incidents connected with the Sayer trial showed that the courts of
Assiniboia were powerless to enforce any decision which did not meet
with popular approval, and they gave occasion for a renewal of the
request that a military force, strong enough to keep the peace in times
of excitement, should be sent to the settlement. At such times the local
constabulary force was wholly inadequate.
Other circumstances had indicated, from time to time, the necessity of
some military protection. When the first white settlers arrived in the
colony, most of the Indian tribes showed themselves friendly, the
genuine friendship and helpfulness of Chief Peguis and his band being
manifested on many occasions. From the first Lord Selkirk recognized
that the goodwill of the Indians was necessary to the prosperity of his
colony, and the treaty which he made with the Ojibways and the Crees in
1817 was a measure intended to perpetuate their friendship. The friendly
attitude of Peguis' Indians was always maintained, but there were
occasional manifestations of hostility on the part of other bands which
caused the settlers much alarm. Sometimes the enmity seemed confined to
individual Indians, and may be explained by the uncertain moods of the
savage; but at other times entire bands of Indians seemed animated by
hostility toward the whites. In some cases the desire of plunder may
have been at the bottom of their unfriendly acts; in other cases they
bad persuaded themselves, or had been persuaded by others, that the
whites had wronged them. The enmity between the North-West Company and
the Hudson's Bay Company and the depredations and bloodshed which
resulted from it must have exercised a mischievous influence upon the
savages. Another source of danger lay in the number of Indian races
found in the country, for their intertribal quarrels often threatened
the peace and safety of the settlement.
Colonel W. B. Coltman wrote from his camp at the mouth of the Winnipeg
River on July 2, 1817, as follows:
regret to have to state that early last month (June) ten persons in the
service of Lord Selkirk or the Hudson's Bay Company, who had wintered on
the upper part of the main branch of the Red River, were attacked, it is
supposed, either by Sioux or Assiniboine Indians on their return, and
five of the number killed and three wounded; each party wishes to
represent it as the result of the intrigues of the other with the
Indians; this appears to be the only instance of bloodshed which has
occurred in the Indian territories since the appointment of the
Colonel Coltman seems to have considered military protection one of the
colony's greatest needs, although the difficulty of maintaining a body
of soldiers in such a remote locality and the small number of people in
the settlement were obstacles in the way of securing it. He therefore
"recommended the appointment of constables, with the addition of a
defensive force, under the name, and recognized in our old law books, of
'Watch and Ward,' to act under the chief constable, as being the best
and perhaps the only legitimate mode that can be devised of providing
for the security of the inhabitants, so long as they cannot participate
in the direct protection of His Majesty's regular forces."
the long struggle between the North-West Company and the Hudson's Bay
Company for the control of the fur trade in Rupert's Land intoxicating
liquor of the vilest quality was given and sold to the Indians more and
more freely, and this practice led to many acts of violence on their
part. Sir George Simpson said:
"During the baneful contest between the Hudson's Bay and the North-West
Companies spirits were bartered on both sides, the Indians were
demoralized, and there were continual riots and breaches of the peace."
John Richardson noticed the same deplorable state of affairs. He said:
1819, when I accompanied Sir John Franklin out on his first expedition,
the two companies were at war. * * * The Indians were spending days in
drunkenness at the different posts, and a contest altogether shocking to
humanity was carried on. When we went out on the second occasion, the
Hudson's Bay Company, having the sole trade of the country and the sole
management of the Indians, there was an improvement; spirits were no
longer carried to the north, or only in small quantities."
Finally the company ceased to give or sell liquor to the natives and
prohibited its importation into the country by private parties. The
beneficial results of this policy were apparent at once. In his evidence
before a parliamentary commission J. H. Lefroy said:
"The best preservative for the peace of the country was taken by the
Hudson's Bay Company about 1832, when they stopped sending spirits into
it, almost entirely."
Crees claimed the Red River country as their own and regarded the
Saulteaux, who came to the country much later, as interlopers; but Lord
Selkirk, by including the Saulteaux in the treaty which he made, seemed
to recognize their title to the lands which his settlers had occupied.
