Beaver fur was far more
abundant in the region about Hudson Bay than it was in the neighborhood
of the Great Lakes, and it was of much better quality; and naturally the
Quebec companies became more and more Anxious to secure the trade of
that remote district. So commercial interests as well as patriotic
motives impelled the government of France to look with favor on steps
which tended to extend French sovereignty over the vast region which
borders on the bay. De la Barre, the governor of Canada, had been
instructed to take such measures as would divert some of the fur trade
of that region towards the Great Lakes; and with that object in view he
sent Greysolon Duluth into the country north of Lake Superior. Duluth
proceeded to the mouth of the Pepigon River, and in 1684 he built a fort
there near the site of the old trading post occupied by Groseilliers and
Radisson a quarter of a century earlier. He had orders to cooperate with
young Chouart, who had been left in charge of Fort Bourbon in 1683, and
dispatched a man named Pere to him with letters from the governor; but,
as we have seen, Chouart had been induced by his uncle to surrender the
fort and its store of furs to the English before the messenger arrived.
Not being able to secure the expected cooperation from Fort Bourbon and
being poorly supplied with goods for trade in his own district, Duluth
was not very successful in his mission.
The perlidy of Radisson
and the loss which it caused the company of the North roused great
resentment in Canada j and when two ships of that company, returning
from an unsuccessful voyage to the bay in 1685, met a vessel of the
Hudson's Bay Company, called the Merchant of Pcrpctuana, their crews did
not hesitate to seize her and take ship and crew to Quebec. The mate
managed to escape and carry news of the seizure to England, but the
other members of the crew were thrown into a Quebec prison, where the
master, Captain Humes, died. After eleven months the survivors were
taken to .Martinique and sold as slaves. The story of this affair, which
the mate carried to England, roused so much indignation that a memorial
upon the matter was presented to the King; but the relation of James II
to the king of France was much the same as that of Charles II had been,
and he took no notice of the outrage.
The apparent
indifference of the English government may have emboldened the French at
home and in Canada to go a step further. On Christmas eve, 1685. the
Chevalier de Troves, a retired army officer living m Canada, sent a
message to the new governor. Denonville, in which he offered to raise
and lead a force, which would take possession of all the region about
Hudson Bay for France; and the governor, probably acting on instructions
from Louis XIY, gave the scheme his sanction. The old chevalier had no
difficulty in raising a party of eighty men, all skilled m woodcraft and
eager for adventure in the north, and he added thirty soldiers, who had
seen service on many a battle field of Europe. For his lieutenants de
Troyes chose three sons of Charles le Movne another French nobleman
living in Canada. They were known by their title's of Sieur d'Iberville.
Sieur de Sainte Helene, and Sieur de Manconrt. Father Silvv went as the
chaplain of the force.
L Bovne once remarked
that the best thing he had done for France was to give her his eleven
sons. The third, Pierre, afterwards known as d Iberville, was born on
July 20, 1661. He was energetic and daring, and at an early age showed
unusual ability as a leader of men. Before he was twenty-two years old
he had made several voyages to France in command of ships and had been
recommended to Colbert for! an appointment in the royal navy. He was to
become the. lead-in.' figure in the struggle between the French and
English for the possession of Hudson Bay; and his achievements in that
struggle, which read more like a romance than sober bistort made him the
greatest of heroes in the eyes of the people of Canada. He also played
an important part in the struggle for the possession of Acadie and
Newfoundland; and later in life he had so much to do with the
acquisition of the great .Mississippi valley for France that he has been
called the father of Louisiana.
Early in the spring of
1686 de Troves' little force left Montreal for its long march through
the forest to James Bay. It ascended the Ottawa, crossed the height of
land to Lake Abittibi, and followed the Abittibi River to the sea. On a
small island near by was Aloose Fort, armed with twelve cannon and
garrisoned by sixteen men unaware of the danger which threatened them.
Waiting until darkness fell, de Troyes sent a small party under
d'Iberville and his brother to scale the palisade on the rear of the
fort, while the rest of his men battered down the gate of the in closure
and rushed inside, shouting Indian war-cries. The1 defendants were
completely surprised and were made prisoners before" they had time to
dress. And so on the next day, June 20th, the chevalier proclaimed, with
much ceremony, that he took possession of the fort and island for the
king of France.
