Edward James Lennox,
architect, was born in Toronto, 1856, being the son of Edward and Eliza
(Smith) Lennox. His father was born in Ireland, near Belfast. Mr.
Lennox, sen'r, emigrated to Canada when a young man, and after several
years of prospecting in different parts of Upper Canada, settled m
Toronto, and started business as a general produce merchant in
partnership with a man named Bell; the firm also speculated "'11 real
estate, in which they became largely interested. Mr. Lennox afterwards
engaged in the hotel business for about twenty years on Francis Street,
and lastly in the grocery business on Church Street, whence he finally
retired from business and is now living in Toronto. Mr. Lennox met and
married his wife in Toronto. Mrs. Lennox was horn in Ireland in the same
neighbourhood as her husband. She emigrated to the United States with
her parents, and settled in Rochester, N.Y., where to this day several
of the family still reside. Our subject, Edward J. Lennox, when a very
young boy, possessed strong artistic taste and originality. He attended
the architectural drawing class in the Mechanics' Institute in 1874, and
carried off first prize and diploma at the head of about sixty pupils,
although he was about the youngest pupil in the class, which was mostly
composed of experienced

mechanics. After this
his father decided to allow him to study architecture, and placed him in
the office of the fated William Irving, with whom he remained for live
years. Mr. Lennox's next step in life was to enter into partnership with
Mr. McCaw for a term of five years. At the expiration of the partnership
Mr. Lennox started for himself in offices on the corner of King and
Yonge Streets, where he has had a continued success, his business
steadily increasing every year, until at the present time it is one of
the largest of the kind in Canada. Mr. Lennox has been very successful m
competition against his fellow-professionals. The following are some of
the many buildings his plans were accepted for on competition, and
carried out under his supervision: Bond Street Congregational Church,
Erskine Presbyterian Church, Bloor Street Baptist Churchy Stratford and
Owen Sound High Schools, and several City Public schools. His plans were
also accepted, "although the competition was thrown open to Canada and
United States," for a large fire-proof hotel in Kingston, Jamaica, to
cost about $350,000- Outside of competition Mr. Lennox has done, and is
doing, a very extensive business, both in private and public buildings.
He was also architect for Manning's Arcade and Office Building, King
Street West, which cost about $100,000. He has also under preparation
plans for a large public hall, etc., for the Orange Association, which
will probably cost complete $40,000 ; and has also been appointed
architect to the Toronto Tenement Building Society, whose schemes, when
carried out, will be in the neighbourhood of about $2,000,000. Mr.
Lennox has about two years' work ahead, so this speaks well for b s
skill, energy and perseverance. He never sought any Municipal or
Government office. Mr. Lennox was married in 18S1 to Emeline, second
daughter of John Wilson, of Cobouig, Ontario.
James Smith, architect,
31 Adelaide Street East, was born in Macduff, Banffshire, Scotland, in
1834- He settled in Toronto in 185I) and commenced the practice of his
profession in 1857. Since Mr. Smith has been in business he has designed
many of the churches and colleges in Ontario-He is considered an adept
at his calling.
William George Storm,
architect, Toronto. The Storm family are of English origin. Thomas, the
father of our subject, was born at Wmtering-ham, Lincolnshire, Eng., in
1801. His mother, Mary (Hopkins) Storm, was a native of Horkstow, of the
same shire. In early life Mr. Storm, sen'r, learned the trade of
carpenter and joiner, and was extensively engaged as a master-builder at
Burton-upon-Stather in 1830, when he came to York with his family of one
son and two daughters. He took up his residence on Church Street, north
of the present Mechanics' Institute, where he resided only a few months,
when he removed to Richmond Street and remained until 1848. In 1840 he
went into partnership with the late Mr. Richard Woodsworth and the late
Mr. Alexander Hamilton in a contract for the erection of the new
garrison. At an early day he carried on business jointly with Mr.
Sheldon Ward (a bricklayer), each conducting their own separate trades,
until the death of the latter in 1844.. Mr. Storm was for many years
engaged contracting and building ; during which time he erected a large
number of the finest public and private buildings in the city. After the
incorporation as a city he was chosen Councilman for St. David's Ward.
