Today Scott, Janine and
Alexander decided to take me for a visit to Fergus and Elora which is just
a two hour round trip with stops on the way. Fergus is where the large
Highland Games takes place each year.

We progress through rolling farm land

Hey! Horses! We arrive at Fergus

Highland Avenue

And we've now arrived at Elora

And here is from left to right Janine,
Alexander and Scott :-)

And a British Pub!

And the menu shows British breakfast,
ploughmans lunch, guiness steak pie and lots of other goodies

Planning and Development of Canadian Country Towns in the Nineteenth
A Case Study of Elora Village, Upper Canada by Mitsuko TANIGUCHI,
Doshisha Girls' Junior and Senior High School. (pdf) [Text is in the
Japanese language but the final two pages are in English.]
Extracts from a Teacher's Observations of
School Government (1870) (pdf)
Elora District High School Year
Book 1964 (pdf)
Elora District High School Year
Book 1965 (pdf)
Selected Papers from the Proceedings
of the Elora Natural History Society
1874-5. Instituted 1874 (pdf)
And now we head back to Guelph

And we arrive home to be greeted by the other
member of the Maitland family!
Scott also took some photos
which I include here...
This was me at the University

This is Alexander modeling my Electric
Scotland baseball cap! :-)

Must be losing weight... looking far too thin!

And caught in the act!
We then had some burgers
from the BBQ for our supper...

And as well as cooking we get to play with the
dog :-) And here we are ready to eat! |