This angered the Crees, and for some years after the treaty had been
signed they threatened at intervals to expel the Saulteaux from the
country, unless the names of these new-comers were expunged from the
treaty and all the payments of tobacco were made to themselves. If the
Crees had attempted to carry out these threats, the settlers would have
suffered, and so they were alarmed every time the Crees resurrected
their old grievance.
Another cause of alarm lay in the enmity which existed between the
Saulteaux and the Sioux. During the summer of 1834 a party of Sioux, led
by a chief called Burning Earth, came to Fort Garry ostensibly on a
visit. As Mr. Thomas Simpson says in his account of the affair, "All
went on pleasantly till the evening, when a large party of Saulteaux
galloped suddenly into the court. They were completely armed, and
breathed fury and revenge, having lost forty of their relatives by an
attack of the Sioux a year or two before. We instantly stationed a
strong guard for the defence of the strangers who had thrown themselves
on our hospitality. The great difficulty was now to get the strangers
safely home again. We supplied them with provisions, some tobacco,
clothing, and ammunition. * * 1'arisien and his half-breeds undertook to
conduct the Sioux safely out into the open plains, where they might set
their bush-fighting foes at defiance." Parisien and his fifty-three
Metis got the Sioux safely across the Assiniboine River; but when some
of the excited Saulteaux attempted to follow, Mr. Simpson and one or two
other whites ordered them to return, threatening to shoot them if they
did not obey. This action was misunderstood by both parties of Indians,
and a murderous affray was narrowly averted. "If you are so fond of
shooting," said one Indian to the whites, "come on, and we will tight it
years later a larger party of Sioux came north to Fort Garry. The
leader, a chief named Ulaneta or Wanna I ah, had two hundred and fifty
men with him; but when he came near to the fort, he left one hundred and
eighty of his followers in ambush and entered with seventy only. They
were received kindly and dismissed as soon as possible, and as none of
the Saulteaux appeared, there was no trouble. Incidents of this kind,
showing that hostilities between Indian tribes might break out at any
time, fully justified the governor and his council m deciding to
organize a volunteer force in 1835.
Metis buffalo hunters were obliged to cross the country occupied by the
Sioux in making the journey to and from their hunting-grounds, and so it
was important that their relations with that fierce tribe should be as
friendly as possible. This friendship between the half-breeds and the
Sioux helped to prevent outbreaks between the latter and the Saulteaux.
But in 1840 the Sioux became less friendly, and year after year some of
the hunters were killed by them. At last the Metis began to retaliate,
killing some of the Indians and plundering others. This went on for four
years, but in 1844 the Sioux asked for peace. The correspondence over
the matter, which has been preserved, was conducted by four chiefs—The
Earth Which Burns, The Thunder That Rings, The Black Bull, and The
Sun—on behalf of their tribesmen, and by Cuthbert Grant on behalf of the
Metis. It resulted in an agreement between both parties to forget the
past and to keep the peace in future.
celebrate the conclusion of this treaty a party of Sioux came to Fort
Garry early in the summer of 1844. The Saulteaux seem to have been a
party to the treaty and did not molest their old enemies during their
second party of Sioux came down to the fort on August 31. The visitors
were well entertained, and after a time they crossed the river to St.
Boniface to view the new cathedral. While they were absent, the
Saulteaux gathered at Fort Garry; but they showed no signs of hostility,
and whites and Indians mingled in the crowd which gathered on the bank
of the river to await the return of the Sioux. No sooner, however, had
the Sioux landed than a shot was fired. The bullet killed the Sioux
against whom it was aimed, passed through his body and killed a Saulteau
grazing a white man in its passage. There was much confusion; but the
Saulteaux dispersed at once, and the Sioux were lodged inside the fort.
When an inquiry was instituted, the murderer was found to be a Saulteau.
He had not sought safety in flight with the others and was soon found
and committed to prison. He coolly admitted that he had fired the shot,
saying, '' The Sioux killed my- brother and wounded myself last year;
from that moment I vowed revenge; that revenge I have now taken and am
satisfied. Do with me what you like."
