powers, Dr. Dixon, told our Conference he began—“at the fag end.” He wished to work his way up. This would be wise in every young man.

His second appointment, however, was the city of Toronto. His third, the city of London circuit, which embraced at that time a great deal of country work. Here he was not suffered to complete the year; but was urged, against his preferences, into the Prineipilship of Victoria College, where he has ever since remained.

For some time after his admission to “full connexion,” he seemed to act in the Conference as though he had not much right to speak, excepting on such matters as related to Education ; he now, however, takes a pretty active part in its general deliberations—much to the general good, and much to the satisfaction of his brethren, among all grades of whom he is a favorite.

He showed his talent for eloquent speaking, first in the debates of the Philaloethic Society at College; and lie now proves, himself the masterly preacher, by his unhackneyed manner,, his probing the conscience, and his bursts of eloquence; the eloquent declaimer on the platform; and the effective debater on Conference floor. His style is unencumbered and lucid, but he sometimes takes the boldest flights of oratory.

He is handsome in person—medium-sized, but so straight, as to appear taller than he really is. His full chest, we suspect, is partly the result of a wise and vigorous system of gymnastics. His hair and beard are black, coarse and curly. His head widens from the base of the brain upwards. His face is well proportioned, and his lips curved. He would do for the “tall, dark young man” of the novelist—for he is yet young, probably not more than thirty-five or six; and he does not look so old as that even. His voice is pleasant and well managed; and his gestures have become very beautiful and easy, yet quick and energetic.

We do not know whether other senior members of the Conference have noticed the resemblance, but there is much about President Nelles, which reminds ourselves of the late lamented Metcalf. The resemblances are in their very personal appearance, (although Metcalf was the taller, and his hair Was chesnut and straight,) in the purity of their character—the ease of their manners—the gracefulness, and even similarity of their gestures in the pulpit—and in the playfulness of their conversation among familiar friends, Mr, M. was character-rzed by innocent wit: so is Mr. N. And, to us, there appears a resemblance in the kind of it. An example from each may be given:—In the second Conference after the first Union, an eminent minister, who was not always distinguished by his suavity of temper, moved “That the Rev. Ezra Adams and the Rev. T. Turner, as being two of the best natured men in the Conference, be a Committee to wait on the Trustees of the American Presbyterian Church, and thank them for their kindness in proffering their Meeting House for the use of the Conference, and to respectfully decline the offer,”—on the ground that it was not needed. Metcalf immediately suggested “ the addition of the mover, as being the stationed minister of the town, and also for the purpose of adding to the quantity of good nature. In the last session of our Conference, two strong men, leading members of the body, got into a pretty earnest altercation on the sacred and somewhat difficult subject of entire sanctification—in the midst of which Mr. Nelles stepped forward from a retired seat to the end of the platform, and expressed “ a hope that there might be no quarrel between these two brethren on the subject of sanctificationf for he was sure in such a case they could not be justified ”The first half of the sentence produced a shade of seriousness on the countenances of all, which soon turned into a laugh, when they discovered the pun in the latter half. It was a piece ef pleasantry, however, which dissipated a rising cloud. Nelles is an incorrigable, yet innocent punster.

One might think that such playful sallies were incompatible with the dignity of his position, and adverse to his ascendancy among the students in the College; but no man knows better how to maintain true dignity when the assumption of it is required; and as to his college government, that is a decided success. He is almost idolized by all under his care. Men of extra dignity do not always succeed so well.

His scholarship comports well with his opportunities and duties; but, if one so much inferior to him in that respect might express an opinion, he is as much distinguished by his literary and speaking talents, and by natural genius, as he is by filling his head with a great amount of learned lumber. There is no pedantry about him whatever.

We are glad to write that he is a sound-hearted Wesleyan, who has a scrupulous respect for our distinctive principles, while he has the largest catholicity of feeling towards “all who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity.”


It is said that “comparisons are odious.” Or, as that mythical personage, Mrs. Partington, affirmeth, they are “odorous”—a pretended mistake which contains a great amount of truth, and tends to illustrate the legitimacy of the maxim as litterally expressed. All such maxims are more or less founded in truth, and may be very useful as guides to our conduct, and this one among the rest. Yet there are some things we can only illustrate by comparison, indeed all illustrations imply comparison. Plutarch resorts to this method in bringing out the peculiarities of the great men of antiquity. We have been led to use it to some extent in illustrating the individuality of some of the men of God whom we have sketched, as well as to diversify our mode of treating the subjects. We have not meant our comparisons to be individious. And we are about to resort to it once more.

