the commencement of the struggle between Great Britain and the American
colonies, Congress sent broadcast over Canada printed documents dwelling
on the advantages of independence, and urging the conquered race to
assert their rights. These representations had some weight at first, and
with a few; but the wiser among the French colonists were of opinion
that they had nothing to gain by alliance with those New England
colonies, who were Puritans, and opponents of their religion, and who a
few years back had been the worst enemies of their race. Franklin was
sent by Congress to try his powers of persuasion; but the Canadians
remembered how, fifteen years before, he had been foremost in urging the
British to conquer their country, and the philosopher's mission proved a
the autumn of 1775, Congress and General Washington, at the instance of
General Montgomery, resolved on the invasion of Canada. Montgomery, with
three thousand men, besieged and took the forts of Cnambly and St. John.
A detachment of his army, a hundred and ten strong, under Colonel Ethan
Allen, attempted to seize Montreal, bv aid of sympathizers within the
city; but Allen and his force were surrounded and made prisoners by
three hundred Canadian militia tinder Major Carden, who met them at
Longue Pointe. Allen was sent in irons to England. A second expedition
of a thousand men marched from Maine, under Colonel Benedict Arnold, the
Judas of the War of Independence. After enduring great hardships, they
arrived at Point Levis, but, not having canoes to cross the St.
Lawrence, and Colonel Maclean being well on his guard at Quebec, a
surprise was impracticable, and Arnold waited at Pointc-aux-Tremhles.
Meanwhile, Carleton, hearing that Quebec was threatened, at once
repaired thither. Montreal, being thus left without defence, was
immediately occupied by Montgomery—a fact which sober
7 history must set down
as no valid ground for boasting. From Montre d Montgomery marched east,
to unite his force to that of Arnold, for an attack on Quebec.
Meanwhile, Carleton made great efforts to strengthen the defences of
Quebec. The population in 1775 amounted to 5.000. The garrison numbered
1,800, of who in 500 were French Canadian militia. The fortifications
had been, to a great extent, rebuilt since the war of the Conquest, and
additional artillery had been provided, both on the landward side and
toward the St. Lawrence. The Lower Town was defended by batteries at the
centre, and by barricades masking artillery. At the approach to the
Upper Town, on Champlain street, a masked battery of seven cannon
commanded the entire street. When Montgomery arrived, the Americans
proceeded to invest the city, making their headquarters at Sainte Foye.
It was impossible, without artillery adequate to the purpose, to attempt
a regular siege. Montgomery's object seems rather to have been to watch
his opportunity to capture the place by a sudden dash, when the garrison
was of their guard. There is no doubt that he expected support from
American sympathizers within the city. A considerable force of Canadians
had joined him-men who had been alienated by Carleton's injudicious
attempt to force the Canadian militia to take up arms. But, as the
seigneurs, without exception, adhered to England, these men had to be
officered by American Colonel Livingstone. Montgomery had met with a
number of successes since he had invaded Canada ; but these were either
against such forts like Chambly, guarded by an insufficient force, or
against more important places, such as Montreal and Three Rivers, which
he found altogether undefended,
and occupied without any opposition. A successful attack on Ouebec, even
with a sufficient force, required—what Montgomery did not seem to
possess—genuine military skill. "A competent
general would have perceived that the American force was not sufficient
to justify the attempt Montgomery's men, ragged and ill fed, were
unaccustomed to the rigour of a winter like ours; they were also
decimated by an outbreak
of the most malignant form of small-pox. For the
sick there was no hospital accommodation
whatever. They were also almost altogether unprovided, with funds. The
Canadians, who had lost heavily by an inconvertible paper currency,
issued by Bigot during the war, would have nothing to do with the paper
money issued by Congress. It is true that several of the Montreal
English traders had undertaken to deal with Congress, as representatives
of Canada; but these men belonged to the
clique already described as being so justly odious to the French
Canadians, and had, of course, no influence whatever. Add to this, that
the French who had sided

with the Americans soon found that they were treated as an inferior race
their opinions never being asked. They foresaw that, if the Americans
conquered Canada, they would be, in every respect, worse off than under
British rule. The ragged and unsoldier-like appearance of Montgomery's
levies, too, could not but excite the contempt of those who, in the
British and French armaments, were well accustomed to the pomp and
circumstance of war.
