KING has the largest
area of any township in the County of York, its total extent being
86,014 acres. It is situated north of Vaughan, and on the west side of
Yonge Street. Its northern boundary is the Holland River, which divides
it from West Gwillimbury and Tecurnseth, and on the west, n the
adjoining County of Peel, is the Township of Albion. King has twelve
concessions, numbered westward from Yonge Street, but the last two arc
deficient, as the county line does not run parallel with Yonge Street.
The township was first
laid out in 1800 by Surveyor Stegmann. The survey was continued from
time to time by others, being completed in 1859 by Mr. Whelock, P.L.S.
Some alterations in its boundaries were made in 1851, when the County of
Simcoe was organized, and the portion of the township known as North
King was detached from West Gwillimbury and annexed to King.
The following are the
original patentees for the township as given in the "Domesday Book,"
exclusive of that portion known as North King, which was subsequently
1797—Thomas Hind, John
McKay, Edward Wright, Thomas Phillips, William McClellan, Archibald
Thompson, Edward Wright.
1799—Daniel Rose,
Alexander Gardnar.
1801—-John Cole, Mary
McDonnell, James Selloch, Jeremiah Taylor, Mary Lutz, David Bessey,
Elizabeth Ross, Joseph Gillie, Jonathan Sells, Mary Gordon, Sarah
Playter, Daniel Nixon, Dorothy Burger, Anthony Hollingshead, William
Crowder, WTilliam Smith, Caty Brown.
1802—Henry Harman,
James Cody, P. Cody, James Gilbert, Isaac Phillips, Nathaniel Gamble,
jun'r, Alexander Gardner, Eliza Ghent, Hepzibah McWilliams, Lucretia
Stewart, Marianne Williams, Pierre Protim, Charles Jabbin, Matthew Hern,
Jenny Cairn, Cathaiine Walker, Fred. Lewis Mills, Ei Sknner, E. Wright,
Sarah Vansicklen, Henry Windeokar, George Thompson ^Robert Innes,
Christopher Harrison, Jonathan Kincey, James Newkirk. Chloe McDonnell,
Hannah Palmer. James Osborn, Titus Doran, Margaret Puckner, John
Droughner, Philip Pender, Mary Buclmar, Mary Rogers, A. Rogers, Richard
Pattinson, Catherine Hesse, Joseph Dennis, Denjarnin Wells, John
Latteridge, Aaron Crefas, Mary Sprmger, Duncan Gilchrist, William
Gilchrist, Neil Gilchrist, Eleanor Nugent, Charles Gisso, Thomas Walker,
David Eraser, John Chishohn, Bernard Maisonville, Margaret Smith, Joseph
Dean, Abin Miner, Alice Forsyth, James Cannon, Marie Joseph Gouin,
Alexis Maisonville, William Farr> John Van Zantee, Phoebe AdaP, Benjamin
Springer, Christopher Culp.
1803—Jacob Crane, jun'r,
William Kennedy, William Hughes, Isaac Hollingshead, James Fulton,
Rachel Skinner, Mary Rott, Martin Fuitz, Elizabeth Newkirk, John File,
Hugh Heward, Elizabeth Cline, Rosanna Fairis, Martha McKirbie, Alexander
Clendenning, William Lee, John McMicking, Elizabeth Robertson, Mary
Smith, George Stewart, jun'r, Mary Ward, William Applegarth, Elizabeth
Fogelalay, Joshua Applegarth, John Applegarth, Andrew Wilson, Hugh
Wilson, James Hunter, Abraham Astlestine, William Emery, William Crumb,
William Burk, Archibald Mitchell, Elizabeth Hogellang, Sarah File, Caleb
Swayze, David Van Every, jun'r, Jane Hover, Elizabeth Wright, Sarah
Ward, Sarah Mann, John Stoner, Valentine Stoner, Mary Myers, William
Macdonell, Annie Turner, Ann Jones, Anna Broughmer, Christopher Overholk.