In the years 1834, 5, and 6, our present President was stationed in the city of Kingston. During the early part of his pastoral sojourn in that place, a modest, steady youth, who had been trained in the Sabbath school, became converted to God and joined the church. He had a fair English education, and soon gave promise of usefulness, and was made a local preacher.

Next, he entered as one of the first students in Upper Canada Academy, which has grown up to our present Victoria College. In a year’s time, however, he was withdrawn from its sacred shade, and sent into the work on the then laborious Thames circuit, in which work he has continued to this day, a period of 22 years.

Immediately on beginning to preach, he showed points of resemblance to his spiritual father, which some thought might be that imitation so common to young men of those they admire; but to the present, although they have not been much together, that resemblance continues, which we are sure is only accidental, as it is but partial. First, they are very much of a size, being compact, rotound, handsome men, and light complexioned. The younger, (who is about forty-four') not appearing so much so as to make any material difference. Their voices are very much the same in tone and compass. The elder, however, speaks fluently, the younger with more hesitancy, and always with some, till he warms with his theme. Both are chaste and elevated in their language and illustrations. One is perhaps textual, the other more seemingly argumentative. Our subject is practical and evangelical, and rises sometimes to eloquence. He is not, however, so great a preacher, perhaps, as he gave promise to be when young. Two things may have retarded him. He is, we suspect, a little sluggish constitutionally, which may have prevented laborious preparation; and he has been entrusted with connexional engagements adverse to study and practice pulpit-ward.

He was appointed Editor in 1846, in which position he maintained himself no less than five years. His style we find ourselves unable to characterize, and leave it undescribed. His taste, however, we may say was choice and delicate. After serving what might be called our collegiate church and the Cobourg district three years, he became the connexional Book Steward several years, comprehending the period of the late monetary crisis. And whatever the knowing ones may say, by way of* criticizing his commercial management, he is no doubt one of our best financial men. He has been the Treasurer of our Church Relief Fund.

He does not speak often in the Conference, but when he does his is usually a set speech of considerable importance. Though courteous and possessed of self-control, he goes through with his measures with great determination. He generally returns left-handed compliments with great punctuality, when a suitable occasion offers. He has some learning, and is possessed of good literary talents, although, as yet, he has published no book.

Though a little inclined to quiz and tease his familiar friends, he is a serious good Christian, and sound in all Wesleyan matters. Notwithstanding he is at present somewhat retired, from observation, his position is respectable, and he will come into notice again one of these days, by some revolution of the connexional wheel. We are proud to say that the Rev. G. R. Sanderson is a native of Canada.


The consideration of Mr. S. reminds us of one to whom he stands officially related as his Superintendent and Chairman, but one very dissimilar from himself in many respects.

Our present subject is a native of that “Green Isle of the sea,” so justly celebrated in story and in song. He is a true representative Irishman. A Celt by origin, on his father’s side at least, as his name indicates, and with all the wit, vivacity, warm-heartedness, eloquence, and, we may add, amusing oddity, which are characteristic of the genuine, specimens of that race. His looks also are unmistakably Hibernian. He is low of stature, and particularly short in the pedestals on which the column rests. His strong features make up the tout ensemble of a real old country face. We take a little liberty with him as he often refers with playful irony to his great personal beauty. His appearance has, however, some redeeming qualities—he has a finely developed head, partially bald, skirted, as is his face, with a margin of luxuriant hair, venerably white. He is extra neat and clerical in his dress and person, and though vivacious, very genteel in his manners.

He is a trophy won from the Church of Home, to which Crayon No. II, largely contributed when on the Mirainiehi Mission, within the pale of which he was brought up, and for the priesthood of which he was educated, being before his conversion, actually in its ecclesiastical noviciate. This transition began in New Brunswick, and was consummated in Nova Scotia. Being brought to*thersaving knowledge of the truth, through the instrumentality of Wesleyan Missionaries, he naturally cast in his lot with that section of the Protestant church, and was soon in the ranks of its ministry. This took place about 28 years ago. Since then, he has filled some of the best stations in the four provinces—New Bruswick, Novia Scotia, Upper and Lower Canada.

