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History of Toronto and County of York in Ontario
Part IV: Toronto: Cattle Trade

The Live Cattle Export Trade.

This business, which now forms one of the principal branches of the general export trade of Ontario, .s comparatively new, but of rapid growth — its inauguration only dating some ten years back. At an earlier date than this—somewhere about 1872—the tariff changes in the United States seriously interfered with the exportation of dead meat to that country, and Canadian exporters began to look about for another market. England was tried, and for a couple of years considerable consignments were shipped thither. The venture, however, proved unsuccessful, and in 1874 Mr. Garrett F. Frankland determined to attempt the exportation of live stock to Great Britain. Before maturing his plans, he took the precaution of visiting the Mother Country, and in tha year mentioned he visited in turn London, Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, Sheffield, Leeds, Derby, Cardiff, Glasgow and Edinburgh. During this trip he became convinced of the profit to be derived from Canadian stock-raising for the purpose of exportation to England, and on returning to Canada lost no tune in carrying out the idea he had originated. On the ist of July in the following year (1875), Mr. Frankland shipped 190 head of live stock from Montreal—the first shipment of the kind made from any port on this continent. Tne industry, once started, assumed enormous proportions, Mr. Frankland and his associates exporting in some years as much as one and a quarter million dollars' worth. He has also done the country a signal service by raising the price of cattle from $25 to $30 a head. He was also instrumental in causing the Corporation of Liverpool to expend over $200,000 for the accommodation of live stock upon arrival at that port, thus relieving the suffering caused by the exposure of the cattle during the twelve hours' detention in quarantine required by the Imperial Government. In recognition of his valuable services, Mr. Frankland was entertained at a banquet at the Walker House in 1876, on which occasion he was presented with an illuminated address. He was also presented with a valuable clock at the City Arms Hotel, Toronto, and with a service of silver plate at Liverpool in 1879.

The following is a list of the principal Toronto firms engaged in the live cattle export trade:

Andrew' Wallace Aikens, a native of Peel County, and a farmer by occupation, has been extensively connected with the export cattle trade from its first inception. From the year 1863 until he engaged in the European exportation of cattle, he had been engaged in shipping stock to the United States. Mr. Aikens is one of the few engaged in this line of business who has made a success of it. He ^s at present engaged n exporting to Europe and in the feeding of stock.

James Crawford, 86 Givens Street, cattle exporter, commenced to export cattle in 1876 on his own account, and has ever since been engaged n the same business, shipping in some years over six thousand sheep and four thousand cattle. He settled in Toronto in 1864; and has spent his entire life in the cattle trade.

Thomas Crawford, 97 Givens Street, cattle dealer and exporter, comenced his occupation while very young in connection with his father, and at present is a large dealer, sending to Montreal several cardoads weekly, as well as being engaged in exporting since 1877.

John Dunne, 106 Givens Street, cattle exporter, commenced to ship cattle to the U.S. in 1867, and to the Old Country ten years later. He is one of the pioneers of this industry, and Is still engaged, along with others, in the exportation of cattle and sheep.

C. Flanagan was born .n the County of Limerick. Ireland, n 1844, and settled in Toronto with his father's family in 1848. He early learned his trade of butcher, and commenced 011 his own account in a small way in 1864. He has since been engaged, both as a wholesale butcher and live stock exporter, being connected with the firm of Thompson, Flanagan & Blong.

Wm. J. McClelland, 31 Dundas Street, cattle dealer, established his bus, less in 1869. He exported stock to the U.S. in 1870 and 1871, and to England in 1877 in connection with Rogers, Lambert & Ilallam, in which trade he has ever since been engaged. He also ships store steers to Buffalo.

G. D. Morse was born in Cleveland, 01 o, in 1834, and settled in Toronto in 1837. In partnership with his brother he commenced butchering in 1848, and continued the business for four years, after which he went to Australia, where he remained 1*1 til 1859. On his return he resumed his old business, which he carried on for two years, afterwards entering into the more extensive undertaking of shipping to the United States. On the burning of Gooderham's Distillery in 1869, Mr. Morse purchased the Chippawa Distillery and conducted the same for two years, feeding stock there. He sold out in 1871 and returned to this city, commencing the Morse Soap Works, which he operated unti April, 1878. On Morrison & Taylor becoming proprietors of this establishment Mr. Morse again commenced feeding, his shipments being, however, to the Old Country, and in connection with others he still continues in the trade. He owns a farm of two hundred and twenty-five acres on Yonge Street, where he feeds his cattle.

Frank Rogers, 57 Dundas Street, cattle dealer, commenced his business as early as 1859. In 1877 he was interested in the export trade in connection with Mr. McClelland and Alderman Hallam, and has been engaged, more or less, in that ever since.

A. J. Thomson was born in the County of Armagh. Ireland, in 1842, and settled m Toronto in 1858. lie has throughout his career been chiefly connected with the cattle trade, and from 1867 to 1870 was engaged m exporting cattle to the United States. In 1877, in connection with George Denoon, A. Reeve, Edward Lemon and William Williamson, he commenced exporting to England, and during the first year shipped about seven thousand head of cattle. The firm is at present known as Thompson, Flanagan & Blong.

The Local Cattle Trade.

Wm. Cradock, 28 Foxley Street, cattle drover, was born in Toronto, and has always been engaged in buying and selling stock. He was in the export trade Jn 1881-3, as dealer in sheep, with Mr. Grabtrett.

P. J. Flanagan, cattle dealer, St. Lawrence Market, buys and sells stock of all kinds. He has generally been engaged in butchering and cattle dealing.

W. W. Hodgson was born in Toronto in 1844, and was early initiated m the butchering business. He is at present care-taker of the Toronto Cattle Market, and resides on Wellington Avenue. His father, William Hodgson, was a native of Newcastle-on-Tyne, England, settled in Toronto in 1834, and died in 1848.

William Kinnar, cattle drover, 6 Dufferin Street, settled in Toronto in 1863. He started immediately to buy and sell stock, exported largely to the United States cattle, sheep and hogs, etc. He was engaged irt shipping dressed hogs to Belfast in 1879. He now buys and sells.

William Lkvack, cattle dealer and wholesale butcher, 54 Givens Street, established his business in 1869. He building and sells cattle in the country, and his business is principally butchering. He employs seven men for slaughtering cattle and sheep. They slaughter from ninety to one hundred and twenty cattle and from three to four hundred sheep a week, besides calves.

James Murton, cattle dealer and wholesale butcher, Dundas Street, established his business in 1870. He kids about forty head of cattle weekly, and does a local trade.

R. Pugsley resides at Davisviile,' being a drover and wholesale butcher. He kills about twenty head of stock weekly, and sells as many more on foot. He has been at times interested >n the export trade.

Sidney H. Smith, cattle dealer, Avenue Road, was born in Toronto in 1857. His father, Henry Smith, was a native of Hull, Yorkshire, England, and settled in Toronto in 1849, and died April 19th, 1882. The latter was also engaged m cattle dealing. Sidney commenced business about 1875, and buys for the Toronto and Montreal markets.

J. E. Verral, commission merchant, deals in cattle, sheep, lambs and hogs. Stock bought and sold on commission. Commenced business 1875-Office, 615 King Street West. All orders promptly attended to.

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