On three succeeding
years the school children of Canada wrote original stories for the
Montreal "Witness", basing them on events which had happened in the
country. These were judged by well known educationists, who awarded them
prizes by counties and provinces, and the best in each province was
submitted to a Dominion judge, who gave the palm to the best in the
Dominion. The gentlemen who judged the stories in the first place were
S. K. Dawson, Esq., D. Lit, Montreal, Que.; the Rev. Charles J. Cameron,
A.M., F.H.S., Rockville, Ont; Wm. Houston, M.A. Toronto, Ont.; J. .M.
Harper, M.A., Ph.D., F.E.I.S., Quebec, Que.; Mr. Justice Alley,
Charlottetown,'P.E.I.; A. A,. Stockton, M.P.P., Ph.D., D.C.L., LL.D.,
St. John, N.B.; Prof. Charles G. D. Roberts, A.M., F.R.S.C, King's
College, Windsor, X.S.; W. H. Huston, M.A., Woodstock, Ont.; J. A.
Nicholson, M.A., Charlottetown, P.E.I.; Dr. J. Hall, Truro, N.S. The
judges who awarded the Dominion prizes were the Marquis of Lome for the
first competition and the Marquis of Dufferin and Ava for the second and
third competitions. In all nearly 5,000 stories were received and
carefully judged. Many of these were published in the "Witness" and
republished in local newspapers, where they were specially interesting;
and not a few came hack to Canada in publications from foreign
The winners of the Dominion prizes were Miss Fay Selhy Holden, of St.
John's, Newfoundland, for the first competition, and Miss Afaude
Saunders, of Laurencetown, Nova Scotia, for the second and third
competitions. The task of editing these stories so as to form a little
commemorative volume was given to the Rev. Charles J. Cameron, A. N. T.,
F.H.S., whose work, or, more correctly speaking, a portion of whose
work, lies before the reader. Mr. Cameron does not claim to have
selected the best stories, but rather stories representative of the
different provinces. A fair proportion of these are now publishcd for
the first time. These stories are presented to the public as a fair
exponent of the literary powers of young Canada.
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