conclusion of the War of Independence saw a vast migragration of the
defeated party m a political struggle between "Whig" and "Tory," which
had aroused no less bitter feelings . between faction and faction than
the struggle between the armies of Washington and of George III. m the
field. The "Whigs* were not all of the same political complexion, and
the word "Loyalist" imperfectly describes the attitude of man who
entirely disapproved of the tyrannical acts of the Hanoverian king of
England, but, like a large minority of the population of the Thirteen
Colonies, did not approve of all the acts of the republican executive.
At this distance from the heroes of the crusade that first made
republicanism possible, we can see that in all that they did, in all
that they suffered, a true political instinct led them through obstacles
that seemed impervious to light and air. But we must not refuse our
sympathy to those who could not, at the time, see what Washington and
Franklin saw: whom a strong sentiment of attachment to the country of
their birth or ancestry, or whom a survival of that loyalty to the
personal government of a king, which had once been a genuine factor in
the national life of England, led to risk life and fortune on a lost
cause. Passions ran high toward the conclusion of the Revolutionary War.
The "Tories," or "'king's friends," it must be owned, met with scant
measure of justice. And we must remember the confiscations, the
cruelties, the perpetual insults to which the
families of the insurgent
colonists had been subjected, during the war, by British officers.
Action and reaction are equal in social phenomena, as in all others.
Injustice to the Americans, fighting for freedom, .produced equal
injustice to the partisans of the mother country. Many were imprisoned,
were treated with the greatest hardships ; the life of a returned
"Tory," who had been fighting in the British ranks against the new
Republic, was never safe.
effort was made by Lord Shelburne's Government at the conclusion of the
war to obtain the restoration of their properties, in compensation for
losses, to the adherents of England during the war. "The question of
Loyalists or Tories," says Lord Mahon, "was a main object with the
British Government—to obtain, if possible, some restitution to the men
who, in punishment for their continued allegiance to the king, had found
their property confiscated and their persons banished." And this was
strongly and persistently urged by those who represented the British
Government. Dr. Franklin, representing the Americans, at first refused
point blank to entertain any proposal for compensation to partisans of
England in the States. He next devised an astute compromise by which he
offered to take account of the losses sustained by Loyalists, provided
account were also taken of the losses inflicted on the Americans, by the
raids and other excesses in which the Loyalists had taken part during
the war. As this would have led to endless disputes, the British
commissioners were fain to be content with Franklin's assurance that
Congress would do its best to induce the several States to make
reparation for losses incurred by the adherents of Britain. In spite of
the well-meant, but utterly ineffectual efforts of the American
executive, the return of the Royalist partisans to then former homes was
as unwelcome as the proposed reimbursement for their losses during the
war. In many cases, committees were 'formed, who with every resource of
outrage opposed their continuing as residents among their former
neighbours. So general was this persecution that over 3,000 of these
American Royalists applied, through their agents, to the British
Parliament for protection. The duty of providing for these faithful
adherents of the mother country, engaged the serious attention of
Parliament, and the leading men of both political parties agreed that
the national honour was pledged to succour and support them. The first
effort to fulfil this duty was the transportation of a number of
families to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, "countries," as a U. E.
immigrant wrote in 1784 "where winter continues at least seven months in
the year, and
where the land is
wrapt in the gloom of a perpetual fog." But with fuller experience of
the climate and soil of the maritime provinces, these first prejudices
were reversed, a sparsely peopled and imperfectly cultivated region was
endowed with a new and vigorous population ; the chief families of these
flourishing provinces whose coal mines supply half Canada with fuel,
whose agricultural resources equal those of any other part of Canada,
whose sea-board cities and trade facilities are a new element in the
progress of our country, date from the advent of those half-hearted
immigrants of a century ago. Many of those who at first settled in Nova
Scotia and New
Brunswick became discontented, and sought "fresh fields and pastures
new" in Western Canada. The country west of Montreal was then an unknown
wilderness of swamp and forest, the haunt of wild beasts and reptiles,
the hunting ground of savages whose hatred of civilized man made its
exploration perilous. Here and there along the chain of lakes, a few
small posts had been established, and with difficulty maintained.
Michilimackinac at the entrance to Lake Michigan, Detroit, and
Frontenac, were half posts, half trading depots. Beyond the clearings
which fringed their palisades it was not safe for white men to penetrate
too rashly the mystery of the wilderness. But in 1783, various causes
co-operated to make the English Government wish to settle a new colony
on the more accessible portions of that vast territory, hitherto only
known as "Indian Hunting Grounds." In view of the incessant
disputes between the British settlers and the older French Canadian
colonists which had embarrassed every Governor of Quebec since the
Conquest, it w as felt that the large number of immigrants who had now
to be provided for must be settled at a distance from those who insisted
on the domination of the French law and French language. It was also
thought politic to preserve the French Canadians intact and distinct as
a separate element in the colony, who might be relied on to oppose all
revolutionary tendencies. Governor Haldimand was, therefore, authorized
to have a survey taken of the lands around the Bay of Quinte, in the
neighbourhood of Fort Frontenac, and to found settlements on the Niagara
and Amherstburgh frontiers. Grants of land were then to be made, the
applicant producing proof, when possible, on the evidence of a single
witness, of his having sustained loss or injury from the people of the
United States, in consequence of attachment to British 'nterests. From
the nature of the case many of the most deserving were unable to produce
the evidence required, but the cases of the genuine applicants for
relief seem to have been entertained m a liberal spirit, and it is even
thought that many Americans who had little claim to the rewards of
self-sacrificing loyalty obtained grants of land in the new settlements.