Montgomery decided on attempting to carry Quebec by escalade, on the
night of December 31st. The weather was suitable for his purpose:
neither moon nor stars shone through the darkness; a boisterous wind
would serve to prevent the movements of the attacking force from being
noticed. But several days before this, Carleton had been warned by
deserters that a night attack was in contemplation, and was well on his
guard. The cannon on the ramparts and barricades were kept ready loaded,
and the sentries warned to give the alarm at any sign of an enemy's
approach. Montgomery sent two detachments to make a feint of attacking
St. John's Gate and the Citadel, in order to divert Carleton's attention
from his own movement. Arnold, with 450 men, was to enter the Lower Town
from the suburb of St. Roche, and take the battery at the Sault au
Matelot. He himself leading the strongest column, would carry the
barricade of the Pres de Ville, and march by Champlain Street to the
Upper Town. At 4 a.m., January 1st, 1776, his troops were ready, but the
signals agreed on, two rockets, answered by others from the other
columns, were of course seen by Carieton's sentries, who at once gave
the alarm. Montgomery's column had to move along a narrow path between
the cliff and the strand, encumbered with ice-blocks and snow. However,
they reached Pres de Ville in good order, and succeeded iiy passing the
outer barricade. But as the column approached the next barricade a
battery of seven cannon confronted it, manned by fifty men under
Capta.11 Chabot. Montgomery rushed forward, followed by the men of his
column, when the battery opening fire, discharged a storm of grape shot
through their ranks. Montgomery fell dead with his two aides-de-camp,
and many others. The rest turned and ran away, not caring to face a
second salute from the battery. Arnold, as he approached the outer
barricade of the Sault au Matelot Street, was severely wounded in the
leg by a ball, and had to be carried back to his camp. This column was
efficiently led by a Captain Major, who succeeded in passing the outer
barrier, but the inner barricade was so admirably defended by a party of
French Canadians, under Captain Dumas, that he could make no further
Way, and Carleton having sent round a strong force to attack the
Americans in the rear, they were caught as in a trap, and obliged to
surrender. Carleton then stormed the battery at St. Roche. The British
general did himself honour by burying the remains of the brave but rash
Montgomery with full military obsequies.
American forces continued to invest Quebec, but removed to a distance of
several miles. They tried to bombard the city from Point Levis, but
failed, not having artillery of sufficient range. Carleton, with
somewhat of excessive caution, did not take the field against them till
the arrival of reinforcements from England, when he marched with a
thousand men and six field-pieces, and defeated the Americans, who ran,
leaving their stores, artillery and baggage, with the sick and wounded,
'n the hands of the British. But Congress did not relax in its efforts
to hold the ground which Montgomery had won in Canada. They sent
reinforcements both to Montreal and to General Sullivan, who was in
command the Richelieu district, so that the Americans in Canada amounted
to 5,400 men. But Carleton had been largely reinforced from England,
especially by a corps of German mercenaries whose hereditary prince had
sold them to George III., and who after the war made very useful
settlers in Upper Canada. He took the field against Sullivan, defeated
the American force, taking a number of prisoners, and finally drove the
invaders from Canada by the fall of 1776. Elsewhere during this war the
English arms were not as successful as in Canada. But the record of
their reverses, and of the triumphs of the Americans when fighting on
their own soil, does not belong to Canadian history. Peace was made, and
the independence of the United States recognized by the Treaty of Paris,
in 1763.
Thus did the most momentous event in the annals of the civilized world,
since the Reformation and the discovery of America, rivet the attachment
of conquered New France to her British masters. In the American
Revolution, as in the European Revolution, which was its afterbirth, New
France had neither part nor lot. The peasantry, the soldier settlers of
Montcalm and his predecessors, hated the Puritan enemy of New York and
New England far more than the subjects of King George. The landed
proprietors and the priests scented in the new revolutionary gospel all
that resulted therefrom in the Terror of 1793. Unlike the France of
those days, New France was an island stranded by the wreck of the Middle
Ages on the shores of North America. There were but two classes, the
nobles—with whom we count the priests—and the peasants. There was no
tiers etat. There were no newspapers. Means
of education were scant and sparse. |