conditions, which prevailed over the great Canadian west at the end of
the first decade of the nineteenth century, could not continue long. It
was as vast, as fertile as beautiful then as it is now; yet, except for
the trade in fur, its untold resources were wholly undeveloped. There
were no towns, farms, roads, schools or churches. The country was as
wild as when the white man first found it, except at a few points where
the isolated posts of the fur companies showed that civilization had
marked the region as her own. There was no settled population except a
few factors and clerks in these scattered posts. There was a roving
population of perhaps two thousand people, consisting of Orkney men,
French; and Metis, who served the companies as boatmen, canoemen, and
servants; a few hundred Metis roamed over the plains in pursuit of the
buffalo; and some thousands of Indians, scarcely less civilized than the
hunters, were spread over the great region. Law, order, and the
refinements of civilized life were almost unknown. Bands of savages were
always ready to take the warpath against the villages of hostile tribes,
and between the adherents of the rival fur companies there was a strife
almost as relentless as that which the Indians waged against their
country--so vast in extent, so rich in resources—seemed weary of waiting
for its future and to cry aloud for the new force necessary to its
development. Its greatest need was a settled, agricultural population;
for only in a settled population can law, order, and the refinements of
social life be developed, and most of the industries have their ultimate
roots in the soil. The drama of western history was ready for a new act,
and the leading actor in it had made himself ready for his part.
the mouth of the river Dee in Scotland there is a small and pretty
island called St. Mary's Isle, which formed a part of the estate of the
earls of Selkirk for many years. An old-fashioned family residence stood
upon it, and in this house on June 5, 1771, Thomas Douglas, the seventh
son of the fourth Earl of Selkirk, was born. "When this child came to
man's estate, his ideals and his efforts gave a new direction to the
history of the Canadian west, for he was the first colonizer of
Manitoba, the first to bring to its rich lands the landless,
poverty-stricken people of the Old World.
Douglas family is one of the oldest, largest, and most influential
families in Scotland, and members of it have been prominent in all
departments of the country's life. The Earls of Douglas, Angus, and
Morton belonged to it, also some of the Earls of Ormond and some of the
Dukes of Hamilton. Several members of it were connected with the royal
families of Scotland and England.
Douglas was married to Margaret, daughter of King Robert II; another was
married to a daughter of Robert III; and a third Archibald, Earl of
Angus was married to Margaret, queen-dowager of James
W and sister of Henry
Mil of England. They left a daughter who was
the mother of Lord Darnley and so grandmother
of James I of England.
Douglas family has rendered high service to the state. Two lord
chancellors of Scotland have been Earls of Angus, an Earl of Douglas sat
as a member of the Council of Regency on the death of James I, and the
Earl of Morton was Regent of Scotland in the troublous time of Queen
Mary. The Douglas family has also been prominent in war. Sir James
Douglas, surnamed the Good, commanded
a wing of the Scottish army at Bannockburn in 1314, and sixteen years
later, while on his way to the Holy Land, met his death in Spa in,
battling 'with the Saracens. His brother, Archibald, was killed at
Halidon Hill in 1333, and a grandson of the latter fell at Otterburn in
1388. An Earl of Douglas fought at Shrewsbury in 1403 and afterwards
entered the service of France where he so distinguished himself that he
was made duke of Touraine. There were Douglases at Flodden in 1513, and
two sons of "The Great Earl of Angus," sometimes called "Bell-the-Cat,"
were killed on that bloody field. In recent times many military and
naval officers, bearing the Douglas name, have served the empire well.