1804—James Burgess,
Rufus Rogers, Asa Rogers, George ©'Kill Stewart, Samuel McKirbie, Mary
Thompson, D. Secord, Sarah Boyles, Sarah Wagstaff, Mary Cushman,
Elizabeth McKenzie, Ann McDonald, Isaac Astlestine, Deborah Hill, Daniel
Young, Hannah Coldwell, John Minthorn.
1805— Daniel Jackson,
Mary Moody, Win. Tyler, Isaac Rogers, David Palmer, jun'r, Mary Kithinan,
Marvin Hunter, Garrett Scram, Gertrand Plato, John Wilson, Catherine
Farr, Sol. Austin, jun'r, Charles Stewart.
1806—Rene Augustin
Cornte de Chains, John Dean Pisk.
Augustin Poyton.
1808—Joseph Minthorn,
Elizabeth Hassun.
1809—Murdoch McLeod,
Wm. Weer.
1810—Abraham Webster.
1812—John Haviland,
Rev. Clarke.
1813—Henry Bonnell.
1814—John McDonald.
1815—Wm. Moore.
1816—Thos. Whittaker.
1817—Rosannah -Ferns.
1827—Patrick Harlney.
182G—Sarah Lotteridge.
1830—N. Gamble.
1833—James Lloyd,
Stephen Bissonette.
1832—John Scott, Ann
Purvis, Elizabeth Clow.
1835 —Hannah Cowell,
Peter Rankin, John Proctor, Jeremiah Smith.
1S37—Peter Wintermute.
1838—John Fulton,
Bernis Baynam, William Boyle, Chas. Tomlinson.
1839—R. Maehell,
Richard Perry, J. Edmunds.
1840—James Macaulay,
Win] Brydon, John Grant, Wifiam H. Moore, Rev. John Rolph, Jeremiah W.
1841—James Henderson.
1842—Thos. Irvin.
1843—John Rodenhurst,
Martin Snider, William Proudfoot, Isaac Gude.
1844—Robert Cathgart,
Samuel Pearson.
1845—Wm. Patton, Thomas
Allen Stayner.
1846—'W. I). Parker.
1847—Alex. Brown,
Philip Boisverd, Isaiah Gardner, William Ilane, John Fogart.
1848—Neil Wiikie.
1830—Patrick Tridnor,
John Allen Nibbe.
1853—Jeremiah P.
Cummins, Rev. Richard Edmund Tyrwhitt, Septimus Tyrwhitt.
1854—Thomas McFee.
1860—Ben' am in
A considerable area of
land lying in different concessions was also granted to the Canada
When the alteration in
the township iines took place in 1851 the first concession of West
Gwillimbury, lying east of the Holland River, was annexed to East
Gwillimbury. The remainder of the portion of that township east of the
river, forming a triangular-shaped section terminating in a long, narrow
strip running along the northern boundary of King, became part of the
latter township. The land of north King, as a rule, is swampy, and not
ht for cultivation. Much of it still remains in the hands of the
Government, but many lots have been patented. The following names appear
on the list of grantees:
1805—Obadiah Rogers,
Obadiah Griffin, Bethuel Huntley; 1807— Ann Dennis, Abraham Nelles;
1808—Abraham Vanalstine; 1812-John Haviland; 1840—John Darling ;
1843—William Proudfoot; 1845— George Lount; 1847—Ebeny Doan; 1849—S.
Watson. The Canada Company also obtained some lots in this section, and
numerous patents have been issued during later years.
