By the Rev. W. H.
Withrow, D.D.
IT has sometimes been
asserted that Methodism is unliterary in its character. That depends on
what is meant by literary. If one means devotion to the technical
niceties of scholarship, to the preparation of books on Greek verbs in
mi, or on the middle voice, or on the dative case, we may, in part,
admit the charge. Methodism has not had at her command the sinecure
fellowships, the rich endowments and the opportunities for learned
leisure that encourage devotion to such minutiae of scholarship. Her
writers, for the most part, have been hard-working preachers, whose
first and all-important work was the ministry of the Word, the edifying
of the saints, the upbuilding of the Church of God.
But notwithstanding
this consecration to a higher work than the writing of books, she has no
reason to be ashamed of her achievements in the latter regard. She has
not been unmindful of her birth in the first university in Europe, nor
of the fact that her early teachers and preachers were among the most
scholarly and learned men of their age. John Wesley’s many scores of
volumes are a proof of his literary industry, and the fact that many of
them were condensations of costly tomes into cheap hand-books for the
people, gives the key-note to the character of Methodist literary
enterprise. It wrote not for the favoured few, who could command wealth
and leisure, but chiefly for the toiling millions, who could command
neither one nor the other. It was to bring home to the poor man’s
business and bosom the words of life—the words that could make him wise
unto salvation—that the countless tracts and books from the Methodist
press were scattered like leaves in autumn; leaves which, like those of
the tree of life, shall be for the healing of the nations.
In his saddle bags,
with his .Bible and hymn-book, the early itinerant took to remotest and
poorest hamlets, where other literature was almost unknown, the books
which fed the new convert’s hunger of the soul. Not that all the early
literature of Methodism was devotional. There was need of strong, keen,
trenchant, logical, controversial writings, to defend the doctrines of
grace from the fierce attacks made upon them ; and of Scripture
commentaries, institutes of systematic theology, books of classical
learning, and studies for the training of the new Christian militia for
aggressive Christian war.
In two respects early
Methodist literature was unique. The first was its outburst of
devotional poetry, especially that of Charles Wesley, the like of which
the world had never seen before. On the wings of sacred song the glad
truths of salvation found their way throughout the land and to the ends
of the earth. No hymnary of any Protestant Church to-day can be found
which does not contain some of the incomparable lyrics of Charles
Wesley, and they are found in some Roman Catholic hymnaries as well. .
The second striking
feature is the copious use made of the periodical press. In 1778
appeared the first number of the Arminian Magazine, which, under the
various names of the Methodist Magazine and Wesleyan Methodist Magazine,
has been published continuously ever since, making it, we believe, the
oldest of all the countless number of monthly periodicals. In the New
World especially has the periodical press been employed for the
dissemination of religious truth and the diffusion of religious and
missionary intelligence. The Methodist Episcopal Church alone issues
twenty-three official periodicals, the circulation of nineteen of which
amounts to over 3,000,000 copies. Besides these, are thirty unofficial
papers published in the interest of that Church, and many more official
and unofficial published by the other Methodist Churches of that
country. Methodism throughout the world publishes no less than 164
weekly, monthly or quarterly periodicals, the circulation of which,
though we have not the data to accurately estimate it, is enormous, and
the moral and religious influence of which is simply incalculable. The
Methodist Episcopal Church of the United States alone, during the
Quadrennium ending 1888, issued from its own presses 2,263,160 volumes,
and the value of the sales from its official Book Concern during that
Quadrennium amounted to $7,344,390.
A leading New York
journal comments as follows upon the success of the publishing interests
of the Methodist Episcopal Church:—
“Few publishing houses
anywhere can show a record of financial prosperity equal to that of the
Book Concern, which began operations one hundred years ago with a
borrowed capital of $600, and which to-day has an unincumbered capital
of more than $1,500,000, after having contributed from its profits
during the century nearly $2,500,000 to meet various expenses of the
Church. Tens of millions of Methodist books have been sold, because
millions of Methodist people have been trained to hunger and thirst for
the spiritual meat and drink which those books were intended to supply.
It is one among many glories of the laborious clergy who, as ‘ circuit
riders/ carried the Gospel into innumerable lonely settlements and
neglected moral wastes on this continent, that they awakened a love of
reading in multitudes of homes that else would have remained
intellectually sterile. Let not the fastidious critic sneer. If it be
admitted that much of the literature conveyed in ‘ saddle-bags5 by
itinerant preachers was crude, unpolished, often feeble and narrow in
range of ideas, yet no one can truthfully deny that its moral tone was
unobjectionable, and that to set illiterate masses to reading about
matters of high concern was an inestimable advantage to the country as
well as to the Church.”
Another remarkable
manifestation of intellectual activity is seen in the educational
enterprises of the above-named Church. In 1886 it had no less than 143
colleges, universities and higher institutions of learning, with
buildings and grounds to the value of $7,584,640; debts, $592,474 ;
professors and teachers, 1,405 ; students, 28,591.
