Once again we approach
a district of memories—the seat of the long feud between French and
English for the mastery of Acadia.
In the county of Cumberland, on the south-western side of the narrow
isthmus severing the Bay of Fundy from Northumberland Straits, and on
the edge of the Province, surrounded by marshes, is the small and
flourishing town of Amherst. Flourishes ;ndeed, blossoms all the year
round with an unconquerable prosperity—the very type of “hustling,”
boosting, busy little town one sees in the West, resolved never to look
backward, and Mark Tapley like, to be cheerful and smiling under any and
ail circumstances. Such :s the little town on the little Amherst River,
named after the victor of Montreal, to whom the French surrendered
Canada. “Busy Amherst,” as it likes to proclaim itself, even on the sign
at the railway station.
"Amherst," I was told, “claimed a population of 8000.” Whether this
claim is generally allowed I had no means of knowing. Probably Moncton
or Frederickton on the other side of the border would not allow it. But
after all it is only a cheerful symptom and aspiration of growth. Here
you find growth must not he spiritual, or intellectual, or artistic, but
material. For has not the great apostle of Imperialism in our time told
Canada, “Get population and all these things will be added unto you.” Of
what value are the. doubters here? And with what perplexity would an
Amhersdan hearken to the plaint my ears have heard in many English towns
and villages, “Alas, 1 fear the town is growing. It is no longer what it
was.” The vain sighers after a London or a Wrexborough, “small, white,
and clean, would meet with scant sympathy in Amherst. But Amherst is
still only in the first stages of its journey, and it is still, with all
its aspirations towards Pittsburg or Lowell, still a pleasant country
town filled with a pleasant people intensely attached to Amherst. Even
politics are not taken seriously, otherwise how account for that
bewildering phenomenon which met my eyes on the second floor of a
handsome building in the heart of the town. Can you conceive of Mr. Pott
of the Eatans, Will Gazette and the editor of the Independent of the
same town, not merely dwelling in unity under the same roof, but holding
forth in the same office, even going to the incredible extent of
assisting one another in the stress of production! Yet this is the case
of the editors of the Amherst News, a Liberal organ, and the Amherst
Courier, a Conservative organ. What a lesson in professional amity ! It
is not as if party feeling did not run high in the press of Nova Scotia.
Alas, it runs as high and as tempestuously as ever it did at Eatanswill,
if one is to judge from the columns of the two rival Halifax papers. One
can imagine the weary editor of the News saying one evening to the
editor of the Courier, “My dear sir, would you mind finishing this
editorial for me? I am sorry I must run away to keep an appointment.
Just go on from this sentence: — ‘Borden, the leader of a discredited,
disheartened, and disorganised gang of Tory office-seekers, is
endeavouring to fling his disgraceful wiles over the Western farmers,
but . . .’” “I’ll do it with pleasure,” returns the editor of the
Courier. “Leave it to me, I see the point,” and taking up a pen he
continues tranquilly, “but as the News has long since pointed out in our
merciless expose of Tory methods and Tory prevarication, these tactics
are only laughed at by the sturdy commonsense yeomen of Manitoba,
Saskatchewan,” &c., &c. Or, if it is the other way about, the News man
boldly (but merely professionally) declares in the columns of the
Courier that “Laurier and his renegade troop may extract what
satisfaction they like from the howls and cheers of their Yankee,
Armerican, Hungarian, and Doukhobor supporters in the north-west who
masquerade as loyal Britons and Free-traders, but who, as we have so
often shown,” &c.
And upon reflection I am inclined to suspect that even at Halifax, in
the very thick of the party heat and storm, the rival editors are not
quite as truculent and vindictive as one might gather from their charges
and imputations; although perhaps nothing short of necessity—such for
example as a loaded pistol at his head—would induce the editor of the
Chronicle to edit the Herald, or vice versa. But, you see, the Amherst
editors are too busy booming their town to regard Dominion or Provincial
politics as anything but an intellectual or sociai diversion. No one
would credit the articles they write about Amherst—Amherst’s yesterday a
good deal, Amherst’s to-day a great deal, Amherst’s to-morrow a very
great deal, I assure you.
