Great crises in the world's history
generally produce the men who solve them. Cromwell, Washington,
Garibaldi—each of them was the movement itself. A wider philosophy may
see that the age or the Community evolves the man, but as Carlyle shows,
it is the man who reacts upon the community, becomes the embodiment of
its ideal, and is the mouthpiece and the right hand of the age which
produces him.
That Andrew Colville, a brother-in-law of
Lord Selkirk, should select a young clerk in London and send him out to
Athabasca to see the great fur-region of the Mackenzie River District,
is not a wonderful thing, but that after one year of active service this
young man should be chosen to guide the destinies of the great united
fur company, made up of the Hudson's Bay and Nor'-Wester Companies is a
This was the case with George
Simpson, a Scottish youth, who was the illegitimate son of the maternal
uncle of Thomas Simpson, thefamous
Arctic explorer, who is known as having followed out a portion of the
coast line of the Arctic Sea.
Anyone can see that from the proverbial
energy that is developed in those of inferior birth, there was here one
of Nature's commanding spirits, who would bring order out of chaos.
Moreover, the fact of his short service in
a distant part of the fur country, left him free from prejudice, gave
him an open mind, and permitted him to serve as a young man when he was
yet plastic and adaptable—all this was in his favor.
Governor Simpson was short of stature, but
possessed of great energy and endurance. He was keen in mind and
observing in his faculties. Active and determined, he might at times
seem a martinet and a tyrant, but he had at the same time an easy and
pleasant manner that enabled him to attract to himself his servants and
subordinates, but especially the savages with whom he had constantly to
have dealings. His ardent Highland nature led him to rejoice in the
picturesque and the showy, and he was fond of music and of society.
Given to change, Simpson became a great traveller and made a voyage
around the world before the days of steam or railway.
One of the first gatherings of the
fur traders, in which the young Governor gained golden opinions,
was held at Norway House, the old resting place of the Selkirk Settlers.
This meeting took place in June, 1823; the minutes of this meeting have
been preserved and are interesting. Such items as, that Bow River Fort
at the foot of the Rocky Mountains was abandoned; that because of
prairie fires the buffaloes were far beyond Pembina; that the
Assiniboine Indians had moved to the Saskatchewan for food; that trouble
with the French traders had arisen on account of their determination to
trade in furs; that the French half-breeds had largely moved from
Pembina to St. Boniface; that the trade should be withdrawn from beyond
the American Boundary line; that the Sioux Indians should be discouraged
from coming to the Forts to trade; and that the company intended to take
over the Colony from Lord Selkirk's trustees, all came up for
These were all important and difficult
problems, but the young Governor acted with such shrewdness and skill,
that he completely carried the Council with him, and was given power to
act for the Council during the intervals between its meetings—a thing
most unusual.
The Governor was ubiquitous.

Governor of Rupert's Land, 1821-60.
Now at Moose Factory, then at York;
now at Norway House, but every year at Red River, the Governor saw for
himself the needs of the country,
and the opportunities for advancing the interests of the Hudson's Bay
Company. Forty times, that is, nearly every year of his Governorship, it
is said he travelled the route between Montreal and Fort Garry, and this
by canoe. He drove his men, who were chiefly French-Canadians, with
irritating haste, and it is a story prevalent among the old Selkirk
Settlers, that a stalwart French voyageur, who was a favorite of the
Governor, was once, in crossing
the Lake of the Woods, so infuriated with his master's urging that he
seized the tormentor who was small in stature, by the shoulders, and
with a plentiful use of "sacrés," dipped him into the lake, and then
replaced him in the bottom of the canoe.