But we are concerned in
this paper chiefly with the literary activity of Canadian Methodism. A
native literature is a plant of a slow growth. Like the aloe tree, it
requires a century to bring it into bloom. It is not much more than a
hundred years since the British conquest of Canada, and much less than a
hundred years since the settlement of a great part of it. The early
years were a continual struggle for existence. The Methodist people were
hewing out for themselves homes in the wilderness, and the pioneer
preachers were following the blazed paths through the forest to minister
to them the Bread of Life. They have both been engaged in building
churches and school-houses, and gathering into congregations and
societies the scattered settlers, and in reclaiming from paganism to
Christianity the native tribes. This must be their excuse, if they have
not achieved as great results in literature as older, wealthier, and
more amply leisured Churches. With the best products of British and
American literature poured upon our shores, it has been a somewhat
handicapped rivalry that our native authors have had to undergo.
Nevertheless, we are not without the beginnings of a native Methodist
literature, and some native productions have even won recognition in the
great republic of letters which embraces the world.
Here, as elsewhere,
periodical literature first took root, flourished most successfully, and
bore most abundant fruit. The oldest religious paper in the Dominion,
one of the oldest on the continent, or in the world, is the veteran
Christian Guardian, now in its fifty-eighth year; and never stronger for
the defence of all the interests of Methodism, and for the diffusion of
religious and general intelligence than to-day. It was a very bold
enterprise for the comparatively few and scattered Methodists in Canada
in the year 1833 to establish a connexional press, and shortly after a
connexional book room. In that distinguished Canadian, who subsequently
did so much to lay broad and deep and stable the foundations of the
commonweal by the unrivalled public school system of Upper Canada, of
which he was the author, was found the worthy pioneer editor of Canadian
Methodism. Valiantly by tongue and pen he fought the battles of civil
and religious liberty, and won for the Methodists of those early days
their civil and religious rights. It is, we think, unparalleled that an
editor should be permitted to write in the semi-centennial issue of the
paper which he founded, a leading editorial. Yet this distinction had
Dr. Ryerson, and he had the further honour of seeing all the great
principles for which he so valiantly contended granted to the people,
and recognized in the constitution of the country.
He was followed by able
successors. The Revs. Franklin Metcalf, James Richardson, Ephraim Evans,
Jonathan Scott, George F. Play ter, George R. Sanderson, James Spencer
and Wellington Jeffers constitute a line of gifted and faithful men who
did good service to the Church. At different periods during recent
years, the Revs. W. H. Withrow, David Savage, Geo. C. Workman, Thomas W.
Campbell, S. G. Stone and Mr. John W. Russell have been associated in
the editorial work of the paper.
None of the former
editors filled the editorial chair for so long a period as its present
occupant, the Rev. Dr. Dewart, nor with more uniform ability and
success. No periodical in Canada stands so high as an exponent of
Christian thought and culture, and as a fearless defender of every
interest of Methodism. Its influence in moulding in large degree through
all these years the intellectual life of the people, in assisting all
the great enterprises of the Church, in being a bond of sympathy between
its centre and its remotest parts, in creatiug a feeling of unity and
solidarity in Canadian Methodism, can never be adequately estimated.
Similar service has
been rendered in the Provinces of Eastern British America by the
Wesleyan, now in its fifty-second volume. In the narrower limits, and
with the smaller constituency to which it could appeal for support, it
was a still bolder enterprise to launch this periodical upon the stormy
sea of journalism, which has been strewn with the wrecks of so many
editoral ventures. Its first pilot was Rev. Dr. A. McLeod (now Editor of
the Baltimore Methodist), 1839-40. After two years, the paper was
suspended in favour of a monthly magazine edited by Rev. Wm. Temple. The
Wesleyan, second series, began again in 1849, and continued in charge of
Dr. McLeod until 1854. From 1854 to 1860 Mr. Matthew H. Richey, then
practising law, had charge of the paper. He was followed bv Rev. Charles
Churchill, until 1862. Rev. J. McMurray, D.D., filled the editorial
chair, until 1869, and was succeeded by Rev. Dr. Pickard, until 1872.
Then came Rev. A. W. Nicolson, until 1878. Rev. D. D. Currie was Editor
for one year, to 1879. Rev. T. Watson Smith held the office until 1886.
At the General Conference of that year the present Editor, the Rev. Dr.
Lathern, was elected, and was re-elected to the same office in 1890.
The Canada Christian
Advocate, the organ of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was first started
by Revs. Thomas Webster and Joseph H. Leonard, in Cobourg, in 1845. Two
years afterward, 1847, it was purchased by the Church, and the same year
was removed to the city of Hamilton. The Rev. T. Webster was continued
its Editor until 1850, when Rev. Gideon Shepperd was appointed. He was
succeeded, in 1860, by Rev. Samuel Morrison. In 1863 the Rev. George
Abbs was elected and continued until 1871, when Rev. James Gardiner was
appointed. He was followed, in 1875, by Rev. S. G. Stone. In 1881, Rev.
William Pirritte was appointed Editor, Dr. Stone continuing Book
Steward, and continued in the editorial chair until the paper was merged
into the Guardian in 1884, when Dr. Stone became Associate Editor of
that paper till 1887. Under its successive editors the Advocate was a
very influential religious journal.
The Evangelical
Witness, organ of the New Connexion •Church, was begun as a monthly in
the year 1855, by the Rev. J. H. Robinson, at that time and for many
years subsequent, the English representative of the Methodist New
Connexion and its Missionary Superintendent. It soon became a
semi-monthly, then a weekly. On Mr. Robinson’s appointment to the
editorship of the English Methodist New Connexion periodicals, Dr. Wm.
