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The Story of Manitoba
By F. H. Schofield (1913)


There is no lack of material for a history of Manitoba. The books* written by early navigators and explorers, the annals of the Jesuit priests and other missionaries, the journals kept by the fur traders, the records of the Hudson's Bay Company and its factors, the minutes of the Council of Assiniboia, and government reports furnish an inexhaustible store of facts for the historian. These sources of information are supplemented by accounts of military expeditions, given by officers or chaplains who accompanied them, by the reports of scientists, and by many bonks of travel.

Students of the history of the Canadian west will always be under obligation to the early historians of the Red River Settlement, Sheriff Alexander Ross, Mr. Donald Gunn, and Mr. Joseph Hargrave, and the author frankly acknowledges his indebtedness to them. lie is also greatly indebted to writers who have recently investigated and sifted so much of the historical material to be found in the London office of the Hudson's Bay Company, especially to Mr. Beckles Willson, Rev. George Bryce, D. I)., and Miss Agnes C. Laut. He owes much to many other writers, but it is impossible to mention all of them here. A partial list of the authorities which have been consulted in the preparation of this volume is given in another part of the book. It may prove of some serv ice to readers w ho wish, to make a more detailed study of the history of the province.

The writer wishes to acknowledge his obligation to the members of his advisory committee and to many friends who have helped him to secure facts for the book and material for its illustrations. His thanks are due to the librarians of the Provincial Library and the Carnegie Library of Winnipeg for their uniform kindness and interest. Above all, he is grateful to his wife for the unfailing help, sympathy, and encouragement which made it possible for him to complete the work.

"While there is abundant material for a history of Manitoba, it is marked by many discrepancies. Different writers have given different accounts of the same event, and sometimes a writer has given different versions of the same incident in different books. Men who took part in the same expedition have not agreed as to the names of the ships in which it sailed, leaders in the same skirmish have written widely different accounts of it, and witnesses under oath have given such inconsistent versions of the same affair that judges have been unable to elicit the facts. Under such conditions it is difficult to eliminate all inaccuracies in preparing' a history. The author of this volume has aimed to present absolutely accurate statements in it; and if some errors have crept into its pages, he hopes that its readers will give him credit for conscientious effort to avoid them.

If the work does something to promote interest in the past history of the province, pride in its progress, and a feeling of responsibility for its future welfare, some of the author's aims will be attained.

P. H. S,
Winnipeg. March. 1913.


Chapter I Nature's Preparation for Man
Chapter II The Aborigines
Chapter III Early Exploration
Chapter IV The Governor and Company of Adventurers of England
Chapter V Thirty Years of Conflict
Chapter VI Thirty Years of Conflict (continued)
Chapter VII Activity in the North
Chapter VIII Great French Explorers
Chapter IX The Peddlers
Chapter X The Rival Companies
Chapter XI An Empire Builder
Chapter XII The First Colonists
Chapter XIII The Second Party
Chapter XIV The Third Party
Chapter XV The New Governor
Chapter XVI Seven Oaks
Chapter XVII Selkirk's Visit
Chapter XVIII Uncertain Years
Chapter XIX Progress and Reverses
Chapter XX Progress in Organization
Chapter XXI The Social Life of the Settlers
Chapter XXII The Demand for Self-Government and Free Trade
Chapter XXIII The Need of Military Protection
Chapter XXIV The Company and the People
Chapter XXV The Increasing Unrest
Chapter XXVI The Proposed Union with Canada
Chapter XXVII The Transfer to Canada
Chapter XXVIII Trouble over the Transfer
Chapter XXIX Open Rebellion
Chapter XXX The Bill of Rights
Chapter XXXI The Provisional Government
Chapter XXXII The New List of Rights
Chapter XXXIII The Rule of the Dictator
Chapter XXXIV The Making of Manitoba
Chapter XXXV The Red River Expedition
Chapter XXXVI The Organization of a Provincial Government
Chapter XXXVII The Republic of Rupert's Land
Chapter XXXVIII Annals
Chapter XXXIX Political Changes
Chapter XL Better Terms
Chapter XLI The Extension of the Boundaries
Chapter XLII The Fight Against Railway Monopoly
Chapter XLIII The School Question
Chapter XLIV A Settlement of Manitoba's Demands
Chapter XLV Immigration
Chapter XLVI The Increase of Transportation Facilities
Chapter XLVII The Growth of Trade
Chapter XLVIII The Story of the Early Missions
Chapter XLIX The Story of the Schools

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We also have the two volume set of Illustrated Biographies which goes with this volume

Volume 2  |  Volume 3

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