In its earliest stages
the history of a country depends more upon nature's work than upon that
done by man. Her preparation for his advent—the position of the country,
its climate, soil, and resources—determine the time of his coming to it,
his mode of life in it, and the character he develops there. In Manitoba
her preparation for man's coming was long and thorough, and her powerful
agents—the summer's heat, the winter's snow, the winds, the rivers, the
lakes, and above all, the glaciers—worked tirelessly for thousands of
years to complete her task. So a brief account of the physical features
of Manitoba may help the reader to understand more clearly the story of
man's achievements ra the country.
When the province of
Manitoba was formed in 1869, it included only the small quadrilateral
which lies between the 49 th parallel and the parallel of 50° 30' of
north latitude and between the !)6th and 99th meridians of west
longitude. Its area was 14,340 sq. miles. It was enlarged in 1881, its
northern boundary being fixed at the parallel of 52° 51', its eastern
boundary at the meridian of 95° 9', and its western limit near the
meridian of 101° 25' This extension gave the province a total area of
73,956 sq. miles. As a result of legislation passed by the Dominion
parliament and the Manitoba legislature in 1912, the province was
extended to Hudson Bay, and its present area is 251,832 sq. miles. The
territory recently added to the province is bounded on the north by the
60th parallel of north latitude, on the northeast by the shore of Hudson
Bay, on the southeast by a line drawn from the point where the shore
line of the bay is intersected by the 89th meridian of west longitude to
the northeast corner of the province as fixed in 1881, on the south by
the northern boundary of the province as it was laid down then, and on
the west by a line which approximates the meridian of 102° west
longitude. The area of the added territory is more than double that of
the province before the addition was made.
In studying the
topography of Manitoba it will be convenient to divide the country into
three sections. These three sections have some features in common, yet
each has characteristics which distinguish it from the others. There is
a very low and level prairie region in the south central part, a more
elevated and less level prairie region in the southwest and the west,
and there is a slightly higher and much more uneven district on the east
and north. The last includes much more than half of the province as now
constituted. The slightly elevated regions on the east and west slope
gently towards the central depression, and the three districts all have
a general slope to the north, reaching a fairly uniform level in the
region which borders Hudson Bay.
The great prairie
region of Canada comprises three successive steppes. The lirst, or
eastern steppe, has a general level of 700 or 800 feet above the sea.
Its width on the 49th parallel is about 60 miles, but it increases
rapidly as the plain extends northward. The second steppe rises somewhat
abruptly from the first and has an average elevation of 1,600 feet. Its
width on the 49tli parallel is about 250 miles, but it contracts as it
extends northward. The third steppe rises more gradually from the second
and extends to the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Its width on the
international boundary is about 450 miles, and it also grows narrower as
it extends towards the north. The elevatiun of the second and third
steppes diminishes with their width, and both are gradually merged into
the great low-lying plain along the Arctic coast.