Learning that a supply
of provisions had been sent to Fort Charles a few days before, the
French leaders determined to attack it next, and a small craft was built
to carry two of the captured cannon thither, a distance of 120 miles. It
was the 25th of June when the party left the mouth of the Moose Rive?
for Fort Charlos, but no word of its coming had reached that post. The
fort was being repaired, the gates were open, the cannon dismounted, and
the place utterly unprepared for an attack. De Troyes repeated the
tactics which had proved so succaesful at Moose Fort and made a night
assault. Fifteen men, sleeping peacefully in the blockhouse, knew
nothing of the presence of enemies until a hand grenade, which one of
the Frenchmen had dropped down the chimney, exploded among them and a
brisk fusillade followed. Five of the inmates were killed or wounded,
and the others surrendered at once. In the meantime a few men. led by
l'Iberville, had paddled out to one of the Hudson's Bay Company 's
vessels which lay near the fort. They found the watch asleep and killed
him before he could give any alarm. Two more of the crew were sabred as
soon as they put their heads through the hatchway, and the rest were
easily captured. The unfortunate Governor Bridgar, who was on board the
vessel, found himself a prisoner of the French for the second time.



The intrepid old
chevalier determined to strike a swift blow at Fort Albany next. lie now
had two vessels at his command, and placing his men and ten of the
captured camion upon them, he set sail for the western shore of the bay
early in July. None of his men knew exactly where Fort Albany was
situated, but by keeping close to the coast they finally reached it.
They could not take it by surprise, for friendly Indians had notified
Governor Sargeant of the fate of Fort Charles and Moose Fort, and he had
prepared for a siege. His men were a cowardly lot and wished him to
surrender as soon as the cannonade began: but by promises and threats he
kept them at their places for a time. After three days'" bombardment the
governor found that bad breaches had been made in his defences, that two
or three of his men had been killed, and that the rest had no stomach
for further fighting; and so he thought it best to capitulate. Some of
the prisoners were sent to Charlton Island to await the arrival of one
of the company's ships; others were obliged to help de Troves' men carry
their booty to Quebec. It is said that the French secured 50,000 beaver
skins in this raid. The victors were anxious to capture Fort Nelson, the
only post left in the hands of the British; but it was 750 miles away,
none of their men could steer the vessels to it, and none of their
prisoners would. So they had to abandon the scheme. Maricourt was left
in charge of the captured forts, and de Troyes returned to Quebec.
The troubles in their
colonies led England and France to appoint a joint commission in 1686
which concluded a treaty of neutrality, providing for "a firm peace,
union, concord, and good understanding" between the kings of the two
countries. The document declares, "It has been agreed that each of the
said kings shall hold the domains, rights, pre-eminences in the seas,
straits and other waters of America which, and in the same manner which,
they enjoy at present." This left things exactly as they were. Great
Britain holding Fort Nelson and Franee holding the other forts on Hudson
Bay, while the question of sovereignty over the sea was left open.
Commissioners were appointed to carry out the details of the treaty, and
they were instructed to give both nations equal trading rights at Port
Nelson. Denonville. however, wished to give up the forts at Rupert's,
Moose, and Albany rivers to secure exclusive ownership of Port Nelson,
but the Hudson's Bay Company would not listen to the proposal, and so
nothing was done.
This treaty of
neutrality, which was signed in November, 1686, scarcely checked the
hostility of the Company of the North and the Hudson's Bay Company, Both
were making great efforts to monopolize the fur trade of Hudson Bay, and
neither was over-particular about the means employed. The English
company had established a new fort at the mouth of the Severn river in
1665, and the French government had sent d'Iberville back to Fort Albany
to look after its interests along the coast. Fort Albany had been
renamed Ste. Anne by the French. In the summer of 1689 Captain Moon
sailed from Port Nelson with a force of twenty-four men to retake
Albany. He landed and began to throw up defences about eight miles away
from the fort, preparatory to making an attack upon it; but d'Iberville
inarched down, drove Moon's men out of the works, and then set off in
boats and canoes to capture his vessel. Those on board only frustrated
the attempt by burning her. They escaped to the woods: and when Captain
Moon got his men together again, he led them overland to Fort Severn But
d'Iberville followed quickly, forced Fort Severn to surrender m October
and took the governor prisoner. Among the papers seized there he found!
an order to the governor to proclaim William III and Mary as sovereigns
of the British empire. . .