Among the chief establishments here are car works, engine and machine
works, a large boot and shoe factory, woollen mills, a coffin factory
(fancy anything so suggestive of mortality being associated with
Amherst!), an iron foundry, planing-mills, and saw-mills. Amherst seems
to have solved the problem of cheap power, being the first to prove the
practicability of Edison’s notion of power supplied direct from the
mine. An enterprising company here was the first on the Continent to fix
a plant for the generation of electricity at the mouth of a coal-mine,
for the purpose of distributing power to distant industries that require
it, and it is to be hoped that Amherst will ultimately avail itself to
the full of the advantages such enterprise offers. The great power plant
is situated at the mouth of the Chignecto mines, about six miles from
the town. Coal from the shovels of the miners is carried in cars to the
surface and dumped into the screens, and the screenings, hitherto looked
upon as almost waste, are carried in endless conveyors to immense bins,
from whence they are fed through chutes to the furnaces. With fuel so
close at hand, requiring no second handling, it is possible to generate
power at a low cost and transmit it to a territory included in a radius
of several square miles. The successful inauguration of this experiment
elicited a prompt telegram of congratulation from the great Edison.
It is worthy of remark that there is no vertical shaft at Chignecto. The
coal is hauled up a “slope,” in trucks containing 1500 lbs. each, by a
cable. When the trucks reach the surface they continue the journey upon
a similar slope in the open air (built like a toboggan slide). until
they reach the top of the bank-head. Here an elaborate system of trucks
and switches sends each truck exactly where it is wanted, and its
contents are mechanically dumped into rockers and over screens, which
accomplish marvels in the way of “natural selection” before the good
coal reaches the railway cars below, waiting to receive it. The final
process, however, is an expert system of hand-picking, by which slates
and other impurities are removed without stopping the progress of the
coal for an instant. The slack or culm is mechanically carried to
holders in the boiler-room by endless conveyors, where it is conveyed by
gravitation to mechanical stokers, thus obviating the necessity of the
fuel being handled in any way by human labour.
More substantial new buildings, either of brick or freestone, are built
every year in Amherst—the freestone here being much in demand for
building in other and distant parts of Canada. I do not think the
private residences exhibit a very high taste, but they compare
favourably with those of other parts of the Province. Nova Scotia, as I
have already more than hinted, is, with all its natural beauties, hardly
an architectural paradise.
The country surrounding Amherst is flat and marshy, but interesting,
both scenically and historically. A century and a half ago Amherst was
the French Acadian settlement of Beaubassin, and who that has ever read
Parkman’s narrative can forget Fort Lawrence and Beausejour?
When Louisbourg and Cape Breton were restored to France by the Treaty of
Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748, The British Government sought to offset this
blunder by the English settlement of Nova Scotia. A proclamation was
issued offering all officers and private men retired from the army or
navy, and to many others, a free passage to Nova Scotia, besides
supporting them for a year after landing, and giving them arms,
ammunition, and a grant of land to build a dwelling. Parliament having
voted $40,000, in the summer of 1749 more than 2500 settlers, with their
families, arrived at Chebucto, forthwith rechristened in honour of the
Earl of Halifax.
The commander of the expedition and the chief of the new colony was
Colonel Edward Cornwallis, a man both able and lovable. One of
Cornwallis’s first cares was this very Acadian district of Beaubassin.
Some 13,000 Frenchmen were at this time settled in some ten villages in
Acadia. To the northward the French had built a fort of five bastions,
which they called Beauseiour, and another one much similar at Baie Verte.
Their idea was to keep up communication with Louisbourg until they could
strike a blow against the English and get back Acadia again into their
own hands.
Soon after Cornwallises arrival he issued a proclamation in French and
English to the French Acadians calling upon them to assist his new
settlers. He did not fail to remind them that while they had so long
enjoyed possession of their lands and the free exercise of their
religion, they had been secretly aiding King George’s enemies. But this
would be condoned if they would at once take the oath of allegiance as
British subjects.
It was at Fort Beausejour that the priestly fanatic Le Loutre laboured
to create dissatisfaction and sow the seeds of revolt amongst the
thrifty, ignorant Acadians, who otherwise would have been happy and
contented. Their minds tilled with Le Loutre’s threats and promises,
they refused to take the oath of allegiance, and even to supply the
English settlers with labour, timber, or provisions, though good prices
for these were offered. Cornwallis warned them. “You will allow
yourselves,” he said, “to be led away by people who find it to their
interest to lead you astray. It is only out of pity for your situation
and your inexperience in the ways of government that we condescend to
reason with you, otherwise the question would not be reasoning, but
commanding and being obeyed.”