He received a good classical education, and obtained first, the degree of Master of Arts, we believe, from Middletown University; and subsequently, that of Doctor in Divinity, from Newton University. He placed in its archives, we have been told, one of the best “ Latin Theses” the Senate avered, they had ever received.

He frequently quotes Latin, and makes a liberal use of classic allusions; though all his allusions are not classical. No one can be more droll and familiar when he likes ; and indeed, he is necessarily often so, whether he likes or not. He can hardly open his mouth without saying very unusual things. And by the amount of laughter he provokes, a stranger might suspect him wanting in proper consideration. He is one of that class of men who will receive credit for less piety than they possess.

He is, however, undoubtedly pious, and of late years, it is evident, he is increasingly so.

As a speaker, we may remark, his volubility is without let or hindrance, and his imagination is of the most gorgeous and discursive character. The boldness of its flights and the oddity of its gyrations, are beyond description—they must be witnessed to be appreciated. These are allowed their utmost latitude on th q platform, but more restrained in the pulpit. He is, however, rather brilliant than powerful as a preacher.

Specimens of his style and the topics he delights to dwell on, with his mode of treating them, may be seen in the “Autobiography of a Wesleyan Missionary,” a book which, from the variety of its matter, the strangeness of its incidents, and the liveliness of their treatment, will amply repay perusal. Let it be bought and read. He wrote also the “History of Miramichi,” a work referred to by subsequent historians as a standard, Part of his pre-ministerial life was editorial, he has, therefore written a great deal, as he writes with facility. He is an unique and popular lecturer, having in former years done a great deal of that sort of work in the several cities where he has been stationed.

He is a sound-hearted Wesleyan, and only needs to be known to be loved. Though literary and oratorical, he is more of a business man than he seems to be; we suspect however, he has no love for its details. With the asssistance of an excellent conjugal co-adjutor, he does not neglect his pastoral obligations,

The Rey. Robert Cooney, D. D., is probably about sixty years of age.


Our present subject is very much to our notion, as a Wesleyan minister, He is a native of Canada, with an admixture of Anglo-Saxon and Teutonic blood in liis veins. He is rather tall, straight, slender, and handsome, having a clear skin with dark hair. Age has not yet impaired his beauty, although he is forty-one or two. He has been 19 years in the itinerant work, having gone out into the Canadian ministry at the memorable “Special Conference.” He egressed from the halls of the “ Upper Canada Academy,” where he was respectably educated. All his pre-ministerial life was spent in study and teaching.

He is somewhat scholarly, but not pedantic—studious, but not slavishly devoted to books—genteel, but plain and condescending—cheerful, without levity—serious, without moroseness—devout, without fanaticism—and earnest, without rant. He excels in his ability and tact for working up his circuits— which he always does—or straightening them when needed. We scarcely know his equal for nerve and thoroughness in cleansing an Augean stable. He can differ with a man without quarreling with him—he is mild, but unflinching—almost to stubborness.

He preaches good, thorough, practical, appropriate sermons, but none for show or effect. Pie is laborious and pastoral and unusually successful in promoting revivals. We have often wondered how he brought them about. With no extra eloquence, passion or sanctimoniousness—with a voipe not very strong or commanding—and with a peculiar manner of utterance resembling a stammerer, arising from rapidity and hesitancy combined, yet he will fix attention, produce conviction, and keep the people all at work, till the tide of prosperity sets in, and sinners by scores are brought to God. And he is just as useful in building up as he is in gathering in. He carries his religion into everything, and has a family ordered as a Christian minister’s should be.

Our hero has received good appointments, but has had more work than honors. His beautiful chirography and exactness in copying have entailed on him the drudgery of “Journal Secretaryship,” for a number of years-*-long enough to have earned the post of principal Secretary before it did. He is in the largest city of the two Provinces, and is now the Chairman of that District—the first year of his Episcopate.

His Conference speeches do not produce a very profound impression, owing to want of weight in his voice—distinctness in his manner of coming at a question—-and his usually appearing after the minds of members are wearied with the discussion He has too much work on hand to take an early and effective part in the debates, although he sits in a conspicuous place. His baptismal name is after the hero of Queenston Heights, and Isaac Brock Howard is a real Christian hero.