At the formation of the old "No. 3," or British American Fire Company,
he joined the old volunteer fire brigade. During the rebellion he
carried his musket in connection with the company, was on duty at the
Don Bridge, musket m one hand, working the engine with the other. In
religion he was a Methodist, all his life being identified with that
body, and the church he attended was situated on the south side of King
Street, nearly opposite the present site of Thomas' hotel. He passed
peacefully away in December, 1871, universally respected by all, having
contributed no small share to the substantial growth and present
prosperity of Toronto. His only son, William George Storm, was born in
Winteringham, England; came to York with his father, and received his
early education here. When a voung man he worked at the bench under his
father's instruction, where he served his apprenticeship. Step by step
he acquired a thorough knowledge of every detail for the construction of
public and private buildings, which laid the foundation of his success
in after years. Nature seems to have endowed him with more than an
average share of mechanical ingenuity, for before completing his
apprenticeship he displayed rare ability and a strong desire for
architecture. After a few years he discontinued the building business
and devoted his entire attention to the latter profession. Many of the
public buildings of the city have been constructed from designs prepared
by him. In the spring of 1849 he had about closed arrangements to leave
for California, but just before his departure a disastrous fire
destroyed the old St. James' Church, and the following day, while
walking over the smouldering ruins, he met the late Col. F. W.
Cumberland, who had just established himself in the city, and, through
his intercessions, Mr. Storm •was induced to remain m Toronto anil
assist in preparing the designs for the present St. James' Cathedral. He
accordingly entered his office, prepared the designs (competition,
drawings and working plans), and remained until it was completed. In
1852 he entered into joint partnership with Mr. Cumberland, which
existed for thirteen years, during which time

they designed Osgoode
Hall, the University of Toronto, the Normal School, the old Post-office,
Mechanics' Institute, and many other public and private buildings in the
city, as well as throughout the Province of Ontario. As Toronto grew in
importance as a manufacturing and a commercial centre, a demand for
larger and better buildings rapidly increased. In 1857, with a view of
meeting the-wants of the public, he made a tour of inspection through
the British Isles, devotrng one year's time to the thorough examination
of public anil private buildings in foreign countries, during which
period he visited some of the principal towns of England, France,
Germany and Ireland, returning home the following year. Mr. Storm is at
present one of the ablest architects in Toronto, of which he has been a
resident for more than half a century, having grown up with it from
early boyhood. His great experience in design .ng and constructing the
better class of public and private buildings throughout Ontario, has
pre-eminently fitted him for the position he now occupies at the head of
his chosen profession, and caused his services to be eagerly and widely
Kivas Tully, architect
and civil engineer, was born at Garrarucurn, near Maryborough, Queen's
County, Ireland. He is a son of Commander John Tully, who figured
conspicuously during, the years when the V wooden walls of England were
gaining their reputation and adding to our country's naval supremacy. In
command of several vessels during the war with France in the beginning
of the present century, his name is on the list of those who contributed
materially to the subjection of the navy of that country. A complete
record of his naval career will be found in the Official Gazette. Kivas
Tully was educated at the Royal Naval School, Cumber-well, London, Eng.,
after which he spent four years with a Mr. W. II. Owen of Limerick,
where he acquired a knowledge of his profession. After being appointed
to a position and servmg under the Irish Poor Law Commission he
emigrated to Canada in 1844, and at once commenced the practice of his
profession in this city. In 1856 he accepted a position in the Civil
Service, and in 1868 he was appointed Architect and Engineer of the
Public Works Governmental Department, ir> which office he still
continues. The designs for Trinity College, Toronto, Town Hall, St.
Catharines, Victoria Hall, Cobourg, Bank of Toronto in this city, are
from his conception, and are architectural examples to all future
students of this art. He celebrated the year of his arrival in Canada
-by marrying Elizabeth Drew, who died three years afterwards. In the
year 1852 he married Maria Elizabeth Strickland, who died in 1883. He
has a family of four daughters, two of whom are unmarried. He iS a
member of the Church of England, and also belongs to the Freemason body.
Unwin, Browne & Sankey,
surveyors, engineers, etc., located at 17 Toronto Street. The lirm
consists of C. Unwin, H. J. Browne, V. Sankey, and W. A. Browne. Charles
Unwin is of English birth, and came to Canada in 1843 ; Messrs. Browne
are the same nationality, while Mr. Sankey comes from Ireland. Mr. Unwin
for four years after his arrival attended the U. C. College, and has
followed his profession since 1852. He became a member of the above firm
in 1882.