Cocker, his successor as Superintendent of Missions, became also his
successor as Editor of the Evangelical Witness, holding the position
till his return to England in 1872. Dr. Cocker afterwards became
Principal of Ranmoor College, Sheffield, and is still living. His
successor in the editorship of the Evangelical Witness was Rev. David
Savage, who held the office until by the Union of 1874 the Evangelical
Witness was merged in the CJiristiari Guardian, and for a time continued
Associate Editor of the consolidated periodical.
The Christian Journal,
the organ of the Primitive Methodist Church, was established in 1857, in
Toronto, by the Rev. J. Davidson, who had previously published at his
private risk the Evangelist. He continued Editor and Book Steward till
1866, when he was succeeded by the Rev. T. Crompton, who continued
Editor till 1870. The Rev. William Rowe became Book Steward in 1867, and
Editor from 1870 to 1873. The Rev. William Bee became Book Steward and
Missionary Secretary in 1872, and continued to discharge the duties of
the office, with a brief exception, to the time of the Union in 1884.
The Rev. Thomas Gut-tery acted as Editor in 1873 and 1874 ; Rev. William
Bee, 1874 to 1876 ; Rev. T. Guttery again, 1876 to 1878 ; then the Rev.
Dr. Anti iff from 1878 to 1884, the date of the Union. Ur\der its
successive editors the Journal was a periodical of much religious
influence, and under the able editorship of Dr. Antliff, contributed
largely to the carrying out of Methodist union.
The Observer, the organ
of the Bible Christian Church, was established in 1866 by the Rev.
Cephas Barker, a man of great ability and marked individuality of
character. It was published for two years in .Cobourg, then removed to
Bowmanville, Mr. Barker continuing Editor till 1880. He was succeeded by
the Rev. H. J. Knott, an amiable and scholarly man, who managed the
paper with marked ability till his lamented death in 1883. He was
succeeded by the Rev. George Webber, who continued in charge till the
paper was merged in the Guardian in 1884.
It is in its
Sunday-school periodical literature that the most remarkable development
in production and in numerical circulation has taken place, especially
since the successive recent unions of Canadian Methodism. To the
venerable Dr. Sanderson, a veteran Editor and Book Steward of the
Wesleyan Methodist Church, is due the honour of organizing its
Sunday-school periodical literature. Under the administration, as Book
Steward, of the Rev. Dr. Rose, was established that very successful
Sunday-school teachers’ magazine, the Sunday-school Banner, and the
Sunday-school Advocate, under the editorship of the Rev. Dr. Sutherland.
The development of
these periodicals, especially since the last Methodist Union, has been
very remarkable. They trebled in number, several of them more than
doubled in size, increased many fold in circulation, and greatly
improved in mechanical make-up and illustration. There is scarcely a
hamlet or neighbourhood in the English-speaking parts of the country
where they do not circulate. They go to the remotest parts of the
Dominion, to the fishing villages of Labrador and Newfoundland, to
Bermuda and Japan. ’ From their cheapness and by their distribution
through the Sunday-schools, they reach many who possess no other
religious reading, and in many cases no reading of any sort. They do not
attempt very high literary art. They are adapted to the comprehension of
the humblest, but they bring the Word of Life to many by whom the voice
of the living preacher is seldom- heard. They are of great assistance to
scores of thousands of faithful Sunday-school teachers, in the
instruction of the youthful immortals committed to their care. These
papers focus upon the selected lessons all the light that can be
concentrated from various sources, so as to be a continuous commentary
by some of the best Biblical scholars living, brought within the reach
of the most remote, the poorest and the humblest of those self-denying
teachers of the scholars under their care. They furnish a noble vantage
ground for moulding in large degree the future of the Church and nation,
in influencing toward piety and godliness in the most susceptible and
formative period of the minds of the young people of Methodism.
The circulation of the
Sunday-school periodicals has increased from a total of 103,729 on March
31st, 1882, to 194,076 on March 31st, 1886, to 252,566 on March 31st,
1890, and to 324,350 on September 1st, 1890.
On the completion of
the Methodist Union of 1874 was established the Canadian Methodist
Magazine, a monthly periodical devoted to religious literature and
social progress. It has furnished facilities for the production of a
distinctively Canadian literature, and by its means over half a million
of numbers of 100 pages each, including “insets,” or over 50,000,000
pages of high-class literature, have been distributed throughout the
Dominion. I has found readers also in almost every State of the
neighbouring Republic, and in Great Britain and Ireland, and even in
Ceylon, India, China and Japan. It is something to the credit of
Canadian Methodism, that when so many attempts to establish a Methodist
monthly in the large and wealthy Methodist Episcopal Church of the
United States have failed, that of the much smaller and poorer Methodist
Church in Canada has been so successful. Nor is this credit lessened by
the fact that many attempts have been made in Canada to establish a
monthly magazine on secular lines, all of which after a few years ceased
to exist, while the Methodist Magazine, which is frankly denominational
and avowedly religious in its purpose and character, was never so strong
nor exhibited such vitality as to-day. It has in a remarkable degree
assisted to develop the literary ability and character of the writers of
Canadian Methodism, many of whom first preened their pinions in its
pages, and afterwards on stronger wing took farther flight to other
lands. Its artistic development is still more remarkable than its
literary success. No other Canadian magazine ever attempted such copious
and high-class illustrations or such mechanical excellence in
letter-press; and we know not any other country with an English-speaking
population so sparse as our own that has ever attempted such an
The General Conference
of 1890 ordered the publication of a new paper, especially adapted to
the Epworth Leagues, which were everywhere springing into existence for
young people in our schools and Bible-classes. In obedience to that
injunction, a new paper, an eight-page weekly, Unward, was established,
which has already, in the second month of its publication, reached a
circulation of nearly 20,000, and gives promise of great development and
improvement. Since 1875, the Sunday-school periodicals and Methodist
Magazine have been under the direction of the writer of ’ this article.
