The vision which drew
Columbus across the western ocean was not to fade with his death. He and
the explorers who succeeded him for two centuries dreamed the same
dream—that of a western sea-route to China and the Indies. When they
found their way west barred by a continent, they sought a route by the
southwest or the northwest: and it is to these persistent attempts that
the world owed its early knowledge of the American coast, it is on these
explorations that Spain, France, and Britain based their claims to
territory in the New "World. It is true that the early explorers
combined their work to the sea-coast, but that did not prevent the
nations whom they served from claiming the country for an indefinite
distance inland. And even when inland explorers began to find their way
across the continent, they were haunted by the dream of finding a route
to the western sea by the St. Lawrence, the Hudson, the Mississippi, or
some other of America's great rivers. Later and more accurate
geographical knowledge only modified the dream, and in its modified form
it .was in the minds of men like Sir Alexander Mackenzie, Lewis, Clarke,
and others who sought a river route to the Pacific.
The British expeditions
under John and Sabastian Cabot, exploring the northern part of the
eastern coast of America, failed to find the route to the Indies, but
they gave Britain ground for her claim to the northern half of the
continent, It is true that these adventurous seamen did not find their
way beyond Labrador, and their successors did not follow the northern
coast much further. Sir Martin Frobisher (1576-1578), Sir Humphrey
Gilbert (1583), Captain John Davis (1585-1586), Captain James Lancaster
(1600\ and Captain George Weymouth (1602) added much detailed
information about the Atlantic coast and the far Arctic islands, but
none of them found his way along the northern coast of the mainland. The
honor of this achievement was reserved for another brave but unfortunate
British seaman, for there is no good evidence to substantiate the claim
once made by France to the territory adjacent to Hudson Bay because
Breton fishermen had explored its waters in the early part of the
sixteenth century.
In the year 1607
"certain Worshipful Merchants of London," whose names have not been
recorded, fitted out a ship and sent it in command of Captain Henry
Hudson to find, if possible, a passage to the Indies by the northeast or
northwest. Hudson's first voyage took him along the eastern shore of
Greenland and probably across to Spitzbergen; the second, made in the
summer of 1608, took him over that part of the Artie sea lying between
Spitzbergen and Nova Zembla; while the third, made in 1609, took him
first to Nova Zemlila, then south to Newfoundland, and later still to
the coast of Virginia. These voyages could not have brought much profit
to the merchants who had put their capital in the enterprise, but they
retained faith in their captain and in the existence of a short sea
route over which the rare merchandise of the east could be brought to
the marts of London.
On April 17, 1610,
Captain Hudson sailed from Blackwell on what proved to be his most
important voyage and his last. His ship was provisioned for six months
only, and he had a mutinous-crew who gave him trouble from the first. He
sailed in the latter part of May, touched at some port on the coast of
Iceland, and thence on June 1 sailed away to the west. On the 9th of the
month he was off Frobisher Straits, sighted Cape Desolation on the 15th,
and on the 24th entered the strait which now bears his name. On the 3rd
of August he rounded a headland which he called Cape Wolstenholme and
found himself fairly in the great bay whose name is an appropriate
tribute to his work as an explorer. He sailed to the southern shore of
the bay and then examined the west coast carefully, looking for a harbor
in which to winter. He found such a haven on the southwest coast and
beached his vessel there. The mutinous crew gave more trouble to their
captain, and the mate, Robert Ivetts, was deposed from his position
early in September because of insubordination. Provisioned for six
months only, the outlook for a food supply for the winter was not
cheering. Some fish and game helped out their scanty rations, but for
much of the winter the men were on short allowance. In the spring Hudson
made a nine days' trip in the shallop, hoping to find bands of Indians
from whom he could purchase a supply of food, but-,he was not
successful, and the ship sailed on her return voyage. A few days after
sailing her crew mutinied under the leadership of the deposed mate,
Ivetts, and a profligate youth named Henry Green, whom Hudson had
befriended. The captain, his young son, Mr. Woodhouse, a mathematician
who had volunteered for the cruise, the ship's carpenter, and five
seamen were placed in an open boat; a very little food and water and
some firearms were given them, and they were set adrift on the open sea.
