the 18th of June, 1812, war was declared against Britain by the United
States ; as regards Canada it may well be called the War of Aggression.
The States' Government knew well that Britain needed all her armaments
for the gigantic struggle in which she was then engaged with the
greatest soldier of the age. They calculated on over running Canada. A
force of 25,000 regular troops was ordered to be enlisted by Congress.
This was to be supported by 50.000 volunteers. General Dearborn, a
veteran officer of the War of Independence, was appointed to command.
Sir George Prevost at once ordered all Americans to quit Canada within
fourteen days, and made a tour of observation along the St. Lawrence and
lake frontier. He found the settlers of Upper Canada, all of them good
marksmen and trained to fighting as well as farming, to a man ready to
leave farming or clearing to the care of the women and boys, and to take
the field in defence of their newly-settled country. Had the United
States Government confined itself to fighting England, as was done with
a fair amount of success by their spar-decked corvettes, on the high
seas which were the original scene of the quarrel, the people of Canada
might have felt some sympathy for a brave people subjected to the wanton
insult of the right of search. But to strike at England through Canada,
a country whose manifest destiny it was to grow up into a free nation,
was felt to be mere aggression. The spirit of Lower Canada, too, was
roused to resistance. The insolence, the squalor, the exaction of
Montgomery's troops, whom their officers allowed to seize on the fanner
s stores, and who never pretended to pay for anything except in their
worthless paper money, were remembered with disgust. The clergy gave the
whole weight of their influence, all-powerful as it was, to kindle the
patriotic resolution for the defence of altar and hearth against a
heretic, banditti. Although the Lower Canadian Assembly declined to pass
an Alien Act, they gave a most liberal grant for organizing the militia,
and for the general defence <>f the Province. The money so voted was to
be raised in the form of bills, in order to prevent specie from being
earned to the United Stated In Upper Canada, the Lieutenant-Governor had
temporarily left the Province, having gone to England, leaving the
administration of public affairs in the hands of Major-General Isaac
Brock, a name which has become inseparably woven with our history.
Though a comparatives young man, he had had much military experience,
and was admirably fitted by nature and training for the difficult part
he was now called upon to play. He had at first some difficulty in
gaining the desired grant from the Legislature, which did not believe
that war would ensue. But as soon as hostilities were declared, they
cheerfully passed a very ample militia hill. There were then in Upper
Canada 3050 regular troops ; in Lower Canada, 1450. The Governor-General
informed Brock that no further aid need be expected from England for at
least some months.
war began with the capture of Fort Mackinac, (Michilhmackinac) by
Captain Roberts, commandant (if the small military post of St. Joseph,
on Lake Huron. Mackinac was surrendered without bloodshed. It was an
important position, commanding the entrance to Lake Michigan. On July
12th, 1812, the American General Hull invaded the western peninsula of
Upper Canada with 2,500 men. He occupied Sandwich, and issued a
proclamation inviting the Canadians to join his standard, and "enjoy the
blessings of peace and liberty," which he proceeded to illustrate by
vaunting his country's alliance with war and despotism incarnate in the
person of Napoleon I. Colonel St. George was stationed at the
neighbouring town of Amherstburg with a force of about 300 regulars. Had
Hull advanced at once, St. George must have been overpowered. But Hull
delayed, sent small detachments which St. George defeated, aud meantime
the Indians from Grand River poured in to St. George's support, and
Brock advanced in force from Toronto. Hull now recrossed the river, and
took up a position at Detroit. Among the Indians present in Brock's
command was one of the most remarkable of Indian chiefs, Tecumseh. who
in physique was a typical example of the strength and versatile
dexterity which the wilderness sometimes developes in its children. He
was born in the Miami Valley, and having distinguished himself in war
and hunting became recognized as a chief of note among his countrymen.
He devised a new scheme for uniting the Indians into a political
confederacy under his sway. In concert with his brother, who claimed
supernatural powers, he originated a religious movement, in part
borrowed from Christianity but after some years the American troops
attacked his town in Tecurnseh's absence. It was taken and destroyed,
and this Mahomet of the Red Men had ever since hated the Americans with
the implacable rancour characteristic of his race. In a council of war
held opposite Detroit, Tecurnseh traced with his scalping knife on a
piece of birch bark a rude plan of the defence of Detroit. Brock then
crossed the river, and opened lire on Detroit, which he was on the point
of assaulting, when General Hull signalled his wish to capitulate. Hull
and all his regular troops were sent to Quebec as Prisoners of war.