If Canadian Methodism
had done nothing more than create this large amount of wholesome
religious literature, it would have done a great deal, for a Church
which has covered the country with a complete network of religious
agencies, and in the largest, most populous Province of Ontario has
erected more churches than all the other Churches, Protestant and Roman
Catholic, together. (See census of 1881.) But it has done a good deal
more. It has one of the largest book publishing houses, if not the very
largest in the Dominion, from which is issuing a constant stream of
books, many of them written by Methodist pens; and most, if not all of
these, written amid the pressing duties of circuit life or official
duty. .
One of the earliest,
most industrious and strongest writers of early Methodism was the late
Rev. Dr. Ryerson—clarum et venerabile nomen—a statesman and a
philosopher, who to his editorial and official work added historical
contributions of great and permanent value to the literature of his
country. “The Loyalists of America and their Times,5’ in two large
octavo volumes, is the most ample and adequate treatment the pilgrim
founders and fathers of British Canada ever received—a worthy tribute to
a band of heroic men and women, by one who was himself a descendant of
that good old stock, and who illustrated in his own person and character
their sturdy virtues. His “ Epochs and Characteristics of Canadian
Methodism,’5 originally contributed to the Methodist Magazine, is a
valuable account of the important ecclesiastical movements in which he
himself bore so prominent a part. His voluminous official Educational
Reports were important State papers. His posthumous work, “ The Story of
My Life,” edited by Drs. Hodgins, Nelles and Potts, is a modest record
of a noble life, which should be for all time an incentive to Canadian
youth and manhood to moral achievement and attainment. Dr. Ryerson’s
industrious pen left also in manuscript an elaborate work on the later
history of England, the result of much original investigation in the
British Museum and elsewhere. Morgan, in his “ Bibliotheca Canadensis,”
enumerates fifty-eight distinct publications from his busy pen. His best
work was his noble Christian life. His effigy in bronze stands in our
midst, that successive generations may know the form and semblance of
the man. But his grandest monument is the public school system of his
native Province, and the Methodist Church *in this land, which he did so
much to found and build.
Another of the most
racy and readable writers of Canadian Methodism was the late Rev. Dr.
Caroll, a man revered, honoured and beloved by all who knew him. His
chief work, and one that must remain forever indispensable to those who
would know the beginnings of Methodism in this land, is his “
Biographical History of Case and His Cotemporaries,” a work in five
goodly volumes, full of the graphic characterization, the quiet humour,
the quaint quips and quirks of one of the most genial as well as one of
the most saintly of men—an Israelite, indeed, in whom there was no
guile. In the delineation of “ Father Corson,” pioneer missionary, his
pen found another subject congenial to his genius. His “ Story of My Boy
Life,” a graphic volume of early days in Toronto; and his “ School of
the Prophets,” are brimful of blended humour and pathos. His continuous
stream of contributions to the Guardian on every aspect of Church life
and Church work, for many years, would themselves fill several volumes.
Many other writers have
contributed to the Methodist literature of Canada, to whom we can but
briefly refer. Dr. Dewart, the accomplished Editor of the Christian
Guardian, is the author of an able volume, entitled, “ Living Epistles;
or, Christ’s Witnesses in the World,” a work which has had a large sale,
and one which has won high encomiums from the press. His “Songs of
Life,” a volume of original poetry, exhibits a high degree of poetic
feeling and poetic fire. His “ Development of Doctrine ” is an able
treatise on an important subject. Numerous trenchant pamphlets from his
vigorous pen have been called forth by exigent circumstances of the
The Rev. Dr. Burwash,
the learned Chancellor of Victoria \ University, has given not merely to
Methodism, but to the Church universal one of the best commentaries on
the Epistle to the Romans. This is not the judgment of partial friends,
but of independent and high-class reviewers. His edition of Wesley’s
Doctrinal Standards, with introduction, analysis and notes, is another
important contribution to our theological literature.
The most conspicuous
contribution to distinctively critical literature by a Canadian pen,
challenging the attention of the ablest scholars and exegetes of the Old
World and the New, is that by a young professor in Victoria University,
George Coulson Workman, Ph.D. His learned work on the text of Jeremiah,
a critical investigation of the Greek and Hebrew, with the variations in
the LXX. retranslated into the original, has won the highest encomiums
from the distinguished scholars best competent to judge of its merits.