He told them that they had been for more than thirty-four years the
subjects of the King of Great Britain. “Show now that you are grateful
for his favours and ready to serve your King when your services are
required. Manage to let me have here, in ten days, fifty of your people
to assist the poor to build their houses to shelter them from the had
weather. They shall be paid in ready money and fed on the King’s
Le Loutre, disregarding all this warning and exhortation, aroused the
native Indians of the province, the Micmacs, against the English
newcomers. He despatched them stealthily to slay and to destroy. Twenty
Englishmen were surprised and captured at Canso while gathering hay.
Eight Indians, pretending to barter furs, went on hoard two English
ships and tried to surprise them. Several of the sailors were killed. A
sawmill had been built near Halifax. Six unsuspecting men went out
unarmed to hew some timber. Of these four were killed and scalped, and
one was captured. So frequent became the Indian attacks that the men of
Halifax formed themselves into a militia, and a sentry paced the streets
every night. Cornwallis offered £100 for the head of Le Loutre. Ten
guineas were offered for an Indian, living or dead, or for his scalp.
To build a fort to counterbalance the Fort Beausejour of the French was
imperative. The latter was situated on the western bank of a little
stream called the Missaguash, which the French claimed as the boundary
between Canada and Acadia. Opposite, near Beaubassin, Colonel Lawrence
was sent with 400 men to build the English fort. Le Loutre and his
Acadians did their utmost to prevent the English landing and building
the fort, which was chrstened Fort Lawrence. The commander of this post,
Captain Howe, reasoned with the stubborn Acadians, many of whom
perceived the good sense of his arguments and acknowledged his good
influence. One bright autumn day a Frenchman in the dress of an officer
advanced to the opposite side of the stream waving a white handkerchief.
Howe, ever polite, advanced to meet him. As he did so, some Indians, who
were in ambuscade pointed them guns at him and shot him dead. La Corne,
the French commandant, was filled with shame and horror at this
dastardly murder. He would like to have got rid of Le Loutre, but the
priest was too strong for him. His influence with the Quebec authorities
was great, and the Acacian people dreaded Le Loutre’s fierce anger.
Notwithstanding, there were a number of Acadians who consented to take
the oath of allegiance to King George. When the French Governor at
Quebec was apprised of this he issued a proclamation that all Acadians
must either swear loyalty to France and be enrolled in the Canadian
militia, or suffer the penalty of fire and sword. By way of rejoinder,
the English Governor of Nova Scotia declared that if any Acadian taking
the oath of allegiance to King George should afterwards be found
fighting amongst the French soldiers, he would be shot. Thus were the
unhappy Acadians between two fires. A considerable number removed their
settlements to the Canadian side of the boundary. Some travelled even as
far as Quebec. But the majority who remained continued to cause great
anxiety to the English authorities in Nova Scotia.
In 1754 the French contemplated an invasion of Nova Scotia, much to the
alarm of Halifax, knowing that in the absence of the English fleet
Louisbourg could send a force in a few hours to overrun the country.
Were not the Acadians there to furnish provisions to the French
invaders, and in forty-eight hours 15,000 armed Acadians could be
collected at Fort Beausejour. The outlying English forts would be
destroyed, and Halifax starved into surrender. With New Scotland
reduced, New England would he the next victim. Lawrence and Governor
Shirley of Massachusetts, taking counsel together, resolved to strike a
blow instantly before troops from France or Quebec could arrive, and
drive the French out of the isthmus. Two thousand men were raised, and
the command given to an English officer, Colonel Monckton. On the 1st
June 1755 the English war-party arrived here in Chignecto Bay.
As commandant at Fort Beausejour one Vergor had succeeded La Come, When
he saw the English ships approach, Vergor issued a proclamation to the
neighbouring Acadians to hasten to his defence. Fifteen hundred
responded, and three hundred of these he took into the fort. The others
he ordered to retire into the woods and stealthily harass the enemy.
When the bombardment was at its height, and Vergor was hourly expecting
help from Louisbourg, a letter arrived to say that assistance could not
come from that quarter. An English squadron was cruising in front of
Louisbourg harbour, and the French frigates were thereby prevented from
putting out to sea.
The Acadians became disheartened, and in spite of threats deserted by
dozens. One morning at breakfast a shell from an English mortar crashed
through the ceiling of a casemate, killing three French officers and an
English captain who had been taken prisoner. Vergor saw that he had
begun to strengthen his fort too late. There was now no hope—the guns of
the English were too near. He despatched a flag of truce and surrendered
Fort Beausejour.