Charles A. Walton,
architect, 36 Toronto Street, was born at Leeds, England, January, 1845,
and came to Toronto in 1856. He studied his profession with the late
William Kauffmann, architect, of Toronto. He afterwards travelled
through the United States, and returned to Toronto in 1876, where he
commenced the practice of his profession. He is at present engaged on
the Toronto " Arcade I Building, which is being erected between Yonge
and Victoria Streets. He has attended strictly to his business, and has
been very successful. He married Emily Walton, granddaughter of Matthew
Walton, the first City Chamberlain.
Richard C. Windeyer,
architect, 20 Masonic Hall, is a native of Chatham, Kent, England, being
the youngest son of A. C. Wmdeyer, of Her Majesty's Civn Service, who
died in 18G5. Our subject's grandfather and great grandfather were both
in their turn mayors of the City of Rochester, Kent, England. Mr.
Wmdeyer came to Toronto in 1855, but immediately after left for United
States, where he remained for seven years hi the practice of his
profession, returning again to Canada in 1862. The time from that year
until 1871 he spent :n Montreal, and on his return to Toronto he
established himself at his present address.
Builders and
William Adams, builder
and contractor, 119 Bleeker Street. Native of Frogmore, Devon, England ;
came to Toronto in 1870, and after working at his trade, commenced
business in 1875, which he still continues.
John Atkinson, builder
and contractor, was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1815, and in 1814
came to Canada, and at tirst located in Montreal, where he remained for
some five years, then came to Toronto, and has followed building to the
present time. In 1849, Mr. Atkinson married Miss Sarah Stringer, who
died in 1863, leaving two children ; he married for his second wife,
Mary Jane ljurdle, by whom he has five children.
Frank Baby, stone
merchant and contractor, 2 Victoria Street, is a native of Toronto,
being the youngest son of James Francis Baby, whose family originally
came from Marseilles, in the south of France. His quarries are situated
on lots 2 and 3, ;n the second concession, King Township, York County,
and produce mostly flags and foundation stone. Employs from five to
twelve teams and seven to ten quarrymen.
William Baillie,
builder and contractor, 80 and 82 Albert Street, is a native of Belfast,
Ireland, and came to Canada with his parents in 1854. He learned \ trade
with Mr. John Greenleese, and then commenced business foi himself.
Private residence, 89 Walton Street.
Thomas Beaver,
contractor and builder, born in England, and came to Canada with his
parents at an early day. He has been engaged in his present business fur
many years, having served his time and been a resident of the city
since. He was foreman for James Fan ell five years, and for the last
five years has been in business for himself, doing fine ornamental work
and plastering.
William Brand,
contractor and builder, was born in the County of York, and remained at
home until 1862, when he went to the United States and engaged in the
cattle and mining business till 1869, and afterwards to Kansas,
continuing in the cattle trade there until 1869. Since his return to
Toronto he has engaged in contracting and building, and erected some of
the finest and largest structures in the city, and at one time was in
partnership with William Thomas. Employs from thirty to fifty hands.
John W. Bowden, 38
Winchester Street, contractor, etc., was born n London, England, 1829,
and the son of John and Rachael (Wilson) Bowden. His father came to
Toronto in 1842, having followed the business of builder and contractor
m the Town of Hohvorth, Devonshire, England. After his arrival 'n York
he carried on building business forty years, and died n 1884 at the age
of eighty-three years. John s the eldest in a family of twelve children,
and the only one living. He learned his trade with his father, and began
contracting and building in 1850, and has been extensively engaged ever
since, having in the eastern portion of the city erected a large number
of private buildings. Mr. Bowden married a daughter of Mr. Purdy, one of
the early settlers of York. Mr. Bowden is 'a. member of the All Saints
branch of the English Church.
Brown & Love,
proprietors of steam stone saw mills and building contractors, occupy
the old Bay Street Wharf. The business was established by John
Worthington. about 1840, and is the oldest establishment of its kind in
Toronto. Mr. Worthington was succeeded by Benjamin Walton, and Brown &
Love took the place of the latter n 1875. The present firm since their
advent have erected some of the finest structures in this city, among
which we would mention the British American Assurance Company, the
Western Assurance Company, the St. James Square Presbyterian Church, the
Dominion Bank Building, North of Scotland Chambers Building, and Loan
Chambers and Gas Offices on Toronto Street. In 1880 they erected the
Mail Building, Jones Brothers' Block, on Front Street West, Baldwin's
Chambers next Dominion Bank—since taken down for additions to the latter
building. They have erected two fine buildings in Hamilton, viz.:— The
Canada Life Assurance Company's Offices, and are at present engaged on
the Post Office and Custom House Buildings, and Examining Warehouses in
this city, and Manning's Arcade Building, King Street West. A great
portion of Toronto's finest buildings, justly celebrated for their
architectural beauty, have been prepared at this establishment.