As an instance of the manner in which these settlements were formed, I
take the following account of the first settlement of Kingston and of
the neighbouring part of the Quinte' coast, from Dr. Ryerson's
Loyalists of America:—"The government of the
colony of Quebec found that Nova Scotia and New Brunswick were
overcrowded with Loyalist emigrants, and were beginning to turn their
thoughts to the unexplored western part of Canada. The late John Grass,
of the township of Kingston, had been a prisoner of war with the French
at Fort Frontenac. The Governor having heard of this, questioned him as
to the suitability of that part of the country for settlement, and the
account given

it by Grass being favourable, offered to furnish to John Grass, and as
many of the Loyalists as he could induce to accompany him, means of
conveyance from Quebec, and the supplies necessary for subsistence till
the settlers could provide for themselves. Grass accepted this offer,
and with a considerable company of men, women and children, set sail
from Quebec in a ship provisioned for the purpose. They were forced to
spend the winter at Sorel, in Lower Canada, but ui the spring reached
Frontenac, pitching their tent on "Indian Point,"' where the pleasant
village of Portsmouth is now built around its two caravanseiies for
crime and misfortune, the Penitentiary and Lunatic Asylum. The adjoining
country was not fully surveyed until July. Other companies had meantime
arrived at the new centre of colonization. The Governor, who had come to
visit them, called on Mr. Grass as having the first claim to a choice as
to which township he would choose for himself and his company. Grass
chose the first township, that of Kingston. In the same way Su John„
Johnson chose the second township, Forestown; Colonel Rogers the third
township, Fredericksburg; Major Van Alstine the fourth township,
Adolphustown; and Colonel Macdonnell the fifth township, Marysburgh.
Those who, like the present writer, have lived for some time in Prince
Edward County, know well how their names, borne, as they are, by worthy
representatives of the Pilgrim Fathers of Ontario's settlement, are
household words among the thriving populations of "the garden of Canada
at the present day; and on those beautiful shores of the Bay of Quinte,
where the wild beast and the prowling savage have long disappeared,
where the masts of ships overtop the apple orchards and harbour, and
harvest fields are almost everywhere close at hand, the few survivors of
the children of the first settlers have many a tale of the hardships and
privations with which their cl ldhood was familiar. Even to reach the
new settlements in Western Canada was a matter of much time and
difficulty. The journey wras performed in "batteaux," large
flat-bottomed boats resembling scows, calculated to contain four or five
families and their effects. Twelve boats were counted as a brigade, and
each brigade had a conductor, who gave orders for the safe management of
the boats. These boats were supplied with but the bare necessaries of
life. Shelter there was none. At night the immigrants slept, huddled
close together, with only the sky above them.
Grants, in a few cases of pensions, but for the most part of provisions,
farming tools, oxen and seed, were made, to the new settlers. Including
the officers and men of the disbanded '8th regiment, the number of
United Empire Loyalists who first settled in what is now the Province of
Ontario may be estimated at between ten and twelve thousand men, women
and children. Thus was English-speaking Canada settled in the manner
most advantageous for its future progress. That settlement was not like
that of French Canada, a tentative and gradual process, feebly
subsisting or the fisheries and fur trade; it was a compact and
organized invasion of die wilderness by an army of agricultural
settlers. And these men, unlike later immigrants to Canada, did not need
to be acclimated, they had nothing to learn of wood-craft or forest
farming, they were no old country settlers glad to seek a home in Canada
because they were failures elsewhere. They were of the distinct type of
manhood which this continent had already begun to produce; energetic,
self-helpful, and versatile. And the growth - >f their settlement of a
century ago into its present greatness has been in geometrical
proportion to the slow advance of the French Province. From the
immigration m 1783 to the establishment of Upper Canada as a distinct
Province in 1791, the settlement grew in silence; its only record during
those years being that it strengthened the hands of those in the Lower
Province who opposed the exclusive domination of the French Canadians.