The lowest of these
prairie steppes lies wholly in Manitoba and forms the valley in the
south central part of the province. Geologists tell us that in ages long
past immense glaciers, moving slowly from the north or northwest and
from the northeast, plowed out a broad trench whose axis is now marked
by the valley of the Red River, and that in the last glacial epoch this
valley was covered by a great ice-sheet many thousands of feet in
thickness. This immense body of ice extended far south of the 49th
parallel at one time; but as the climate of the northern hemisphere
became warmer, the southern rim of the ice-sheet broke into fragments,
melted, anil retreated northwards, while the water so produced formed
great glacial rivers or lakes according as its outward flow was free or
Such a lake was formed
in the great depression which the glaciers had excavated through a part
of the country that we now call Manitoba, and geologists have named it
Lake Agassiz. Its southern boundary was probably the height of land
which divides the streams flowing into the Red River from those flowing
into the Mississippi, while its northern boundary was the retreating
edge of the glacier itself until the latter had reached the ridge of
land a short distance liortn of Lakes Winnipeg and Manitoba. On the cast
its shore was probably the rocky and elevated region forming the eastern
part of Manitoba, which is divided from the prairie by a fairly regular
line running from the Lake of the Woods to Lake Manitoba and along the
eastern shore of the latter. The western shore of the glacial lake is
marked by those irregular chains of hills wbich we now call Pembina
Mountains, Tiger Hills, Brandon Hills. Riding Mountains, Duck Mountains,
Porcupine Hills, and Pasquia Hills. The bed of this lake extends north
and south nearly 700 miles, and its greatest extent east and west is
also about 700 miles; but its shape was very irregular, and its area is
estimated at 110,000 sq. miles. Scientists do not think that the lake
filled all parts of this great bed at the same time. That would have
given it an area greater that the aggregate area of the five Great Lakes
at the present time. It is more than probable that the southern part of
the lake-bed had become dry before the ice had melted from the northern
Some geologists have
estimated the maximum depth of this great glacial
lake at 600 feet; but
the area of its bed increased as the edge of the ice retreated, the
source of its supply diminished as the surface and thickness of the
ice-sheet decreased under the increasing heat, its outlets wore deeper
channels for themselves as the centuries passed, and so the depth of the
lake steadily grew less. Geological upheavals may have hastened the
process, and ultimately most of the lake bed was left hare, and the lake
itself shrunk to its present representatives— Lakes Winnipeg, Manitoba,
Winnipegosis, Dauphin, and others in their neighborhood. These lakes
have an aggregate area of about 13,000 sq. miles—a large body of water,
as we consider it at the present time, but a small area as compared with
the great inland sea which filled the central part of Canada at the
close of the glacial period.
For ages the river
which drained Lake Agassiz flowed southward to the Mississippi, and the
channel which it cut through the ridge forming the southern shore of the
lake is well defined still. It is marked by the Minnesota River and Big
Stone and Traverse Lakes in the state of Minnesota. But in time the
retiring glacier uncovered the valleys of the Hayes and Nelson Rivers,
and then the subsiding waters of the lake found an outlet through these
channels to Hudson Bay, as its representatives do to-day. Of course it
is not possible to tell how many thousands of years were required to
work all these changes.
The contracting margins
of Lake Agassiz are fairly well marked on the southern and western sides
of its basin. Mr. Upham believes that he has found sixteen beaches,
formed at lower and lower levels while the outflow of the lake was
southward, and eleven others, formed after its waters found an outlet to
the northeast. Many of these beaches are easily traced in Manitoba, for
they are similar to beaches found around the present day representatives
of Lake Agassiz. They consist of continuous, rounded ridges of sand and
gravel, from ten to thirty rods in width, rising from three to ten feet
above the level prairie on the outward or land side and from ten to
twenty feet above it on the inner or lake side. These old beaches have
determined the location of highways in some parts of the province. They
must not be confused with shorter and less regular ridges, composed
largely of boulders, which are observed in many parts of the country.
These are terminal moraines deposited by the great glacier in its
retreat northward, just as a defeated and retreating army throws away
its weapons and baggage.
Nature's forces
probably spent thousands of years in preparing the bed of the great
glacial lake for occupation by man. On the rocky bottom the glacier
itself deposited a fairly uniform layer of stiff clay, formed of
material that it had gathered from the country to the north and east
over which it had passed. This material it had ground fine, as only
glaciers can. The lower layers of this clay are of a bluish color, the
upper layers have a pink tint. The remark able hardness of the lower
layers is probably due to the tremendous weight of the overlying glacier
which deposited them; the upper layers, having been laid down when the
glacier was much thinner, were not pressed down so solidly. Over the
clay beds which the glacier had deposited, layer after layer of fine
surface soil was laid down, some being material which the waters of the
great lake could no longer hold in suspension, some being material
carried directly to the bed of the lake by the rivers flowing into it.
To obtain this finishing material for the deep, rich soil of the central
plain of Manitoba nature's agents
levied on the country
to the west as far as the mountains as well as the country to the north
and east.