The most of the troubles we experience from others in this world are of our own procuring, as they arise from our want of discretion, litigiousness, pertinacity, or ambition. If any man tells you that all men are leagued against him; and that, go where he will, they are determined to annoy him, you may rest assured “there is a screw loose” in his own machinery somewhere. On the contrary there are others, who always seem to be sailing in smooth water, just because they so placidly adjust their sails and helm to the varying winds and currents. Such a one we conceive to be the subject of our pencil just now,

Without any very large pretentions or attainments—or without any extra zeal or bustle, he has taken circuits of great respectability, and has continued to stay in them, with only one or two exceptions, during the longest period possible consistent with our connexional law. The people are not disposed to part with the man, any more than the preacher.

He is a native of old Ireland; and his name is not only Celtic, but rejoices in one of those honorary prefixes, which indicates that the first who bore it, was the son of some person of distinction. He accompanied his father’s family to Canada at the early age of twelve years ; and like many of the public men of the country, got his only academic training in learning to wield the axe and flourish the handspike. Farming and shan tying oeeupied the most of his time till early manhood. Then the voice of God, through the pioneer itinerant aroused him from the sleep of sin, and gave a new stimulus to his powers. He began to be useful in his own vicinity. And it was no ill augury that the sagacious Madden (the elder) predicted that he would “make a preacher.” He did, soon after; and began his labors on the circuit on which he was brought up.

A new and higher course of study was adopted at the time he commenced his probation (26 years ago.) The satisfactory manner in which he accomplished that course, showed that he had a mind for acquisition at least. Indeed, we regard him as having the power to learn with great ease. We opine that no man amongst us has prepared his sermons with more facility than he. They are methodical, plain, and evangelical, and to a certain class of minds very grateful.

He would have become a greater man than he is, if he had not good-naturedly bestowed so much talk on the people, and allowed every “chatterbox” to obtrude on his time for study. His accessibleness, affability, and communicativeness, however, have made him popular. But the people, ought not to require too high a price from their ministers for the favor they accord—the price of most sacred time.

Our friend, though he has an easy way of doing it, has been instrumental in promoting several extensive revivals.

He is not now “ the tall dark young man” he was twenty-six years ago, when we first made his acquaintance. Returning years, though they may not have much enfeebled his strength as they have not yet bowed his manly form, have rendered it more venerable, in turning his once auburn locks to iron gray, He is now in the fifth year of his Chairmanship.

We need not wish him happiness ; for we do not know that it is in the power of any one to take it away, from the mild and pleasant William McFadden.


We have in our mind’s eye at the present moment, a strongly marked character—one who is no other man’s imitator—but one with a decided idiosyncracy of his own. His name is of German origin (or “Dutch” as the people call it) at both ends, but we believe there is an infusion of Scotch blood in his veins, perhaps from his mother’s side: our new countries are the places by an admixture of races, for new and unusual types of human kind. This has given the vital current in him a little more warmth and a more rapid circulation, counteracting the proverbial phlegm of the Teutonic race. Religion has been known to give vivacity to the Dutchman; and his nature is a soil in which religion in the form of Methodism luxuriates. But our subject, who is of Canadian growth, was known to be of a mercurial temperament before his conversion. A more vivacious, droll, and sport-loving and sport-making, young man than he, before he was subdued by the grace of God, is seldom seen. And thougli then heir to a considerable estate, and educated quite beyond most of his compeers in the “Fifth Town” and neighbourhood, yet he was distinguished for the use of cant or slang phrases, Which he has since sometimes pressed into religion.