Brock returned in well-deserved triumph to York. But the Americans,
anxious to efface the disgrace of Hull's unsoldierlike conduct, sent an
army of 6,000 men to the Niagara frontier, with orders to the General in
command, Van Rensellaer, to force his way through Brock's lines of
defence, and establish himself on Canadian territory. The British and
Canadian force for the defence of this entire frontier of tl uty-six
miles was less than 2,000 men. The Americans succeeded in landing, after
some opposition from a party of the 49th regiment under Captain Dennis,
who was compelled to retreat. He was met by General Brock with his
aide-decamp, Colonel McDonnell. Brock at once put himself at the head of
six hundred men of the 49th, and, drawing his sword, led them to charge
the Americans on the heights above. They advanced under a heavy fire,
which killed several; among the first the gallant Brock. Infuriate at
the fall of a leader universally beloved, the regulars and Canadian
troops rushed up the hill, and swept before them a foe far superior in
numbers. But the Americans were reinforced, and the British and Canadian
force of three hundred, after a brilliant display of valour, had to
retire. Meanwhile a vigorous attack had been made on General Scott's
forces (he had succeeded Van Rensellaer) by a young Iroquois chief, John
Brant, who came in command of a body of warriors from the Grand River
Reserve. General Sheaffe now succeeded Brock, and after a sharp conflict
for about half an hour, although with a force inferior in numbers,
forced the enemy to surrender. Brock was side by side with the brave
McDonnell, at Fort George, Niagara, the Americans as well as his own
army firing minute guns during his funeral.
Dearborn now threatened to invade Lower Canada from his position at
Plattsburg. General Prevost then called out the entire Lower Canadian
militia, and his summons was obeyed w ith such enthusiasm that Dearborn
gave up the proposed invasion as impracticable. Meanwhile General Smith,
who now commanded the American force on the Niagara River, made several
attempts to cross to the Canadian frontier, in ail of which he was so
completely held in check by a much smaller force, that he had to skulk
from his camp to avoid the anger of his own soldiers. These brave men
deserved a more competent general. Ha was received m Buffalo with
general execration, the very taverns being closed against him. He was
soon after most deservedly cashiered. Meanwhile, in Congress, the
representatives of Massachusetts, Connecticut, anil Rhode Island, who
had refused to furnish militia for the war, were backed up by Maryland.
Mr. Quincy denounced the war against Canada as piratical. "Since the
invasion of the buccaneers," he said, "there has been nothing in history
more disgraceful than this war." In 1813, once again the legislatures of
both Upper and Lower Canada took ample measures to supply the Governor
with funds for defence of the country. The campaign of this year opened
with a victory of Colonel Proctor with five hundred regulars and six
hundred Indians over General Winchester, in command of a detachment of
General Harison's army. Winchester, with five hundred of Ins men, was
taken prisoner. This checked Harrison's advance. For the rest of the
campaign, raids were made with varying success on both sides, upon
either bank of the St. Lawrence. Ogdensburg was taken by Major
McDonnell, who crossed the frozen river with a force of regulars. Fort
Presentation, with seven guns, four field pieces, and a considerable
quantity of arms, ammunition, and other stores, was taken by Captain
Jenkins and Captain Eustace. In the next campaign, Commander Chauncey
sailed from his naval stronghold of Sackett's Harbour, with 1,600
regulars on board of fourteen vessels. These troops, under Brigadier
Pike, landed, after some opposition, three miles west of York. Meanwhile
the fleet opened fire on the very insignificant defences on shore, where
Pike had succeeded in carrying the first battery. As he advanced, a
tremendous explosion from the powder magazine shook the earth, and
killed many, mortally wounding others, among whom was General Pike. It
was impossible for General Sheaffe, with the force at his command, to
resist the American invaders. He withdrew in orderly retreat to
Kingston, leaving, for some inexplicable reason, Colonel Chewett with
two hundred and ninety-three militia, who, after a hard-fought conflict
of seven hours, surrendered. Having fired the town and destroyed what
public stores were left, Chauncey, with reinforcements from Sackett's
Harbour, made a descent on Niagara, where General Vincent, with but
fourteen hundred men, held Fort George. Those who have visited the
dismounted earthworks, where now the Niagara sheep, horses and children
play m the casements and entrances, will have observed how completely it
is exposed to the fire of the American Fort Niagara on the east side of
the river. The fort now opened fire. Chauncey's ships poured in a shower
of grapeshot and shell from the lake close by. After three hours'
fighting, Vincent spiked his guns, blew up his magazine, and retreated
to a position on Burlington Heights, near Hamilton. On the Detroit
frontier, General Harrison, who, notwithstanding Winchester's defeat,
wished to retake Detroit and Michigan, received a severe check from
General Proctor, with a loss of seven hundred men. But Proctor's Indians
wished to return home with their plunder, the militia were unwilling to
sustain a siege, and he was thus compelled to leave Detroit, carrying
with him his stores and munitions of war.
