"When the Earl of Selkirk left Toronto in June, 1816, with his voyageurs
and his military settlers, he intended to take a southerly route across
Lake Superior, so as to avoid any clash with the North-West Company in
the vicinity of Fort William, cross Minnesota to the Red River, and
follow it down to his settlement. It was late in July when he completed
the transfer of his supplies across the portage at Sault Ste. Marie; and
almost as soon as his canoes were launched on Lake Superior, he met
Miles Macdonell, hurrying hack with news of the disaster which had
befallen his colony. It was so evident that the loss of life at Seven
Oaks and the expulsion of the settlers were results of the plotting of
the North-West partners and clerks that Lord Selkirk felt justified in
trying to bring some of the culprits to justice. He waited long enough
to lay information against the North-West partners at Fort William
before Mr. Askin and Mr. Ermatinger, two justices of the peace stationed
near Sault Ste. Marie, and to ask that they be placed under arrest. But
the two magistrates, believing the matter to be a quarrel between the
fur companies, refused to take any action, and Selkirk felt compelled to
act himself. So he changed his plans and went to Fort William, arriving
on August 12. There he arrested several of the partners and clerks of
the North-West [Company and sent them to Toronto for trial. lie also
seized some of the company's books and papers containing damaging
evidence against it, and he released a few prisoners, who had been
captured and held by the North-Westers because they had given active
support to the Hudson's Bay Company in the conflicts at Red River. J. B.
Lajimoniere was among those set free, but he was too useful to be
allowed to return home at once.
proceedings against the North-West agents at Fort William delayed Lord
Selkirk until the latter part of August. Then it was necessary to secure
additional supplies, and when that was done, the season was so far
advanced that the expedition could not be taken through the woods to
Fort Douglas before winter set in. So the party went into camp for the
winter at a place a few miles west of Fort William, since known as Point
de Meuron. The autumn was not passed in complete inaction, however. A
party of Selkirk's soldiers took possession of a North-West post at
Michipicoten; another took the post at Fond du Lac and brought in the
North-West agent as a prisoner; and a third pushed through the forest to
the foot of Rainy Lake, seized Fort St. Pierre on October 9, and
captured the murderer Reinhart who was lurking there.
the early part of the winter Lajimoniere was sent to his home in the Red
River Settlement and reached it a few days before Christmas. While a
prisoner at Fort William, he had been told that his wife and children
had been killed, and so he was overjoyed to find them alive, although
housed in a rude hut .m the banks of the river. Neither to them nor to
his old companions did the faithful scout give any hint of the earl's
plans, and so the North-Westers took no steps to make their position in
Fort Douglas more secure.
the first days of January, 1817, Captain d'Orsonnens, Miles Macdonell,
and a detachment of the de Memon
soldiers were sent forward to Red River. They went by way of Fond du Lac
and Red Lake to the Red River, and followed the stream until they were a
few miles above the Forks; then they struck across the country until
they reached the Assiniboine near St. James. There they remained a day
or two to make scaling ladders; but no whisper of their presence seems
to have got abroad. The night of the 10th came, and a heavy snowstorm
intensified the darkness. Leaving their place of concealment, the
soldiers marched silently down the river to Fort Douglas, placed their
scaling ladders against its palisades, climbed over, and had possession
of the place before the North-Westers
suspected that they were near. Alexander McDonell retired from te
settlement, his clerks scattered to other posts of the North-West
Company, and the de Meuron soldiers took up their quarters in the fort
to await the coming of Lord Selkirk.
soon as possible Captain d'Orsonnens sent some of his men to the
refugees at Jack River to tell them that the earl would arrive in the
spring to reorganize his unfortunate colony, that he would reimburse
them for their losses, and that they would have adequate protection, if
they returned to their farms. Finally they were induced to go back and
reached the ruined settlement in the early part of June. Captain
d'Orsonnens reinstated them on their farms, gave them some grain and
potatoes for seed, and supplied them with provisions to tide them over
the summer.
