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Infants Prayer Book

With Texts and Simple Hymns for Infant Minds by Mrs. C. P. Traill (1873)

As in the early period of infancy little children require simple food for the nourishment of their bodies, so in like manner does the young child require simple instruction for the nourishment and growth of the soul.

Many young mothers confess that they find a difficulty in teaching their little ones to pray in words adapted to their infant minds.

It is with the view of helping the mother, or nurse, in this matter, that this little work has been written and arranged by one who has been the mother of a large family, and has known by experience how precious is the practice of prayer in leading the young child in the paths of obedience, of honesty, and of truth. "The fear and the love of God is truly the beginning of wisdom," and this the little one must be taught by easy steps.

The prayers in the first section are suited to the comprehension of the very young child. The verses and text such as can be easily learned and remembered.

The second part is adapted to children from the ages of six to eight, or nine years of age. The scripture texts and hymns are selected with care and adapted to the occasion, and are such as are brief and may be committed to memory with ease. The beautiful hymns at the end of the book were eagerly learned by the writer, and her sisters, at a very tender age.

Young children are great lovers of really good sacred poetry; and will usually select the best, if they are left to make their own choice.

The good seed early sown may, in after years, by God's grace, spring up and bear good fruit. Happy will those parents be who live to reap the harvest sown by their means. Their children shall rise up, and call them blessed.

That this little book may aid them in the good work of leading the little ones to their Saviour, and their God, is the earnest desire of the writer.

Catharine Parr Traill.

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