William Carlyle,
contractor and builder, was born ia Dumfries, Scotland, in 1820, and in
1850 he came to Canada and settled in Toronto, where he has resided ever
since. In 1852 he engaged in contracting and building, and has erected
houses in every ward of the city. Resides at 157 Seaton Street. In 1849
he married Miss Margaret McKay, by whom he has two children. Mr. Carlyle
represented St. Thomas' Ward for the past six years.
Arthur Coleman, budder
and contractor, 11 Havter Street, was born in Walton, England, in 1833,
and came to Canada with his parents in 1846, settling one year
afterwards in this city. He learned his trade with William Bell, and
began contracting and building on his own account in 1857, since which
time he has been principally engaged erecting pi vate houses. He employs
from eight to ten men.
William Coulter, 75
Jarvis Street, is a builder and contractor, born in Toronto in 1849. His
father was George, his mother was McL. Henney, from York Mills. His
father came to Canada at the age of twenty-one, about the 1:me of the
rebel! on of 1837. He was a builder by trade, and sat in the Council ;n
St. David's Ward for many years. William learned his trade with Mr.
Hathaway, Queen Street West; he was foreman for John Fletcher for a
number of years. In 1S80 he began contracting and building for himself.
He married a Mrs. E. A. Doran. He belongs to the Ancient Order of United
W. St. Croix, 7 North
Street. Toronto. Among the many who have settled in Toronto in the past
thirty years, and added to its substantial growth and prosperity, there
are but few who have overcome greater difficulties in achieving an
honourable success in business than the subject of this sketch. Mr. St.
Croix was born on the Highlands of Jersey, in Scotland, in 1834, of
French parentage. In early life he learned the trade of bricklayer and
mason, and later travelled through France, England, and a portion of the
United States, arriving in Toronto in 1854 with only one York shilling,
which constituted his entire wealth, together with his scanty wardrobe.
He not only struggled with poverty, but being in a strange country and
wholly unable to comprehend the language of the people. For the first
year after his arrival he worked as a journeyman during which time he
improved his leisure hours in the study of the British language. He soon
after began business for himself in a small way, which gradually
increased until it assumed vast proportions, with honesty, industry, and
frugality for his motto, his labours have been crowned with success.
During the past thirty years he has erected many public and private
build: lgs, among which were the present Police Station near the
Post-office, Phoenix Block on Front Street, and several warehouse blocks
on Yonge Street. In 1880 he purchased a portion of the Elmsley Estate,
west of Yonge Street, consisting of one thousand feet frontage on Bloor
Street North and St. Mary Street, upon which he has erected about
seventy-rive handsome two-storey brick residences, a portion of which he
has sold and rented, besides many other private residences in various
parts of the city. He has annually employed from sixty to seventy-five
men. As an instance of the amount of labour performed in one branch of
his business —plastering—in one year, his contracts amounted to $35,000.
The average wages he has paid his men has been from $1.25 to $2.00 per
day. More recently he has enlarged his business, and now contracts for
the construction of buildings from the digging of the cellar to the
finishing and turn of the key. At the present time he owns over fifty
beautiful residences and stores in various parts of the city. In
politics he is a Reformer; in religion, a member of the Bond Street
Congregational Church, where he has acted in the capacity of a deacon
for many years. Mr. St. Croix married a daughter of James Kerr, an old
resident of Toronto, of Scottish extraction.
Thomas W. Cruttfndon,
builder and contractor, 380 Gexrard Street East, is a native of London,
England, where he learned his trade. He came to Toronto in 1870, and
four years later commenced business as contractor, which he has since
earned on. He has erected several public and private buildings,
including the masonry and brickwork of the new sugar refinery, and
employs about twenty men. Mr. Cruttendor has had on hand about $80,000
worth of contracts during the late season.
Richard Dinnis,
contractor and builder, 271 Simcoe Street, was born in Cornwall,
England, and came to Toronto in 1856. For eleven years he was engaged
with Worthington Bros., builders, and for two years on railway works in
Ohio. He made the patterns for the cut-stone for the University, and
worked on many of the chief buildings in Toronto. He erected the
Industrial Exhibition Buildings in ninety days. His last year's
operations amounted to over $150,000. Being a contractor, Mr. Dinnis has
avoided taking any part in municipal matters.