D'Iberville returned to
Fort Ste. Anne to find it invested by two British ships carrying a force
of eighty-three men. They had been instructed to land upon an island in
the mouth of the Chechouan (.Albany; River and build a fortification
from which an attack on Ste. Anne could be made. Their fortification was
partly completed, and some of their cannon had been brought ashore.
Stores were being landed from the ships, and a party of twenty-one men
engaged in this work was ambushed by some of d'Iberville's force and all
were made prisoners. Several days of desultory cannonading, interrupted
by parleys, followed; and then the English surrendered. Alaricourt was
left in charge of the fort: and d'Iberville, with his prisoners, sailed
for Quebec on the Hampshire, one of the vessels surrendered at the fort.
In Hudson Strait he met another of the company's ships, bound for Port
Nelson and having young Chouart on board. He nailed her as if the
Hampshire were still in the company's service and proposed that the two
ships sail in company; and he might have captured her, if storms had not
parted the vessels before his design could be carried out.
Nelson, the best post
on Hudson Bay, still remained in the hands of the English. Denonville
and the Company of the North were anxious to put this fort in the
possession of France, and it was d'Iberville's greatest ambition to
carry out their wishes. The governor thought it might be accomplished by
the ships which dTberville had captured in the bay, if the king would
send a ship of war to aid them; and he recommended that d'Iberville be
given a commission as a lieutenant in the navy. The king was pleased to
give this commission to the colonial leader who had so distinguished
himself; and this royal recognition of merit fired the ambition of other
young men of new France, including that Pierre Gautthier de Yarennes who
had much to do with Manitoba's history a few years later. In 1691
Admiral Tast was sent to Canada with a fleet of fourteen vessels; but he
arrived too late to attempt any operations in Hudson Bay that season,
and dTberville refused to serve in an expedition in which he would do
most of the work and the admiral receive most of the credit. So the
admiral took his fleet elsewhere.
In this same year,
1691, a French frigate appeared before Fort Nelson. Alost of Governor
Pliipps' men were absent on a hunting expedition, and he could not hope
to hold the place for any length of time; but rather than give it up he
burned the fort and its contents and retired up the river. The French
landed, but found nothing to carry off; having no merchandise, they
could not obtain furs from the Indians; and so they sailed away. In the
spring of 1692 Fort Nelson was rebuilt and made stronger than ever.
In 1692 the Hudson's
Bay Company made a determined effort to recover Fort Albany. During the
autumn three well-armed ships were dispatched to Fort Nelson under the
command of Captain Grimington and wintered there. As soon as the harbor
was free of ice in 1693 they sailed to the mouth of the Albany river The
men on board saw no signs of life in the fort as the ship neared it, and
no opposition was offered when they landed. In some surprise they
entered the fort and found but four inhabitants in the place. Three of
them were running away as fast as they could, and the fourth would
probably have followed, if he had been free; hut he had been manacled
and confined in the prison of the fort for the murder of the surgeon and
Father Dalmas, the priest who had been attached to the garrison. Grim
tragedies had been enacted in Fort Albany during the previous winter.
Captain Grimington seems to have gone on to Moose Fort and Fort Charles
and retaken them for the company.
These successes of the
Hudson's Bay Company in 1693 gave the Company of the North special
reasons to renew its request to the king of France for ships to capture
Fort Nelson. D'lberville, being in Paris about that time, seconded the
petition, and two ships were promised for the following year. Early in
August, 1694, the Poll and the Salamandre sailed from Quebec with
d'lberville in command. His brother, de Serigny, captained one of the
vessels, Jeremie was one of the subordinate officers, and Father Marest
went as chaplain. The ships reached the mouth of the Nelson on September
24, and d'lberville immediately landed his men, cannon, ammunition, and
stores. Batteries were erected within 500 yards of the fort, and the
bombardment began.