He would, at that time, have been just the man to relish the “sayings and doings of Sam Slick,” or to have written such a work himself. Humorist he is, by nature, no doubt. But in saying that, it amounts to a declaration, which is true in his case, that lie is possessed of a warm, generous, and affectionate heart. Aye, and a more honorable one never throbbed in human breast. True, there may be persons who think otherwise, and think so sincerely, but we think they are mistaken. He may have enemies, but if so he has made them unwittingly ; or in striving to befriend some unfortunate acquaintance in difficulty. A sympathizing man, by the very strength of his compassion, is liable to be drawn into offices of friendship for others, against his own private convictions of fitness, by which he is unjustly charged with want of judgment and discretion. Every part of our friend’s history has been unusual. He was married earlier than usual: and lived without religion till he was twenty-seven. Then he goes to a camp meeting, where little or nothing is accomplished—excepting his own conversion. With a joyful heart he heighs him home, “warns out” his neighbors, and holds a meeting with them the following Sabbath. A revival, I believe, ensues. He speaks in public ever after. Is made first, an exhorter, and then a local preacher, just so soon as ecclesiastical routine will allow. In less than two years after his conversion, he is out on a circuit. A most unusual preacher, at that day, he was. Were we to tell a tithe of his sayings and doings during the early years of his ministry, we should move the risibles of the most grave: yet, though we think there are many worse things than a smile produced by the contemplation of such honest and original efforts in the cause of Christ, we shall forbear, least we “offend against some of the generation of his people.”

Our hero “went out’’ in twenty-nine, and, as he has possessed a vigorous constitution and much zeal, he has labored far and wide, and accomplished much for the Church. He has had his full share of large, laborious country circuits—has been once or twice a “stationed” preacher—Treasurer and Governor of the College, when he devised the important "Scholarship Scheme”-—Chairman of a District—and Missionary to the Indians. This unpretending man is a beautiful pensman, and was once the Secretary of the Conference. We are sorry to add, he is now among the “Superannuated,” but as he is yet young in appearance at least, and his affection is only local, we hope he will soon return to the effective ranks. It must be affecting to a mind so active and so evidently social as his, to be secluded and “laid on the shelf.”

He was noble in person when in the zenith of his strength and there is yet very little appearance of age, or decrepitude,5 about him. He stands about five feet eleven inches high; light-complexioned, but with that bilious shade seen also in Germans from the “Fader Land.” He is straight, strong, and well-proportioned; and though not lean and haggard, he has no superfluous flesh—very wiry and muscular, is he. Some feats of personal strength and courage, performed in days of yore, when these accomplishments stood the itinerant preachers in greater stead than they do at the present day, I will not relate. His loyalty and activity during the late Rebellion were conspicuous.

He has met with some strange adventures in his day, and we know of nothing more interesting than to hear him relate them* Whoever dislikes him, which we know the great majority do not, we shall ever feel a strong affection for dear Conrad Van-Dtjsen.


We are now about to bring forward the moral portrait of a person the contemplation of which, if we can succeed in presenting it correctly, ought to do us good, such is its beautiful symmetry.

True, our present subject may not possess a mind of the first order, though we persist in thinking his a good substantial mind of ordinary power. Not that he has been favored with large educational advantages—“ chill penury” and the exigencies of the work, which required his services at the very time he was anxiously desirous of entering on an academical course, cut him off from a collegiate training, although none of the young preachers of his day ever more thoroughly prosecuted and accomplished the “Conference course,” than he. What his habits of study, of late years, have been we know not• but if he has kept on as he was proceeding for several years, he must have made no inconsiderable attainments by. this time. We know he does not rank high as a preacher with those who are ever craving after the brilliant and the novel; but if a quiet, pleasing manner in the pulpit—if a very happy command of language—if very just notions of exposition—if an easy, intelligible, and just method of sermonizing—and if a yearning compassion for souls, be of any consequence in pulpit ministrations, then is our brother a good and effective, if not a great preacher. We confess our notions of preaching ability differ from some persons, who think it consists in the power of rummaging up something to make people stare and gape; but he, in our opinion, is the preacher, who has ever something on hand wherewith to feed the flock of Christ. One who does not shine in borrowed plumes, but who has the ability of framing a sermon for each emergency, such as the necessities of the people demand ; and such is the case with our friend.

He is remarkably successful in winning souls to Christ and in building them up in the most holy faith of the Gospel. How does he do it? Not by making any very confident professions of high attainments himself—not by any vociferous demonstrations of zeal: but by evincing the purest love for souls and concern for his flock, and by incessant labor all the year round. He is never absent from his circuit; never seeks what is called "recreation”; and is unremitting in his exertions. His pastoral visitations, for system, extent, and thoroughnesss, exceed 28, anything we have met in most others. He rather over taxes himself: hence, though he is naturally a stout, strong man, he lias several times given alarming indications that he might soon have to give over.

