Champlain succeeded a Governor of very similar temperament, Charles
Herault de Montmagny, with his lieutenant, De Lisle, and a brilliant
train of French gentlemen. Both Montmagny and De Lisle were members of
the semi-military, semi-ecclesiastical order of the Knights of St. John,
of Malta. Both were therefore in thorough accord with the Jesuits in
favouring that system of paternal government by the priesthood which,
fostered by them, has more or less prevailed in New France ever since,
and of which many survivals exist in French Canada at the present day.
Montmagny was the bearer of letters from some of the most illustrious
nobles and the greatest ladies of France, expressing their interest in
the Canadian mission. The
Relations of the Canadian Jesuits, especially
those of Le Jeune, had been read throughout all France. The apostolic
lives of these most self-denying of missionaries had awakened a general
enthusiasm, of which the Jesuits throughout France took full advantage
to stiff up the susceptible minds of female devotees to aid, with
prayers and money, the good work in Canada. Some person unknown to men,
but blessed of God, was about to found a school for Huron children at
Quebec. In one convent thirteen- of the sisters had bound themselves by
a vow to the work of converting the Indian women and children. In the
church of Montmartre a nun lay prostrate day and night before the altar,
praying for the Canadian mission. Accordingly, m 1637, the Jesuits
succeeded in building at Quebec a college for French boys and a seminary
for Hut on children. The commencement of the work with the latter was
not hopeful for the few original pupils. One was taken away by his
father, four ran away, and two killed themselves by over-eating. The
Jesuits were enabled to complete both buildings by a generous donation
of six thousand crowns by a French nobleman. An appeal was made by Le
Jeune, in his
Relations, to the effect that he prayed God
might put it into the heart of some virtuous and charitable lady to come
out and undertake the training of the female children of the Indians. A
young lady of rank whose name is one of the most remarkable n the early
history of New France, Marie Madeleine de la Peltrie, w hen a girl of
seventeen, had a romantic longing to enter a convent. This her father
strongly opposed, being exceedingly fond of his only child. He insisted
on taking her into the gaieties of fashionable society, and induced her
to accept the hand of M. de la Peltrie, a young nobleman of excellent
disposition. The marriage was a happy one, but Madame de la Peltrie was
left a childless widow at twenty-two. She read Le Jeune's appeal to the
women of France ; her old religious fervour returned; and she resolved
to devote all her wealth and the rest of her life to founding a
sisterhood for teaching the Indian girls at Quebec. But her father,
dismayed at the prospect of losing his only child, threatened to
disinherit her if she went to Canada. He pressed her to marry again ;
but her Jesuit confessor suggested a means of escape. She was to pretend
to marry a nobleman of great wealth and thorough devotion to the Church.
The marriage took place. Her father fell ill and died before he could
discover the deception. Madame de la Peltrie was caressed and honoured
by some of the greatest ladies in France. The comeen herself sent for
her. At Tours the Superior of the Ursuline Convent, with all the nuns,
led her to the altar and sang
Te Deum. they threw themselves at her feet,
each weeping as she entreated to be allowed to go with her to Canada.
That privilege was accorded to two; a young nun of noble family, whose
pure and earnest religious temperament was united with strong common
sense and a natural gaiety which in after years shed brightness on the
Ursuline Convent at Quebec. The second was the celebrated Marie de
1'Incarnation. In the history of these times we find ourselves in an
atmosphere of miracle. Jesuitism had brought back to Europe the faith of
the Middle Ages. With the age of faith came back the age of miracles, of
dreams, voices, and visions; the relation of which, by witnesses whose
honesty of purpose is above suspicion, make them to the true believer
additional proofs of supernatural religion, while the heretic only sees
m them phenomena of constant recurrence m the history of religious
enthusiasm, and capable of easy psychological explanation. Marie de
l'lncarnation beheld m a dream an unknown lady who took her by the hand;
and then they walked towards the sea. They entered a magnificent temple
where the Virgin Mother of God sat on a throne. Her head was turned
aside, and she was looking on a distant scene of wild mountain and
valley. Three times the Virgin kissed her, whereon in the excess of her
joy she awoke. Her Jesuit confessor interpreted the dream: the wild land
to which the Virgin was looking was Canada, and when for the first time
she saw Madame de la Peltrie she recognized in her the lady seen 'n her
dream. The Ursuline nuns, with Madame de la Peltrie, arrived at Quebec
on August 1st, 1659. They were received with every honour by Montmagny
and soon were established in a massive stone convent on the site of
their present building. Their romantic garden where Marie de St. Bernard
and Marie de l'lncarnation used to gather roses is as beautiful as ever;
and an ash tree beneath whose shade the latter used to catechise the
