Resignation of Archdeaconry of York and Rectory of
Toronto.— Triennial Visitation of the Clergy in 1847.—Consecration of
the Church of the Holy Trinity, Toronto.
IN the course of the summer of 1846, a communication was
received by the Bishop of Toronto from the Society for the Propagation
of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, that the Society as Trustees of the
Church of England’s share of the Clergy Reserves Fund in this Diocese,
had voted to him a salary of £1250 sterling, per annum; on condition
that he should resign all other ecclesiastical preferment. By this
arrangement, which the Bishop at once accepted, the Archdeaconry of York
and the Rectory of Toronto became vacant; and the Bishop was pleased to
appoint the Rev. A. N. Bethune, D. D., to the former, and to recommend
to the Governor General, at that time the patron, the Rev. H. J. Grasett,
M. A., for the Rectory of Toronto. These latter appointments, however,
were not officially announced until the month of March following.
On Thursday, 3rd June, 1847, the Bishop held his third
Triennial Visitation of the Clergy of the Diocese in the Cathedral
Church of St. James. Eighty Clergymen were present; and, to quote from
the Church organ of the day, “the Bishop, seated in his Episcopal Chair,
and surrounded by the Archdeacons and other Clergy of the Diocese,
proceeded to deliver his Charge, which occupied about three hours and a
half, and was attended to with the most intense interest by both Clergy
and Laity. The several important topics which the Address embraced were
explained and illustrated with a clearness and precision, and, in many
cases, with an emphasis well calculated to make a deep impression. The
several interests of the Diocese,— its extent, revenue, number of
Clergy, and future prospects, —were all lucidly and circumstantially
dwelt upon. The present state of religious feeling, both in and out of
the Church, at home and abroad, was adverted to with singular prudence,
discrimination, and ability; but, at the same time, we are persuaded
that no part of his Lordship’s Charge was listened to with more
deference and respect, than his truly paternal, kind, and affectionate
address to the Clergy towards the close.” From this long and able
document, which is doubtless in the hands of very many members of the
Church in Canada, we can make but a few quotations.
His Lordship stated that, in the years, 1845 and 1846, he
had confirmed at 197 stations, and that 4358 candidates had been
presented for that rite. He says:—
“It is very pleasing to remark, that a very great change
has been for some years gradually manifesting itself in regard to the
holy ordinance of Confirmation. Our people now almost universally
believe and recognize it to be an Apostolic institution, and, to all who
receive it, a most beautiful and impressive consummation of their
“The frequent administration of this interesting ceremony
has been especially blessed throughout the Diocese, and has had the most
salutary effects upon the minds of many, whose views of the true
foundation and principles of our Church were very confined and
unfruitful. Following up the holy conceptions and aspirations which the
frequent witnessing of Confirmation is calculated to produce, they have
formed more correct opinions of the sacred functions of the Church of
God, in her Divine appointment to regenerate man and to mould him for
“I was delighted,’ said one of the most promising of my
younger Clergy, 'for many of my congregation observing that they were
much affected at beholding the ordinance of Confirmation administered
for the first time,—displaying, as it does, the Episcopal authority,
which is one of the marks of the Catholic Church. In one case, where I
had been unable to persuade two young persons in a family to become
candidates for Confirmation, they expressed great sorrow, after
witnessing the ceremony, that they had not yielded to my advice, and
professed their determination to be confirmed, God willing, at the next
opportunity.’ ”
He speaks thus of two Institutions in the Mother Country,
whose inestimable services to all the Colonies of the Empire, and to
this one in particular, are never to be forgotten :—
“The two Societies, the great handmaids of the Church,
continue their nursing care to this Diocese with increasing energy; the
Propagation Society in supporting nearly one-half of our Clergy, besides
granting many special donations; the Society for Promoting Christian
Knowledge, in bestowing Bibles, Prayer Books, Religious Tracts and Books
of the most excellent description in the most abundant measure, and
affording munificent aid towards the erection of churches. Their
exertions seem to keep pace with the multiplying demands upon their
benevolence. They feel that they are engaged in a holy cause; and, so
feeling, remit not, but redouble their labours. The field of their
operations is already immense, and continually enlarging, and so is