His abilities as well as labors begin to be appreciated, and he is now for the third year in a very important station. If some of those pertinacious circuits which insist on choosing their own preachers would sometimes make choice of such a man, it would be no worse for them in any one particular.

Our subject is of Scottish parentage, though he himself was born in Canada. Scotch Methodists are rare, but his father was a Methodist and a Class-leader, and must have been favorably affected to our church before the .birth of his son, as he gave him the family name of the founder of Methodism.

I hope I have not shocked the modesty of a very retiring brother in thus dragging him before the public; but we have little fear of spoiling one who evidently knows his own heart so well. A good man is he. And despite a little thickness of articulation, and absence of a great many flowers of rhetoric, we shall persist in pronouncing Joseph Wesley McCollum a good preacher, as well as a good man. May both one and the other continue to be increasingly true of him! Amen ! His ministerial age is eighteen years—his natural age, perhaps forty.


Here is a brother whose history and antecedents seem to promise much. He is “an Hebrew of the Hebrews,” or a Methodist of the Methodists. The son of an aged Class-leader, always steady from childhood—gave evidence of conversion while yet a boy—naturally gifted as a speaker—possessed of a good capacity for acquiring knowledge—studious and ambitious to excel—and favored with excellent educational advantages, being a long while at Cobourg, “where he stood high as a student and his profiting appeared unto all.” His attainments in the Greek and Latin Classics and in Mathematics, are far in advance of most Wesleyan Ministers. His studies in Theology were commenced well, and thoroughly prosecuted. He furnished himself with a library of the best standard authors when he entered the work, and studied them systematically. We know of none who in this respect has been more exact.

He has been a serious exemplary Christian from the first; and though perhaps 'personally, not so cordial an approver of some of the peculiarities of Methodism as he might be, yet he has never betrayed his trust officially.

His attention to his work has been most exemplary. If he has not declined of late years, we know of few who excel him in the systematic and faithful manner in which he performs his pastoral work, doing everything by rule, and always doing it.

He went off a ready, able preacher at the first blush. And we have reason to believe he has made proportionate improvement since. We heard him preach a sermon some years ago—about midway between his commencement and the present time—on a very hackneyed, though very important text: namely, “What is a man profited if he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” And we must pronounce it by far the most just and forcible exposition and enforcement of those solemn words that we ever heard or read.

While a junior, he took good appointments—such as Hamilton and Toronto; and sustained himself well. Some of his stations, too, since he became a Superintendent, have been very respectable, such as Brochville, Bytown, and Brantford ; nor were Chatham, and St. Ihomas, perhaps exceptions to this remark.

Our subject is medium-sized, light-complexioned, genteel in dress and manners, and so straight, that, like the old Indian’s tree, “he leans over a little the other way.” (lie must pardon our playfulness.) This is owing partly to his make—and partly to defective sight, which obliges him to wear spectacles constantly : looking through glasses in the street causes a man to carry his head very erect. This minister’s status is fourteen years, and his age perhaps thirty-six. Noble Franklin English is a formidable name; and its wearer is no contemptible man.


We turn our attention to one of the “Lower Canada District”—of yore; one born in Lower Canada, and who still continues to labor there, though the district aforesaid has now for some years stood connected with Upper Canada Methodism. If we have sketched few of the excellent m'en who once composed that body, it has not been because we have thought them unworthy of such a distinction, but because we feared we did not know them well enough to do them justice. But, though we may not be able to do justly by the one now in hand, we are fairly committed to say something.

He is a native, we believe, of the Eastern Townships, a portion of country not to be surpassed for natural advantages or the character of its population by any part of United Canada ; but a portion, the excellencies of which, secularly or religiously, arc little known in Upper Canada. His name imports that his forefathers may have been foreigners to England at one time, lie looks, too, as though he might have some other as well as Caucasian, or at least, Anglo-Saxon, blood in his veins. He is magnificent in person. More than six feet high—large boned—muscular and athletic; his general appearance, especially his strong, dark, crisp, and abundant hair and beard, indicate a strong constitution and great powers of endurance. He is one of that sort of men, like John Hampson, who singlehanded, awed a whole multitude of men who had come to maltreat John Wesley, by threatening to “strike the first man dead,” who ventured to molest him ; and who, when Mr. W. expressed his surprise at his conduct, said, “Sir, if God has not given you an arm to quell this mob, he has me!” Which led Dr. Clark, to say that the Creator had formed these men of great physical strength as specimens of his own unlimited power. And yet he is no belligerent, but a truly peaceful follower of Him who did not “strive nor cry.” He will pardon us for glancing at some of his early adventures.