No word or sign of their unavailing efforts, their suffering, and their
despair has ever come to the rest of the world, and doubtless the
intrepid captain and his companions found a grave in the great inland
sea which they were the first to explore.
Several of the
mutineers were killed by savages before they reached England, and others
were carried off by disease but Prickett. one of the survivors reported
certain facts which had been observed before the ship had left the bay,
and these facts induced the worshipful merchants" to send two ships, the
Resolution and the Discovery, to make further explorations in the bay
and to rescue, if possible, Captain Hudson. The expedition was commanded
by Captain Thomas Button, afterwards Sir Thomas Button, and he was
assisted by Captain Ingram, who had charge of the Discovery and Captain
Nelson, who acted as sailing master on the Resolution. The two vessels
sailed away in May, 1612, and reached Hudson Strait before it was clear
of ice. They finally passed through, and after exploring various parts
of the bay, made for the harbor at the mouth of the Nelson River, which
Button named after his sailing master, who died there. August had come
before they reached this point, and so Button decided to winter there.
He took formal possession of the surrounding

territory for England,
erected a cross to indicate the fact, and gave the country the name of
New Wales. The pilot, Josias Hubart, urged that the great river which
flowed into the harbor should be explored as far as possible, but this
does not seem to have been done. There was much sickness during the
severe winter, and that may account for the inaction of the party. The
ice broke up in April, and about two months later the ships left their
winter haven. After having explored the west coast carefully as far as
the parallel of 65° north latitude, Captain Button returned to England.
The same company of
merchants sent out the Discovery again in 1614 under Captain Gibbons;
but he missed the entrance to Hudson Strait, storms drove his ship into
a harbor on the Labrador coast, and when he got to sea again it was too
late to enter the bay that season. In 1615 the Discovery was sent out
once more under Captain Robert Bvlot, who had visited the bay with
Captains Hudson and Button and had sailed with Captain Gibbons the
previous year. The famous pilot, William Baffin, was with him. The ship
sailed on April 18, reached Resolution Island on May 27, crossed the
northern part of Hudson Bay in July, and failing to find a western or
northwestern passage to the western main, returned to England in the
autumn. The next year's voyage took the Discovery, so fitly named, into
waters far north of Hudson Bay. Captain Bylot seems to have given up
hope of finding a northwest passage to the Indies, and although Baffin
still believed in its possibility, the "worshipful merchants of London"
gave up their persistent search for it, and the exploration of Hudson
Bay was dropped for several years.
The lack of success
which had attended the efforts of the 'London merchants did not deter
others from making similar attempts. Some merchants of Copenhagen
combined to send an expedition to Hudson Bay; and the Danish king,
Christian IV, gave the scheme every encouragement, sending one of his
ablest naval captains, Jens Munck, in charge of two vessels 1o prosecute
the search for new lands where colonics might be founded and trade
secured. The Lamprey and the Unicorn sailed westward on May 16, 1719,
and a month later were' fighting their way through the ice-floes of
Hudson Strait. For six weeks the brave commander kept up the struggle
against ice and storms; and at last he won his way through to open
water, although the bottom of the Lamprey was badly injured by the ice.
The relentless storm drove the ships across the bay until, by a lucky
chance, they found refuge in Churchill Harbor. It was mid-September, and
Munck saw that he could not get out of Hudson -Bay that season; so
he-constructed a small timber breakwater to protect his ships from
running ice, and settled down to the-;monotonous life of a winter in the
northern seas.
In those days ship's
crews were poorly equipped to withstand the cold of such winters, and
they lacked the suitable food and medical stores whose: value was
learned only after many generations of seamen had suffered and died for
lack of them. Scurvy broke out, and one by one the men succumbed, until
by February 17 the dead numbered twenty-three. By mid-April only four
men beside the commander were able to sit up; and a month later the
mate, an Englishman named John Watson, died, and the few survivors were
too weak to bury the bodies of their dead messmates. When the long June
days came,- only three men were left alive. Then Munck himself was
stricken with the disease which had carried off his crew. The two
sailors had barely strength to drop over the ship's side at ebb tide and
crawl to the shore. The ice was drifting out to the bay by this time,
and Munck felt himself drifting fast toward the other world. He bad been
four days without help or food, when the brave commander penned what he
thought would be his last entry in his log: "As 1 have now no more hope
of life in this world, I request for the sake of God if any Christians
should happen to come this way, they will bury my poor body together
with the others found, and this my journal forward to the King.