In literature, too, the Douglas name has been honored, for one of
Scotland's earliest and greatest poets was Gavin Douglas, son of the
fifth Earl of Angus. Many of the Douglases have been distinguished in
the learned professions, and others have been noted in the field of
scientific research.
traditions of the Douglas family, tempered and refined by the centuries,
could not fail to influence the character and ideals of the lad who was
brought up in the Selkirk home on the little island of Kirkcudbright
Bay. They all pointed to duty to the state in her councils or in her
defense, to service on behalf of his less fortunate fellowmen, to
earnest efforts in literature. "We may be sure that these impulses were
strengthened by the influences of distinguished men whom he met in his
father's house or who were his fellow-students and friends during his
course in the University of Edinburgh. Among the latter were such men as
Sir Walter Scott, Sir A. Ferguson. Lord Abercromby, and William Clark.
The time in which he lived must have left a deep impress upon the
thought and character of Thomas Douglas. Ilis youth was passed in a
period of great intellectual and moral upheaval, the period marked by
the French revolution. Men found themselves forced to abandon their old
theories m regard to the structure of society and their old ethical
standards and were receiving new conceptions of their relations to
society and of their duties to each other.
the case of young Douglas these new ideas found expression in a
practical way, for during his residence in Edinburgh he took an active
part in philanthropic efforts to better the condition of the poor in the
city. Several of his vacations were spent in the Highlands, and the
condition of the crofters there roused his keenest sympathy. He spent
time, strength, and fortune freely to help them; and it is because his
efforts in their behalf planted another outpost on the far frontier of
the British Empire that Thomas Douglas must always be one of the leading
figures in the story of Manitoba. At the present time very few men, who
take the trouble to learn the actual facts, will contend that he was
actuated by mercenary motives in the plans which he made for these poor
people; and when the air has been fully cleared of all the old
animosities, prejudices and misapprehensions, men will see in Thomas
Douglas, Earl of Selkirk, a philanthropist, a patriot, and one of
Britain's empire-builders.
to the year 1745 the relation between a chief and his clansmen in the
Scottish highlands was very like that between a lord and his vassals in
the old feudal days; and the clansman, instead of paying his chief a
fixed rental for the patch of land which he occupied, rendered him such
service and gifts as custom or unwritten law required. But after the
ill-starred attempt of the Stuarts to regain the throne of Britain had
ended in utter failure at Culloden, laws were passed which completely
changed the system of land tenure in the Highlands; and thereafter the
chiefs were landlords, and the clansmen were ordinary tenants, who weft
to pay a fixed rental for their little holdings. The new system was so
foreign to their traditions and habits of life that many of the
Highlanders left their crofts rather than adapt themselves to it and
migrated to the towns or to foreign lands.
Even the clansmen who were willing to hold their lands by the new tenure
were not always allowed to do so, for changes in economic conditions
soon made it more profitable for many owners of estates in the Highlands
to lease their lands in large areas to sheep-raisers than to rent them
in small patches to crofters. So the latter were compelled to abandon
the little farms and cottages which tbey and their ancestors had
occupied for centuries; and as there was little work for them in the
agricultural districts, they naturally drifted to the towns, seeking a
livelihood in occupations for which they had had no training.
make matters worse business was in an unwholesome condition owing to the
long-continued Napoleonic wars. Some industries had been unduly
stimulated, others had been hampered by lack of labor. In the last
decade of the eighteenth century large numbers of laboring men had been
withdrawn from ordinary occupations to till the ranks of Britain's
armies, and in the first decade of the nineteenth century many
discharged soldiers were coming home to swell the ranks of the
Thus the hard conditions in the Highlands were aggravated by the
conditions prevailing over other parts of Great Britain. As a result
there was much distress in the north of Scotland. Perhaps none suffered
more than the former tenants of the Duchess of Sutherland, and their
circumstances seem to have made a special appeal to the generous
instincts of young Douglas. Thus it happened that some of the influences
which have determined the history of Manitoba have their sources in
Scotland's northern shire.
1797 Thomas Douglas succeeded to the title Baron Daer and Shorteleugh.
because all his elder brothers had died; and two years later the death
of his father made him Earl of Selkirk. Young, dominated by high ideals,
ambitious to be of service to the state, wealthy, and the head of an
influential family, we may be sure that the young earl felt the
responsibility which his wealth and influence entailed and that he
pondered more earnestly than ever over plans for relieving the distress
of his countrymen.