Lord Selkirk, with the remainder of his men, left Point de Meuron on May
1, 1817, and followed his advance party to Fort Douglas where he arrived
about the end of June. Early in the following month the settlers were
called together to meet him. The meeting was held out of doors on the
ground now occupied by St. John's cathedral. Winnipeg. It wan a dramatic
moment in the history of Manitoba, and some day an artist will reproduce
the scene in a worthy painting. In front of the gathering the river
flowed, undisturbed by the struggles and sufferings of the people on its
banks; beyond it on the east side the thick woods seemed to shut the
settlement from the rest of the world; behind the quiet people the open
prairie, stretching westward for nearly a thousand miles, seemed to
invite them to occupy it; the few buildings of Fort Douglas on their
right and the scattered dwellings of the settlement on their left stood
as monuments of their long struggle with adverse circumstances; over
them was the sunlit July sky of the west.
Nearly every resident of the district must have been present that day.
The French and Metis would come out of neighborly feeling; the
time-expired servants of the fur companies, who had decided to remain m
the country, would be present; a few Indians would come out of
curiosity; a hundred of the de Meurons would attend; and the two hundred
settlers—men of the Highlands, the Orkneys and Hebrides, natives of
England and Ireland—would be in the foreground. It was no gaily dressed
party, rejoicing in a summer holiday, but a group of battered men. weary
women, and ragged children, disheartened by the harsh reception accorded
them by the land of their adoption but not quite ready to abandon it
because they still had confidence in its future. Some had endured its
hardships for two years, others for six; but they were united in the
bond of sympathy formed by sharing common hopes and common dangers. They
had endured the weariness of the long voyage to Hudson Bay, the winter
cold in the rude huts at Churchill and York, the toil of the boat trip
to the prairies, and the misery of Fort Daer; they had been driven from
their poor homes to suffer unrecorded privations at Jack River; some of
their friends had died, others had been killed, and many had moved away;
and yet the survivors, destitute of everything except courage, hope, and
a capacity for patient endurance, were still determined to make homes
for themselves on the western prairies. The future of Manitoba was in
their keeping
Before the people, whom fate had treated so harshly, stood the man who
had seen the vision and whose enthusiasm had led them to the lonely
land. Tall and spare, with kindly face and affable manner, his personal
magnetism and genuine interest in their welfare still had power to renew
their hope and courage. The Earl of Selkirk had many of the qualities of
a leader of men— high ideals, sympathy, determination He may have lacked
foresight, perhaps he insisted too strongly on what he considered his
rights, and he may have been too impetuous in dealing with opponents;
but he was kind to the poor people who had entrusted their future to his
guidance. He spent his resources freely to aid them, and his estate must
have been greatly impaired by his efforts at colonization.
"What were the thoughts of this man as he stood on the banks of the
muddy river and looked over the fair land which had been in his mind so
much of the. time for fifteen years? If he felt disappointment as he
remembered the circumstances which had baffled his best plans up to that
time, or if he felt anxiety as he looked forward to the future of his
colony, he did not show either to the waiting people. To them he spoke
only of hope and of ultimate success. They were to reoccupy their land
along the river, and twenty-four of the men, having improved their farms
previous to their expulsion by the Metis, would receive titles
absolutely free. The farms were to be laid out on the west bank of the
river in accordance with the original plan of Captain Miles Macdonell;
and Peter Elder, the surveyor of the Hudson's Bay Company, would make
the surveys. Each owner of a farm was to have the privilege of cutting
wood on ten acres of land on the east bank of the river, and until these
wood-lots were surveyed, he might cut wood on any portion of his
lordship's land which was most convenient. When the land ori the east
bank of the river was surveyed into farms, the settlers on the other
bank were to have the first chance to purchase them. For a time the
settlers were to receive provisions on his lordship's credit.
earl's plans for the welfare of his colony did not stop here. He wished
to provide for their intellectual improvement and their spiritual needs.