The predominant
character of the soil is clay loam. In the western portion of the
township an area amounting to about 30 per cent, of the whole is of
heavy clay, of the average depth of eighteen to twenty-four inches. Clay
loam prevails in the eastern, central and southern sections,
constituting about 40 per cent, of the whole, the average depth of the
surface seal being twelve to fifteen inches, with a subsod of clay. In
the northern section there are considerable tracts of rich, black loam,
of an average depth of from two to eight feet, comprising about 12 per
cent, of the total acreage. In various parts there are areas of sandy
loam of a depth of from six to ten inches over a clay subsod, being
about fifteen per cent, of the whole township. Two and a-half per cent,
of the soil is deep sand, and gravel beds, also of considerable depth,
are also met with. The larger portion of the land is undulating, about
one-fifth being so hilly as to lessen its value for agricultural
purposes. Swamps and wet springy land comprise 5 per cent, of the area,
principally situated along the Holland River, and an equal proportion is
The Oak Ridges, forming
the height of land between lakes Ontario and Simcoe, run through the
centre of the township from east to west. The region is hilly and
broken, and contains a number of lakes and ponds. Some of these are the
source of the numerous tributaries of the Humber and Holland Rivers.
Boulders displaying a mixture of the characteristics of the Laurentian,
Silurian and Huronian formations are met with :n this region.
The proportion of
first-class land is comparatively small, being only 25 per cent., the
average price of which is $70 per acre. The second-class land comprises
60 per cent, of the whole, and its average value is estimated at $45.
Third-class land brings S25 per acre, and constitutes 15 per cent, of
the total acreage. Three-fourths of the farm buildings are first-class
in point of materials and construction, and about the same proportion of
the farms are well fenced. Underdrainage is adopted on about one-tenth
of the number. Four-fifths of the farmers use some description of
artificial fertilizer—the kinds principally employed being plaster and
As nearly as can be
given, the following is the proportion of the area given to the leading
crops :—Fall wheat, 15 per cent.; spring wheat, 12 per cent.; barley, 8
per ccnt.; oats, 14 per cent.; peas, 8 per cent.; potatoes and turnips,
1 per ceni. each; other root crops, % per cent.; hay, 12 per cent.
Pasture lands occupy an area of 15 per cent., and orchards about 1 per
The average yield per
acre of the staple crops is as follows:—Fall wheat, 20 bushels; spring
wheat, 12 bushels; barley, 20 bushels; oats, 35 bushels; peas, 15
bushels; potatoes, 100 bushels; turnips, 250 bushels; other root crops,
300 bushels; hav, 1 ton.
Stock-raising is
carried on to a greater extent in King than in any other township n the
country. In 1881 the number of cattle was 4,088, horses, 2,917; sheep,
5,337; and hogs, 2.282. The larger proportion of these are the common
varieties, but in the last decade some importations of thoroughbreds
have been introduced, comprising Shorthorn cattle, Southdown, Cotswold
and Leicester sheep, Clydesdale horses, and Berkshire and Suffolk hogs.
Among the proprietors of thoroughbred stock are : George Hollingshead,
John Beasle3r, James Cherry, iun'r, and William Jardine, in the western
part of the township j and George N. Heacock, Seth Peacock, Simeon
Lemon, R. J. Kennedy, W. Linton, Robert Riddell, and John C. Tawse, in
the eastern portion.
The municipal records
of King are unusually complete; the minutes of the township meetings as
far back as 1809 being still extant, and throwing a good deal of light
on the early condition of the community. A return of the number of
inhabitants taken on March 28th, 1809, shows thirty-three heads of
families, and a total population of 160. The names are as follows :
James Rogers, John Doan, Enos Dermis, Amos Hughes, Isaac Rogers, William
Doan, Joseph Doan, Mahlon Doan, Ebenezer Doan, Rafus Rogers, Levi
Dennis, Nathaniel Gamble, jun'r, Isaac Phillips, Isaac Hollingshead.