Doubtless the action of this Indian was justified by the ethical
standards of his people, but the authorities in the Red River Settlement
felt the necessity of making the natives understand that they must
conform to the law of the white man. So the Indian was tried before a
jury, and as there was no question as to his guilt, he was condemned to
be hung. The sentence was carried out on September 6, 1845, the first
case of capital punishment in the history of the colony. It was feared
that the Indians and their sympathizers might make a disturbance, and
five hundred armed horsemen were called together to act as a guard.
There was no disorder, however, and the lesson does not seem to have
been lost upon the Indians.
is possible that this affair had something to do with the sending of a
small body of regular troops to Red River, although they were sent out
with sealed orders and no one seems to know the purpose of the war
office. Some have supposed that the British government feared that the
attitude of the people of the United States in regard to the "Oregon
Boundary" might lead to some overt act against the Red River colony, but
there is little reason for this supposition beyond a line in the journal
of the officer who commanded the force. This force consisted of three
hundred and five men of the Sixth Royal Regiment of Foot, twenty-six
artillerymen, and twelve sappers; and it was accompanied by seventeen
women and nineteen children. Colonel John Crofton was in command. The
expedition was embarked on the
Blenheim and the
Crocodile at Cork on June 25, 1846, and
sailed the next day. The
Blenheim reached York Factory- on August 8,
and her sister ship arrived five days later. The force was sent up the
Hayes River in four brigades, the first starting on August 16, and by
September 19 all had reached Lower Fort Carry. The sappers and one
hundred and fifty men of the Sixth were left there under command of
Captain Sullivan, and the remainder of the force was stationed at Upper
Fort Garry.
There does not seem to have been any occasion for employing these men in
active service during their stay in the country; but their time was
occupied with drills and amusements as far as possible. The colonel
organized classes for instructing them in reading and writing during the
winter months. He also aided Judge Thom in an attempt to establish a
"Colonial Library." The winter seems to have been unusually long and
severe, and some of the poorer people of the colony required assistance.
The colonel's journal shows that he found the weather, the country, and
its inhabitants very little to his liking, and that he looked forward
anxiously to the coming of spring when he could be relieved of his
command and return to England. Major Griffiths arrived and took over the
command of the troops on June 15, 1847; and two weeks later Colonel
Crofton left the Red River Settlement for Canada, going by the old route
of the fur traders. During his stay- in the colony Colonel Crofton acted
as its governor and occupied a seat in the Council of Assiniboia, and
Major Griffiths succeeded to both these positions as well as to the
command of the troops.
soldiers of the Sixth Royals seem to have conducted themselves so as to
win the respect of the settlers, and their presence in the colony
brought a sense of security to its people. When the force was recalled
in 1848 about a dozen of its members elected to remain in the
settlement. At least three of these—Charles Lant, Richard Salter, and
James Irwin—lived to be old men, the last having passed away in
"Winnipeg only a few years ago.
Before leaving Port Garry Colonel Crofton wrote:
is obvious that veterans would, in a country like this, be the best
force, and, by permitting them to settle in the colony, a loyal and
martial feeling would grow up, and the colony would be able to resist
any hostile attack."
Still later the colonel made the following suggestion:
"The officers and men of a regiment of the line, I am convinced, are
less suited for Red River than colonial companies would be."
Both of Colonel Crofton's suggestions seem to have been adopted in turn.
The Royals were succeeded by seventy pensioners under the command of
Major Caldwell, who acted as governor for seven years. This force was
wholly inadequate, even for suppressing local disturbances, as was shown
in the Sayer affair a year after the old soldiers arrived at Fort Garry.
Moreover the conduct of many of them was too much like that of the de
Meuron soldiers, who came to the settlement thirty years earlier, to
make them a desirable element in the community. After the Sayer trial
nothing seems to have seriously disturbed the peace of the settlement
until 1851, when Governor Ramsey of Minnesota visited Pembina and
concluded a treaty with the Indians for the purchase of a large tract of
land on the upper Red River. This treaty caused considerable excitement
among the Metis of the Red River Settlement, who considered themselves
the rightful owners of the disputed lands at Pembina because of their
efforts to make a settlement there. The excitement seems to have spent
itself in talk, however. The pensioners' term of service expired in
1855, and for the next two years there were no troops in the colony; but
in 1857 the second of Colonel Crofton's suggestions was tried, and
several companies of Canadian Rifles were sent to Fort Garry, where they
remained for about four years. In August. 1861, these men were sent down
to York Factory, where they took ship for a port in Canada.