Indian girls is flourishing style. The good nuns devoted themselves with
much ardour to their task, and taught their pupils such a righteous
horror of the opposite sex, that a little girl whom a man had sportively
taken by the hand, ran off crying for a bowl of water to wash away the
polluting touch of such an unhallowed creature. A nobleman named
Dauversiere one day while at his devotions heard a voice commanding him
to establish an hospital on an island called Montreal, in Canada. At
Paris a young priest named Jean Jacques Olier was praying in church,
when he heard a voice from Heaven telling him that he was to be a light
to the Gentiles, and to form a society of priests on an island called
Montreal, in Canada. Soon after this, Dauversiere and Olier, who were
utter strangers to each other, met at the old castle of Meudon. By a
miracle, as we need scarcely say, they knew and greeted each other by
name at once ; they even could divine each other's thoughts. Together
they undertook the task of raising funds, and soon succeeded in
obtaining a large sum of money and a grant from the king of the Island
of Montreal. They chose as military leader of the soldiers whom it would
be necessary to take with them for defence, a gallant and devoted young
nobleman, Paul de Chomedey, Sieur de Maisonneuve, one in whom the spirit
of the ancient crusaders seemed to have returned to life, and who had
long eagerly wished to dedicate his sword to the service of God. The
little body of colonists, who had taken the name of the Society de Notre
Dame de Montreal, received a valuable addition in an unmarried lady of
noble family named Mademoiselle Jeanne Mance, who at the tender age of
seven had bound herself by a vow of celibacy; also a little later by the
unobtrusive goodness, sweet charity, and practical common sense of
Marguerite Bourgeoys. In 1653, having given all her possessions to the
poor, the latter embarked for Quebec. She brought from France a
miracle-work -ing image of the Virgin, which at this day stands in a
niche in the old seventeenth century Church beside the harbour at
Montreal; and still many a bold mariner, many an anxious wife, invokes
the aid of "Our Lady of the Gracious Help." Before the ship set sail,
Maisonneuve, with Madamoiselle Mance and the other members of the
expedition, knelt before the altar of the Virgin .11 the ancient
cathedral church of Notre Dame at Paris. With the priest, Oner, at their
head, they solemnly dedicated Montreal to the Virgin. The town they were
about to build was to be called \ ille Marie de .Montreal. They arrived
at Quebec too late a the fall to make the journey to Montreal till the
spring of 1642. The Governor, Montmagny, seems to have felt some
jealousy of Maisonneuve as a possible rival "in governing the colony.
Maisonneuve seems to have yielded to the temptation of encouraging his
men in small acts of insubordination. The new colonists were sheltered
by the hospitality of M. Pruseaux, close to the mission, established
four miles from Quebec by the generosity of a French noble, Brulart de
Sillery, which still bears his honourable name. Maisonneuve and his men
spent the winter in building large flat-bottomed boats for the voyage to
Montreal. On the 8th of May they embarked, and as their boats with
soldiers, arms and supplies, moved slowly up the St. Lawrence, the
forest, springing into verdure on either side, screened no lurking
ambush to interrupt their way. This of course was due to no less a
personage than the Virgin Mary herself, who chilled the courage and
dulled the subtility of the Troquois, so that they neglected this signal
opportunity of crushing the new colony at its inception. For the
Iroquois had now mastered the use of the fire-arms they had purchased
from the Dutch traders on the Hudson. These arms were short arquebuse
muskets; so that the savages were on equal terms with the white men. On
the 17th of May, 1642, the boats approached Montreal, and all on board
with one voice intoned the
Te Deum. Maisonneuve was the first to spring
on shore. He fell on his knees to ask a blessing on their work. His
followers did the same. Their tents and stores were landed without
delay. An altar was prepared for mass. It
was decorated with admirable taste by Mademoiselle Mance, aided by
Madame de la Peltrie, who, with the capricousness which distinguishes
even the saintliest of her sex, had taken a sudden fancy to abandon the
Ursulines in favour of the new settlement
at Vilie Marie. Then mass was celebrated, a strange and br Uiant
picture, with colour and music, as if the rite of the middle ages had
been brought suddenly into the heart of the primeval forest. The altar,
with its lights and glittering crucifix; before it the priest in
vestments, stiff with gold; the two fair girls of delicate nurture,
attended by their servants, erect and tall; above the soldiers kneeling
around him, Maisonneuve in panoply of steel; further off, artisans and
labourers, the rank and file of the colony: such was the brilliant
picture whose background was the dark aisles of columned woods. When
mass was said, the Jesuit Father, Vimont, Superior of the mission,
addressed to those assembled a few remarkable words to which subsequent
events have given the force of prophecy. "You are but a grain of mustard
seed, that shall rise and grow till its branches overshadow the earth.
You are few, but your work is the work of God. His smile is on you, and
your children shall fill the land.''