Jeremie has given a
description of the fort. Along the river front was a crescent-shaped
earthwork, connecting two bastions; one of these housed the officers,
while the other contained a kitchen, smithy, etc. Eight cannon were
mounted on the earthwork, and at its foot there was a platform on which
six more cannon were placed. There were four other bastions, apparently'
placed at the angles of the palisade. These bastions were constructed of
timber, and were armed with cannon and swivel-guns. One of them was used
as a warehouse for furs and merchandise, a second contained provisions,
and a third sheltered the men of the garrison. The total number of
cannon and swivel-guns on the defences was ninety-nine
The bombardment began
on September 25, but the fort was not to be taken so readily as the
others which had fallen into the hands of d 'Iberville. The English made
a stubborn defence; and Henry Kelsey, a young clerk in the service of
the company, distinguished himself by so many acts of bravery lhat, when
they were reported to the company, he received a grant of £40 in
recognition of his services. The French lost several men, de Chateauguav,
one of d'Iberville's young brothers, being killed. The cannonade
continued for three weeks; and then the governor, finding his defences
greatly weakened and his wooden bastions in danger from fire and the
explosions which would follow, thought it unwise to prolong the
struggle. The fort was surrendered on October 15th, and the French
hoisted their country's flag over the coveted northern post. It was
renamed Fort Bourbon, and the river was called the Ste. Therese. Some of
the English were allowed to go to Severn or Albany; others were kept as
prisoners. As the fort was well stocked with provisions, the French
decided to remain there for the winter. On July 20, 1695, d'lberville
sailed away, leaving a garrison of sixty-seven men under de la Forest to
hold the fort. Martigny was his lieutenant, and Jeremie remained as
interpreter and director of trade with the rank of ensign.
We are told that a
force sent overland from Canada took Fort Charles and Moose b'ort during
the summer of 1694; but Albany seems to have remained in the hands of
the English after its capture by Captain Grimington and never to have
been recovered by the French. We are also told that in 1695 the
Bona-venture and the Seaforth captured Moose Fort and Fort Charles for
the Hudson's Bay Company, leaving the French no fort on the bay except
that at Port Nelson. .
As soon as
d'lberville's capture of Fort Nelson was reported in London the Hudson's
Bay Company petitioned the government for ships to retake the place. It
was too late to do anything that season; but in June, 1696, four ships
commanded by William Allen sailed for the bay. The French government had
been kept posted in regard to the intentions of the English, and three
days before the little fleet sailed from England, two French men-of war
were sent to assist de la Forest in the defence of Fort Bourbon. When
they reached their destination, they found that the English vessels had
entered the mouth of the river a few hours earlier. The French captains,
knowing that their ships were no match for the four British vessels and
having no place in which to anchor, could do nothing but sail away for
France, leaving the garrison to its fate. One of their ships never
reached port, and it is supposed that she was wrecked in the ice of
Hudson Strait.
The English began to
bombard the fort on August 29, and on the next day they landed a force,
preparatory to storming the place; but the French commandant, seeing
that the attacking force was far stronger than his own, decided that
further defence would lead to useless loss of life and offered to
surrender. The articles of capitulation, dated August 31, 1696, provided
that de la Forest and his men should march out with drums beating and
flags flying, that they should take with them their personal effects and
the furs which they had obtained in the preceding year, that they should
be taken to the French port of Placentia in Newfoundland, and that their
priest should be at liberty to conduct the exercises of religion among
them. But in those times and in those far northern waters neither
English nor French were careful to observe the terms of a surrender or
the rights of property. The prisoners captured at Fort Nelson were not
taken to Newfoundland, nor were they transferred to a French ship to be
taken to France; but they were carried to Portsmouth and confined in a
prison there for several months before being allowed to cross to Havre.
The English kept the furs found in the fort, and in this they may have
been justified.
The influence of the
French on Hudson Bay was at its lowest ebb. All the efforts they had
made for ten years to establish themselves there seemed wasted. The
brilliant achievements of d'Iberville—his reckless daring and strategy,
his swift attacks, his surprising captures—which had dazzled the
Canadian people for a decade, seemed utterly futile. The Company of the
North had expended money and effort to secure trading posts on the
northern sea, but had received small returns in furs or otherwise; and
France had lent her aid, with no permanent result except loss of ships
and men. At the close of 1696 the Company of the North does not seem to
have had a single trading post on the shore of Hudson Bay, nor did the
flag of France wave over a single fort there. |