1862 the peace of the Red River Settlement was again disturbed by the
hostility of Indians, although on this occasion the Indians were living
in the United States. The Sioux resident in Minnesota had ceded their
lands to the government by a treaty and were entitled to certain annual
payments of money in return Several thousands of the natives gathered at
the usual places for receiving their "treaty money" a little in advance
of the regular time for its payment; but for some reason the agents did
not arrive at the appointed time. "Weeks passed, the Indians consumed
the small quantity of provisions which they had brought with them, and
having no means of securing more, they were on the verge of starvation.
This was the culmination of a long list of grievances, and having waited
six weeks, a band of Sioux under their chief, Little Crow, made an
attack upon Fort Ridgeley and the neighboring town of New Ulm. The town
was destroyed, and this outbreak was followed by a general rising of the
tribe and the massacre of the white settlers along the Minnesota and
Sauk Rivers. It is estimated that one thousand five hundred settlers
were killed. Houses were burned, crops were destroyed, and the whole
country was devastated. Of course the surviving settlers retaliated, and
their acts were scarcely less barbarous than those of the savages.
stage route which led from Fort Garry to the towns of the upper
Mississippi passed through the district in which the enraged Sioux were
committing their depredations. One of the stage coaches was attacked by
them, and the passengers were killed; so communication by stage was
suspended at once. Fort Abercrombie was besieged by a large body oi'
Indians, although it held out successfully against them; and it was
thought that they would capture Georgetown, where the Hudson's Bay
Company had a post. Messrs. Murray and Kittson,^ the men in charge of
the post, decided to put all their portable goods on a river steamer and
leave the buildings to their fate. But the water in the river was so low
that the steamer grounded, and then a part, of her cargo was transferred
to a barge, and the rest was sent north in carts. The barge reached Fort
Garry safely in due time, but the train of carts was not so fortunate.
At the junction of Red Lake River and the Red River about seven hundred
and fifty Chippewa Indians were waiting for the arrival of Mr. Dole, a
commissioner sent by the United States government to make a treaty with
them for the surrender of some of their lands. The goods which he had
intended to distribute among them were in Fort Abercrombie, which was
surrounded by the Sioux, and so were not available. When the
disappointed Chippewas saw the train of carts loaded with the goods
which Messrs. Murray and Kittson were taking to the Hudson's Bay
Company's store at Fort Garry, they demanded from these gentlemen the
supplies which Commissioner Dole was unable to give them. When their
request was not granted, they pillaged the train and carried off goods
worth about £2,000.
Fortunately these disturbances in Minnesota did not occur until quite
late in the summer, and most of the season's freighting had been done;
but nevertheless the interruption to trade and to communication with the
outside world was quite a serious matter for the Red River Settlement.
There was also danger that the Indians living north of the international
boundary would be incited to acts of violence by the hostile movements
of their friends south of it. The feeling of uneasiness was intensified
by a rumor that the Sioux of Minnesota intended to pay a friendly visit
to Fort Garry. So real did the danger appear to the people of Red River
that Governor Dallas called his council together on October 30, 1862, to
discuss the matter. It was decided to send a petition from the settlers
to the colonial secretary, pointing out the danger of a disturbance by
the Indians and asking that troops be sent for the protection of the
colony. Meetings were held in different places throughout the
settlement, and the petition was signed by (me thousand one hundred and
eighty-three persons, more than half of them being French and
half-breeds. Some of the more outspoken opponents of the rule of the
Hudson's Bay Company took advantage of the occasion to aim a blow at
that corporation by sending an independent petition for troops, with
which they coupled a complaint in regard to the company's government of
the colony. Both petitions were sent to the colonial secretary by mail,
and both were disregarded, the colony being left to its own resources
for protection against enemies to its peace, either within or without
its borders.
threatened visit of the Sioux was made in December. There were
eighty-six in the party. They were housed in the court-house and treated
well by the officials of Fort Garry, and after three days they returned
to the neighborhood of Devil's Lake. This visit renewed the alarm of the
colonists, and in the spring four hundred and fifty of them signed a
petition to the Governor and Council of Assiniboia, asking that a local
militia be established. Some preliminary steps toward the organization
of such a force were taken, but the plan was not carried to completion.