their responsibility for the judicious application of the means at their
disposal. Their success is indeed wonderful, notwithstanding the many
obstacles which stand in their way, from without and from within, to
their freedom of action in carrying the Church of our fathers to every
quarter. For one hundred and fifty years have they been employed in this
vast field, and during the whole of that period the true Missionary
strength has been gaining strength amongst them, while its present
activity is a pledge of onward progress, and of still greater things to
He speaks, too, in this well-deserved strain, of another
Institution to which this Province is under great obligation :—
"The New England Society, established by Royal Charter in
the reign of Charles the Second, continue to support their missions
among the Six Nation Indians, with unabated care and liberality. Their
two Missionaries are ever at their posts, and are encouraged by a fair
measure of success: the number of Indians still pagan are rapidly
diminishing, and the School of Industry is attracting more and more the
attention of the different tribes, and appears in a very flourishing
On the Church as a bulwark against heresy and schism, he
expresses himself in this earnest and practical maimer:—
“Ever since the Reformation, there has been, in matters
of religion, a want of veneration for sacred things. Instead of
deferring to the authority of the Church, an absolute independence of
her has been too frequently assumed. Hence the low appreciation of the
|>ast, and the readiness with which Dissenters cast off all regard for
the forms and usages of the Church of the Apostles.
“The same wild spirit invades social life. To honour
father and mother, and to cherish for them the most affectionate love
and respect in their persons and characters, are virtues which appear to
be rapidly passing away; and when the domestic affections disappear, the
true happiness of society vanishes with them. There can be no love and
unity in families where the children defer not to their parents ; and as
society consists of families, the same spirit will teach disrespect for
superiors, and, in time general insubordination. It is the discipline of
home, sanctified by religion, which qualifies us for the duties of
civilized life. Filial affection bears much, because it loves much. Now
the Church must live in families before she can be truly efficient; and
it is the neglect of religion in families, and the consequent
deterioration of the domestic virtues, which disturbs the Church and
multiplies division. For, as the Church is daily born anew in baptism,
so must she ever be renewed in Christian homes; but the total relaxation
of domestic discipline leads to excess of private judgment, to extreme
arrogance, and contempt for authority. Hence we find Protestant
denominations without number.
Every one hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath an
interpretation; and in our fear of forms, we forget that there can be
neither regularity nor order without forms. This reckless spirit of
unbridled independence has created much turbulence and disorder; and
these again have been increased and extended by the rapid growth of the
population, for the religious instruction of which the Church has been
unable to provide”
We close our extracts from this valuable charge with the
following words of admirable exhortation, which Churchmen now would be
wise to take to heart and act upon :—
“But dismissing these elements of earth, let us look to
ourselves, and remember that we have a great and important work before
us,—the evangelizing of this vast country. Let us not then fall out by
the way. We have already too many enemies and opposers to admit of
division in our own household. Enemies numerous and powerful exist, whom
we can only expect to combat with success, by using the weapons
furnished by the Church in the true spirit of unity and concord. We are
all servants of the same Master; let us stand together in faithfulness
of purpose and in steadiness of action. Have we not to contend with
infidelity and worldliness on the one hand, aud all the Protean forms of
dissent on the other? Is it not, then, our duty to rise above
difficulties, and exert ourselves to the utmost in promoting the
advancement of the Church of God in this Diocese; that Church which is
not human in her constitution, but heavenly; and neither takes her rise
from earthly powers, nor depends upon them for her continuance. Empires
and kingdoms fail; the earth itself shall pass away,—but the Church of
the living God shall continue forever. Her name, her offices, her
services, her powers, her spiritual endowments, are for eternity. How
awful the responsibility which attaches to us, her ministers ! The
worship wc offer, is the commencement of the worship of eternity, and
our ministrations the beginning of services which are to continue for
There was a circumstance of a personal character
connected with this Visitation, which ought not to be left unrecorded.
