When you study the
history of Canada you can't help but be struck on how it was the
missionaries who went out into the country to provide both churches
and schools and through that work helped to establish what are now
our towns and cities. The ministers and missionaries
thus contributed in a major way to the building of Canada and
through this section we hope to show some of their work.
Most of our information comes from
antiquarian resources but we'd be more than happy for any
contributions from our visitors in text, pictures or videos to add
to the site.
Overview of Religion in Canada taken
from a US Report.
The Life of James Robertson Missionary Superintendent In the Northwest Territories by Charles W.
Gordon (Ralph Connor) published in 1908, second edition. An amazing
man who build many churches and schools in the North West.
St Monicas Anglican Church
The Poorest
Anglican Church in Toronto where the Rector is also the Prior of St
James Priory of the Knights Templar and also Chaplain to Mount Sinai
Knights Templar Canada
Here we provide some information on the Knights Templar in Canada.
The Sovereign Great Priory of Canada
Of the United Orders of Malta and the Temple Supreme Grand Masters, Compiled and Edited by
Michael Jenkyns, K.T. (2016) (pdf)
George Millward McDougall
The Pioneer, Patriot and Missionary.
Centennial of Canadian Methodism
Past and Present
Or a Description of Persons
and Events Connected with Canadian Methodism.
Memoir of the
Rev James MacGregor D.D.
Missionary of the General Associate Synod of Scotland to Pictou,
Nova Scotia with Notices of the Colonization of the Lower Provinces
of British America, and of the Social and Religious condition of the
Early Settlers by his Grandson The Rev. George Patterson (1859)
Knox Presbyterian Church
Tiverton, Ontario - 150 years
Memoir of the Right Reverend John
Strachan D.D. LL.D.
First Bishop of Toronto by A. N. Bethune his successor in the See
Experiences of a Backwoods Preacher
Facts and Incidents culled from thirty years of Ministerial life by
Rev. Joseph H. Hilts, Second Edition (1892)
Rev Nola Crewe
Minister of St Monics's Anglican Church of Toronto has her own forum
where she is posting up videos of her homilies which she gives out
at her home in Toronto. [External Link]
Writings of John MacLean
This author wrote a couple of books revolving around the Native
Indians of Canada and also of the missionary work carried out with
them. He's writing with a background of many years living and
working with the native people.
Handbook of the Presbyterian Church in Canada (1883) (pdf)
A Sermon on the Sin of Torturing Animals
By the Rev. John Moffatt, Minister of the Scotch Kirk, Bayfield,
Canada (pdf)
A History of the Scotch
Presbyerian Church, Montreal
By the Rev. Robert Campbell, M.A., The Last Pastor (1887) (pdf)
John Lorne Campbell
John Lorne Campbell (1845–1928) was a noted Baptist pastor,
educator, author, lecturer, apologist, mission advocate, and world
traveler. In a career that spanned a remarkable sixty years of full
active service, he ministered not only among his native Canadian
Baptists but also among both Northern Baptists and Southern Baptists
in the United States and Baptists in England.
Talks on the
Maple Leaf in Many Lands
By Mary I. Houston (pdf). This book is a wee bit hard to read but
worth the effort.
Christie Redfern's Troubles
By Mrs Robertson (27th impression)
The Beneficial Influence of a Well
Regulated Nationality
A Sermon delivered before the St Andrews Society of Montreal on St.