In August another band of Sioux, numbering eighty, came north under the
leadership of their chief, Little Crow, and demanded food and ammunition
from the authorities at Fort Garry. They received the former only, and
after a few days they departed with the buffalo hunters for the plains.
Father Andre, the priest who accompanied the hunters that summer, had
considerable influence with the Sioux, and he tried to persuade them to
submit to General Sibley, the officer in command of the force sent to
subdue them; but he was not successful Later in the year Senator Ramsay
of Minnesota concluded a treaty with many of the bands of Chippewas, by
which they relinquished their claims to a large area of land in
consideration of receiving a sum of money mounting into the millions;
and this simplified the problem of dealing with the Sioux.
Late in 1863 the United States government placed a garrison at Pembina,
Major Hatch being in command. Its presence scared the Sioux away from
the vicinity, and some six hundred of them came north and camped at
Sturgeon Creek, a few miles west of Fort Garry. They were most unwelcome
visitors, for the crops of the summer had been very light and the winter
was unusually severe, and the settlers could ill afford to feed six
hundred starving Indians. There was talk of driving them away by force,
and negotiations for their removal were opened with Major Hatch. Some of
their chiefs were kidnapped and taken south; but Major Hatch's force was
not strong enough to compel the others to follow their chiefs, even if
international difficulties had not stood in the way of such a
proceeding. The officials at Fort Garry gave the Indians some food, and
they consented to go to Minnesota without compulsion and started away
early in the new year. They went no further than White Horse Plains,
however; and after enduring great privation there for a time, they
scattered over the country in search of food, some going to Lake
Manitoba to fish. The gifts of food made to the Sioux had roused the
enmity of the Saulteaux, who were also on the verge of starvation, and
it led to a collision between the two races at Lake Winnipeg. The Sioux
killed a Saulteau, and in retaliation the Saulteaux attacked their
enemies, killing six of them and fatally wounding fourteen more. The
Sioux realized that they were not in a friendly country, and most of
them went south with the buffalo hunters during the summer.
departure of this band did not mean a cessation of Sioux visits by any
means, for in August four bands of these savages, led by chiefs Standing
Buffalo. Turning Thunder, Charger, and Leaf, came north to Red River
Settlement. There were about 3,000 people in the four bands, and their
presence in the country was a serious matter. Governor Mactavish met
them at Portage la Prairie and endeavored to dissuade them from coming
to Fort Garry; but in this he was only partially successful, for some
persisted in making the journey. It was found that many of them were
willing to follow the advice which Gover nor Dallas had given to a large
number of their fellow tribesmen along the Missouri the year before,
which was to make their peace with the government of the United States.
They were given supplies of food, and finally they withdrew from the
country, but not without committing some depredations. Their visit
revived the agitation in favor of establishing a local militia, but
nothing practical was done in the matter.
June, 1866, Standing Buffalo came to Portage la Prairie on another
visit. After he went back to the plains, some of his people who remained
went to Fort Garry. They had started on the return journey when they
were set upon by a band of Red Lake Indians and four of their number
were killed and horribly mutilated. More of the Sioux would probably
have been killed, if some of the settlers had not interfered. As it
seemed likely that the Sioux would seek revenge, a special meeting of
the Council of Assiniboia was called, and the governor was authorized to
enroll an armed and mounted force of about a hundred men among the
settlers, which would either escort the Sioux across the boundary or
compel them to keep the peace if they remained in the country. It was
not necessary for this force to take any action, for the Sioux did not
attempt to revenge themselves upon the Saulteaux. |