Professor Delitzsch gives it strong commendation, and the ancient
University of Leipsic showed its appreciation of Prof. Workman’s
distinguished scholarship by conferring upon him the degree of Ph.D.
The Rev. Dr. Poole,
besides several books on practical religion, has issued a large octavo
volume entitled, “ Anglo-Israel,” in which he sets forth and supports
with great vigour and learning the theory that the Anglo-Saxon race is
identical with the lost tribes of Israel. Whether one accept this theory
or not, he cannot but admit the ingenuity and force with which its able
advocate urges his contention.
The leaders in thought
and action of Canadian Methodism have been men too exclusively engrossed
in the active j duties of life to be able to give time to literary work.
The late lamented Dr. Nelles, for over thirty years President of
Victoria University, a man who possessed an exquisite literary taste and
a chaste and polished style, has left little behind him except his noble
convocation addresses, and a few published sermons and some admirable
contributions to the Methodist Magazine. His best work was engraven on
the hearts and minds of successive generations of students who
translated his teachings into high thinking and noble lives—‘‘ living
epistles known and read of all men.” So, too, the venerable Dr. Douglas,
a man of imperial intellect, of marvellous eloquence, prevented by the
constraints of physical infirmity from the use of his pen, lives in the
heart and mind of Canadian Methodism chiefly in the memory of his
thrilling conference sermons and addresses. But some of these will never
be forgotten while the hearer lives ; they were epoch-marking and
historic. The Rev Dr. Carman, with the cares of all the churches coming
upon him daily, has found time for a copious correspondence with the
public and denominational journals, for important contributions to the
Methodist Magazine, and for writing a wise and thoughtful and
thought-compelling volume on “ The Guiding Eye.” The Rev. Dr. Stafford,
amid the engagements of a busy pastorate, has a similar volume on the
kindred subject of “The Guiding Hand,” and has also contributed to such
high-class reviews as Christian Thought, articles in which his
independence of investigation and expression are strikingly exhibited. A
book of kindred character has also been written by the Rev. Nelson
Burns, M.A. The late 'Dr. Williams wrote for the connexional monthly
many valuable articles, besides a series of fine studies in Methodist
That accomplished and
genial writer, the Rev. Hugh Johnston, has published one of the most
charming and instructive books of travel extant, “ Towards the
Sun-Rise,” being a graphic account of extensive journeying in Central
and Southern Europe and in Egypt and Palestine. He has also written with
admirable good taste memorial pamphlets on the Rev. Dr. Punshon, and on
several others of the sainted dead of Methodism. The late Rev. J. S.
Evans, a cultured and scholarly man, has written a volume of practical
theology, which has been received with high praise, entitled, “ The One
Mediator : Selections and Thoughts on the Propitiatory Sacrifice and
Intercession Presented by the Lord Jesus Christ as our Great High
Priest.” The Rev. S. G. Phillips, M.A., has issued a volume of sermons,
well spoken of, on “The Need of the World;” also “From Death to Life ;
or, the Lost Found.” Dr. Alexander Sutherland, amid the busy occupations
of his official life, has found time to contribute important articles to
some of the leading reviews, and to publish a volume entitled, “ A
Summer in Prairie Land,” being notes of a tour through the NorthWest
Territory. The Rev. D. G. Sutherland, LL.B., D.D. has written a charming
series of papers on travel in Palestine, Turkey and Greece, marked by
much grace and scholarship. In the difficult and ill-requited department
of statistics, the Rev. George Cornish, LL.D., has compiled a large and
useful octavo volume, giving the record of each minister, and of each
circuit and station of the Methodist Church in Canada, up to the last
Union—a cyclopedia of Canadian Methodism which is a monument of his
accuracy and fidelity—a vade mecum of all future historians of the
The Rev. David Savage,
for several years Editor of the Evangelical Witness, the organ of the
New Connexion Church, a writer of singular grace and elegance, has
published an admirable life of the Rev. William McClure, one of the most
highly venerated ministers of that body, and a number of interesting
magazine articles. The Rev. J. C. Seymour, another minister of the New
Connexion Church, inherits a remarkable gift for writing, which he has
sedulously cultivated by continual practice. He won, in extensive
competition, a valuable prize by his essay on “Systematic Giving.” He
has written also, “Voices from the Throne; or, God’s Call to Faith and
Obedience,” “The River of Life,” “The Temperance Battle-field,” and a
number of graphic studies in biography.
The Rev. George Webber,
of the former Bible Christian Church, is the author of two volumes of
lectures and essays upon prominent actors in the drama of history. They
exhibit extensive reading and a deep insight into character, and are
marked in a high degree by the eloquence which graces spoken discourse.
The Rev. John Harris wrote a popular life of Francis Metherell, founder
of the Bible Christian Church in Prince Edward Island ; and the Rev.
John Kenner wrote the life of the Rev. Mr. Beswetherick, a young Cornish
minister of remarkable eloquence.
Turning to the
Provinces of Eastern British America, we find the Rev. Dr. Lathern,
Editor of the Wesleyan, an accomplished litterateur. His “Macedonian
Cry: a Voice from the Land of Brahma and Buddha, Africa and the Isles of
the Sea, and a Plea for Missions,” is a comprehensive survey of the wide
mission field, and an eloquent appeal to the Church on its behalf. His
biography of the late Judge Wilmot is a model of condensed and graphic
portraiture. His “ Baptisma : Exegetical and Controversial,” is an
admirable presentation of the arguments for pedo-baptism.
