THE population of York
in 1834, the year which witnessed the birth of the City of Toronto, was,
in round numbers, ten thousand souls. Within its contracted limits
nearly every industrial occupation was represented; there were steam
sawmills, iron foundries, and steam-engine manufactories, starch, candle
and soap, and paper factories, besides a theatre, schools, and half a
dozen printing offices, a lire department, and an artillery company. The
management of the affairs of the town, however, was still
unsatisfactory, and the feeling of the majority of the inhabitants upon
the subject had, by the end of 1833, become so strong that it was
decided to obtain corporation. This proposition chiefly met with favour
from the Conservatives, on the ground that the increased area of
taxation would cause a corresponding increase of revenue; while the
Reformers opposed it on the ground that the expense of a separate
administration for city and count) would more than counterbalance any
benefit which the citizens would derive therefrom. In February, 1834, a
Bill embodying the proposed measure was introduced in the Legislature by
Mr. Jarvis, the member for the town, and carried through the House. On
the 6th of March it received the Royal assent and became law. The main
features of the Act, which was a formidable document, containing no less
than ninety-seven clauses, were provisions for constituting the place a
city, under the name of the City of Toronto, and dividing 't hito wards,
with two Aldermen and two Common Councilmen for each ward, to be elected
by the citizens, and a Mayor, who should be elected by the Aldermen and
Common Councilmen from among themselves—such Mayor, Aldermen and Common
Councilmen to undertake the management of the affairs of the city, and
the levying of such moderate taxes as should be found necessary for
improvements and other public purposes.
On the 15th of March a
proclamation appeared iij the Gazette appointing the 27th of the same
month for the first election of aldermen and common councilmen for the
five wards into which the young city had been divided. As was to be
expected in a place where party feeling ran so high, much excitement
prevailed over the election, which was virtually a trial of strength
between Reformers and Conservatives. The former won the day, a majority
of their nominees—among them Mr. Mackenzie himself—being returned to the
new Council. The names of the successful candidates were as follows:—
St. Andrew's
Ward.—Aldermen, Dr. Thomas D. Morrison and John Harper ; councilmen,
John Armstrong and John Doel.
St. David's
Ward.—Aldermen, William Evon Mackenzie and James Passlie; councilmen,
Franklin Jackes and Colin Drummond.
St. George's
Ward.—Aldermen, Thomas Carfrae, jun'r, and Edward Wright; councilmen,
John Craig and George Guinett.
St. Lawrence
Ward.—Aldermen, George Monro and George Duggan, sen'r; Councilmen,
William Arthurs and Eardner 13ostwick.
St. Patrick's
Ward.—Aldermen, Dr. John Rolph and George T. Denison, sen'r; Councilmen,
Joseph Turton and James Trotter.
Of the above gentlemen,
whose names, as those of the first rulers of the City of Toronto, have
been judged worthy of being preserved In these pages only two survive at
the time of writing, viz., Mr. James Lesslie and Mr. John Harper.
Great as had been the
victory of the Reformers at the polls, their triumph was not yet
complete. The crowning event of the civic campaign was the election of
Mr. Mackenzie to the honour of the Mayor's chair. The Reformers had it
all their own way, and, although it was generally understood that Dr.
Rolph, a prominent and deserving member of the parly, would be its
candidate, it was finally decided to give the party vote to Mr.
Mackenzie, as a set-off to the wrongs he had endured both at home and
abroad, and as a triumphant reply to the contumelious assertions of his
enemies. Dr. Rolph at first seemed unwilling to make way for Mr.
Mackenzie —a man whom he appears at no time to have held in very high
estimation— but he finally l)0\ved to the will of the majority, not,
however, without giving evidence of his dissatisfaction by resigning his
seat in the Council, and this notwithstanding the fact that he had been
offered the support of the Conservative members in his candidacy for the
mayoralty. On the 3rd of April, the day appointed for the election of
mayor, the Council met and by a vote often to eight—Dr. Rolph being
absent and Mr. Mackenzie abstaining from voting—raised the expelled
member for York to the highest position in the gift of the city. The
same day Mr. Mackenzie took the prescribed oath, and was formally

The new Council soon
set to work with a will; and there was plenty for it to do. The city's
finances were in a deplorable condition; it was burdened by a debt of
over nine thousand pounds, due to the Bank of Upper Canada; its treasury
was practically empty, and money was urgently needed for public
buildings, and still more urgently' for the repair of the streets, which
were in a vile condition. In the whole city there was not such a thing
as a plank sidewalk. The situation was embarrassing, but it had to be
grappled with. The first action of the Council, after election its
officers—among whom were James H. Price, City Clerk, and Matthew Walton,
City Chamberlain —was to appoint committees to report upon certain
matters, 'n dealing with which no time was to be lost. Prominent among
these was the financial question, as a partial solution of which the
Council, upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, resolved to
levy an additional tax of two pence m the pound upon the assessed value
of all property, real and personal, within the city. An attempt was also
made to effect a loan of one thousand pounds, in anticipation of the
taxes, in order that the repair of the streets might be commenced
forthwith. Negotiation to this end with the Bank of Upper Canada—already
the city's creditors were unsuccessful; but, finally, the money was
obtained from the Farmers' Bank, upon the personal security of the Mayor
and the individual members of the Council. The result was that 2,618
rods of sidewalk were laid on the principal streets—miserable causeways
they would appear ;n the present day consisting merely of two
twelve-inch planks laid side by side longitudinally.