James Farquhar,
contractor, 11 Wilton Crescent, was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland,
1813, married in England in 1838, and settled in Toronto in 1842. The
City Hall and St. Michael's Cathedral were among some of his first
contracts in Toronto.
S. Eawkes, builder and
contractor, was born in Gloucestershire, England, in 1829, and came to
Canada in 1850. He first engaged in general grocery business on Queen
Street West, afterwards removing to Yonge Street and went into the
undertaking trade, which he carried on for some years, and :s now living
John Fletcher, builder
and contractor, 526 Yonge Street, was born in County Down, Ireland,
1834, and is the eldest son of William Fletcher, a farmer, who came to
Canada and settled in Simcoe County in 1844. John learned his trade with
his brother Robert, who at present carries on contracting in Barrie, and
after doing a little in the neighbourhood of his home came, in the year
1872, to Toronto and established the business he has since carried on.
Among the buildings erected by Mr. Fletcher may be mentioned the Grand
Opera Houses of Toronto and Hamilton, the Mail Building, Church of the
Ascension, the Methodist Church on Yonge Street, and the Central
Presbyterian, and a great many private residences, among which may be
mentioned Mr. Northrop's on Carlton Street, and Mrs. Cawthra's, Jarvis
Street, together with several Sunday school buildings, and is at present
engaged on a new Chapel for Trinity College and an additional wing to
Osgoode Hall. His contracts amount to over $200,000 annually and he
employs from thirty to sixty men in winter, and sixty to ninety in
summer. Mr. Fletcher is one of the most efficient builders m Ontario.
James Gaylard, builder,
340 Parliament Street, settled in Toronto in 1876 during which time he
has superintended the building of Jarvis Street Baptist Church, Church
of the Redeemer on Bloor Street, St. Andrew's corner of Carlton and
Jarvis Streets, Methodist Church corner Spadina Avenue and College
Street, Mail Building on King Street, Jones' wholesale store on Front
Street and an addition to the Custom House warehouse, and now is
superintendent of the Custom House and Post-office in Hamilton, also the
Life Insurance building in this city.
George Hardy,
contractor and builder, born in the Isle of Wight, England, where he
remained until 1856, when he emigrated to Canada, afterwards going to
the United States. In 1867 he came to Toronto and engaged in his present
business, that of contractor, and for the past fifteen years, being
largely engaged in real estate, erecting over one hundred houses in this
city, employing about thirty hands.
John Herbert,
contractor and builder, was born in the County of tipperary, Ireland,
1831, and 'n 1849 came to Canada. Having previously learned the trade of
bricklayer and mason he continued in that trade after his arrival here,
working as journeyman until 1866. About this date he commenced
contracting and building on his own account, and anion the buildings
erected by him may be mentioned the Equity Chambers, Girl's Home, the
tower and spire of St. Michael's, the new Arcade, and many others.
Employs from fifty to sixty hands. In 1851 Mr. Herbert married Ann IJoyd,
who died in 1852, leaving two sons and one daughter. Our subject has
held the office of separate School Board Trustee for the past ten years.
William J. Hill, 85
Bloor Street West, builder and contractor. The business was established
by his father, William Hill, in 1843, who retired n 1878, and is now
conducted by William J. Hill. He employs from fifteen to forty men, and
contracts for the entire completion of his structures. Has also been
extensively engaged in block paving. Mr. IL11 is a school trustee for
the Ward of St. Paul.
William L. Huddart.
contractor and builder, Davenport Road, was born in Cumberland, England,
and came to Toronto in 1866. He commenced his business in Yorkville. He
has been employed in connection with the manufacture of brick machines
for E. & C. Gurney for a number of years, and does a large business in
tile and drain pipes, and the construction of private drains. He made
the interior fittings of the Mechanic's Institute Buildings, now the
Public Library. In connection with private drains he has had a large
experience, and is always ready to advise and attend to same.
William Irrson,
contractor and builder, was born in Northamptonshire, England, in 1822.
In 1855 he came to Canada and settled in Toronto where he has resided
ever since. Engaged in contracting and building, anil has sometimes
employed as many as eighty hands. In 1852 he married Elizabeth Wyles.
His private residence is 9 Breadalbane Street.