On the evening of that day, there was a special choral service in the
Chapel of the University of King’s College, at which most of the Clergy
in town were present; and in regard to this, we shall be excused for
repeating the impressions of an eye-witness. “The service,” he says,
"was admirably conducted, and the impressions left upon the minds and
spirits of those who participated in it, were of the most gratifying and
refreshing nature. There is something in the humble, plaintive tone of
sacred song, conducted by the rule of the ancient chants, singularly in
accordance with the natural outpourings of a penitent spirit. The voice
of supplication for the manifold good gifts of a gracious God, is
appropriately expressed in that unambitious strain of devotional melody.
The Amen of the choristers and people, following the dirge-like
petitions of the minister, has a peculiarly impressive effect; while the
united and full voices of all in the anthems of praise, shadows in the
mind, feebly, though cheeringly, the image of that scene in the realms
of glory, where ten thousand times ten thousand of the redeemed lift up
one burst of grateful thanksgiving and homage to the Lord of all”
After this service, the Clergy repaired to the residence
of the Bishop to partake of the hospitalities customary at these
triennial assemblages. Besides the Clergy, were the Judges, the Heads of
Departments, the Corporation, the Vice-Presidents, and Standing
Committee of the Church Society, and many other gentlemen of the
city,—forming altogether a very large, and most intelligent and
agreeable party.
"Soon after the company had assembled, a beautiful and
massive Silver Inkstand was presented by the Archdeacons, in the name of
the Clergy, to the Lord Bishop, as a slight but heartfelt token of their
regard, dutifulness, and affection. The. presentation was accompanied
with a few appropriate remarks, very feelingly expressed, from the
Venerable the Archdeacon of Kingston; and his Lordship, in reply, was
pleased to express his warm sense of the kindness which prompted this
testimony of the love and esteem of his Clergy; that it was enhanced by
the fact of its presentation by his Archdeacons, the senior of whom, the
Archdeacon of Kingston, had been his friend for nearly half a century;
and the junior, the Archdeacon of York, one whom he had known, and, as
it were, brought up, from his infancy; that such gifts from a Clergy to
their Bishop might not be usual, but that as he felt himself in the
character of a fond father surrounded by an attached family, he gladly
and thankfully accepted the one now so kindly offered him, that when
they were separated to their homes and their duties, he might have
before him continually a remembrance of this holyday,—like a gathering
together of his beloved children in the Lord, whose welfare, comfort,
and usefulness were at all times amongst the things nearest to his
heart, and foremost in his prayers.
This handsome and appropriate testimonial was, after the
death of its late owner, placed in the hands of the present Incumbent of
the See by Captain and Mrs. Strachan; with their request, that it might
be regarded as their gift to all succeeding Bishops of Toronto. This act
of thoughtful kindness is highly appreciated by the present Bishop, and
will, no doubt, he equally valued by all those into whose hands it may
hereafter come.
In the autumn, of the present year, an event occurred of
deep and pleasing interest,—the Consecration of the Church of the Holy
Trinity in this City. This unusual interest was awakened by the peculiar
circumstances under which the Church was started and completed. But
these are best told in the Bishop’s own words :—
“On my return from visiting the Missions west of Toronto
in September, 1845, I found a letter from the Lord Bishop of Ripon, the
perusal of which dissipated in a moment the continued fatigue I had been
enduring for several months. His Lordship stated, that he had the
pleasure to inform me that some munificent individual, entirely unknown
to him, had deposited in his hands the sum of £5000 sterling, which the
donor wished to be appropriated to the building of a Church in the
Diocese of Toronto, to be called the Church of the Holy Trinity,—the
seats of which were to be free and unappropriated for ever; the
patronage to be left entirely to the Bishop of the Diocese, as well as
situation. Sacramental plate, surplices, and other things needful, were,
at the same time, promised, and have since been furnished.
“The only condition imposed is, that a yearly report of
the progress and circumstances of the Church is either to be printed in
the Annual Report of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge,
entitled ‘Holy Trinity Church Report' or to be sent to the Rev. H.
Swale, M. A., Little Yorkshire, who will shew it to the benefactor. ‘I
have not the molt remote conjecture/ adds the Bishop, who the donor is.