This work completed,
the city again found itself at the end of its resources, and it was
decided to levy on the taxpayers an assessment of three pence in the
pound. The proposal roused considerable popular indignation, and was the
occasion of two public meetings, one of which, the later, terminated
tragically. A balcony at the market, upon which a number of spectators
were standing, gave way under the stamping of the crowd and precipitated
them into the butchers' shops below, where man were impaled upon the
hooks, others broke their limbs, and some seven or eight received fatal
injuries. The wisdom of the unpopular measure was abundantly proved when
the first collection of taxes was made, as at the increased rate of
three pence in the pound the revenue was raised to the substantial
figure of £2,336, and from this time the question of municipal ways and
means was no longer found to be an embarrassing one.
The year 1834 will long
be remembered in Toronto as the cholera year, and the sights that met
the eye on every hand during the visitation are still fresh in the
memory of those who witnessed them. Five per cent, of the population of
the city fell victims to the plague; and many of these, it is to be
feared, owing to the absence of proper organization and treatment,
although an association of noble men and women, which included the
Mayor, was formed for the purpose of visiting and assisting the sick so
far as lay in their power.
Old citizens will also
remember this year as having been that m which the public pillory and
stocks were used for the last time. The fact of the Mayer having caused
a dissolute woman to be imprisoned in them caused these old-fashioned
instruments of punishment to fall into disrepute, and would seem to have
led to their abandonment.
The municipal elections
of 1835 considerably changed the political complexion of the Council.
Mr. Mackenzie had no seat in it, having been defeated by Mr. Robert
Baldwin Sullivan, who successfully opposed him in St, David's Ward, and
who was subsequently elected to the mayoralty. Mr Sullivan—an eloquent
and brilliant lawyer—had professed Liberal principles, but had of late
years evinced a decided leaning towards Conservatism. Mr. Mackenzie,
however, who had been returned to the assembly in the previous October
as member for one of the four ridings into which the County of York had
been divided, received, on his retirement from office, a public vote of
thanks for his services. The year 1836 is but little remarkable either
in the political affairs of the Province or in the history of the city.
It witnessed the appointment of Mr. Mackenzie's famous Committee of
Grievances and the close of Sir John Colborne's term of office. Sir
John, however, continued at the head of the Administration until the
early portion of the following year, almost his last official act being
the endowment of the forty-four rectories from the Clergy Reserves-a
measure which completed the growing disfavour with which he had of late
been regarded.
In 1836 Mr. Thomas D.
Morrison was chosen to fill the Mayor's chair. The city had steadily
progressed in prosperity, and its population had proportionately
increased. On the 23rd of January the new Lieutenant-General Sir Francis
Bond Head, arrived in Toronto, and with this day commences the more
immediate history of the Rebellion. With Sir Francis' connections with
his advisers, his futile attempt to conciliate the Reformers by the
bestowal of empty office, his contemptuous reply to the address of a
number of citizens of Toronto, the no less sarcastic retort which this
piece of blundering evoked from the Reformers, and the gradual steps by
which the Rebellion was brought about, we have nothing to do m a chapter
which pretends merely to deal with the annals of the city of Toronto.
But for some months after Sir Bond Head's arrival, the events which
agitated the entire Province were closely connected with Toronto's
history. Those events, however, have been sufficiently dealt with in
former portions of this work, wherein the story of the Upper Canadian
Rebellion has been told with some circumstantiality of detail.
The Municipal Council's
choice of Mayor for 1837 was Mr. George Gurnett. Alderman Powell, who
did the city and the Provincial Government such service by his
courageous conduct, as related in the account of the Rebellion on former
pages, on the memorable night of the 4th of December, received his
reward at the hands of his fellow-citizens by his return for St.
Andrew's Ward at the municipal elections in 1838, and by his subsequent
elevation to the mayoralty, to which he was again elected in 1839 and
1840. |