Herewith, goodnight to all the world, and my soul to God.—Jens Munck."
"When the stench of the
charnel ship became unbearable, this captain of a dead crew managed to
drag himself to the rail and was surprised to see two living men on the
shore. With the utmost difficulty they got him to the land, and then all
three began to chew the roots and other green things within reach.
Strength came back to them slowly, and by the middle of July they could
do a little work. They sunk the Unicorn, hoping to come back for her at
some time, and then began to repair the Lamprey. By the end of the
summer they had made her half seaworthy and set sail for home. With
infinite labor the three men worked their battered ship back through the
straits and across the Atlan tic, reaching their native land towards the
end of September. The Danes made no further efforts to colonize the
shores of Hudson Bay, nor did they send a crew for the sunken Unicorn.
Eighty years after Munck sunk her, some workmen of the Hudson's Bay
Company, digging in the muddy flats of the Churchill River, found some
of her brass cannon, relics of the Danish sailors' grim fight with
disease and Arctic cold.
About 1630 several
Bristol merchants formed a company for the purpose of exploring Hudson
Bay and gave the command of there ship to Captain James. About the same
time some London merchants formed a company for the same purpose, and
the king, Charles I, allowed the company to use the twenty-ton sloop
Charles, commanded by Captain Luke Fox. With a crew of twenty men and
two boys she sailed from Yarmouth on May 8, 1631. The Bristol ship
sailed about the same time, and it was agreed by the two companies that
both were to share equally in any honor or profit derived from the
discoveries of either ship. Captain Fox explored various parts of Hudson
Bay, including the harbor at Port Nelson. Captain James sailed south as
far as Charlton Island in the bay which has been named after him and
spent the winter there. The next spring he explored the southwestern and
western shores of Hudson Bay as far north as Marble Island.
The reports of Captains
Fox and James did not encourage further efforts for the discovery of a
passage from Hudson Bay to the western sea, and no more expeditions were
sent to it for several years. There is a story of a ship sent from
Boston under Captain Shapley to trade in Hudson Bay, of a party sent
ashore to look for a suitable winter haven for the ship, and of an ice
jam which drove the ship to sea before these men could be got on board
again; and there is a story, reported by Jeremie, who was governor at
Port Nelson while it was in the hands of the French, of a few wretched
men found in a hut by Groseilliers when he made his first voyage to the
bay in 1669; but the facts cannot be verified. With the possible
exception of the Boston vessel, the waters of Hudson Bay do not seem to
have been disturbed by exploring ships or trading craft for a genera
tioa. Then the Englishman's commercial enterprise and the Frenchman's
love of adventure combined to make its wide waters and its lonely shores
the stage on which a great trading company began to play its part m the
development of half a continent
The potent force which
drew the trading company to the shores of Hudson Bay had been at work
among the people of New France for more than half a century, drawing the
more adventurous men among them further and further into the vast
wilderness which lay north and west of the colony. This alluring force
was the profit to be made from the fur trade. From the time of their
arrival in Canada emigrants from France thought more of making fortunes
out of the trade in furs than of developing the agricultural resources
of the colony. Merchants, government officers, and aristocratic
adventurers were all infected with the mania for making quick fortunes
from the traffic in beaver skins. Companies were formed to prosecute the
trade, and far-reaching monopolies were granted to them by the
government; for the rulers, from the king down to the lowest official in
Quebec or Three Rivers, had something to gain, directly or indirectly,
by enforcing the monopoly or by conniving at its violation. This
prevailing desire to trade in peltries was not the best influence
possible in the development of a new country, and it warped the whole
life of the colony for several generations; and yet the wide and rapid
extension of the Canadian frontier under the French regime was due
almost entirely to the fur trade.