Thomas Taylor, John Nichol, Benjamin Pearson, William Hughes, Joseph
Cody, Wm. Haines, Jacob Hollingshead, William Tyler, Wm. Kennedy, Henry
Ilarman, Isaac Davis, Caleb McWilliams, John Devine, David Love, James
Love, John Hunter, Michael St. John, Henry Sagle and Benjamin Kester. In
1811 the totai number of inhabitants was 206. In 1812 there were 42
families and 226 inhabitants. A decrease in population was caused by the
war with the United States, which broke out in that year, and three
years afterward the inhabitants only numbered 209. But after peace was
restored the population began to increase more rapidly, and in 1823
there were 67 families, and the total number of inhabitants was 394. In
1842 the population numbered 2,625. In the course of eight years it more
than doubled the number, in 1850 being 5,574. In 1871 it reached its
maximum, the Government census of that year showing a total population
of 7,482. In 18S1 it had fallen to 6,664. Of the latter number 5,248
were of Canadian birth. Those of English descent numbered 2,872; 2,047
were of Irish, and 1,087 Scotch extraction. The occupiers of land were
907 in number, of whom 611 were the owners of their holdings. The total
area occupied was 79,209 acres, of which 59,149 were improved. Of this
49,488 acres were devoted to held crops, 8,402 acres to pasturage, and
1,259 to gardens and orchards.
In 1849, the
agricultural produce comprised 149,000 bushels of wheat, 5,000 bushels
of barley, 8,000 bushels of oats, 37,000 bushels of peas, 52,000 bushels
of potatoes, and 14,000 bushels of turnips.
The census of 1881
gives the yield as follows:—200,185 bushels of wheat, 121,776 bushels of
barley, 214,506 bushels of oats, 81,875 bushels of peas and beans,
76,688 bushels of potatoes, 03,701 bushels of turnips, 30,164 bushels of
other roots, 8,670 tons of hay and 1,964 bushels of grass and clover
The municipal records
for 1809 give the officials for that year as follows : Town clerk,
William Haines ; assessors Jacob Hollmgshead and William Hughes ;
collector, William Tyler ; overseers of the roads, Henry Harman, Thomas
Taylor, Rufus Rogers ; pound-keeper, Isaac Hollingshead ; town wardens,
William Kennedy and John Nichol. The following minutes are recorded:—
"It is agreed that the
fences shall be lawful that are five feet high, two feet of which shall
not be more than four inches between the rails, and the other part not
more than six inches between the rails, except liners, which shall not
exceed fifteen inches."
It is agreed that hogs
shall be free commoners.
In 1810 the following
were the township officers:—William Haines, town clerk; Benjamin Pearson
and William Doan, assessors; Win. Tyler, collector; David Love, John
Hunter, Jacob Hohingshead, Thomas Taylor and Juhn Doan, overseers of the
roads ; Nathaniel Gamble, jur'r, pound-keeper ; Henry Harman and William
Hughes, town wardens.
William Haines held the
position of town clcrk until 1836, when he was succeeded in office by
John R. Kennedy. The township meetings from 1810 until 1838, with one or
two exceptions, were held at the house of Nathaniel Gamble, jun'r.
Subsequent meeting places were Samuel Clay's, James Graham's tavern, and
Goat's Inn.
In 1843, Joel Hughes
and William Brydon were town wardens; Andrew Sloan, town clerk;
Nathaniel Pearson, assessor; Richard Murphy, collector; Barnes Beynon,
Thos. Cosford, John Tawse, M.A., Jacob Pemon, Isaiah Tyson, Donald
McCallurn and Capt. A. Armstrong, school coinmis-sioners; and Thomas
Cosford, Thomas W. Tyson and Henry Stewart, district councillors. In
1844, John R. Kennedy became town clerk, the district councillors being
the same as the preceding year. Mr. Kennedy held the clerkship until
1847. The officers for that year were: Town wardens, John McKinley,
Thomas Cosford and James Hunter; assessor, James O'Brien; collector,
Andrew Sloan; town clerk, Joseph Wood. In 1848, the district councillors
were Henry Stewart and Thomas W. Tyson; town wardens, Robert Parker,
John Wells and Benjamin Jennings assessor, James McCallum;
collector, Isaac Dennis. In 1850 the present system of municipal
organization came into force, and the district councillors were replaced
by reeves and deputy-reeves—the first reeve was George Hughes, Joseph
Wells being deputy. In 1851 Mr. Hughes was re-elected and Septimus
Tyrwhitt chosen deputy. In 1852 Stephen Tyrwhitt was reeve and Joseph
Wells deputy-reeve. George Hughes occupied the reeveship again during
the period 1853-7, and was succeeded in 1858 by j. D. Phillips, who had
previously been deputy-reeve for three years. A. Armstrong filled the
chair in 1859, and the next year gave place to James P. Wells, who had
held the second place two years before. Air. Wells remained in office
until 1864, when Albert Webb was elected. In 1865 Joel Phillips was
chosen reeve. Mr. Webb had another innings in 1866. T. Tyson and J.
