one had taken a more active part in securing the annexation of the
North-Vest territories to Canada than Hon. William McDougall, and it
seemed fitting that he should be made their first lieutenant-governor.
His commission, dated September 29, 1869, was to take effect on the day
on which the transfer of the territory was consummated, and Mr.
McDougall was instructed by the secretary of state for the Dominion to
proceed to Fort Garry at once in order to superintend the organization
of the new territorial government. He was also asked to make reports to
the government on the state of the laws in the territories, the system
of taxation, the currency, the lands open to settlement, the condition
of the Indian tribes, the relations between the Hudson's Bay Company and
the different religious denominations, etc. In addition; he
was asked to send the names of men qualified to serve as members of his
council, and he was urged to take steps for the early extension of the
telegraph system into the North-West. On October 11 the secretary of
state forwarded by the hands of Mr. J. A. N. Provencher the commission
appointing Mr. McDougall as lieutenant-governor and commissions to Mr.
"William Mactavish and others, authorizing them to administer the oaths
of allegiance and of office to Governor McDougall and to all other
persons appointed to government positions. But Mr. McDougall did not
accomplish any of the multifarious tasks assigned to him. He departed
for his new field of duty at once, and on October 30 he reached Pembina,
accompanied by Mr. J. A. N. Provencher, who was to act as secretary of
his government, Mr. Albert Richards, who was to be his attorney-general,
Dr. Jakes, Major Cameron, and some members of his family; but he never
entered Fort Garry as governor of the North-West Territories.
News of Governor McDougall's coming preceded him and stirred the Metis
to increased activity. Their spokesman. Riel, attempted to secure the
support ox the English-speaking settlers for the opposition to the
policy of the Dominion government shown by the Metis, but they would
give him no encouragement. He then called a meeting of his leading
supporters among the inhabitants of the French parishes; and a
committee, or council, was appointed to direct the agitation. John Bruce
was made president and nominal leader of the council, while its real
leader, Louis Riel, was appointed secretary. The house of Father Ritchot
at La Salle river was used as a council chamber.
This committee, determined not to recognize the authority of the
Dominion government or its officials, decided that Governor McDougall
must not be allowed to come to Fort Garry, and the following notice was
sent to him:
"Monsieur—Le Coinite National des Metis de la Riviere Rouge intime a
Monsieur W. McDougall l'ordrc de ne pas entrer sur le Territoire du
Nord-Ouest sans une permission speciale de ce comite.
"Par ordre du President,
John Bruce, Louis
"Date a St. Norbert, Riviere Rouge, Ce 21e jour d'Octobre, 1869."
his journey across the Minnesota plains Governor McDougall had met Hon
Joseph Howe, who was on his way east after spending some time m the Red
River Settlement. Mr. Howe told him that there was no efficient
government in the colony, that the French half-breeds were greatly
dissatisfied with the terms and manner of the transfer to Canada, and
that the whole situation was one requiring the utmost tact, if serious
trouble was to be averted; but the governor did not expect such decided
opposition as was intimated in the notice from the committee which was
put into his hands on his arrival at Pembina. On the same day he
received a long letter from Governor Mactavish, informing him of the
unrest among the Metis and the excitement caused by his own approach.
Governor Mactavish suggested that three courses were open to him: a
small band of friendly French people might be raised, who would go to
Pembina and escort the governor to Fort Garry; a body of English
residents, large enough to overawe the Metis, might be enlisted to bring
him in; or he might remain at Pembina until the malcontents dispersed.
He advised the governor to adopt the last plan, and it would appear that
Colonel Dennis had sent similar advice. Nevertheless, Mr. McDougall
crossed the boundary and took up quarters in the Pembina post of the
Hudson's Bay Company.
Metis council took steps to enforce obedience to its order. The road
from Pembina to Fort Garry led across the La Salle river, and as the
stream runs between high, steep banks, it could not be easily crossed
except at the bridge; and the council sent a band of thirty or forty
men, armed with guns and revolvers, to build a barricade of small timber
across the trail south of the bridge and to remain there to guard it.
One or two advance parties were placed on the road further south.
These high handed actions of Riel and his followers did not meet with
approval from all the French and Metis, and they were viewed with
decided disapprobation by the English-speaking people of the settlement.
The situation was discussed at a meeting of the council of Assiniboia on
October 25, the members present being Judge Black, Bishop Maehray, Dr.