The area of that part
of the continent which was once drained into Lake Agassiz is estimated
at more than 350,000 sq. miles. The waters collected in many subsidiary
lakes were drained from them into Lake Agassiz. Such a lake lay along
the valley of the Souris River in the second prairie steppe. Geologists
suppose that it had an outlet to the Missouri at one time, and that
later in its history its waters found their way into Lake Agassiz by the
valleys of the James and Cheyenne Rivers in Dakota, while still later
they flowed through the depression marked by Lang's Valley, Pelican
Lake, and the valley of the Pembina River. When this lake had been
drained away, some obstruction at the Elbow of the Souris diverted that
stream from its original channel, and it became an affluent of the
Of all the rivers of
Manitoba the Assiniboine was the most important in those far-away
glacial ages. As long as the unmelted ice-sheet formed a dam across the
depression through which the lower part of the Saskatchewan River flows
now, it held back a great glacial lake whose southern shore is probably
marked by the Pasquia Hills. The North Saskatchewan and the South
Saskatchewan were then distinct streams, and both poured into this
glacial lake all the waters which they had collected in their long
courses from the mountains. Its outlet was probably near the Elbow of
the South Saskatchewan, and its waters found their way by the valley of
Qu'Appelle River to the Assiniboine and thus to Lake Agassiz. The
Assiniboine, which must have been a wide and deep stream at that time,
fell into the lake near the present site of Brandon. The magnitude of
the glacial Assiniboine is shown by the great estuary which it excavated
in the western shore of the lake—an estuary marked by a gap of more than
sixty miles between the Brandon Hills and the Riding Mountains. The
great volume of the glacial Assiniboine is also shown by the extent of
the delta formed at its mouth, as the river had to flow further and
further east to reach the receding lake. This delta extends from Brandon
almost to Portage la Prairie, from Glenboro and Treberne almost to
Gladstone, and has an area of nearly 2,000 sq. miles. Its maximum depth
is two hundred feet and its average depth fifty feet. These figures help
us to comprehend what a vast amount of material was brought down by the
rivers and deposited on the Jake-bed now drained by the Red River. The
fine sand on the surface of the Assiniboine delta has been heaped up by
the wind into those rounded dunes, which we call "The Sandhills" and
which form a unique feature of the ancient lake bottom.
The Red River itself is
the youngest of the rivers of Manitoba, since it occupies the lowest
depression of the lake bottom and carries to the present reduced
representative of Lake Agassiz the waters of the diminished rivers which
once emptied directly into that magnificent inland sea. The origin of
the Red River will account for its direct course, the fact that it has
not changed its course as the Souris and the Saskatchewan have done, the
fact that it has not cut its way through impeding ridges as the Souris
and the Pembina were obliged to do, and the fact that it has not worn
for itself a wide, deep valley as nearlv all the other considerable
streams of the western prairies have done. The others are rivers which
have had a grand past, but are in sadly reduced circumstances now; the
Red is as important now as it ever was in its history.
The eastern part of
Canada's second prairie steppe lies in Manitoba, forming the elevated
region found in the southwestern part of the province. It rises rather
steeply from the lower plain on the east, and its edge is marked by the
lines of hills already named as the western shore line of Lake Agassiz.
It may be considered an older section of the country than the lower
plain beside it, for it was probably released from the grip of the great
northern ice-sheet much sooner; and, having been subject to erosions of
various kinds for a longer period, its surface is more uneven that that
of the ancient lake bottom. Its greater elevation has given its rivers a
more rapid current than those of the lower steppe, and they have had a
longer time in which to work; so they have wrought greater changes in
the character of the country than has been possible for the streams
which flow over the bottom of Lake Agassiz. They have in this way dug
out those wide, deep valleys which seem out of all proportion to the
streams which meander through them at the present time. The plateau of
southwestern Manitoba has less timber than the lower plain beside it.
Its soil is somewhat similar to that of the old lake-bed, but the
underlying rocks belong to different orders.