The Upper Province had been divided by Ford Dorchester, previous to
1791, into four districts, of whose uncouth German names, chosen to
flatter the Hanoverian
king of England, happily no trace remains. These were: Lunenburg, from
the river Ottawa to Gananoque; Mecklenburgh, from Gananoque to the river
Trent ; Nassau, from the Trent to Long Point, on lake Erie; and Hesse,
which included the rest of Upper Canada and the lake St. Clair. A judge
and a sheriff were appointed to administer justice in each of these
first Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada was one who has left his mark
for good deeply impressed on our country. General John Graves Simcoe was
an English gentleman of landed property, and a member of the British
House of Commons, in which he had voted for the constitution. He had
also served with distinction m the late war. He arrived at Kingston on
July 8th, 1792,
when the members of the Executive and Legislative Councils of Upper
Canada were sworn in, and writs issued for the election of members of
the Legislative Assembly. The capital of the new-colony was at first
fixed at Newark, now the old town of Niagara, then a village at the
mouth of the Niagara river. Here Governor Simcoe built a small frame
dwelling which also served as a place of meeting for the first
Parliament of Upper Canada; which body consisted of eight members of the
Legislative Council and sixteen members of the
Assembly—sturdy pioneers of the settlements
which were now beginning to trench, with here and there a clearing, on
the surrounding sea of forest. The session lasted four weeks, from
September 17th to October 15th, 1792. Eight bills were passed ; all well
considered and of practical benefit to the new colony. They enacted that
English law should be in torce throughout the colony, with trial by jury
in all cases; that the allowance claimed by millers should be limited to
one bushel for every twelve bushels ground ; provided for the easy
recovery of small debts; and for the disuse of the German names which
Lord Dorchester had imposed on the divisions of Upper Canada. The
district from the river Ottawa to the river Gananoque was now to be the
Eastern District ; that from Gananoque to the river Trent was to be the
Midland District; from the Trent to Long Point on Lake Erie was to be
the Home or Niagara District; the rest of the Province, west to Lake St.
Clair, was the Western, or Detroit District. Bach of these districts was
again divided into twelve counties, and it was enacted that a jail and
court-house should be erected in each district. When Governor Simcoe
found that the Niagara river was settled as the boundary between Canada
and the United States, he judged it unwise to have the capital of the
Province under the guns of an American fort, and desired to found a new
London in the centre of the western peninsula, on a river formerly
called La Tranche, but which he named the Thames. Lord Dorchester
prefixed Kingston, but Governor Simcoe would submit to no dictation from
that quarter, and, after much deliberation, he fixed upon a site at the
mouth of a swampy stream called the Don, and near the site of the old
French fort Rouille. The ground was low and marshy, but it had the best
harbour on the north shore of Lake Ontario, and was comparatively remote
from the frontier of the United States. The Governor christened the
place York, in honour of Frederick, Duke of York, one of the royal
princes. Governor Simcoe's regiment, the Queen's Rangers, were employed
to make a road through the forest, extending north to the lake which
bears the name of the first Governor of our country. It was called Yonge
Street, in honour of Sir George Yonge, Secretary of War in the Imperial
cabinet, who was a personal friend of the Governor's. This, and many
other projects of Governor Simcoe's origination, were interrupted by his
removal to St. Domingo, in 1796. His successor, the Hon. Peter Russell,
was a man of a very different stamp, and furnished the first instance of
the abuse of political power to personal aggrandizement which afterwards
assumed such vast proportions under the Family Compact. His grants of
new land were sometimes to himself, and were worded as follows: " I,
Peter Russell, Lieutenant-Governor, do grant to you, Peter Russell,"
etc. In the four years of Governor Simcoe's administration, the
population of Upper Canada increased to 30,000. Although Toronto was now
the seat of Government and the capital of the Province, the Parliament
of Upper Canada still met at Niagara. In the second session of our first
Parliament an Act abolishing slavery was passed, ten years in advance of
the loud-professing philanthropy of Lower Canada. Another Act, for
offering rewards for the heads of bears and wolves, indicates the
primitive condition of a Province which required such legislation. Major
-General Hunter succeeded President Russell, and directed the
administration up to the time of his death, which occurred at Quebec in
the summer of 1805. Mr. Alexander Grant, a member of the Executive
Council, temporarily took the direction of affairs. His successor
arrived in 1806, in the person of Lieutenant-Governor Francis Gore, who
had formed, administered the Government of Bermuda. He was a loyal and
non-progressive man, suited to the times in which he lived. He
surrendered himself to the domination of his Executive Council, and was
a drag on the wheel of progress. Despite bad government, the Province
had flourished. Its population now numbered 50,000. Ports of entry were
established at Cornwall, Brockville, Kingston, York, Niagara, Queenston,
Fort Erie, Turkey Point, Amherstburg, and Sandwich. In 1807 Parliament
appointed a grammar school for each district, the teachers to have a
salary of £100 per annum.
Meanwhile the tide of immigration continued to flow into Upper Canada, a
land where taxes were unknown, where peace and plenty were the reward of
industry, and which was consequently attractive to the overtaxed natives
of Britain, burdened, as they were, with the expenses of a long and
costly war. |