I suppose Canadians of
the First Immigration should he very well pleased to see their farm
lands overrun by the mongrel hordes of Kurope who, we are told, are
presently to assimilate the manners, institutions, and amenities which
our British forefathers so slowly and painfully through the centuries
established for us.
It is a magnificent spectacle the West is offering to the world—this
great trek of a hundred thousand families a year—these cities arising in
a single night, this flux and tumult, this noisy abandonment of effete
conventions and ideals. Perhaps ir is all going to end, as the optimists
tell us it will end, to the glory of the race—our race. But some of them
do not deny a certain element of risk in the process. It is a big price
we may have to pay. It is the price the Egyptians paid to the Semites;
the Greeks paid to the Macedonians; the Romans paid to the Goths; the
Persians paid to the Saracens; the Gauls paid to the Franks, and the
Americans have paid to the Irish, Italians, and Poles. And always the
price is—Character.
“When,” once wrote a distinguished American to me, “I think of the early
nineteenth-century promise of New England, of its race of scholars and
gentlemen, of its thousands of quiet God-fearing homes, and the
contented industry of the countryside, I could wish that a great gulf
had cut us off on the West and an impassable barrier had arisen on our
Eastern sea-board.” But we are going to win through—We are going to
assimilate these alien peoples. Our civilisation will suffer as our
neighbours have suffered; our serenity will cloud for a time, and when
the contents of the melting-pot have cooled the alloy may be a permanent
part of our whole national being. But We shall not falter.
There is this to be said. The current gospel of altruism and greed
will—nay, must—yield to other and higher notions of progress. Nor will
this restless ethnological flux continue. We shall not always be touting
for Slav and Hun and Celtic immigrants, and soon, tout as we may, they
will not come. Europe will settle herself. Europe, in turn, will have
her own “boom.” And, in the meanwhile, all CanaJa will not suffer alike,
and the part which will longest retain its fundamental likeness to
Britain, its moral unity with the people of the Mother land, is that
province which is the subject of this book
It is not enough to say that I would rather live in Nova Scotia than in
any other part of Canada. I do say that; and I show why in these pages I
believe in Nova Scoria’s future, as I have long delighted in her past.
Nova Scotia has not been exempt from sacrifices. Great as the boon of
Confederation doubtless was, and is, to the Provinces of the Dominion,
it has been a small boon to Nova Scotia. She has had to play the part of
Cinderella while her sisters went to the ball. But her comparative
seclusion, added to her intelligence, her frugality, her gentle
character, and far greater natural beauty, may commend her to the
thousands of English and Scottish men and women who wish to migrate from
the British island to the equally British peninsula on the other side of
the ocean—the nearest to them of the provinces of Canada.
One is warned of the imprudence of hanging so thorny a bush at the door
of one’s little shop, hut perhaps few will trouble to read this
prefatory note.
Heartily, then, do I wish—for that we travel such dusty political
highways nowadays, and in such sultry weather—I could promise good
drinking within. Let me hope the wayfarer will be glad to lay hold of
inferior vintage if only it help to quench his thirst.
Quebec House, Westerham,
March 1911
Chapter I. Canada’s
“Front Door”
Chapter II. New Scotland’s Beginnings
Chapter III New Scotland’s Characteristic
Chapter IV. Halifax and the Haligonians
Chapter V. Windsor and “Sam Slick”
Chapter VI. Grand Park and Evangeline
Chapter VII. Annapolis Royal and Digby
Chapter VIII. Yarmouth and Shipbuilding
Chapter IX. Shelburne and the Loyalists
Chapter X. Bridgewater and Lunenburg
Chapter XI. On the Government’s Farm
Chapter XII. Pictou and New Glasgow
Chapter XIII. Cape Breton
Chapter XIV. The Sydneys
Chapter XV. Louisbourg
Chapter XVI. A New Inverness
Chapter XVII. Amherst
Appendix |