At first the Indians
brought their furs down to the few French towns and villages and
exchanged them there for such articles of merchandise as met their real
needs or pleased their wayward fancies; but soon the merchants began to
send agents to trade with the Indians in their own districts. This gave
employment to a number of roving traders and canoemen, coureurs des bois
and voyageurs, and this number increased as the trade grew in volume and
greater distances had to be traveled to obtain the coveted furs. The
life had a great fascination for the volatile and adventurous young men
of the French people, and many a scion of noble French families
abandoned the life and the society in which he had been reared to live
the wild, free life of a woodsman in company with kindred spirits from
lower grades of society and with wild Indians whose life was scarcely
less free from the restraints of civilization Indeed many of these
coureurs des bois married the daughters of the red men and adopted some
of the Indian modes of life; and so in time a mixed race grew up, much
nearer in life, habits, and thought to their Indian mothers than to the
white race from which their fathers had separated themselves. In a few
decades these Metis or French half-breeds formed a considerable element
in the population, and m the far west they exercised a considerable
influence in the history of the country.
The coureur des bois
and the voyageur sought new and richer fur-bearing districts as eagerly
as the prospector seeks gold; and no better habitat for the beaver and
other fur-bearing animals could be found than the vast Laurentian region
which stretches from eastern Quebec to the prairies and from the Great
Lakes to the Northern Sea. No country could be more easily traversed in
all directions by the voyageur or the Indian in his birch-bark canoe,
nor was there any in which nature had provided the traveller with a more
plentiful supply of food in the form of fish, game, wild-fowl, and
berries. So the coureur des bois story of Manitoba and the voyageur
followed the lure of the beaver along the interlaced waterways further
and further into the wilderness. The fascination of the unknown and the
wild beauty of the lonely land helped to hold their faces to the west
and north. Gay boat-songs relieved the monotony of paddling, jokes
lightened the labor of portaging, and stories of adventure and weird
folk-tales, told by the camp fire, made them forget the fatigue of the
day. And always there was the free life and the hope of gain. And so it
happened that within sixty years from the time Champlain founded Quebec
French traders had not only become familiar with the shores of the Great
Lakes as far as Superior but had also found their way through the
hundreds of leagues of forest which separate that great inland sea from
the prairies 011 the west and from the Hudson Bay on the north. It was a
wonderful achievement, scarcely paralleled in any other country or at
any other period in the history of America.
Of all the French
traders who blazed the first trails through the wilderness of the pays
d'en haut none was more resourceful and adventurous than Medard Chouart
Sieur des Groseilliers, and none lived through stranger experiences than
his partner, Pierre Esprit Radisson. Medard Chouart, son of Medard
Chouart and Marie Poirier, was born at Cliarly St. Cyr near Meaux in the
district between the Seine and the Marne in 1625. The father was a pilot
of the Seine River, but his imaginative, adventurous son had no liking
for his father's prosaic calling. Yet the lad's dreams of adventure
could scarcely have been more improbable than his real life was to
prove, nor could he have guessed how profoundly that life would affect
the history of a country many times as large as his native France. His
chance acquaintance with a returned Jesuit missionary proved a turning
point in the boy's life, for the priest's descriptions of the vast
areas, the great lakes, rivers, and forests of New France and his
accounts of the wild, free life of the coureurs des bois filled the lad
with a great desire to try his fortune in the colony. So when he was
barely sixteen years of age he joined a party of emigrants led by
Maisonneuve which sailed from Rochelle for Quebec in 1641.
For some time after his
arrival in Canada young Chouart was cared for by the priests of Quebec,
and it seems probable that he acted as assistant for some of the
missionaries among the Indians. He had remarkable ability for acquiring
the Indian languages and soon abandoned missionary work to make long
journeys among the native tribes, bartering goods for furs and acquiring
an extensive knowledge of the geography of the country. In 1616 he was
on the shore of Lake Huron, trading with the Indians; but in the next
year he was back in Quebec, and on September 3 he was married to Helen
Etienne, the daughter of Abraham Martin, the Scotch pilot whose farm
above Quebec bears the name of Abraham's Plains. Soon after this his
father died, leaving him a small estate from which he took the title,
des Groseilliers, by which he was known during the rest of his life.
Pierre Esprit Radisson
and his half-sister Marguerite, members of a Huguenot family, had
migrated from France to Canada a few years after Groseilliers? arrival.