Cowan, Dr Bird, and Messrs. Dease, Sutherland, McBeth, Fraser, and
Bannatyne. Riel and Bruce had been invited to attend the meeting, and
members of the council remonstrated with them for taking up arms and
showed them that such actions were criminal. Riel expressed his
determination to persist in opposing Mr. McDougall's entrance into the
settlement, although he promised to repeat to his followers what he had
been told by the council. The Metis leaders were allowed to retire; and
then the council engaged in a long discussion, plan after plan being
suggested only to be rejected because the council was well aware of its
lack of power to enforce any measure which it might adopt. Finally, on
motion of Messrs.
Bannatyne and McBeth, the following resolution was adopted:
That Messrs. Dease and Goulet be appointed to collect immediately as
many of the more respectable of the French community as they can, and
with them proceed to the camp of the party who intend to intercept
Governor McDougall and endeavor, if possible, to procure their peaceable
dispersion ; and that Mr. Dease report to Governor Mactavish on or
before Thursday next as to their success or otherwise."
course Mr. Dease had to report that he had not been successful in his
mission; and having shot its futile holt, the council did little more.
One man in Fort Garry seemed to have some foresight and decided ideas of
the plan of action which should be adopted. He was Sergeant James
Mulligan, chief of police. He urged Dr. Cowan to call out the 300
special constables, who had been enrolled in anticipation of trouble a
few years earlier, and as many of the old pensioners as could be found,
and place them as a garrison in Fort Garry. The walls and bastions of
the fort were in good order and were mounted with 13 six-pounder guns.
There were nearly 400 Enfield rifles in its armory, left there by troops
who had once garrisoned the place, and there was plenty of ammunition
and provisions. If Mulligan's advice had been followed, the fort could
have been held against any force which the Metis were likely to have
mustered, and the incipient rebellion would probably have fizzled out
before the end of the year. But nothing was done, and the inaction of
the authorities encouraged Riel to persist in the course on which he had
Governor McDougall decided to wait at the boundary for a few days, but
he sent his secretary forward at once to ascertain how matters stood in
the settlement. Mr. Provencher was a nephew of the deceased Bishop
Provencher, and the governor hoped that he might secure the sympathy and
confidence of the French and Metis people. AYhen Mr. Provencher's
carriage reached the La Salle barricade, it was stopped and he was
invited to attend mass in the neighboring church. After the service he
discussed the political situation -with some of the leading people of
the district, and in the afternoon he had an interview with Kiel. The
latter told him plainly that, as leader of the Metis, he could not
recognize the measures adopted by the Canadian government nor the
appointments which it hail made, but that he was ready to open
negotiations with any representative of the government fully empowered
to agree upon the, terms under which the colony would be federated with
the Dominion That was the message which Mr. Provencher was to
carry to Pembina, and an armed guard would
accompany him.
Father Ritchot, Riel, and some of his supporters came out on the road to
see Mr. Provencher started on his return ride to Pembina, another
carriage approached the barricade. It contained Major Cameron, who hoped
to reach Fort Carry and study conditions there from another point of
view. Seeing the obstruction on the road, he called out impatiently,
"Remove this infernal fence!" But the Metis guard declined to oblige
him, and two of the men. taking his horses by their bridles, turned
their heads southward. "You are to return to Pembina," said Riel,' "and
to make sure that you do not take some other road my men will accompany
you there." He then detailed a guard of fourteen mounted men under
Ambroise Lepine to escort the two baffled travelers back to Pembina,
which they reached on the evening of the next day, November 2. Lepine
had been entrusted with another duty, which he carried out without delav.
and that was to set Mr. McDougall south of the border. So on November
3rd the Governor found himself deported from the country whose
government he was sent to organize. Hearing of the governor's unpleasant
experience, Colonel Dennis went to Pembina and secured fairly
comfortable quarters for him near the United States customs house in
Riel was not slow to see the advantage which the possession of Fort
Carry could give him. During November 2nd, the day on which Lepine was
sent to compel Governor McDougall and his party to retire to United
States territory, Riel marched a force of about 120 men down to Fort
Garry, entered it unopposed, and took possession of its cannon, rifles,
ammunition, and other stores, in spite of the protests of Dr. Cowan, the
officer of the Hudson's Bay Company in charge there. lie quartered his
officers in the apartments of the company's clerks and appropriated some
of Governor McDougall's furniture in order to make them more
comfortable. During the first few days of their occupation of the fort
Riel's men seem to have committed 110
Kiel's success appears to have turned his head, and his actions became
more arbitrary and lawless. Mails were detained and examined, and
letters between Pembina and Fort Garry had to be sent by special
messengers. A rumor that Mr. McDougall was bringing arms from Canada and
intended to have them secretly conveyed to Fort Garry gave the insurgent
leaders an excuse for stopping every cart which crossed the boundary to
search it for concealed weapons and ammunition. The same excuse served
for the detention of a quantity of merchandise consigned to Dr. Schultz,
and Riel's agents were careful to collect duty
011 the goods before releasing them.
