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History of Toronto and County of York in Ontario


IN submitting the following pages to the judgment of subscribers the Publisher has to apologize for a slight delay in their production—a delay, however, which has been rendered necessary by the difficulty encountered in obtaining certain minute topographical and biographical information which it was highly desirable to obtain, and which have materially enhanced the value of the work as a local record. It is believed that these volumes will be found to supply a long-felt want, and that all the various promises embodied in the Prospectus will be admitted to have been faithfully kept.

The first portion of the work, entitled "A Brief History of Canada and the Canadian People," gives, in an abridged form, most of the material facts in the annals of our country, and will doubtless be found useful by those who have neither time nor inclination for the perusal of larger and more elaborate histories. It was written by Dr. C. P. Mulvany, of Toronto. The portion relating to the early history of Toronto is the work of Mr. G. M. Adam, also of Toronto; while the remaining portion, embracing the History of the County of York and of the various townships of which it is composed, together with the strictly topographical and biographical portions, have been written by persons having a special knowledge of the respective subjects treated of. The greater portion of the matter will be found to possess more than a merely local interest, and may be read with pleasure, even by persons who have no special knowledge of, or interest in, the respective localities described.

In a work of such extent, dealing entirely with matters of fact, and involving the verification of innumerable minute details, it is perhaps too much to expect that perfect accuracy has in every instance been secured. It is confidently believed, however, that the errors, if any, are few in number; that the wealth of information is great, and, upon the whole, accurate; and that these volumes will in all essential respects compare most favourably with other works of the same character, whether issued in this country or the United States.

With which expression of confidence the volumes are respectfully submitted for the approval of their patrons.

Toronto, 1885.



A Brief History of Canada and the Canadian People

Chapter I. Pre-Historic
Chapter II. Jacques Cartier
Chapter III. Cartier's Successors
Chapter IV. Acadia
Chapter V. Samuel de Champlain
Chapter VI. Champlain and the Ottawa
Chapter VII The Recollet Mission
Chapter VIII. Champlain's Difficulties
Chapter IX. Champlain Governor of Canada
Chapter X. The Jesuit Missions
Chapter XI. The Beginning of Montreal
Chapter XII. The Government of Montmagny
Chapter XIII. Canada under Royal Government
Chapter XIV. The English Military Government
Chapter XV. The American Revolution as it affected Canada
Chapter XVI. The Constitution of 1791
Chapter XVII. The Settlement of English-Speaking Canada
Chapter XVIII. Lower Canada from 1791 to 1812
Chapter XIX. The War of 1812-15
Chapter XX. Lower Canada from the Peace to 1828
Chapter XXI. Upper Canada from the Peace to 1828
Chapter XXII. Canada on the Eve of Rebellion
Chapter XXIII. Revolt
Chapter XXIV. The Civil War
Chapter XXV. The Civil War—Continued
Chapter XXVI. The Civil War—Montgomery's Farm
Chapter XXVII. The Family Compact Terror
Chapter XXVIII. The Union of the Provinces
Chapter XXIX. Confederation
Chapter XXX. Prosperous Days
Chapter XXXI. Recent Years


The County of York

Chapter I. Introductory.—Character and Limits of our Local History.- The Twilight of Fable.—Michilimackmac, the Western Centre of the Fur Trade.—The Various Routes Thither.—The Huron Nation—The "Pass" by Toronto. —Destruction of the Hurons by the Iroquois.-Fort Rouille.-The Province of Upper Canada Constituted.—Governor Simcoe.—York.- The

Chapter II. The Building of Yonge Street.—Origin of its Name, -Dundas Street — Early Territorial Divisions of Upper Canada.-Extent of the County of York.-Departure and Death of Governor Simcoe.-Interest Attaching to His Name.-An Unpublished Letter of His.-Selfish and Unpatriotic Policy of other Lieutenant-Governors.—President Russell and His Successors.—Pen-Pictures by Robert Gourlay.

Chapter III. Modern Territorial Divisions of York.—Parliamentary Representation.—The Rebellion.—Want of Harmony Among its Leaders.—Inaction and Defeat.—Execution of Samuel Lount and Peter Matthews.-The Place of their Interment,-Gallows Hill.—Origin of the Name.

Chapter IV. The Rebellion not altogether a Failure.—A York County Cause Celebre.—The Tragedy of Thomas Kinnear and Nancy Montgomery , near Richmond Hill.—Execution of James McDermott.- Grace Marks, the Female Fiend.—Her Sham Insanity. —Her Pardon and Marriage.

Chapter V. The Principal Streams of the County of York.—The Credit.— Origin of its Name.-Peter Jones and Egerton Ryerson at the Credit Mission.— Indian Witchcraft.—The Humber.— The Don.—Sir Richard Bonnycastle's Account of a Ride Through the County Thirty-eight Years Since.—Richmond Hill without the Lass.—Thornhill.—The Blue Hill.—List of County Wardens.—The Municipal Counci1.— Officers Appointed by the Council.—Tables of Values.

Chapter VI. The Report of the Ontario Agricultural Commission.—Statistics Relating to the County of York.—Character of the Soil.— Water.—Price of Farms.—Stumps.— Fences.—Farm Buildings and Out-Buildings. — Drainage. — Farm Machinery.— Fertilizers.—Uncleared Lands.—Acreage and Average Products.—Stock and Stock By-Laws.—Timber Lands.—Market Facilities.—Local Industries.—Mechanics, Farm Labourers and Domestics

Chapter VII. Public Schools of the County of York.—Division of the County for Educational Purposes.—Extracts from Reports of Inspector Hodgson.—School Statistics.—Inspector Fotheringham's Report.


Townships of County of York

York, Township of
Etobicoke, Township of
Scarborough. Township of
Markharn, Township of
Vaughan, Township of
King, Township of
Whitchurch, Township of
Georgina, Township of
North Gwillimbury. Township of
East Gwillimbury, Township of
Newmarket, Town of
Aurora, Village of
Weston, Village of
Richmond Hill, Village of
Woodbridge, Village of
Markham, Village of
Holland Landing, Village of
Stouffvillk, Village of


City of Toronto

Chapter I. The Town of York Founded
Chapter II. York at the Close of the Last Century
Chapter III. The Administrations of Governors Hunter and Gore
Chapter IV. Brock and the War of 1812
Chapter V. The Advent of Dr. Strachan and the Fall of York
Chapter VI. York, 1813 to 1823
Chapter VII. William Lyon Mackenzie and the Rule of Sir John Colborne
Chapter VIII. The Birth of Toronto
Chapter IX. From 1838 to 1851
Chapter X. From 1851 to 1859
Chapter XI. The Six Years before Confederation
Chapter XII. Toronto a Capital Once More

Toronto: Her Highways, Institutions, and Industries
  Public Buildings
  The City Government
  The Churches
  Universities and Schools
  Parks, Public Squares, and Cemeteries
  Charitable Institutions
  The Press
  Benevolent and Secret Societies
  Military Organizations
  The City Clubs
  The City Hotels
  Financial Institutions
  Loans and Savings Companies
  Architects and Surveyors
  Commission Merchants, Produce, Auctioneers, etc.
  Cattle Trade
  Manufacturing Industries
  Wholesale. Trade
  Retail and General

Volume II
This volume contains biographies and can be downloaded here in pdf format.

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