Having got Fort Beausejour (renamed Fort Cumberland) into his hands,
Monckton summoned another French stronghold at Baie Verte to surrender.
The commandant complied, and the campaign was over. The danger to
English settlers in Nova Scotia was removed for ever.
From the portals of the excellently appointed Marshland Club in Amherst
I set out in a Canadian-built car with a friend, an ex-member of the
Dominion Parliament, to pay a visit to Fort Lawrence and Fort Beausejour—
household words to a Canadian boy versed in even the outlines of his
country’s stirring history. We had some difficulty in finding the exact
site of Colonel Lawrence’s fort, which has wholly disappeared.
Yet odd to relate, a prosperous farmer named Lawrence occupies the
ground, and upon the site of the old commandant's house his dwelling is
built. At the time of my visit a youth was actively engaged with a
scythe in a field where Lawrence’s artillery was placed, the breastworks
having long been levelled. Bullets and other relics were occasionally
picked up. A couple of the cannon I afterwards saw in use as gate-posts
before a private house in Amherst. My friend deplored with me the
indifference of the New Scotlanders, and especially the. people of
Amherst, to their historic shrines—the spots where the deeds in Canada’s
story were wrought which make of the Canadian people a free people
to-day. I was delighted to hear him say, “Every stone, every brick,
belonging to our days of struggle should be a priceless memento—worth
its weight in gold.” For I knew that when such sentiment rings utterance
on the lips of one good man the root of the matter is there, the idea
will flourish, and the fruit will in good season appear.
On we went to Beausejour, on the other side of the Missaguash. Here
ruins very similar to those at Louisbourg meets the eye, solid casements
and bastions which have resisted the tooth of time, and where now cattle
browse peacefully. One of the longest structures, the Governor’s house,
solidly built of stone, is now a veritable cattle-shed, in which I
counted ten cows herded closely together. But the view across the
marshes and Cumberland Basin, across to the Elysian fields and the
distant Cobequid mountains, was entrancing. The foreground was bathed in
golden sunshine, the background seemed pale purple, as of a mist, while
overhead mighty picturesque masses of creamy cumulus cloud rolled like a
full sail of some divine argosy. A great dismantled wooden mansion,
built in pretentious Georgian style, caught my eye a stone-throw from
the fort, dating probably from the Fort Cumberland period, and I bent my
steps towards it.
I have never before viewed such complete desolation and decay, the
result merely of age and neglect, and not of fire or earthquake. One
step within the portals convinced me that to venture further would be to
endanger life and to invite the instant collapse of the whole edifice,
whose every beam and rafter trembled on the brink of utter destruction.
And yet because the house, though expensively built, was built of wood,
there was nothing venerable about it or dignified—it rather inspired
contempt, as of a dissipated old rogue, whose vices had wrecked his
constitution, and was ready to tumble into the gutter. Eager as I am for
the preservation of ancient monuments, it was with something like relief
that I reflected that this rollicking old ruin was on the other side of
the New Scotland frontier.
Twenty miles from Amherst is Joggins, the centre of the Cumberland
county coal-fields, which begin at Maccan. I have not the slightest idea
who Joggins was, but I feel certain that were he alive to-day he would
have every reason to feel proud of the growth and prosperity of his
name-place. The output of coal here is very large. The Joggins shore
extends along Chignecto Bay, with imposing cliffs, occasionally three or
four hundred feet high. Here are exposed some wonderful petrified
forests and sections of carboniferous strata, which have been visited
and described by scientists of such eminence as Sir Charles Lyeil, Sir
William Dawson, and Sir William Logan.
The coal area extends inland without a break forty or fifty miles to the
neighbourhood of Oxford, the most important colliery being at
Springhill, where the annual output is over half a million tons.