He is, however, a pushing man, who will go through with his laudable projects, if the thing is possible; and he generally finds it so. He is said to be a strong, able, lively preacher. He is an excellent financier and business man in general (a District Financial Secretary) and very active and laborious. He must be very well received in his several circuits, which are quite respectable, remaining in them no less than two, three, and four years at a time, and then has been parted with reluctantly.

He received a liberal education, as he was once a disciple of Esculapius, He turned his phials and pill-boxes bottom upwards, and went to prescribe for the moral maladies of men.. He never speaks in Conference, except on business with which he is personally, or officially connected, but then he speaks to the point, and shows a good degree of determination. He is, however, elected to represent the interest of his district on most financial committees, on which he serves efficiently. His active habits, we opine, have often conflicted with the extensive prosecution of his early classical studies. He has been seventeen or eighteen years in the ministry, and must be at least forty-years of age. God has given him a large and lovely family. A sensible, resolute, modest, worthy man is Rufus A. Flanders. May the blessing of the Most High rest upon him! Amen.


With this Crayon we shall cease our sketching, for a time at least; although we may take the privilege of re-touching and re-producing some of the portraits we have published through another medium. But with whom shall we finish? This is a puzzling question. There are many men of learning, eminent piety, great business talents, and eloquent, effective preachers, among the three hundred and fifty who remain unsketched, that deserve attention as much as any of those we have described. As, however, we have shut ourselves up to one, we shall take a person who has a great assemblage of opposite excellencies concentrated in himself.

His outer man has not the advantage of towering stature and herculean strength of the brother last described. This one is what you might pronounce petite. He is some five feet seven inches, well made, and well proportioned in all respects. His hair and beard are dark; but he is well-skinned and roseate. He is graceful and easy in his movements; these with his natural quickness and vivaciousuess of mind and amiableness of temper, give him a very sprightly air and carriage. A handsome little man is he. He excels for tact or ready resources—whatever way he may be jostled or thrown, he is sure to alight on his feet.

Our subject is a fine exemplification of the advantages of the Wesleyan system to give impulse and direction to powers that would otherwise remain dormant, or misemployed ; and to sequester them to the promotion of God’s glory and the happiness of human kind. He is a native of Cornwall, England, that garden (or rather hot-heded) of Methodism; and one of a blessed coterie in the Canada Conference, several of whom have been already described. Religion found him a playful lad, with an ordinary English education, learning a mechanic art, in a country village or small sized town. A thirst for knowledge and zeal of usefulness were the immediate results. His gifts are exercised and his time improved in study. Soon is ho “put on the plan,” as a local preacher. Now a call comes across the broad Atlantic, to come and help on the work of God in Canada. He comes and finds immediate employment. His labors are made instrumental to the Salvation of souls; and he performs his “ Conference course of study” satisfactorily. No sooner is he ordained, than he is put in charge of a circuit, in which he has been ever since; and he has succeeded to admiration. He has worked his way up into such appointments as St. Thomas, Brockville, and Port Hope. He proves himself the clever, varied, poetically eloquent, and yet soul-saving preacher; excels as a pastor and manager, and raise his circuits numerically, financially, and religiously. Is firm and unflinching in the exercise of discipline. He maintains, very justly his pastoral prerogative: and the John Bull sturdiness with which it is done, is the only feature about it that ever lays his administration open to exception. “Take him all for all” there are few more valuable ministers than he. His surname is identical with that of another member of the Conference—an elderly man, a preacher of Canadian growth, strong and compact in physical structure, very laborious, and successful too, like our present subject: but very dissimilar to this ono in other respects. By this time it will be discovered we are writing of Richard Whiting.

How rapidly does time fly! On looking for his status, we find that this brother, whom we have always thought of as one of our young men, has entered the fifteenth year of his itinerancy. His age, therefore, though he does not look so old, must be about thirty-seven. The church of Christ may yet expect much from his labors. May continued prosperity attend one for whom we have ever felt a great partiality.

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