"Here," said he, pointing to the lot on which they stood (No. 4), "you
shall build your church; that lot (No. 3) is for your school. When some
of the settlers, assured by his kindness, ventured to remind him that
Rev. Mr, Sage, the Presbyterian clergyman for whom they had waited
several years, had not arrived and that Elder James Sutherland had gone
away, the earl renewed his promise to send them a
Selkirk never forfeits his word", he added. Finally his lordship gave
the new settlement the name of Kildonan, the name of the parish in
far-away Scotland which had been the home of many of the people before
appears that a number of French people, who had been drawn to the
country by the fur trade, had built homes on the east bank of the Red
River almost opposite to the site of Fort Douglas, and that many of the
Metis made their homes in the same locality, when not absent on buffalo
hunts. The total French and half-breed population of the district may
have been two hundred. Naturally many of the de Meuron and de Wattville
soldiers wished to settle among these people, and so farms were allotted
to them along the Seine River. As some of them were Germans, the stream
took the name of German Creek. It was out of compliment to these German
settlers that the name of their patron saint, St. Boniface, was given to
the little village which grew up there. Lord Selkirk was as anxious to
provide a priest for the Roman Catholics in his colony as to obtain a
minister for the Presbyterians. Father Bourke was a member of the very
first party sent out from Stornoway but Miles Macdonell did not find him
adapted for the work to be done in the new settlement, and so he was
allowed to return to Ireland from York Factory.
Almost as soon as Captain Macdonell arrived with his first party of
settlers, Lord Selkirk began to urge him to quiet the Indian title to
the lands which they would occupy; but, although he frequently referred
to the matter in subsequent letters, Macdonell did nothing except to ask
detailed instructions as to the method of procedure. Perhaps he was
really at a loss to know what steps to take; perhaps he thought the
matter of little importance, especially as the Indians in the
neighborhood of the settlement had seemed so well disposed towards the
colonists. But the earl was convinced that it was very important to
secure from the Indians a formal surrender of their title to the lands
which his settlers would take up^-and he thought such a step doubly
necessary in view of the notions which the North-Westers had tried to
instill into the minds of the Indians and half-breeds. So on July 18 he
called the chiefs and warriors of the Ojibway and Cree tribes together
and concluded a formal treaty with them. It was embodied in the
following document:
"This Indenture, made on the 18tli day of July, in the fifty-seventh
year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King George the Third, and in
the year of our Lord 1817, between the undersigned Chiefs and Warriors
of the Chippeway or Saulteaux Nation, and of the Killistino or Cree
Nation, on the one part, and the Right Honourable Thomas Earl of Selkirk
on the other part. Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the
annual present or quit-rent hereinafter mentioned, the said Chiefs have
given, granted, and confirmed, and do by>these presents give, grant, and
confirm, unto our Sovereign Lord the King, all that tract of land,
adjacent to Red River and Assiniboine River, beginning at the mouth of
the Red River, and extending along the same as far as the Great Forks at
the mouth of Red Lake River, and along Assiniboine River as far as Musk-Iiat
River, otherwise called Riviere des Champignons, and extending to the
distance of six miles from Fort Douglas (the first polony fort) on every
side, and likewise from Fort Daer (at Pembina), and also from the Great
Forks, and in other parts extending in breadth to the distance of two
English statute miles back from the banks of the said rivers, on each
side, together with all the appurtenances whatsoever of the said tract
of land, to have and to hold forever the said tract of land, and
appurtenances, to the use of the said Earl of Selkirk, and of the
settlers being established thereon, with the consent and permission of
our Sovereign Lord the King, or of the said Earl of Selkirk. Provided
always, and these presents are under the express condition, that the
said Earl, his heirs and successors, or their agents, shall annually pay
to the Chiefs and Warriors of the Chippeway or Saulteaux Nation the
present, or quit-rent, consisting of one hun dred pounds weight of good
merchantable tobacco, to be delivered on or before the tenth day of
October at the Forks of Assiniboine River; and to the Chiefs and
Warriors of the Kinistineaux or Cree Nation a like present, or
quit-rent, of one hundred pounds of tobacco, to be delivered to them on
or before the said tenth day of October, at Portage de la Prairie, on
the banks of Assiniboine River. Provided always that the traders
hitherto established upon any part of the above-mentioned land, shall
not be molested in the possession of the lands which they have already
cultivated and improved, till His Majesty's pleasure shall be known.
witness whereof, the Chiefs aforesaid have set their marks at the Forks
of Red River, on the day aforesaid.