Alexander Mackenzie published his "Voyages" in 1801, and this book,
which tells m such a modest way of a great country and great deeds done
in it, probably brought to the young earl the vision which remaining
nineteen years of his life. He saw the western halt of British North
America, vast, fertile, unoccupied; next he saw the poor people of Ins
nativ, land settled in that new country, comfortable and prosperous; and
then, looking forward through the years, he beheld it as one of the
richest possesions of the empire On April 4, 1802, he wrote to the
colonial secretary, outlining a scheme of emigration as a relief to the
distress in the country and suggesting a
suitable field for settlement. Among other things he said:
large tract remains unoccupied on the sea-coast of British America
except barren and frozen deserts. To find a sufficient extent of soil in
a temperate climate
we must go far inland. This inconvenience is not, however, an n
surmountable obstacle to
the prosperity of a colony, and appears to be
amply compensated by other advantages that are to be found in some
remote parts of the British territory. At the western extremity of
Canada, upon the waters which fall into Lake Winnipeg and, uniting in
the great river of Port Nelson, discharge themselves into Hudson Bay, is
a country which the Indian traders represent as fertile and of a climate
far more temperate than the shores of the Atlantic under the same
parallel, and not more severe than that of Germany or Poland. Here,
therefore, the colonists may, with a moderate exertion of industry, be
certain of a comfortable subsistence, and they may also raise some
valuable objects of exportation."
Lord Selkirk saw some of the difficulties in the way of his scheme, but
did not hesitate to speak of them. He says: "The greatest impediment to
a colony in this quarter seems to be the Hudson's Bay Company monopoly,
which the possessors cannot be expected easily to relinquish. They may,
however, be amply indemnified for its abolition without any burden,
perhaps even with advantage to the revenue. The earl also suggested that
the trade of both the rival fur companies might be greatly increased, if
individual agents were limited to fixed district, each being given a
license for his district and no other; and he proposed that the
North-West Company should be allowed free navigation on Hudson Bay,
instead of being forced to transport all its goods, furs, and provision
by the long, laborious, and expensive route of the Great Lakes. The earl
believed the Nelson River to be the natural channel of trade for the
district which he suggested for settlement.
the government did not wish to encourage emigration, and the reply of
the colonial secretary intimated that it could not favor Lord Selkirk's
scheme "because the prejudices of the British people were so strong
against emigration." Apparently, however, neither the government nor
public opinion was so opposed to emigration to less remote parts of the
empire; for in 1803 about 800 Scotch colonists sailed in three ships for
Prince Edward Island and settled on a large tract of land which Lord
Selkirk had purchased there. It became necessary for him to visit the
settlement in the autumn, and when he had seen the colonists well
started on the road to the success which they afterwards achieved, he
went on to the United States.
earl found many of his fellow countrymen in the United States, and his
visit strengthened his conviction that some plan should be devised
whereby emigration from his native land should be diverted to British
colonies to aid in their development rather than that of a foreign
country. This impression
deepened when he went to Toronto and learned of the efforts which were
being made there to settle Upper Canada, with United Empire Loyalists
and disbanded soldiers. He started several colonies in Upper Canada and
spent large sums of money in bringing out settlers, clearing land, and
constructing roads; but the districts for his settlements were not
wisely chosen, and so little success attended his efforts, although he
continued them for several years
Lord Selkirk spent the winter of 1803-4 in Montreal, and there the
larger vision came to him. Many of the wealthiest merchants of the city
were partners of the North-West Company, and the earl was often
entertained by them. Prom them and from other people interested in the
fur trade he gained much information about the vastness of the Canadian
hinterland, the character of its surface, soil, and climate, and the
great quantity of furs to be obtained from. it. Of all the men whom
Selkirk met in Montreal probably none influenced him so much as did
Colin Robertson, a keen-minded, energetic Highlander, who had
spent-several years in the Saskatchewan district as an agent of the
North-West Company but who had withdrawn from the service owing to some
disagreement with the leading directors. Did this man inherit from some
Highland ancestor the gift of second sight which enabled him to foresee
so clearly that the wild land which he knew and loved would soon become
something far better than a hunting ground for fur traders and buffalo
runners? "A great empire will be there some day," was his enthusiastic
exclamation during one of his conversations with Lord Selkirk. And when
his lordship, still brooding over the vision of a British settlement in
that remote region, asked, ''"What part of the great Northwest do you
think best for a colony, Mr. Robertson" the quick, decided answer was.