From an old resident I got an interesting purview of this part of New
Scotland in the early ’60’s. Half a century ago the whole district, from
the mouth of the river Philip to the upper waters of that river, was
known as “River Philip.” Neighbouring settlements bore, distinctive
names, such as “Mount Pleasant,” now Cemreville, “Moores,” now Rockley,
“Goose River,” now Linden, and “Little River,” which still retains its
Four post-offices, kept generally in trunks, served the commercial and
social wants of the whole length of the river. They were listed as
“Mouth of the River,” somewhere on the post road between Pugwash and
Amherst. “Head of Tide,” now Oxford. “River Philip Corner,” where the
old road from Amherst to Londonderry crosses the river, and “Upper River
Philip,” where at that time one Rufus Black, one of Samuel Slick’s
hosts, carried on an extensive lumbering and mercantile business. There
were no railways nearer than Truro on the one side and Moncton on the
other. The only prophetic suggestion of the present Intercolonial
Railway was a stretch of embankment somewhere on the Nappan marshes,
which had been thrown up in some spasmodic, perhaps electioneering,
effort, in the days when Joseph Howe was strenuously contending for an
“Inter-Provincial,” “All British” line from Halifax to Quebec.
What is now the town of Springhill, with a population of 7000, was then
a sparsely-settled farming district on the foothills of the mountain,
with, perhaps, ten or fifteen farm residences in the whole section, the
most important of which was the old “Nathan Boss” place, as a
stopping-place on the road between River Philip and Parrsboro, where
travellers frequently took passage by sailing packet, from Parrsboro to
Windsor, and thence to Halifax by rail.
At Springhill, the coal areas, then almost unknown and undeveloped, were
held by the “Old English Mining Association.” One pit, or more correctly
speaking, a hole in the ground, was operated in a small way, the coal
being raised by horse-power and distributed to consumers in adjacent
districts by horse and cart. The thing was but an experiment, and the
consumption, even for a small district, was very united, as the best of
hard wood existed in abundance for fuel.
At Athol one may motor or take a regular stage-coach across the isthmus
by a beautiful road to Parrsboro on the Basin of Minas, or one may take
the Cumberland Railway at Springhill Junction, distant thirty-two miles
from Parrsboro. I found Parrsboro but little changed from my last visit.
To my mind it is one of the pleasantest little towns in the whole of
Nova Scotia, and is visited by many summer tourists who appreciate the
fishing, shooting, boating, and beautiful scenery to be had hereabouts.
The harbour is sheltered by Partridge Island, a pleasant headland hard
by, upon which a hotel is built, and from which there are pretty views
of the Basin and neighbourhood. Parrsboro is a lumber port, handling
nearly all the product of the southern forests of Cumberland as Pugwash
does on the north. To the north and west of Parrsboro some of the best
moose hunting in New Scotland is to be had, while partridge, geese,
brant ducks, and other marine birds are abundant. A few miles behind me
the Cobequid Hills, a long range running east and west from Cape
Chignecto to north of Cobequid Bay.
From Parrsboro, where there is a good deal of shipping, a steamer plies
across the. Basin of Minas to Kingsport, Hantsport, and Windsor, and
another to St. John. Indeed it is only eight or ten miles across the
Basin, whereas it is ten times that distance round by land.
On my return journey to Halifax, I must not forget to record that I
enjoyed the privilege of a spirited conversation in pidgin English with
a Canton Chinaman, who smoked a large cigar, and wore a queue under his
Panama hat.
Odd as this Far East of Canada seems as a habitat for Chinamen, yet
there is hardly a town or village where Wun Lung, or Sam Kee, or John
Sing has not penetrated, and set up his peculiar and odoriferous little
establishment for the destruction of linen. It is one of the curiosities
of industry why the Chinese should have taken to this particular
occupation. It began in the Far West, when the affluent miner and
rancher, discovering the merits of a boiled shirt on Sundays, and that a
glazed front and collar is an additional mark of gentility, sent his
linen all the way to ’Frisco. Then up rose the wily heathen to hit upon
another use for the rice flour of his native larder, and thereby
gratify, at ten cents; the garment, the vanity of the early Argonauts.
The art he communicated to others of his race, it spread north, south,
east, and west, and in the process of time one hundred thousand flat
irons were actuating from Los Angeles to Labrador. Thus was the
immediate industrial future of the invading Mongol assured.
The Legislature was not in session at the time of my visit to Halifax.
But I met in a friendly way many of the legislators, and I learnt a good
deal of the local needs, real or fancied, which agitate this community
and all other communities on the face of the earth, but which are of
little interest to the outside world. Considering that the population of
the Province is only half a million souls, the machinery of government
would seem somewhat cumbrous. First of all, Nova Scotia sends 20 members
to the Federal House of Commons at Ottawa, and 10 members to the Senate.
The Provincial Parliament consists of 38 members: there is a Legislative
Council of 21 members and an Executive Council of 10 members. Moreover,
there s a system of local government operating in the eighteen counties.