"Mociie AY Keocab
(Le Sonent),
(Premier, alias Grande Oreilles),
(La Robe Noire),
(L'Homme Noir),
.'"Signed in the presence of Thomas Thomas, James Bird, F. Matthey,
Captain, I'. d'Orsennens, Captain, Miles Macdonell, J. Bte. Chr. de I-iOrimier,
Louis Nolin, interpreter.'
Each of the chiefs made his mark in the form of an outline of some
animal, his totem. The Chippeway or Saulteaux Indians were mentioned
first in this treaty, and the fact gave offence to the Crees, for the
Chippewas had not reached the Red River country much before the white
men arrived there and were consequently regarded as interlopers by the
Crees, who had been in the country for centuries. The anger of the Crees
showed itself in threats to drive the Saulteaux back to their own
district about Lake Superior and to reclaim the lands on which the
whites had settled, urrless the mention of the Saulteaux was deleted
from the treaty.
disorder and lawlessness which had prevailed in the west for years and
which had culminated in the arrests, robberies, and bloodshed of 1815
and 1816, finally roused the home government to interfere, and a
somewhat peremptory request was sent to the government of Canada to put
an end to the disgraceful state of affairs. In the dispatch sent to the
governor-general the following paragraph occurs:
"You will also require, under similar penalties, the restitution of all
forts, buildings, or trading stations, with the property which they
contain, which may have been seized or taken possession of by either
party, to the party who originally established or constructed the same,
and who were in possession of them previous to the recent disputes
between the two companies. You will also require the removal of any
blockade or impediment, by which any party may have attempted to prevent
the free passage of traders, or others of His Majesty's subjects, or the
natives of the country, with their merchandise, furs, provisions and
other effects throughout the lakes, rivers, roads and every other usual
route or communication heretofore used for the purpose of the fur trade
in the interior of North America, and the full and free permission of
all persons to pursue their usual and accustomed trade without hindrance
or molestation.''
governor-general appointed Lieutenant-Colonel
W. B. Coltman and Major Fletcher as a commission to inquire into the
troubles and existing conditions in the Red River Settlement. These
gentlemen left Montreal in May, 1817, en route for the field of their
inquiry. At Fort William they learned that the sheriff of Upper Canada,
by virtue of a writ of restitution, had taken possession of the fort and
its contents and restored them to the North-West Company. Proceeding
westward, the commissioners compelled the restoration of all seized
property as far as was possible. They reached Red River about the first
of July and found Fort Douglas already in the hands of the original
owners. Fort Gibraltar, having been completely destroyed, could not be
restored, but the Norlh-West Company was allowed to construct new
buildings for its trade. The members of the commission met Lord Selkirk
during their stay in the colony and seem to have been impressed with his
fairmindedness and sincerity. Major Fletcher appears to have taken
little active interest in the work of the commission; but Colonel
Coltman, notwithstanding his former connection with the Hudson's Bay
Company, seems to have done his work in an impartial and thorough
manner, and his report did much to bring peace to the troubled colony.
The mandate of the government against further acts of violence on the
part of the two fur companies was obeyed in Assiniboia; but in the far
west and the north depredations and counter-depredations continued for
three years longer. Colin Robertson was to be kept a prisoner by the
North-Westers for months at lie a la Crosse, half a dozen North-Westers
were to be captured by the Hudson's Bay Company's men at Grand Rapids on
the Saskatchewan, Benjamin Frobisher was to perish from cold and hunger
in his desperate attempt to escape from his captors, many another
stout-hearted partizan was to suffer or die, and much property of both
companies was to be destroyed before the long struggle between the
companies was terminated by their amalgamation.
Having done all that lay in his power to promote the welfare of his
colonists, Lord Selkirk left Red River and went back to New York,
intending to return to Scotland; but he was compelled to go north to
Canada to answer to criminal charges in the courts of Montreal and
Toronto. Wearisome and expensive trials, Selkirk being defendant in some
and plaintiff in others, kept him in Canada for nearly a year. He
returned to England in 1818, broken in health and spirits. Shortly
afterwards he went to southern France, hoping for restoration to health.
But his hopes were not realized. He died at Pau on April 8, 1820. and
his body was buried in the Protestant cemetery at Orthes. Lord Selkirk's
great opponent, Sir Alexander Mackenzie, had passed away only
twenty-seven days earlier. |