IN this book
representatives of the different branches of which the united Methodist
Church in this country is now composed, give from their respective
points of view a brief record of the historical development of Methodism
in this land. No control is sought to be exercised over the expression
of individual opinion. It is possible that in the treatment of what were
at the time strongly disputed topics, there may be expressed some
variety of judgment; but as these are now dead issues, with respect to
which we can agree to differ, it is thought best to leave untouched such
expressions. It is a happy thought that at the close of the first
century of Methodism in Canada all these causes of dispute and of
difference between brethren are now laid aside, and that we can calmly
survey what was once a hotly disputed field. At no previous period in
the history of Methodism in this land could this have been possible, and
in no other land beneath the sun is it possible yet.
The different phases of
church life and church work—missionary, educational, literary,
statistical and the like—are treated by persons having special
facilities for treating the same. It was felt by the General Conference,
which authorized the publication of this book, that it would have been a
misfortune to allow this opportunity to pass without summing up the
progress of the century. With devout hearts we may well exclaim, “ What
hath God wrought! ” If with limited means and divided efforts in this
sparsely settled country so much has been accomplished in the past, what
may we not expect as the result of the larger endowment and greater
number and more favourable opportunities of the future.

Providential Rise of the Wesleyan Revival
Rev. George Douglas, D.D., LL.D.
Historical Sketch of Methodism in the
Eastern Provinces
Rev. John Lathern, D.D.
Sketch of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Upper and Lower Canada
Rev. Hugh Johnston, M.A., D.D.
Historical Sketch of the Methodist New
Connexion Church in Canada
Rev. William Williams, D.D.
The Methodist
Church of Canada, 1873-1883
Rev. E. H. Dewart, D.D.
Historical Sketch of the Methodist
Episcopal Church in Canada
Rev. S. G. Stone, D.D.
Historical Sketch of the Primitive
Methodist Church in Canada
Rev. J. Cooper Antliff, D.D.
The Bible Christian Church
Rev. George Webber
The Methodist Church
Rev. Albert Carman, D.D.
The Methodist Church in Relation to
Rev. Alexander Sutherland, D.D.
Methodist Literature and Methodist
Rev. W. H. Withrow, D.D., F.R.S.C.
Education in Canada
Rev. Nathaniel Burwash, S. T. D.
Statistical Record of the Progress of
Methodism in Canada during the First One Hundred Years of its History
Rev. George H. Cornish, LL. D. |