Riel's next move seems to have been designed to give some appearance of
legality to his usurpation. On November (i he went to the office of the
Nor'-Wester, and ordered the editor, Dr. Bown,
to print a notice for distribution among the people of Red River. When
Bown refused, he was made a prisoner, and two men, engaged by Riel for
the purpose printed the required number of copies of the notice. It read
as follows:
"The President and Representatives of the French-speaking population of
Rupert's Land, in council, (the invaders of our rights being now
expelled), already aware of your sympathy, do extend the hand of
fellowship to you, our friendly fellow-inliabitants, and in doing so
invite you to send twelve representatives from the following places,
John's...................... 1 St. Clement's ................... 1
Headingly ....................... 1 St. Margaret's .................. 1
St. Mary's ...................... 1 St. James ....................... 1
St. Paul's....................... 1 Kildonan ....................... 1
St. Andrew's .................... 1 St. Peter's ...................... 1
Town of Winnipeg .............. 2
order to form one body with the above council consisting of twelve
members, to consider the present political state of this country, and to
adopt such measures as may be deemed best for the future welfare of the
meeting of the above council will be held in the Court-House, at Fort
Garry, on Tuesday, the 16th day of November, at which the invited
representatives will attend.
"By order of the President,
Louis Riel,
"Winnipeg, November 6, 1869."
English-speaking residents hesitated to countenance Riel's actions by
sending delegates to a meeting of his council; but finally, hoping to
reach some peaceable solution of the trouble, they decided to accept his
invitation. On the day appointed the twenty-four delegates presented
themselves, and as they filed into the court-house a salute of
twenty-four guns was fired from the walls of the fort, which the Metis
supplemented by a
feu-de-joie from their muskets. The
convention consisted of the following members: John Bruce, president;
Louis Riel, secretary; French representatives—Francois Dauphinais,
Pierre Poitras, and Pierre Laveiller from St. Frangois Xavier, W. B.
O'Donoghue from St. Boniface, Andre Beauchemin and Pierre Parenteau,
Sr., from St. Vital, Louis Lacerte and Baptiste Tourond from St.
Norbert, and Charles Nolin and Jean Baptiste Perreault from Ste. Anne's.
English representatives—Henry McKenney and H. F. O'Lone from Winnipeg,
James Ross from Kildonan. Maurice Lowinan from St.- John's, Dr Bird from
St. Paul's, Donald Gunn from St. Andrew's, Thomas Bunn from St.
Clement's, Henry Prince, chief of the Indians settled there, from St.
Peter's, Robert Tait from St. James, William Tait from Ileadingly,
George (Iran from St. Ann's, and John Garrioch from Portage la Prairie.
Governor McDougall found himself in a very difficult position. He was on
the border of tlie country which he had been sent to govern, but he was
prevented from entering it and taking up his duties. Friends in the
settlement were not unanimous in the advice which they gave him, some
urging him to wait at Pembina, others assuring him that if he came down
to Fort Garry the loyal people in the colony would rally to his support.
But many of these loyal people were unwilling to take any action which
would direct the hostility of the Metis against themselves. Colonel
Dennis, who had canvassed the English and Scotch settlers, hoping to
raise among them a force strong enough to bring the governor down to
Fort Garry, gives the following as the opinion of those inhabitants who
had decided to remain neutral: "We feel confidence in the future
administration of the government of this country, under Canadian rule;
at the same time, we have not been consulted in any way, as a people, in
entering into the Dominion. The charter of the new government has been
settled in Canada, without our being consulted. We are prepared to
accept it respectfully, to obey the laws and become good subjects; but
when you present to us the issue of a conflict with the French party,
with whom we have hitherto lived in friendship. backed up, as they would
be, by the Roman Catholic church, which appears probable, by the course
at present being taken by the priests, in which conflict, it is almost
certain the aid of the Indians would be invoked, and perhaps obtained by
that party, we feel disinclined to enter upon it, and think that the
Dominion should assume the responsibility of establishing amongst us,
what it, and it alone, has decided upon." Governor McDougall could not
hope for any active support from that section of the people.
Nor did he receive much support from the government which had sent him
out as governor of the newly acquired territories. It was the original
intention of the Dominion government to complete the transfer of the
North-West territories on October 1, and Mr. McDougall's arrival was
timed accordingly. But the proclamation of Her Majesty, announcing the
annexation of the country to the Dominion, was postponed, and in the
meantime, Governor McDougall had no official status in it. This fact
afforded the Metis ground for their position and gave some of the
English-speaking people an excuse for their apathy and inaction. Mr.