The sister became the wife of a gentleman, who seems to have lived at
Three Rivers; but the brother does not appear to have had any settled
home for several years. He roamed about among the Indian tribes,
sometimes adopted and honored as a son, sometimes tortured as a captive,
and always having unusual experiences and seeing unusual sights, if his
own stories of them can be accepted. He and Groseilliers became
acquainted and found themselves kindred spirits. Groseilliers' first
wife died in 1652, and on August 23, 1653, he was married to Radisson's
sister who had been left a widow shortly after her first marriage. The
brothers-in-law soon became partners in the fur trade with headquarters
at Three Rivers. In 1656 Radisson was married to Elizabeth Herault, and
when she died a few years later, he took for his second wife a daughter
of Sir John Kirke and niece of Sir David Kirke, who compelled Champlain
to surrender Quebec.
In 1659 Groseilliers
and Radisson found themselves in the country south of Lake Superior now
called Wisconsin, and there the Indians told them of a great river with
two branches not far away to the southwest. The two traders were anxious
to go to this great river—evidently the Mississippi— but wishing to
complete their cargo of furs, they pushed on into the neighborhood of
the Minnesota lakes. While in that region a band of Indians, whom
Radisson calls Crees, told them of a great sea to the north and of a
water route by which it could be reached. In 1660 the two partners went
back to Montreal with such an immense cargo of furs that many people
became anxious to learn more of the far western country and to secure
some interest in the trade with the tribes living there. But
Groseilliers gave them little information, seeing great commercial
possibilities in the unexplored country lying between Lake Superior and
the sea on the north. The governor of Three Rivers desired Groseilliers
and Radisson to admit two of his friends into their partnership, but
they declined to give up half the profit of their trading when they
might have all of it. This angered the governor, and he made an order
that they should cease from infringing on the rights of the chartered
companies by trade with the natives of the pays d'en haut. Radisson
seems to have spent the next year in Three Rivers; but Groseilliers, in
spite of the governor's prohibition, went back to the country about Lake
Superior and returned with another rich cargo of furs.
In May, 1662, the two
partners slipped away very quietly with a little party of ten men,
taking a supply of goods to the upper country, and in two months found
themselves in the rich beaver district lying west and north of Lake
Superior. On this trip they seem to have carried out the plan which had
been in their minds for two years and to have made their way to the
northern sea of which the Indians had told them. Radisson says that they
reached its shores in 1663; but his account is so meagre and vague that
we cannot be sure whether the two intrepid explorers went by some water
route from Lake Superior to James Bay or made the longer .journey to
Hudson Bay by Rainy Lake, Lake of the Woods, Lake Winnipeg and the
rivers which connect them with each other and with the ocean. In view of
the locality where they first heard of the northern sea and of the tribe
which gave them information about it, it seems likely that they took the
latter route. If so, they were probably the first white men to follow
that great canoe highway which leads from the prairies to the sea; and
if they did not actually set foot on the prairies themselves, they could
hardly have failed to hear of the immense plains from their Indian
When the two
enterprising partners went back with another rich load of furs, the
governor of Three Rivers imposed a ruinous fine upon them for
disregarding his orders, and appeals to the representatives of the
French government at Quebec the upper county, Groseilliers and Radisson
tried to induce some of the merchants to join them in a company for
trade on the shores of Hudson Bay; but the chartered companies were so
strongly entrenched in their privileges that a new company would not
have much chance of success, and the Quebec merchants did not care to
risk their money in such an uncertain venture.
The uncertainty about
the ownership of the territory bordering on Hudson Bay may have helped
to deter the merchants of New France from the organization of a company
to carry on trade there. When Canada was restored to France by the
treaty of St. Germain-en-Laye in 1632, its western and northern limits
were not defined; and on several occasions the government officials had
attempted to establish the claim of France to the vast region between
the St. Lawrence and the Northern Sea. Sieur Bourbon, at one time the
attorney-general of New France, was authorized in 1655 to make an
exploration of this sea, and there is a report that he left Quebec for
that purpose on May 2, 1657; but as he returned on August 11, he could
not have made the voyage. We are told, too, that Father Dablon and the
Sieur de Valerie were sent to Hudson Bay in 1661, but we have evidence
that they did not reach it. We are also told that the new governor of
Canada, M. d'Avagour, issued a commission to M. Couture on May 10, 1663,
authorizing him to proceed to the shore of Hudson Bay and take
possession of the country in the name of the king of France; but he does
not seem to have accomplished his mission. |