It does not fall within the scope of
our story to tell of Simpson's journeys through Rupert's Land, nor of
his famous voyage around the world, but there is extant an account of
his methods of appealing to the interest of the Indians and servants of
the company in his notable progresses through the wilds. Some seven
years after his appointment Governor Simpson made a voyage from Hudson
Bay, across country to the Pacific Ocean, namely, from York Factory to
Fort Vancouver on the Columbia River. Fourteen chief officers, factors
and traders, and as many more clerks had gathered to see the chieftain
depart. Taking with him a lieutenant—Macdonald, a doctor and two canoe
crews, of nine men each, the jolly Governor with dashing speed ascended
the Hayes River, up which the Selkirk Colonists had laboriously come,
receiving as he left the Factory, loud cheers from all the people
gathered, and a salute of seven guns from the garrison. The
French-Canadian voyageurs struck up their boating songs with glee, and
with dashing paddles left the bay behind.
The expedition was well provided with
supplies, including wine for the gentlemen and spirits for the men.
The arrival at Norway House was a féte.
Before reaching the Fort the party landed
on the shore, and paying much attention to their toilets, put themselves
in proper trim. In full career the canoes dashed through the deep rocky
gorge leading to the Fort, the Governor's canoe, had on its high prow,
conspicuous the French guide, who for the time gave commands. The
Governor always took his Highland piper with him, and now there pealed
forth from the canoe the strident strains of the bagpipes, while from
the second canoe sounded the shrill call of the chief factor's bugle. As
the party approached the Fort they saw the Union Jack with its magic
letters H.B.C. floating from the tall flag-staff of Norway pine erected
on Signal Hill. Bands of Indians from all directions were assembled to
meet the great chief or "Kitche Okema," as they called him. Ceasing the
pipes and bugle, the voyageurs sang with lively spirit one of their boat
songs, to the great delight of their old friends, the Indians.
The Governor was in 1839, at a time
when Canada was much disturbed in both Provinces by the Mackenzie-Papineau
rebellion, rewarded for the loyalty of his Company by having knighthood
conferred upon him.
Sir George Simpson's annual visits to Red
River Settlement were the bright spots in the life of the Colony. Never
did a Governor get so near the people as did Sir George. Old settlers
tell how when Sir George arrived every grievance, disaster, suspicion,
or bit of gossip was faithfully carried to him, and his patience and
ingenuity were freely exercised in "jollying" the people and giving them
condescending attention.
Sir George married in time, and on
occasion brought Lady Simpson, who was a native of the country, to visit
the Red River Settlement. Her presence was taken as a compliment by the
people. Sir George Simpson, like many of the Hudson's Bay Company, had
among all his business engagements the taste for literature. He
encouraged the formation of libraries at the several trading posts, and
in his letters throws in a remark about Sir Walter Scott, or Blackwood's
last magazine, or other living topic, although the means of
communication made literature often months late even on the banks of the
Red River. His own effort in producing a book gave rise to a
considerable amount of amusement. After his great journey around the
world, he published an account of his travels in two considerable
volumes. It is now no secret that these were prepared for him by a
well-known judge of Red River
Settlement, of whom we speak more fully in a later chapter. This double
authorship became decidedly inconvenient to Sir George on the celebrated
occasion when he was cited in 1857 to give evidence before the Committee
of the House of Commons as to Rupert's Land. Sir George's experience in
introducing farming into Red River Settlement had been so troublesome,
and expensive as well, that he really believed agriculture would be a
failure in the West, and so he gave his evidence. Unfortunately for him
his editor had indulged in his book, in a pictorial and fulsome
description of the Rainy River, as an agricultural region. Mr. Roebuck
quoted this passage and Sir George was in a serious dilemma. If he
admitted it his evidence would seem untrue, if he denied it then he must
deny his authorship. He admitted that the book was somewhat too
flattering in its description.
But, take him all in all, Sir George
really stood for his duty and his people. He lifted the fur trade out of
a slough of despond, he was kind and charitable to the people of the Red
River Settlement, he was a good administrator and a patriot Briton, and
though as his book tells and local tradition confirms it, he could not
escape from what is called "the witchery of a pretty face," yet he rose
to the position on the whole as a man who sought for the higher interests
of the vast territory under his sway, as well as for the financial
advancement of his company. |