Chapter I
Parentage — Early life in Scotland.
Chapter II
Emigration to Canada — Residence at Kingston.—Ordination, and removal to
Chapter III
The Cornwall Grammar School.
Chapter IV
Domestic and Parochial life at Cornwall. His Marriage. Appointment to
Chapter V
Removal to York. The War with the United States.
Chapter VI
Death of the Hon. Richard Cartwright. Appointment to Executive Council.
McGill College, Montreal. Loss of his House by Fire.
Chapter VII
Effects of the War.—Emigration to Canada. Controversy with the Earl of
Selkirk. Mr. Robert Gourlay.
Chapter VIII
Services as Executive Councillor. Sir Peregrine Maitland, and his
Administration. The Church in York. Appointment to the Legislative
Chapter IX
Recollections of York in 1820. State of the Church in Upper Canada.
Episcopal Visitation at York in 1820.
Chapter X
The Clergy Reserves Question.
Chapter XI
Visit to England and his Native Land. Resistance to the proposed Sale of
the Clergy Reserves to the Canada Company. Political strife in Upper
Chapter XII
The Educational Question. Prospect of the early establishment of a
University. Second Visit to England.
Chapter XIII
Death of the Bishop of Quebec. His successor, Dr. Stewart. Upper Canada
divided into two Archdeaconries. Dr. Strachan appointed Archdeaeon of
York. Correspondence in England in 1826-7. Return to Canada.
Chapter XIV
The Clergy Reserves Controversy. Speech in the Legislative Council in
Defence of his Conduct upon this Question.
Chapter XV
Departure of Sir Peregrine Maitland. His successor Sir John Colbome.—Continued
Agitation on the Clergy Reserves and University Questions. Revolutions
in Europe, and Political Changes in England. Breaking out of the Cholera
in 1832.
Chapter XVI
Letter to Dr. Chalmers on the Life and Character of Bishop Hobart.
Presentation of a Piece of Plate by his Cornwall Pupils.
Chapter XVII
The Clergy Reserves Question; establishment of the Rectories. Meeting of
Clergy under the two Archdeacons in 1836. Deputation to the Mother
Country determined upon. Resolution to establish a Church Newspaper.
Chapter XVIII
Administration of Sir Francis Head. Correspondence regarding Seat in the
Legislative Council. Death of Bishop Stewart of Quebec. Previous
appointment of Archdeacon Mountain as his Assistant. The Rebellion in
1837-8. Decision to form Upper Canada into a separate Diocese.
Destruction of St. James’s Church, Toronto.
Chapter XIX
Consecration as Bishop of Toronto. The Union of the Provinces.
Settlement of the Clergy Reserves Question in England.
Chapter XX
First Confirmation Tour. Primary Visitation at Toronto.
Chapter XXI
Establishment of the Diocesan Theological College at Cobourg. Laying the
Corner Stone of King’s College at Toronto, Formation of the Cliurcb
Society. Confirmations in 1842.
Chapter XXII
Opening of King’s College, Toronto. Second Triennial Visitation of the
Clergy. Special Meeting of the Church Society in reference to Sales of
Clergy Reserves. Legislative action thereupon.
Chapter XXIII
Confirmation Journeys in 1845.
Chapter XXIV
Resignation of Archdeaconry of York, and Rectory of Toronto. Triennial
Visitation of the Clergy in 1847. Consecration of the Church of the Holy
Trinity, Toronto.
Chapter XXV
Abolition of the University of King s College. Establishment of Trinity
Chapter XXVI
Establishment of the Diocesan Synod. Laying the Foundation Stone of
Trinity College. Opening of the College.
Chapter XXVII
Last contest for the Clergy Reserves. Settlement of the Question in
1854-5. The Commutation Scheme.—Synod of 1856, and Episcopal Address.
Chapter XXVIII
Division of the Diocese. Election of the Bishop of Huron. Visit of the
Prince of Wales to Canada. Election of the Bishop of Ontario. Synod of
Chapter XXIX
Farther efforts in England on behalf of Trinity College. Death of Chief
Justice Robinson. Movement for a Coadjutor Bishop in Synod, passing a
Canon for his Appointment. Death of Mrs. Strachan.
Chapter XXX
Synods of 1866, and Election of Coadjutor. Synod of 1867. Sickness and
Death of the Bishop.
Chapter XXXI
The Funeral—Characteristics and Recollections. Conclusion.
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III
Appendix IV
Appendix V |