Stokes followed each for one year, and Air. Webb served a third term of
two years duration. Among the later occupants of the position are J. D.
Phillips, Joel Phillips and Joseph Stokes. The township officers for
1884 are E. J. Davis, King, reeve; Charles Irwin, Lloydtown, 1st
deputy-reeve; Michael J. C Neill, Holly Park. 2nd deputy-reeve; Thomas
Wilson, Newmarket, 3rd deputy-reeve; Robert Norman, councillor; Joseph
Wood, township clerk; Gershom Proctor, treasurer; John Leigh and William
Brydon, assessors; Charles Fuller and William Winter, collectors; John
D. Phillips, township engineer.
Air. Wood has filled
the office of clerk since 1847. He is an Englishman by birth, and came
to Canada in 1830 when quite young. The family, after remaining in York
for a year, removed to Whitchurch, near Aurora. In 1835 they took up
land in the 6th concession of King. Air. Wood is well known as a
prosperous and public-spirited citizen, and the fact that he has been
clerk for thirty-seven years continuously shows how highly his services
in that capacity are appreciated.
The principal villages
of King are Lloydtown and Schomberg, near the northern boundary, in the
western part of the township; Linton, in the eighth concession, towards
the centre; Nobleton, in the south-west; Pottageville, Kettleby and
Grenville, in the northern section; and Laskay, King Horn, King,
Eversley, Temperanceville, Springhill and Oak Ridges, in the south and
south-east. Aurora is partly in King and partly in Whitchurch. The
Northern Railway runs across the south-eastern section and enters
Whitchurch near Aurora. After a lengthy detour to the eastward through
that township it crosses the swamp lands of North King in a
north-westerly direction. Its most important station in the township is
at the thriving Village of King, about a mile from the southern
boundary, which is a stirring and lively place, with a population of
about 120.
Lloydtown is a place of
some note in the annals of York County. It early became one of the
principal centres in the north, and was one of the rallying points of
the Mackenzie rising in 1837. A description of the village and the
neighbouring country is given in Smith's "Canada." There have been of
course many changes since that time. Entering the township from the west
the road known as the "tenth line " leads to the village. The first
portion of the road is very hilly, and the timber consists of pine and
hardwood intermixed. About four miles before reaching Lloydtown you
cross a cedar swamp, after which the timber becomes principally pine and
hemlock for the next two miles; large tracts of land borderng the road
being still (1851) covered with wood; the country then opens, and large
cleanings lie before and on either side of you. The character of the
timber here becomes changed, and a large proportion of it s hardwood.
The soil the whole distance is of a loamy character, varying in
consistence. The country generally has a new appearance, a large portion
of the stumps still standing in the fields, and the houses and farm
buildings are poor with few exceptions. The road the whole distance is
hilly, or composed of a succession of rolling ridges. The population of
Lloydtown is given as 350. "The village," Smith goes on to say, "is
situated in the midst of a hilly country. The west branch of the Holland
River runs through the village, and a grist mill having three run of
stones, a saw mill, and a carding and fulling mill, are situated on it.