James Yeo was now sent from England with a naval force of four hundred
and fifty men. In concert with him, Prevost led an expedition against
Sackett's Harbour, which was partially successful, and would have been
completely so, had not Prevost, mistaking the dust raised by the
fugitive Americans for the approach of another army, ordered a retreat;
a disgraceful blunder for which he was deservedly condemned by public
opinion. Dearborn wTas now established on the Niagara
peninsula, where, however, he was held in check by the neighbourhood of
Vincent, with his small army on Burlington Heights. Dearborn sent a
force of six thousand regulars, two hundred and fifty cavalry, and nine
field pieces, to attack Vincent. The latter resolved 011 a night attack
upon the American camp, which was carelessly guarded. With but seven
hundred men Vincent and Colonel Harvey surprised the camp, inflicted a
heavy blow on the enemy, and took a hundred and twenty prisoners, with
the Generals, Chandler and Winder. 'Dearborn now retreated to a position
on Forty Mile Creek, whence Yeo's fleet soon forced him to fall back on
Fort George, at Niagara. From thence Dearborn sent five hundred men,
with fifty cavalry and ten held guns, to attack a British post at Beaver
Dam, between Queenston and Thorold. Mrs. Secord, wife of one of the
soldiers of Queenston, heard of this expedition, and the night before it
took place, walked nineteen miles through the woods to give warning to
Lieutenant Fitzgibbon, who at once communicated with the commanders of
regulars and Indians in the vicinity, and prepared to give the Americans
a warm reception.
After a sharply contested struggle, the Americans surrendered to a force
not half their number. Meanwhile, Vincent, by a skilful movement,
extended his lines from Twelve Mile Creek to Queenston, thus isolating
the four thousand Americans at Fort George to the narrow neck of land
between river and lake.
Chauncey had now built another ship
of war at Sackett's Harbour, and had the superiority over Yeo's
squadron. He attempted a descent on Vincent's depot of stores at
Burlington, but was prevented from doing any mischief by the militia
regiment from Glengarry, which marched from Toronto to Burlington. They
thus, however, left York unprotected. Chauncey sailed thither, burned
down the barracks and stores, and set free 9
the prisoners from the jail. Thus was the
Provincial capital twice captured during this war of piratical raids.
The Americans now put forth all the resources of their powerful country
m order to stem the tide of Canadian success. Commodore Perry, with a
well-equipped ileet of craft, outnumbering by ten the British squadron,
and carrying guns of far heavier metal, encountered the British
squadron, under the command of Captain Barclay, off Put in Bay, on Lake'
Erie. The British ships were embarrassed by the insensate measure of
having more landsmen than sailors on board. The fight began at a quarter
before twelve, and continued till half-past two, during which time
fortune seemed to favour Barclay's fleet. Perry's flagship, the
Lawrence, being injured by the British fire,
he went on board the
Soon after this the
Lawrence struck its colours. But so defective
was the equipment of Barclay's ships that there was not even a boat to
enable him to board his prize. A change of wind, which occurred at the
crisis of the fight, enabled Perry to get at the weather-side of the
British ships, into which he poured such a deadly fire that, the
officers being all killed or wounded, a third of the crew killed, and
the vessels unmanageable, the entire squadron of Barclay surrendered.