The Federal Parliament alone deals with such important matters as
revenue duties, railway grants, the judiciary and the postal system,
leaving to the Halifax Legislature the schools, public roads and
bridges, local railways, and the royalties on minerals owned by the
Province. The County and Township Councils regulate the taxation for
roads, schools, and other purposes, every citizen directly voting his
own taxation, although such taxes are supplemented by grants from the
Provincial Government, which has a unique and perennial source of wealth
in the mining royalties.
Although the Legislature and Council is so numerous, the real labour of
the Executive really falls upon two or three pairs of shoulders, chiefly
those of the Premier and the Attorney-General. Although the Hon. George
Henry Murray, K.C., is only fifty, he has been the First Minister of the
Crown in New Scotland for fifteen years, succeeding Mr. Fielding when
the latter joined the Laurier Cabinet in 1896. Mr. Murray is one of
those politicians who, like his party chief, Sir Wilfrid Laurier,
exhibits prudence and probity in power, and having the honour of his
country at heart fully enjoys the confidence of the people.
Under his political leadership, which not likely to be disturbed, save
by considerations of health, now, I was glad to find, no longer
imminent, the fortunes of both land and people are certain to advance
hopefully into the future.
Considering its unrivalled water-power facilities, New Scotland might
easily become a great manufacturing country, as New England has long
been. Manufacturing has made considerable progress in recent years; but
the Province only occupies the third place in manufactures, Ontario and
Quebec far outstripping her. There are now some twelve hundred
establishments, with a total capital, including lands, building,
machinery and motive power, tools and implements, and working capital,
of 34,586,416 dollars, paying out 4,395,618 dollars in wages to 21,010
men, women, and children.
The products of Nova Scotia’s manufactories were 53,337,000 dollars in
1910. These included food products, textiles, iron and steel products,
paper and priming, liquors and beverages, chemicals and allied products,
clay, glass and stone products, metals and their products, tobacco,
vehicles for land, vessels for water, and miscellaneous industries. The
value of the manufactured products in Nova Scotia has more than doubled
in a single decade, and to this result the increased output in
connection which the iron and steel industries has of course greatly
The province’s position now may well be called, in respect to the
establishment of manufacturing industries, truly strategic. Her
situation on the ocean highway enables her to assemble all the raw
materials cheaply, and to manufacture at lowest cost for the home and
foreign market. Here are the only coal-fields in Eastern Canada, those
on the seaboard being practically inexhaustible. Pig-iron from the
increasing furnaces of the Province has already been exported to markets
distributed along the whole seaboard of the United States, to most parts
of the world, and to some parts of Germany. Gold, steel, gypsum, pulp
for paper manufacturing, grindstones, building stones, timber, fish,
fruit, and many manufactured goods are exported abroad. Nova Scotia’s
ships for 200 years frequented the ports of the world, and carried on a
thriving and ever increasing trade.
All this abundance of coal, and other minerals, combined with her
geographical position in relation to Great Britain and Europe, the North
Atlantic Coast of America, the West Indies, and South America, leaves no
room for doubt that the Province is destined to become one of the great
manufacturing centres of the world.
“I don’t know what more you’d ask,” cried Sam Slick; “almost an island,
indented everywhere with harbours, surrounded with fisheries. The key of
the St. Lawrence, the Bay of Fundy, and the West Indies; prime land
above, one vast mineral bed beneath, and a climate over all temperate,
pleasant and healthy. If that ain't enough for one place, it’s a
pity—that’s all.”
And so I part from this little book about New Scotland—an imperfect
survey, but not intended to be compendious; only that to the British
reader, willing to know something of the people, the land, and the
resources of our great Western Dominion, a new Province may, like the
film pictures of a cinematograph, “swim into his ken.”
More and more will the Nova Scotians increase in culture as in wealth,
more and more will their country become a great Imperial asset. To apply
here to New Scotland a famous passage of Froude’s concerning the story
of Old Scotland, turn where one may, “weakness is nowhere; power,
energy, and will are everywhere. Sterile as the landscape where it will
first unfold itself, we shall watch the current winding its way with
expanding force and features of enlarging magnificence, till at length
the rocks and rapids will have passed—the stream will have glided down
into the plain to the meeting of the waters— from which as from a new
fountain the united fortunes of the British Empire flow on to their
unknown destiny.” |