On consulting with several of my Clergy and other friends of the Church,
all of whom were filled with joy and admiration at this noble
manifestation of Christian charity, they concurred with one voice that
the Free Church should be built at Toronto, by far the most populous
city in the Diocese, and in a locality most likely to embrace the
largest portion of the poor.
“Measures were immediately taken to find a site for the
Church, eligible for the purpose intended, and to proceed without delay
to its erection. In the selection of a proper site, we met with some
difficulty; several were offered, but they were not in the desired
locality, and the price demanded by the proprietors of such as might
have been deemed eligible, was so great as would have trenched on the
wished-for endowment. From anxiety on this subject, however, we were
soon relieved by the Hon. John Simcoe Macaulay, retired Lieut. Colonel
of the Royal Engineers, who bestowed upon us gratuitously, the very spot
which we had all believed to be the most appropriate, at a sacrifice to
himself of more than £500.
"In due time, the sacramental plate for the Church, and
also for private communion with the sick, with table cloths, napkins and
surplices, &c., all of which are very much admired for their tasteful
elegance, reached us in safety. But what created still greater
admiration and still deeper feelings of gratitude, were the magnificent
gifts, and their beautiful appropriation, for rejoicing on the day of
the Consecration of the Church, with which these things were
accompanied. First, the donor desires that £50 sterling be presented at
the Offertory on the day of the Consecration of the Church of the Holy
Trinity, should the Holy Communion be then administered; if not, on the
first occasion on which there is a Communion. Second, That the same sum
be offered to supply gifts and rejoicings for the poor on the day of
consecration. Third/ That the like sum of £50 Sterling be offered for
the beautifying of the Font; or, should that be completed, for any
internal decoration for the more devotional observance of Divine
Service. Such a complete act of charity, and so. thoughtful and delicate
in all its arrangements, and descending with holy foresight to the most
minute things which might in any way tend to the devotional objects of
the gift, is scarcely to be found in the history of the Christian
Church. Wealth is indeed a blessing, when it is thus devoted to so noble
a purpose as the extension of Christ’s kingdom.”
The Church of the Holy Trinity was consecrated on
Wednesday, 27th October, 1847. There was a considerable attendance of
the laity, and about twenty of the Clergy present. The Bishop preached
an earnest and appropriate sermon; and after the offertory, which did
not much exceed the large gift of the founder devoted to it, the Holy
Communion was administered.
For several years this Church was served by the Reverends
H. Scadding and W. Stemiett, Masters in Upper Canada College; the former
receiving a very small remuneration for his services, and the latter
affording them without any charge.
But it was soon discovered that there were requirements
to be met, and duties to be discharged, to ensure the holy purposes for
which this Church was erected, that would claim the undivided time and
energies of its ministers. For the healthful prosperity of any
Congregation, assiduous pastoral visiting must follow the Sunday
ministrations. The classes of the community which would chiefly desire
to avail themselves of the free accommodation of the Church of the Holy
Trinity, would be looking for the sympathy, the consolation, the
counsel, the instruction, from day to day, which, amidst the many trials
and fluctuations of the world, all alike require. To hold back these,
would be to weaken, and paralize at last, the influence of this
Church,—so nobly projected, so munificently accomplished.
With this view, the Rev. W. Stewart Darling was, in 1851,
appointed Assistant Minister in this Church; and so multiplied, and
multiplying, were found to be the calls and claims upon his time and
energies, that in a few years another had to be associated with him in
the work.
Far and wide, the faithful and diligent attention of Mr.
Darling to his arduous duties has been recognized and honoured; and the
result has been that the Congregation of this Church has grown into
great strength and influence. It is crowded on the Lord's day; and on
the many occasions of week-day ministrations, the attendance is most
satisfactory. The communicants, too, are very numerous, and the
celebrations of the Lord's Supper are frequent. There is a hearty
worship, and zeal and unanimity amongst its members; all realizing, more
and more, the great results which the generous founder of the Church
anticipated, in laying at the feet of its chief Pastor so munificent a
gift for the spiritual benefit of the poor. |