Perry showed the courtesy due from one brave man to another, to Barclay,
whom he released on parole. The defeat and loss of the ships was a
severe blow to General Proctor, who was now compelled to retreat. Having
destroyed the fortifications of Arnherstburg and Detroit, he now
commenced his disastrous retreat. His army consisted of eight hundred
and thirty men, with an auxiliary force of 1,200 Indians, under the
chief Tecumseh. General ^Harrison followed in pursuit with three
thousand men, among whom were included one thousand dragoons and mounted
Kentucky riflemen. Near Chatham, Harrison overtook Proctor's rear guard,
and captured all his stores and ammunition. The only resource for
Proctor now was to try the fortune of a battle. The ground he chose
seems to have been well selected. Those who have visited and examined
the field will remember that at this point the river banks are steep,
descending some twenty feet to the water. There is still a swamp among
the remains of the woods a few hundred yards from the river. The
intervening ground is now level and open ; it was then covered with
lofty trees. Proctor's left wing wras protected by the river,
and strengthened by a field-piece ; part of his centre and all the right
wing were defended effectually by a swamp; in the swamp, lurking in
their usual manner behind trees, were a large body of Indians, with
Tecumseh. The battle may be said to have begun and ended with a charge
which General Harrison ordered to be instantly made by Colonel Johnson
with the mounted Kentucky riflemen. To ordinary cavalry the ground,
swampy as it was, would have been most unfavourable, but the Kentucky
horsemen had been from boyhood accustomed to ride at full speed through
the forests and swamps of their own state. They swept in full fareer on
the British ranks before they had time to discharge a third volley.-The
soldiers, exhausted by forced marches and hunger, were no match for
fresh troops, well supplied with everything, and flushed with Perry's
recent victory. The battle was lost. Proctor fled ignominiotrsly, as did
his men. nor did neither stop utill they reached the shelter of
Burlington Heights. Meanwhile Tecumseh and his Indians kept up a galling
fire from behind trees in the swamp. The American Colonel's horse was
shot, and he fell with it to the ground. A chief, conspicuous for his
plume of eagle's feathers, rushed forward, knife in hand, to scalp him.
Johnson drew a pistol and shot the Indian dead. He believed that he had
shot Tecumseh, but his having done so is, to say the least, very
doubtful. It is certain, however,, that Fecumseh was slam at the battle
of the Thames, though his body was never found. The site of the battle
is now marked by the site of a house, opposite the Indian village of
Moravian Town, and formerly used as a tavern. It is now a farm house
called the Red House.
Proctor's force was scattered to the winds. Some two hundred and twenty,
with the General, answered to their names next day at Burlington
Heights. Harrison set fire to the village of the unoffending Christian
Indians under care of the Moravians. It has since been rebuilt, and
still retains its name, a reminiscence not to be set aside of the good
work done among the Indians by the "Unitas
Emirum" For his. conduct on this occasion
General Proctor was brought to a court martial, severely censured, 'and
fined six months' pay.
in Lower Canada the British arms had more success. Colonel Taylor, with
his gunboats manned by artilerymen from one of his regiments, attacked
the American naval force on Lake Champlain, and in a fight closely
contested on both sides, all but annihilated the American naval power on
that lake. In the same campaign two victories took place, each of which
more than compensated for the rout of Proctor's army at Moravian
Town—the battles of Chateauguay and Chrysler's Farm.
September 20th, 1813, the American General Hampton, with a well-equipped
army of five thousand infantry and cavalry, advanced towards Montreal by
a road leading through the village of Odelltown. There was then a forest
swamp of about fifteen miles square,which Colonel De Salabern , with his
corps of Voltigeurs, had during the year before rendered impracticable
by abattis. On account of these obstructions, Hampton changed his
direction westward by the banks of the Chateauguay River. Colonel De
Salaberry took up a position with his small force of four hundred men in
a thick wood on the banks of this river, constructing breastworks of
felled trees, and covering his front and right wing with an abattis; his
left wing being sufficiently defended by the river. There was a small
ford, which he commanded with a breastwork outpost. He rightly judged
that, at whatever odds, this point ought to be defended against an
invading enemy; for it was the only position where a stand could
advantageously be made, all the rest fctfifig open ground as far as the
St. Lawrence. On October 24th, Hampton advanced with three thousand five
hundred men, led by General Izard. He sent Colonel Purdy, with a
brigade, to march by a detour and attack the British in the rear. But
Purdy got lost in the woods, and did not arrive in time. De Salaberry
placed his men in extended order along the breastwork in front of their
line, with orders not to fire till he discharged his own rifle as a
signal. The Americans advanced in open columns of sections to within
musket shot, when De Salaberry gave the signal by firing his rifle, with
which he brought down a mounted officer among the enemy's line. A hot
fire was now poured into the dense columns of the Americans. They
wheeled into line and
attempted to reply, without much effect. De Salaberry now tried a ruse
which Dr. Ryerson compares to Gideon's
ruse de querre described in the Book of
Judges. He stationed his buglers as far apart as possible, and ordered
tlieni to sound the advance. 1 his caused a panic among Hampton's
troops, who thought that large reinforcements
were about to aid the British. At the same time Purdy had been
encountered by two companies of De Salaberry's men, who completely
routed his force. General Hampton, disconcerted" at the failure of Purdy
to execute his orders, and not daring, though with a force so immensely
superior, to attack the breastwork and abattis with the bayonet,
withdrew in good order. Thus did this gallant French Canadian soldier,
with a force of
less than four hundred, defeat an American
army of several thousand strong. Well may Lower Canada be proud of De
Salaberry's memory, and honour those who bear his name at this day.