The slightly elevated
district which occupies a narrow strip along the eastern side of
Manitoba and all the territory recently added to the province on the
north are a portion of the Archaean formation which prevails over so
much of eastern Canada. A part of the district is drained into Lake
"Winnipeg, and a part directly into Hudson Bay. It is a region of rocky
hills and ridges, denuded of much of their soil, worn down, and rounded
by centuries of glacial grinding. The thin soil which covers the
underlying rocks and clay beds is very porous, and the rainfall readily
finds its way to the hollows between the hills, where it forms a
multitude of small lakes connected by numberless streams. There they lie
like a vast number of irregular gems strung on an intricate network of
silver threads. The surface and soil of the Archaean region on the east
and north of Manitoba are in complete contrast to those of its two
prairie sections. There is another contrast, for the Archaean district
is a wooded area, except where the forest is interrupted by the numerous
lakes mentioned or by meadows and muskegs.
It has been said that
the Canadian prairies are separated from the Great Lakes on the east and
from the sea on the north by the hundreds of miles of rock, forest, and
muskeg comprised in the' rough Archaean area which bounds the first
prairie steppe on the east and north. But that was not the thought of
the first people who reached the prairies. For them the intricate
network of water ways which covers the rugged and wooded region
connected the northern sea and the Great Lakes with the prairies. The
conveyance which the first people to reach the plains used was the
canoe, and the interlacing watercourses of the Archaean region are
specially adapted to canoe travel. If the traveller points to any spot
in this vast area, an Indian familiar with it can take him within a few
miles of that spot by canoe. Some portages may be necessary, but they
will be surprisingly short and few.
The canoe was the only
conveyance which could be used in crossing the prairies by either red or
white men when they first occupied the country, and nature seems to have
laid out the river systems for that method of travel. The Red River,
running from south to north along the eastern edge of the level plain,
is a great canoe highway. Its sources are so close to those of the
Mississippi that boats can be transported from one river to the other;
it empties into Lake Winnipeg, which adds three hundred miles to the
highway; and then the Nelson and its companion stream, the Hayes River,
continue the route to the sea. Travellers, furs, and provisions have
been transported along this highway for centuries.
A glance at the map
will show several great highways, which come across the plains for
hundreds of leagues to intersect the great trunk road running north.
There is the Assiniboine, one of whose branches curves so far to the
southwest that it is close to the Missouri, while another reaches so far
to the northwest that its source is almost on the bank of the
Saskatchewan. In the far-distant ages when the glaciers and the glacial
waters were leveling the prairies, covering them with rich soil, and
draining them in preparation for the coming of man, they did not fail to
lay out very convenient routes of communication between different parts
of the country. North of the Assiniboine is the Saskatchewan which
furnishes a great waterway to the mountains and whose two brauehes with
their affluents give access to many hundred miles of the eastern range.
At several points it is comparatively easy to cross from the valley of
the Saskatchewan to that of the Churchill River, another of the great
cross-roads which nature constructed across the prairies of Manitoba to
connect it with the far west.
Nor did nature's
preparation for the advent of man cease when she had leveled the
country, covered it with deep, rich soil, drained it, and laid out
routes of intercommunication across it. She was careful to prepare a
plentiful supply of food in advance. She planted the prairie soil with
rich grasses on which numberless herds of buffaloes could graze. She
covered the great rocky region on the east and north with forest, making
it a veritable paradise for moose, elk, and other members of the deer
family. She showed the beavers that they could find no better habitat
than the solitary ravines in this vast forest; and so these wise little
animals built their dams across the silver streams, turned the pretty
lakes into beaver ponds, constructed their curious houses; and there
reared their young in countless thousands. Thus nature provided a source
from which man could supplement the clothing obtained from the deer and
the moose. There were other supplies of food besides the buffaloes of
the plains and the deer of the forests. All the lakes and streams of
prairie and woodland were stocked with many kinds of fish, and wild
fruits and edible roots of various kinds grew and ripened in the long
summer sunshine.
All these careful and
long-continued preparations—the level, open plains, the tree-clad hills,
the fertile soil, the lakes and streams, the abundant vegetation, the
varied and prolific animal life, the clear skies, the summer heat, and
even the winter's cold—were nature's invitations to man to come and
occupy the country. Like an eager hostess she kept on reiterating her
invitation through the long centuries and waited for the expected guest. |