"At the forks of the Red and the Assiniboine." The reply should be
remembered, for history turned upon it. It should also be remembered
that, when the. statement was made, neither of the fur companies had
occupied that particular district and that a circle drawn with the forks
as a centre and a radius of fifty miles would probably have inclosed
none of their forts except the two at the mouth of the Red River.
Neither company had a post on the spot where their long struggle was to
culminate, neither had stationed an agent on the site of the future
commercial metropolis of the country.
During his visit to Canada Lord Selkirk became acquainted with another
man who has much to do with the story of Manitoba. This was Captain
Miles Macdonell. He was born in Scotland, but his father had afterwards
migrated to the United States, and there the son passed his youth. Both
father and son had served in a regiment which had fought on the British
side during the American Revolution; but when the war was over young
Macdonell did not find the country a congenial place for Loyalists and
so went back to his native land. He married there and a few years later
came out to settle in Upper Canada. It seems more than probable that
Captain Macdonell acted as an agent for Lord Selkirk.
Philanthropic schemes and imperial problems continued to occupy Lord
Selkirk's attention during the years which followed his return to
Scotland. In 1805 he published a pamphlet entitled "Observations on the
Present State of the Highlands of Scotland and the Probable Consequences
of Emigration A' "A Sketch of the Fur Trade," published anonymously the
next year, is believed to be the earl's work, and shortly after two
pamphlets, dealing with plans for civilizing the Indians of British
America, were published, and these too, seem to have been written by
him. In 1807 he submitted to the government a scheme of military defence
very similar to that which ma*y European adopted since; and in the next
year he published a pamphlet entitled The Necessity of a More Effective
Scheme of National Defence in which his ideas were set forth in detail.
This was very favorably received and led to Lord Selkirk's election as a
fellow of the Royal Society.
England's long war against Napoleon went on year alter year, the
condition of her working classes grew steadily worse. The population had
increased rapidly, wages had fallen, and the price of food had risen.
"Scarcity was powered by
a terrible pauperization of the laboring classes. The amount ot the
poor-rate rose
fifty per cent; and with the increase of poverty followed its inevitable
result, the increase of crime." In no part of Britain was the prevailing
distress among the poor felt more severely than in. the Highlands, and
by 1809 it was so acute that some measure for its relief seemed
absolutely necessary. But just at that time the plans over which the
Earl of Selkirk had pondered for seven years took definite shape. On
November 21, 1807, he was married to Jean, the daughter of James
Colville, a wealthy man and a large shareholder in the Hudson's Bay
Company. The stock of the company was a most unprofitable one to hold
just then, and this fact and the position of his father-in-law in the
company had much to do in determining the earl's plans.
Hudson's Bay Company had been almost ruined by its long struggle with
the North-West Company. Its forts had been destroyed, its furs had been
seized, its agents killed or driven away. It could not secure employees
for its posts in Rupert's Land, it received small cargoes of new fur,
and it could not sell the fur in its London warehouses. At one period in
its early history it had paid a dividend of fifty per cent on its actual
capital, and at a later date it had paid twenty-five per cent, on a
capital watered to three times its original value; but its dividends
shrank to five per cent, and in 1808 it could pay no dividend at all. In
1802 the company had borrowed £20,000 from the Bank of England at six
per cent, and a few years later it found itself unable to make new loans
because it could scarcely pay interest on the old ones. In 1809 it had
petitioned the government for a temporary lowering of the duties on its
furs and other favors which would afford some relief from the
difficulties which beset it. but its requests were not granted. As a
result of its unfortunate position, its stock, which once sold for £250
per share, would not bring more than £50 per share.