Meantime, Wilkinson, with an army of nine thousand Americans, had moved
from Sackett's Harbour, intending to take Kingston, form a junction with
Hampton, and march 011 Montreal. But finding that Kingston was now
garrisoned by ten thousand men, under General De Rottenburg, he did not
attack it, but carried his army in three hundred boats down the St.
Lawrence. Within three miles of Prescott he landed on the American side,
m order to avoid the British batteries at that place, while his fleet of
barges passed them in the night.

this time a force of 800 regulars and militia, had been sent from
Kingston to follow Wilkinson's movements. On the 10th of November this
corps of observation came up with Boyd's division of Wilkinson's army,
consisting of between three and four thousand men, at Chryskr's Point.
The British took up a position, the right flank resting on the river,
the left on a dense growth of pine wood. A general engagement took
place, during which the British stood firm against a charge of an entire
regiment of American cavalry, whom they met with a tire so hot that the
cavalry were driven to retreat in confusion. At half-past four in the
afternoon the entire American force withdrew from the field. Such was
the battle of Chrysler's Farm, the most elaborate military display of
the war. On the Niagara frontier, the American General, McClure, after
ravaging the surrounding country, by the barbarous orders of Congress,
set fire to the village of Newark (Niagara). The darkness of the night
of December 10th. 1813, was lit up by the flames of the burning houses,
the women and children were turned, shelterless, upon the snow. Of
course reprisals followed this outrage ; General Riail surprised and
gave to the flames the American towns of Buffalo and Lewiston, and the
worst passions of warfare being now aroused, both armies marched torch
in band.
Assembly of Lower Canada which met n the next year (1814) impeached
several of Governor Craig's subordinates as having been accomplices in
his unconstitutional acts, more especially in the mission of the spy and
traitor, John Henry, through whose agency, before the war of 1812, Craig
had tried to sow disunion in some of the northern States. No definite
result, however, followed. In the spring of 1814, Colonel Williams, with
a force of 1.500 men, was attacked unsuccessfully by
General Wilkinson with 4,000 Americans. The
British General Drummond captured Oswego in May, but Commodore Yeo
sustained a defeat in the same month, when endeavouring to cut out some
boats laden with stores, at Sackett's Harbour. In the. Niagara district,
General Riall having been reinforced from Toronto, resolved to assume
the offensive against General Brown in the neighbourhood of Chippewa.
Brown's force amounted to over 4,000. On July 25th, 1814, the battle of
Lundy's Lane was fought. At first the British were worsted, and their
general, Riall was taken prisoner. But the arrival of General Drummond
from Toronto with a force of 800 men turned the scale, and the Americans
made a hasty retreat to Fort Brie. After the victory of the British at
Toulouse and the abdication of Napoleon, troops could be spared for
service in Canada, and 1,600 of Wellington's veterans were sent over.
Sir George Prevost, however, disgracefully rnismanaged the abundant
means thus placed at his disposal. He attacked Plattsburg with 11,000
men, and after some idle manoeuvring withdrew before a force of 1,500
Americans. For this misconduct he was to have been tried by court
martial, but death saved him from the disgrace it might have inflicted.
the Niagara district, General Brown compelled the British General,
Drummond, to return to Burlington Heights. Drummond being supported by
Commodore Yeo with a squadron on Lake Ontario, compelled Brown to
withdraw from Fort Frie, and to retire beyond the river. On December
24th, 1815. this weary and unnatural war ended by the Treaty of Ghent,
and the sword drawn for fratricide was sheathed, never, God grant it, to
be drawn again. |