The Rev. T. Wesley
Smith, the predecessor in office of Dr. Lathern, has laid universal
Methodism under tribute by his admirable history of Methodism in the
Maritime Provinces and in the Islands of Newfoundland and Bermuda, in
two fascinating volumes. Few tales of sublimer consecration or more
heroic endeavour have ever been penned. It were well if the present
generation would become more familiar with the soul-stirring story of
the pioneer fathers and founders of Methodism in the New World.
The Rev. S. B. Dunn,
of* the Nova Scotia Conference, is one of the most thorough and accurate
students living of Wesleyan hymnody, and of the text of Shakespeare. His
serial contributions on these subjects to the Methodist Magazine are
among the very best we have seen, and we hope will soon appear in book
form. The Rev. Edwin Evans, of the New Brunswick Conference, has written
a small volume on “ Historic Christianity,” which has attracted
attention and won high praise in Great Britain. Dr. Richey has written a
“ Life of William Black,” and a volume of sermons of stately rhetoric
and high order of thought. Rev. A. W. Nicolson has published an
attractive life of James B. Morrow; Rev. George O. Huestis, a “Manual of
Methodism,” succinct and useful; Rev. Dr. Currip, a “ Catechism on
Baptism.” Rev. Matthew R. Knight has published a volume of poems, which
entitles him to a prominent place among Canadian bards. Rev. John Solden
also published a volume of poetry.
Dr. Stewart, of
Sackville University, like all our College Presidents, has been
compelled to do most of his writing on the hearts and minds of his
theological students, but his vigorous contributions to the press would
form a large aggregate if collected.
In the Newfoundland
Conference the Rev. George Bond, M.A., has published in England, in a
handsomely illustrated volume, a graphic and touching story of out-port
Methodism, with which many of our readers are familiar. His “ Vagabond
Vignettes,” or sketches of travel in Egypt and Palestine, are possessed
of singular grace and elegance. The Rev. Henry Lewis has also written
some graphic sketches of Newfoundland life, and the Rev. W. Percival has
written one of the best accounts extant of the history of Britain’s
oldest colony.
In the far North-West
the Rev. J. McLean, Ph.D., has produced a volume on Indian life and
character which possesses much popular interest. He has also won an
international reputation as an authority on the Indian languages and the
literature connected therewith, and has become a contributor to the
transactions of learned societies both in the United States and Canada.
The Rev. E. R. Young, for several years a missionary to the Indian
tribes, has published, both in Great Britain and Canada, a book of
absorbing interest, entitled, “ By Canoe and Dog-Train among the Cree
and Saulteaux Indians.” He is also contributing to the New York Ledger,
one of the most widely circulated papers of the United States, and to an
English journal of similar character, a series of graphic illustrated
articles on life and adventure in the North-West. Another North-West
missionary, the Rev. J. H. Ruttan, has, with infinite industry and
scholarly zeal, prepared a new harmony of the Gospels, which renders
more vivid to the reader the life of our Lord.
The Rev. Wm. Harrison,
of the New Brunswick Conference, has surpassed almost every Canadian
writer for the number and excellence of his contributions to the reviews
and higher religious periodicals of both Canada, Great Britain and the
United States, the merit of which has procured for him election to the
Victoria Institute, one of. the leading philosophical societies of the
world. There lies before us a little volume, “ Tabor Melodies,” a series
of 250 sonnets on religious subjects, by Mr. Robert Evans, of Hamilton,
recently deceased, which are a marvel for accurate construction,
elevation of thought and noble diction. Such a tour de force of
sustained excellence, when we remember that many of them were written on
railway trains and amid the distractions of travel, we do not know in
literature. The numerous poetical contributions to the press of the Rev.
Thomas Cleworth also claim mention. In Mr. Percy Pun shon the poetic and
literary instincts and gifts of his honoured sire are conspicuous in the
son. The Rev. T. L. Wilkenson has published a large volume on the
subject of “ Christian Baptism,” which is regarded as one of the best
works extant on this important topic.
A little volume of
sketches from the note-book of an itinerant, “Smiles and Tears,” of
blended humour and pathos; a couple of missionary compilations, and
innumerable contributions to the religious press of Canada, Great
Britain and the United States, attest the industry and ability of the
Rev. Dr. Barrass, of the Toronto Conference.
The Rev. Principal
Austin, of Alma Ladies’ College, has just issued a goodly quarto volume
on “ Woman, her Character, Culture and Calling,” to which he largely
contributes, assisted by other Canadian writers. His able pamphlet on
the Jesuit question has had, for Canada, an enormous circulation. He has
also published “ The Gospel to the Poor vs. Pew Rents,” a vigorous
pamphlet, and has edited a volume of sermons by Methodist Episcopal
ministers. The Rev. Austin Potter has written a story—a tremendous
indictment of the liquor traffic—“From Wealth to Poverty; or, The Tricks
of the Traffic,” a story of the drink curse.