The grist mill has a fall of twenty-five feet. There are also in the
village two tanneries, a post-office, and two churches —Episcopal and
Methodist. Lloydtown is twelve miles from Yonge Street, nine miles from
the Vaughan Plank Road, sixteen miles from Holland Landing, nine miles
from Pond Head, twelve and a-half from Bradford, and fourteen from
Newmarket. At about a mile from Lloydtown, situated to the north-east,
is a small village called Brownside. It contains 138 inhabitants, a
grist mill, saw mill, and tannery, and a church open to all
denominations. Brownsville is also situated on the west branch of the
Holland River, which has here a fall of twenty feet." The name was
subsequently changed to Schomberg. The road east from Lloydtown to
Kettleby, or as it was then more generally known, Tyrwhitt's Mills, is
described as very hilly, and for part of the distance timbered with
cedar, hemlock and pine, with a little hardwood intermixed.
It was at Lloydtown
that the second of the series of public meetings in support of
Mackenzie's agitation in 1837 was held. At a meeting of Reformers, held
at John Doel's Brewery, Toronto, on the 28th of July in that year, a
plan submitted by Mr. Mackenzie "for uniting, organizing, and
registering the Reformers of Upper Canada" was adopted, under which
societies were to be established all through the Province as the
machinery of agitation. The first outside meeting under this plan was
held at Newmarket, the second at Lloydtown, on the 5th of August. It was
addressed by Messrs. W. L. Mackenzie, Jesse Lloyd, Samuel Lount, and
David Gibson, all of whom afterwards took a prominent part in the
insurrection. Seventeen resolutions were passed. Any intention of
resorting to arms was disclaimed. One of the resolutions declared that "
A bribed and pensioned band of official hirelings and expectants,
falsely assuming the character of the representatives of the people of
Upper Canada, corrupted by offices, wealth, and honours bestowed upon
their influential members by Sir F. B. Head, since they took their seats
in the House of Assembly, have refused to allow a free trial to
candidates ready to contest their seats, have refused to order new
elections for members who have accepted places of gain under the
Government, have refused to institute a free and constitutional inquiry
into corruptions practised at the elections through Sir F. B. Head's
patent deeds and otherwise; and although they were returned for the
constitutional period which the death of the King has brought near to a
close, they have violated the most solemn covenant of the British
Constitution by resolving that their pretended power of legislation
shall continue over us three years longer than they were appointed to
act." Canadian Independence was advocated on the ground that British
connection involved a State Church, an "unnatural aristocracy, party
privilege, public debt, and general suppression." It was suggested that
the country should pay a money price for its freedom in order that civil
war might be avoided, 'and a resort to the ballot, was urged, would show
a large majority in favour of dissolving the colonial bond. The meeting
declared for elective officials, including the judiciary. Some very
significant devices were displayed, including a flag which bore a large
star, surrounded by six smaller lustres, and in the centre a Death's
head with the inscription, "Liberty or Death." Another flag displayed
the word "Liberty" in bold relief, with figures of pikes, swords,
muskets and cannon. It had been intended to erect a liberty pole one
hundred feet in height, but the design was abandoned. The meeting
elected as delegates to the convention proposed to be held in Toronto,
Dr. W. W. Baldwin, Jesse Lloyd, James Grey, Mark Learmont, John Lawson
and Gerard Irwin.

Mr. Mackenzie visited
Lloydtown again a week or two before the outbreak, in order to complete
the arrangements for a descent upon Toronto. It was here that he
announced his determination not to assume a position of military command
on account of the lack of training and experience requisite to qualify
irm for it. Samuel Lount and Anthony Anderson Avere then assigned
leading positions. Lloydtown sent a large contingent to the force
finally mustered by the insurgents. They were principally armed with
rude pikes, few possessing firearms.
The present population
of Lloydtown is about four hundred, and it is a prosperous and
flourishing community.
The Township of King
has nineteen school sections, with two unions having houses in the
township, and three unions with houses outside the township.
