Editor John George Bourinot (1836-1902) was a
Canadian journalist and historian. He was born in Sydney, Nova
Scotia. He parents sent him to Trinity College in Toronto where he
excelled but did not finish his degree. His first job was as
parliamentary reporter for the Toronto Leader. Afterwards he
relocated back to Sydney where he worked for the Evening Reporter.
He eventually started freelance writing trying his hand at fiction
and then history. One of his favourite subjects was comparative
governance and he especially enjoyed comparing the Canadian and
American systems. He was knighted in 1898 and received many honorary
degrees from Canadian universities. His son, Arthur Bourinot, was a
well-known Canadian poet. (Dictionary of Canadian Biography)
The Anglo-American Magazine was
published in Toronto from 1852 to 1855. These monthlies include
parts: a history of the War of 1812; Forest Gleanings (Mrs. Traill);
cities and Towns of Canada (Cobourg, London, Quebec); Colonial
Chit-Chat (Jails in Upper Canada, Grand Trunk Railroad, Clergy
Reserves, etc.); Editor's Shanty (Niagara River tunnel & suspension
bridge, Toronto and its nuances, Phrenology, etc.); Facts for the
Farmer; Mrs. Grundy's Gatherings (fashions, cooking, crafts); News
from Abroad (Duke of Wellington's funeral, Burmah War, Kaffir War,
Australian Gold).
Volume 1 July - December 1852
Literature and Art in Canada
by Sir John Bourinot, K. C. M. G, LL.D., Lit. D. (1900) (pdf)
Volume 2 January - June 1853
Volume 3 July - December 1853
Volume 4 July - December 1854
Includes an article on
"Had Britain the right to interfere in the internal affairs of the
Transvaal?" By John Stuart Buchan, Q. C. Also an article about
"Romantic Muskoka in Northern Ontario. Also articles about The
Australian Commonwealth's First Governor-General and also an article
about Hawaii and yet another article on Roosevelt. Also "The True
Motif of Russo-American Diplomacy" by O. A. Howland, Q. C. Also, How
Certain Hebrews wandered to Britain by Rev. M. W. Spencer, A.M.
5 July - December 1854
Continues the History of the War between Great Britain and the
United States of America. Also an article on Cedar Rapids, Chess in
Toronto, Remarks on the Southern States and their Constitution by a
Canadian, A Lady's visit to the Gold Diggings of Australia, Lord
Metcalfe, A Peak into the Rouel Tan-Pits, The First Grenadier of
France, Paul Pry of the Upper Ottawa, Russia, The Garden, The
Editor's Shanty, Blackwood on Upper Canada, Japan and the Japanese,
A Student Tramp to Niagara Falls, The Cave of Eigg - A Legend of the
Hebrides, Photographs of London Business, Facts for the Farmer, The
Purser's Cabin, Cotton, Slaves and Slavery, Secretary's Tour from
Ohio to New Brunswick, Annie Livingstone, The War in the East,
Zelinda or the Converted One, etc.
6 July - December 1901
Alfred the Great, The New Nationalism, England's Hospitality to
Representative Americans, The Anti-Saloon League, Hawaii First, The
Sermon on the Mount, The Trip to Temagami, Incidents of
International Courtesy, Educational Fallacies and Abuses, Nature in
the Alps, In District No. 1 (an economic novel), Anglo-American
Joint High Commission, Canada's Population, Good Trade Showing of
Canada, Defenseless Canada, Ethics and Religion, Pan-Americanism,
The Late President McKinley, President Roosevelt, What Women can do
in Politics, Maximite, The Genesis of Anarchy, The Poet Markham and
His Work, Our English Cousins, The Prospecting Parson, Quebec,
Volume 7 July 1855
In the year of grace 1829, the writer of these sketches, who had
then a goodly number of his teens in prospective, visited for the
first time the great hall of the Parliament House of Edinburgh.
Volume 7 August 1855
Union of the Colonies of British North America by P. S. Hamilton,
Esq., etc. |