The annual volumes of
the Theological Unions of the Methodist Church and the Canadian
Methodist Quarterly Review y have developed a large amount of high-class
thought and writing on theological, philosophical and religious topics.
Of the contributors to
this important department of native literature the following is only a
partial list: Revs. A. M. Phillips, B.D., Editor; S. Bond, Dr. Ryckman,
A. C. Courtice, B.D., James Graham, J. W. Bell, B.D., W. W. Andrews,
B.A., Prof. Badgley, Job Shenton, H. F. Bland,; Prof. Shaw, LL.D., J. E.
Ford, B.D., J. S. Ross, M.A., J. W. Sparling, LL.D., J. Awde, B.A.,
Prof. Workman, Prof. Wallace, W. Galbraith, LL.B., and others. The Revs.
W. S. Blackstock, a practised newspaper litterateur; R. Cade, George
Cochran, who did very valuable work in translating the Scriptures into
Japanese; Dr. Eby, whose volume of essays on “ Higher Christian Thought”
was very highly, commended by Joseph Cook; J. F. German, Dr. Harper,
John Hunt, Drs. W. J. and S. J. Hunter, Dr. Pirritte, Methodist
Episcopal Church; J. Manley, J. Philp, M. A., J, E. Sanderson, M.A., Le
Roy Hooker, who has written the best U. E Loyalist poem produced in
Canada : W. McDonagh, J. R. Gundy, Dr. Pascoe, Dr. Antliff, Sydney
Kendal, whose “New Chivalry” is a stirring } Canadian temperance tale ;
S. Rose, D. L. Brethour, Ph.D., -^Alex. Burns, LL.D., George McDougall,
who has written an excellent biography of his sainted sire; J. S. Ross,
M.A., James Allen, M.A., Dr. A. H. Reynar, Dr. W. Williams, B. Sherlock,
A. Andrews, G. 0. Huestis, C. Jost, M.A., Dr. J. Macmurray, and possibly
others whose names we cannot recall, have also made valuable
contributions to Canadian Methodist literature.
Among our earlier
writers, the Rev. John Ryerson’s “ Visit to the Hudson Bay Territory ”
was almost, if not quite, the pioneer in that line, as was the Rev.
James Playter’s “ History of Methodism,” in another direction. We have
not seen the Rev. J. Webster’s “ History of Canadian Methodism,” but we
understand that it is a work of much vigour and ability. The Rev. Henry
Harris, of the late Primitive Methodist Church, has written a number of
works, “Walks in Paradise,” “Stray Beams from the Cross,” “Words of
Life,” etc. The Rev. Joseph H. Hilts has also written a graphic work on
“ Backwoods Itinerant Life.” The Rev. T. Davidson wrote a life of the
Rev. Mr. Clowes, one of the fathers of Primitive Methodism ; and the
Rev. T. Crompton, a thoughtful work on the “ Agency of the Church.”
“William and Mary, a Tale of the Siege of Louisburg,” by Rev. David
Hickey, has considerable merit.
The laymen of Canadian
Methodism have been, for the most part, so engrossed in business or
professional life that they have had little time for purely literary
work. But a few names are conspicuous in this respect. Noteworthy among
these was the late Senator Macdonald, whose volume on “Business
Success,” and his numerous and graphic letters of travel in
Newfoundland, in the West Indies and South America, and on the
North-West coast and Alaska, and his numerous contributions in prose and
verse to the Methodist Magazine, attest his literary instincts and
activity. One of the most prominent names in current literature in
reviews, magazines and literary periodicals of Canada, Great Britain and
the United States, is that of J. Macdonald Oxley, a gentleman of the
civil service at Ottawa, and member of the Dominion Church. He has also
issued in the United States one or two or three volumes of i stories.
Professor Haanel, late of Victoria University,, has contributed to the
transactions of the Royal Society some very important papers, describing
some of his origi-f nal discoveries in science. For rare and accurate
classical scholarship, the renderings into Greek and Latin verse of many
of the most noted hymns of Christendom, in the Methodist Magazine, by W.
H. C. Kerr, M.A,, have never been surpassed. Mrs. M. E. Lauder’s “
Legends and Tales of the Harz Mountains,” and her volume of travels,
have the honour of reaching a second edition. Miss May Tweedie, Miss M.
A. Daniels, Mrs. T. Moore, and other Canadian Methodist ladies, have
written much for the press. Miss I. Templeton-Armstrong’s volume,
entitled “Old Vice and New Chivalry,” is a strongly written temperance
The above enumeration,
from which we may have omitted some noteworthy volumes, will indicate
that there is a considerable amount of intellectual literary activity in
Canadian Methodism; and we may anticipate that as opportunities
for the publication and
sale of their work increases, there may be anticipated a corresponding
increase in the literary “ output.” It would be unbecoming for the
present writer to refer here to his own humble efforts in literature
further than to append a list of his several books.
Methodism has ever
availed itself of every means which could promote its great object—the
spread of Christian holiness throughout the land. Hence its early
adoption of lay preaching, out-of-door services, the class-meeting, and
notably of the Sunday-school.