No. 1, union with
Whitchurch, is a double frame house on Yonge Street, three miles south
of Aurora. Daniel Gregory is teacher. The average from King is 17; from
Whitchurch, 20.
No. 2, Spring Hill
School, stands on theeast end of lot 7, 4th concession. It is a good
brick house with two rooms. Teacher, John T. Saigeon. Average, 54.
No. 3, union with
Whitchurch, has its house in Whitchurch, and will be referred to under
that township.
No. 4, the Laskay
School, is situated on lot 7 in the 5th concession, west end, half a
mile north of Laskay. It is a good, brick building, but in need of
renovation. Teacher. John Watson. Average, 31.
No. 5, the New Scotland
School, stands on lot 16 in the 7th concession, near the centre. The
house is a frame one, fairly kept, and well furnished. Teacher, Miss
Kate McMurchy. Average, 30.
No. 6. a rather old
frame house, stands near the middle of lot 25 in the 5th concession. The
average attendance is 18. Teacher, George Edward Brown.
No. 7, stands on lot 8
in the 9th concession, on the west end. The house is a fine brick
structure in a fine situation. The teacher is William Boal. Average, 43.
No. 8, is a small union
,vith Albion. Pupils go to Bolton Village.
No. 9, the Grenville
School stands between the Old Survey and lot 35 in the 2nd concession.
The building, a new plank structure, is conveniently arranged, and has
hot air furnaces instead of the universal stove. John S. Stephens is the
teacher. Average, 25.
No. 10, is two and a
half miles west from Aurora. The house is a good brick one. The teacher
is Byron Oliver. Average, 32.
No. 11, Kettleby
School, stands on the east end of lot 27 hi the 4th concession. Teacher,
Thomas Butler. Average, 35.
No. 12, situated on lot
31, near the middle, 5th concession, is a small and old frame house. The
teacher is William Pearson. His average, 22.
No. 13, stands on lot
26 in the 7th concession. It is a brick building, recently erected and
comfortably furnished. Teacher, Maria Norman. Average, 16.
No. 14, Schomberg
School, on the north-east corner of lot 32, in the 9th concession, is a
good and commodious brick structure having apartments for two teachers.
Air. A. Wilkinson and Miss j. King. Average, 58.
No. 15, Lloydtown
School, is a fine specimen of school architecture in brick, somewhat
thrown out of proportion mside by recent division into two rooms.
Teachers, Henry Ward and Miss Srigley. Average, 48.
No. 16, Crawford's
School, stands on the south-east corner of lot 21, 11th concession. It
is a frame building of moderate size. 1'eacher, Miss Libbie Cody.
Average, 14.
No. 17 stands on the
north side of lot 30, near the centre of the nth concession. It is an
old frame building, and not comfortably furnished. Teacher, Malcolm D.
Hall. Average, 23.
No. 18, the Linton or
Little Lake School, stands on lot 19, in the 9th concession. It is a
frame structure. Teacher, Cunningham Moore. Average, 33.
No. 19, Nobleton
School, "s a double frame house 011 lot 5, near the west of concession
8. The two teachers are William F. Moore and Adelaide Watson. Average
attendance, 60.
No. 20 is a union with
13 Albion, house not in the township.
No. 21 is situated in
the 1st concession, west end of lots 7 and 8. It is a substantial and
almost new brick house, and well furnished. Teacher, Henry J. Politho.
Average, 30.
No. 22, the Eversley
School, is a fine new brick house, 011 the west end of lot 9, 2nd
concession. Teacher, II. W. Politho. Average, 22.
No. 23, Kinghorn
School, a well-kept frame house, stands near the west end of lot G, in
the 4th concession. Teacher, Joseph B. Morris. Average, 21.
No. 24, New Amsterdam
or Bradford Bridge School, a good frame house, stands in the Old Survey,
on the road between Holland Banding and Bradford. Teacher, Sarah C.
McConnell. Average, 11. A small union of East Gwillimbury with 24 has an
average of 3. |