Andrew's Day, Nov. 30th, 1857 in Saint Gabriel Street Scotch Church
by The Rev. Alexander F. Kemp, Chaplain (1857) (pdf)
Carols of Canada
By Mrs. Macleod (1893) (pdf)
The Pioneer Pastor
Some Reminiscences of the Life and Labors of The Rev. Geo. Buchanan,
M.D., First Presbyterian Minister of Beckwith, Lanark County, Upper
Canada by Jessie Buchanan Campbell, His only Surviving Daughter
Pioneer Days in British Columbia
Reminiscences by Violet E. Sillitoe
Historic Sketches of the
Pioneer Work and the Missionary, Educational and Benevolent
Agencies of the Presbyterian Church in Canada (1903) (pdf)
A Brief Sketch of the Life and Work of
the Rev. Robert Campbell
Minister of St. Gabriel Church, Montreal by the Rev. G. Colborne
Heine, BA, Minister Emeritus (1922) (pdf)
Handbook of the Brotherhood of St
Andrew in Canada (pdf)
Infants Prayer Book
With Texts and Simple Hymns for Infant Minds by Mrs. C. P. Traill
Missionary History of the Pacific
Containing the Wonderful Story of Jason Lee with Sketches of Many of
His Co-laborers and Illustrating the Life of the Plains and in the
Mountains in Pioneer Days by H. K. Hines, D. D. (pdf)
Notes on a Tour through the North-West
By Rev. A. Sutherland, D.D. (1881) (pdf)
Colportage in Canada
The calling of the Colporteur, though not under that name, was an
early one in the Church (pdf)
The Trapper's Son
By William H. G. Kingston (pdf)
Father Lacombe
In his more than sixty years of work
among the Indians of Western Canada
Life and Work of D. J. MacDonnell
Minister of St. Andrew's Church, Toronto with a selection of Sermons
and Prayers edited by Prof. J. F. McCurdy, Ph.D., LL.D. (1897) (pdf)
The Times of Old, and their Happy Memories
A Discourse in two parts Preached in St. Andrew's Church, Toronto on
the Occasion of The Tricentenary of the Scottish Reformation by John
Marclay, D.D. (1861) (pdf)
Memorial from the Committee of
Missions of the Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia
Tp the Glasgow Society for Promoting the Religious Interest of the
Scottish Settlers in British North America with Observations on the
Constitution of that Society and upon the Proceedings and First
Annual Report of the Committee of Directors and First Annual Report
of the Committee of Directors by Thomas M'Cullogh, D.D. (1826) (pdf)
Saintly Smith
And The School Upon The Hill By E. M. Morphy, A York Pioneer (pdf)
Scottish Patriotism
Annual Sermon before the St. Andrews Society by The Rev. J. C.
Baxter in Stanley Street Church, Montreal, November 30, 1876 (pdf)
Report of the Committee of the
General Assembly of the Church of Scotland
For Promoting the Religious Interests of Scottish Presbyterians in
the British Colonies, 23d May 1839, and Deliverance of the Asembly
with Appendix containing correspondence with the Colonial Office,
and other documents (pdf)
Endowments of the Church of
Scotland in Canada
Evidence of Mr. Douglas Brymner before the Senate Committee on
Private Bills, In opposition to the Bills for transferring the said
Endowments to the Presbyterian Church in Canada 24th and 26th April,
1882. (pdf). A very interesting case.
In Memoriam: Recollections of Father
By Henry J. Morgan (1895) (pdf)
Canadian Hymes and Hymn Writers
By Rev. A. Wylie Mahon, B.D. (1908) (pdf)
A Sermon
Preached in St. John's Church, Cornwall on the Occasion of the
Lamented Death of the Late Minister of that Church, the Rev. Hugh
Unquhart, D.D., by the Rev. Neil MacNish, M.A., B.D. (1871) (pdf)
Telugu Trophies
The Jubilee Story of some of the principal Telugu converts in the
Canadian Baptist Foreign Mission in India from 1874 to 1924 by the
Canadian Baptist Foreign Board Jubilee Volume (pdf)
The Life and Times of the Rev. Robert
Burns, D.D. F.A.S., F.R.S.E, Toronto
Including an unfinished Autobiography by The Rev. R. F. Burns, D.