As early as 1737, John
Wesley gathered the children in Savannah, Georgia, for religious
instruction. In 1769, Hannah Ball, a young Methodist, established a
Sundayschool in Wycombe. In 1781, another Methodist, afterwards wife of
Samuel Bradburn, in reply to the query of Robert Raikes, “ What can we
do for the untaught children1?” suggested gathering them into
Sunday-schools. It was done, and in 1784, John Wesley wrote of them in
his Journal, “Perhaps God may have a deeper end therein than men are
aware of.” In the Arminian Magazine for January, 1789, he exhorted the
Methodist people to adopt the new institution. The same year John
Fletcher had 300 children under instruction; next year there were 550 in
a school in Bolton, and the following year it had grown to 800, taught
by eighty teachers.
In 1787, there were
200,000 children gathered into Sunday-schools. The same year John Wesley
wrote, “ It seems that there will be one great means of reviving
religion throughout the nation.”
In 1786, the first
Sunday-school in the New World was established by Francis Asbury, and as
one of its results, a converted scholar became one of the pioneer
Methodist preachers.
It is difficult to
determine when Methodist Sunday-schools were first introduced into
Canada. The Metropolitan Church in this city traces its pedigree
directly to a school established in the old wooden, first Methodist
church on the corner of King and Jordan Streets, on the site where now
stands the new Bank of Commerce.
Out of this school have
grown many others in Toronto and the surrounding country, whose
influence on the growth of Methodism and the advancement of the cause of
God is simply incalculable. In Montreal, Kingston, Belleville, Hamilton,
London, and other centres of population and influence, Methodist
Sunday-schools were early established, 20 .which have multiplied and
spread till the land is covered with a complete network of them.
Scarcely a village or hamlet in the English-speaking part of the country
are without Methodist Sunday-schools, which outnumber in Ontario those
of all the other Protestant denom’nations taken together. The successive
unions which have taken place among the different branches of Methodism,
while they have in many places consolidated two or three schools into
one, have led to a great aggregate increase, both in the number and
strength of the schools and in general prosperity of our Sunday-school
interests. We cannot give detailed record of progress, but the following
summary must suffice.
One of the most
important helps in the development of our Sunday-schools has been the
Sunday-school Aid and Extension Fund, which began on a very small scale
in the year 1875. This fund is maintained by one collection taken up in
each school during the year. From it grants of books and papers are
given in small amounts for the establishment of new schools, and the
support of needy ones in remote and destitute parts of the country,
especially among the fishing villages of Newfoundland and the Maritime
Provinces ; among the new settlements of the Upper Ottawa, in Muskoka,
Algoma, British Columbia, Manitoba and the North-West. Many grateful
testimonies show the invaluable help which has been given by these
grants. By means of this fund 498 new schools have been established in
the last Quadrennium, and very many more, which in all probability could
not have maintained an existence without the aid of the fund, have been
liberally assisted. Schools applying for aid are required, if possible,
to contribute something toward the grant given. In this way the schools
assisted have, during the Quadrennium, contributed in part payment for
grants the sum of $5,175, as against $1,822 during the previous
Quadrennium, an increase of $3,353.
Statement of growth of
the income of the Sunday-school Aid and Extension Fund since its
establishment in 1875: 1875—$297.08; 1876—$504.77; 1877—$610.97; 1878—
$742.86; 1879—$699.02; 1880—$786.88; 1881—$916.53; 1882—$928.61;
1883—$1,365.30; 1884—$1,548.46; 1885 —$2,177.92 ; 1886—$2,626.30;
1887—$3,215.79 ; 1888— $3,664.41; 1889 —$3,476.73 ; 1890 — $3,517.80.
Total, $27,079.43.
Statement of growth of
income from part payments:
1883—$193.55 ;
1884—$287.33 ; 1885—$511.81 ; 1886— $829.39 ; 1887 —$1,179.82; 1888 —
$1,403.17; 1889 — $1,245.11; 1890—$1,347.54. Total, $6,997.72.
“The Catacombs of Rome,
and their Testimony Relative to Primitive _ Christianity,” 12mo, cloth,
pp. 560, with 136 illustrations, six editions.
“Popular History of
Canada,” 8vo, pp. 678, illustrated, four editions. “School History of
Canada,” 12mo, pp. 320.
“Chautauqua History of
Canada,” 12mo, pp. 232.
“Our Own Country,” 8vo,
pp. 608, 360 engravings.
“A Canadian in Europe,”
being sketches of travel in France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Holland
and Belgium, Great Britain and Ireland, copiously illustrated, 12mo, pp.
“Valeria; the Martyr of
the Catacombs,” a tale of early Christian life in Rome, illustrated.
“Neville Trueman, the
Pioneer Preacher,” a tale of the War of 1812. “The King’s Messenger; or,
Lawrence Temple’s Probation,” a story of Canadian life.
"The Romance of
Missions. ”
“Worthies of Early
“Great Preachers,
Ancient and Modern.”
"Life in a Parsonage,”
a tale of Canadian life.
“Men Worth Knowing; or,
Heroes of Christian Chivalry.”
“Modern Missionary
“The Physiological
Effects of Alcohol.”
“The Bible and the
Temperance Question.”
“Is Alcohol Food?”
“The Liquor Traffic.”
“Prohibition the Duty
of the Hour.”
“Intemperance; its
Evils and their Remedies,” a prize essay, etc. |