This was Lord Selkirk's opportunity, he, his father-in-law, and his
other friends bought all the company's shares which could be obtained at
this low price, and in a short time they held about one-third of its
total stock. Sir Alexander Mackenzie and one or two other partners of
the North-West Company held small amounts of the stock of the rival
company, and as soon as they suspected Selkirk's plan, they began to buy
more, but they had entered the field too late to secure any large amount
of it. One of the first indications of Selkirk's influence in the
management of the Hudson's Bay Company was the appointment of Colin
Robertson as its advisor in London, and about the first advice Robertson
gave the company was to relinquish its attempts to secure Orkneymen for
its work ;n the distant interior and employ Frenchmen and
Metis instead.
This would have been a great advantage to the Hudson's Bay Company in
its competition with the Montreal company, but it was sis years before
the suggestion was adopted.
Lord Selkirk's next step was to ask a number of able lawyers to
investigate the validity of the title of the Hudson's Bay Company to the
lands covered by its charter; and, having been advised by them that the
title was absolutely valid, he offered to buy an immense tract of this
land and to place settlers upon it. The offer was first submitted to the
governing committee of the company on February 6, 1811, but the matter
was of such importance that it was referred to a general meeting of the
shareholders to be held May 30. At this meeting the earl's proposal was
vigorously opposed by Sir Alexander Mackenzie and other North-Westers,
as well as by a few of the shareholders who Lad no interest in the
North-West Company; but, after a long discussion, the offer was
area of the district purchased by the earl is estimated at 116,000
square miles, which is almost equal to the total area of Great Britain
and Ireland. The region formed a great quadrilateral and included parts
of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Dakota, and Minnesota. Its boundaries are
thus described: ''Beginning on the western shores of Lake Winnipeg, at a
point on 53° 30' north latitude, and thence running due west to Lake
Winnipegosis. otherwise called Little Lake Winnipeg; thence in a
southerly direction through the said lake so as to strike its western
shore in latitude 52°; thence due west to the place where the parallel
52° intersects the western branch of the Red River, otherwise called the
Assiniboine River: thence due south from that point of intersection to
the heights of land which separate the waters running into Hudson Bay
from those of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers; thence in an easterly
direction along the height of land to the sources of the River Winnipeg,
meaning by such last named river the principal branch of the waters
which unite in the Lake Saginagas; thence along the main stream of those
waters, and the middle of the several lakes through which they flow, to
the mouth of the Winnipeg River; and thence in a northerly direction
through the middle of Lake Winnipeg to the place of beginning, which
territory is called Assiniboia.'' This makes it plain that the map
submitted to the courts of Upper Canada by agents of the North-West
Company a few years later are not correct in showing that Selkirk's
purchase extended to Lake Superior. His lordship seems to have believed
that the governing powers conferred on the Hudson's Bay Company by its
charter were transferred to him so far as they applied to the land which
he had purchased.
this immense domain Lord Selkirk paid a very small sum. He was to place
as many settlers upon it as possible, selling the land to them at a very
low price, such settlers to pay for their passage when taken out in the
company's ships. He also engaged to supply the company with at least two
hundred servants each year for ten years and to give them free grants of
land (one hundred acres each) at the end of their service, if they
wished to remain in the country. These employees were to receive free
transportation to Rupert's Land in the ships of the company. He also
agreed to quiet the Indian title to the lands he had purchased and to
provide the necessary protection for his colonists. This, in brief, was
Lord Selkirk's scheme for relieving the distress of the Highlands and
for settling the great prairies of western Canada. |