D., Montreal (1872) (pdf)
The Writings and Life of William
Black Laws
Late Bookseller of Glasgow Scotland (1895) (pdf)
Christ Church, Petrolia
In Commemoration of Sixty Years of Faithful witness, worship and
administration 1882 - 1942 of Christ Church, Petrolia (pdf)
Caravaning through Prairie and Mountain in
By F. H. Eva Hasell (pdf)
Taylor, William
History of Presbyterianism on
Prince Edward Island
By Rev. John MacLeod (1904) (pdf)
The Missionary Education
Of the United States and Canada (pdf)
The Apostle of the North
Rev. James Evans by Egerton R. Young, Author of "On the Indian
Trail", "By Canoe and Dog-Train", Etc (1899) (pdf)
Brief Sketch of the Life and Work of the Rev. Robert Campbell, D.D.
Minister of St. Gabriel Church, Montreal by the Rev. G. Colborne
Heine, B.A., Minister Emeritus, Westmount, Quebec (1922) (pdf)
Great Canadian Preaching
Edited with Introduction and Biographical Notes by W. Harold Young,
M.A., B.D. Minister of St. Paul's United Church, Toronto (1925)
Pioneers of the Cross in Canada
By Dean Harris (pdf)
Ursuline Epic
By Lt.-Col. William Wood, Author of “The Fight for Canada.” (Read
May 23, 1908.) (pdf)
The Correspondence of Hon.
William Morris
With the Colonial Office, as the Delegate from the Presbyterian Body
of Canada (April, 1837) (pdf)
The Canadian Friend
Volume 101, No. 2 March 2005 (pdf). To further the work and witness
of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Canada.
Isles of Scotland
By Orthodox Canada
The Story of the Old Time
Communion Service and Worship
Also The Metallic Communion Token of The Presbyterian Church in
Canada, 1772 by Rev. George A. MacLennan, B. A., Montreal, Que.
(1924) (pdf)
Life of Rev. William
Cochrane, D.D.
For Thirty-Six Years Pastor of Zion Church, Brantford and for
Twenty-Six Years Convener of the Home Mission Committee of the
Presbyterian Church in Canada by R. N. Grant (1899) (pdf)
The Church in Canada
Journal of Visitation to the Western Portion of his Diocese by the
Lord Bishop of Toronto (John Strachan) in the Autumn of 1842 (third
edition) (1846)
We Are Too Scotch
The Reverend William Proudfoot and the United Secession Mission to
Canada by Stewart D. Gill, M.A., PH.D. (1851) (pdf)
The Encyclopedia of Sunday Schools and
Religious Education
Giving a World-Wide View of the History and Progress of the Sunday
School and the Development of Religious Education. Complete in Three
Volumes. Editors-in-Chief John T. McFarland, D.D., LL.D., Late
Editor of Sunday School Publications, Methodist Episcopal Church,
New York City, Benjamin S. Winchester, D.D., Department of Religious
Education, Yale School of Religion, Yale University, New Haven,
Conn. Canadian Editor: R. Douglas Fraser, D.D., Editor Presbyterian
Sunday School Publications, Toronto, Canada and European Editor:
Rev. J. Williams Butcher, Secretary Wesleyan Methodist Sunday School
Department, London, England.
St. Andrew’s Society of Ottawa
Anniversary Sermon 1889 preached by Rev. B.D. Berridge, B.D. in St.
Andrew's Church (pdf)
Primitive Methodist Colony in the North West
Territory of Canada
Information for the use of Intending Settlers (1882) (pdf)
Canadian Baptists at
work in India
By Rev. W. L. Orchard, M.A., B.D., Missionary Education Department
of the Foreign Mission (1922) (pdf)
Father La Brosse
Jesuit, priest, missionary, and professor
Review of the Pastoral Letter
of the Clergy
Of the Church of Scotland in the Canadas (1828) (pdf)
Delivered at the Meeting of the British and Foreign Bible Society,
by His Excellency Sir William MacGregor, G.C.M.G., C.B., etc., St.
John’s, Newfoundland, 26th March, 1908 (pdf)
John Bethune
By Rev. James MacKenzie (1971) (pdf)
The Rainbow in the North
A short account of the first establishment of Christianity in
Rupert's Land by the Church Missionary Society by S. Tucker, author
of "South Indian Sketches" (1852) (pdf)
Christian Responsibility
In the matter of Popular Amusements (pdf) |