Daniel Livingston,
contractor and builder, was born in Scotland, 1830, and at the age of
eighteen came to Canada in the year 1848 ; and worked at his trade of
bricklayer and mason. After six years' experience as a journeyman, in
1854, he commenced business on his own account, contracting, etc., and
up to the present time has continued successfully in that ] ne, and
usually employs seven to twelve hands. In i860 he married Miss Jeannette
Bowman, from Peel County, by whom he has six sons and one daughter, of
whom four sons are now living.
William Lunfy,
contractor and builder, born n England in 1848, and •in 1868 came to
Canada, and for some years has been engaged in contracting and budding
ail kinds of stone and brick work hi this city. and employs about fifty
hands. Mr. Luney was married in England to Miss Jeannette Cudlip, a
native of same place, by whom he has five children. Resides on Armenia
Maktin & Harniman,
builders and contractors, 14 Yorkville Avenue and Shaftsbury Avenue,
North Toronto. This enterprising firm do a la^e and thriving business in
general contracting, and make a specialty in the erection of private
T. Y. Parker,
contractor and builder, third son of James Parker, who came to Toronto
in 1832, and engaged in the butchering business at the old log market.
Since 1870 Mr. Parker has been engaged in contracting and building in
all portions of the city, in 1868 he married Miss Sarah Jack son, by
whom he has two sons. Resides at 405 Church Street, also owns property
on Bleeker and Cumberland Streets and Yorkville Avenue.
Phillips & Lean,
contractors and builders, Mr. Lean was born in Cornwall, England ; came
to Canada in 1869, and located in Toronto, where he first engaged as
carpenter, and has been m the contracting and building trade since 1878.
Mr. Phillips was also born iij England, came to Canada in 1868, and was
foreman on the building of Custom House, Western Assurance, and other
buildings, and has been engaged in contracting and building for the past
six years. The partnership has existed since 1851. Employs on an average
twenty hands.
A. H. Rundle, builder
and contractor, was born 11 Devonshire, England, and came to Canada in
1871, where he has resided ever since. Is engaged in building and
largely interested in real estate. He has hi lit nineteen houses on
Sherbourne, Huntley and Selby Streets. Mr. Rundle married Miss Rockndge,
of Toronto.
Charles R. Rundell,
builder and contractor, was born in Devonshire, England, and came to
Canada in 1S71. He first landed in New York, and was at Butfalo for a
short time, then came to Toronto and worked at his trade of plasterer
for three years. Since then he has been engaged in contracting and
building. He married Miss Sarah Tozer, native of England, by whom he has
one son and daughter.
E. Stephenson & Co.,
139 to 147 Queen Street East, contractors and builders. The business was
established in 1854 *>y Thomas Storm, and came into the hands of the
present time in 1871. Employ from fifteen to fifty men. It is perhaps
the oldest established business of the kind in Toronto. Among the
edifices -which have been built by Stephenson & Co., may be mentioned,
Trust and Loan Company Office, Gas Company Office, McMaster's residence
and St. James' spire, also oak work to the chancel.
Benjamin Tomlin,
proprietor of the Lily of the Valley Hotel, Gerrard Street East, was
born in Wellinborough, Northamptonshire, England, and carne to Canada n
1870. Was a contractor on excavation and sewerage up to 1878, when he
bought some land at his present location. He takes considerable interest
m municipal affairs of the village and of the ward in which he lives ;
he was manager for some years for Sir Joseph Thornton on the Belfast
Central Railway.
Thomas Tushingiiam &
Son, builders and contractors, 84, 86 Adelaide Street West. Established,
1867. Employ from fifteen to twenty men. commenced on a small scale and
steadily increased, having done more than double his former business
within the past two year.
Lionel' Yorke, builder
and contractor, and proprietor of Steam Stone works—office and wharf,
foot of Jarvis Street. Business established about 1870. He is a native
of Wisbeach, England, and came to America m 1859. Was one year in the
Southern States, and ten years in Peterborough, Ontario. At the latter
town he engaged in contracting and stone quarrying. He has done a great
amount of stone and brick work n this city, and has erected a number of
its best buildings, including sixteen churches, prominent among which is
St. Andrew's, Church of the Redeemer, Grace Church, Mrs. Cawthra's
residence, Jarvis Street, the new Standard Bank building, and others. He
also built the Lieutenant-Governor's residence, which was his first
contract in Toronto. Mr. Yorke employs from seventy-five to one hundred
and twenty-five men, and uses for Ins work the Ohio and Credit Valley
stone. |