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Pow Wow Trail
A video documentary

Culture lives within people; it is expressed through those who practice and participate nations. One of the most recognizable elements of Indigenous expression is the Powwow, yet very few people outside the culture truly understand it. In this evocative, eleven part docu-series, the significance of the songs and dances behind the Powwow as well as the rites and ceremonies contained within them are explored, giving viewers ann its celebr authentic look into Indigenous clans and their identity.

The Drum: Everything begins with the drum. It is the heartbeat of Indigenous people. Different drums exist for different purposes-- for healing, for ceremony. When the drum is heard in a lodge, or across the plains, it is communion with the spirit world. Hundreds of drum groups exist today, each holding their own drums and with its own purpose. In this episode, viewers will explore how drum songs are distinguishable from one another, each with different beats and different meanings.

Encore+ invites you to discover – or rediscover – memorable Canadian films and TV shows, wherever you are in the world. Brought to you by the Canada Media Fund and its partners.

Pow Wow Trail | S1, Ep 01

2021 Manito Ahbee Virtual Pow Wow - Day 2

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