McDougall felt the weakness of his position, for on November 2 he wrote
to Governor Mactavish, reminding him that the Hudson's Bay Company was
still the governing power in the country and responsible for the
preservation of peace until the transfer of the colony was formally
proclaimed. But the company's governing power had waned to a shadow, and
Governor Mactavish could do nothing but offer advice. He advised Mr.
.McDougall to return to Canada until the trouble had blown over; but as
that meant an overland journey of four hundred miles to St. Paul in the
beginning of winter, Mr. McDougall hesitated. lie urged Mr. Mactavish to
issue a proclamation, explaining to the people the terms of the act,
which made their country a part of Canada, and warning them against
impeding any action taken under its provisions. Mr. Mactavish was very
doubtful if such a proclamation would
have any effect in checking unlawful movements on the part of the French
population. since the local authorities found themselves in a very
anomalous position. In his reply he says: "The Act in question referred
to the prospective transfer of the territory; but up to this moment we
have no official intimation from Britain, or the Dominion of Canada, of
the fact of the transfer or of its conditions, or of the date at which
they were to take practical effect upon the government of this country."
Nevertheless Governor Mactavish finally decided to try the effect of a
proclamation. "When Riel's convention assembled, Governor Mactavish sent
his secretary, Mr. J. J. Hargrave, with a copy of the proclamation to be
read before the delegates. It was as follows:
"Whereas H William Mactavish, governor of Assiniboia, have been informed
that a meeting is to be held to-day of persons from the different
districts of the settlement, for the ostensible purpose of taking into
consideration the present political condition of the colony, and for
suggesting such measures as may be best adapted for meeting the
difficulties and dangers connected with the existing state of public
affairs; and whereas, I deem it advisable at this juncture to place
before that meeting, as well as before the whole body of the people,
what it appears necessary for me to declare in the interests of public
order, and of the safety and welfare of the settlement:
"Therefore, I notify all whom it concerns, that during the last few
weeks large bodies of armed men have taken up positions on the public
high road to Pembina, and, contrary to the remonstrances and protests of
the public authorities, have committed the following unlawful acts:
"1st. They have forcibly obstructed the movements of various persons
traveling on the public highway, in the peaceful prosecution of their
lawful business, and have thus violated that personal liberty which is
the undoubted right of all Her Majesty's subjects.
2nd. They have unlawfully seized and detained on the road at La Riviere
Sale. in the parish of St. Norbert, goods and merchandise of various
descriptions, and of very considerable value, belonging as well to
persons coming into the colony as to citizens already settled here and
carrying on their business in the settlement, thereby causing great loss
and inconvenience, not only to the owners of these goods, but, as has
formally been complained of, also to the carriers of the same, and
possibly involving the whole colony in a ruinous responsibility.
"3rd. They have unlawfully interfered with the public mails, both
outgoing and incoming, and by thus tampering with the established means
of communication between the settlement and the outside world have
shaken public confidence in the security of the mails, and given a shock
to the trade and commerce of the colony, of which the mischievous
effects cannot now be fully estimated.
"4th. Not only without permission, but in the face of repeated
remonstrances on the part of the Hudson's Bay Company's officer in
immediate charge of Fort Garry, they have, in numbers varying from about
sixty to one hundred and twenty, billeted themselves upon that
establishment, under the plea of protecting it from danger which they
allege was known by themselves to be imminent, but of which they have
never yet disclosed the particular nature ; they have placed armed
guards at the gates of an establishment, which, every stick and stone of
it, is private property, in spite of the most distinct protestations
against such a disregard of the rights of property; they have taken
possession of rooms within the Fort, and although they have there as yet
committed no direct act of violence to person or property, beyond what
has been enumerated, yet by their presence in such numbers, with arms,
for no legitimate purpose that can be assigned, they have created a
state of excitement and alarm within and around the Fort, which
seriously interferes with the regular business of the establishment.
"5th. A body of armed men have entered the Hudson's Bay Company's post
at Pembina, where certain gentlemen from Canada with their families were
peaceably living, and under threats of violence have compelled them to
quit the establishment at a season of the year when the rigors of winter
were at hand, and forced them to retire within American territory.
"And, in the last place, they have avowed it as their intention, in all
these unlawful proceedings, to resist arrangements for the transfer of
the government of this country, which have been made under the sanction
of the Imperial Parliament, and of virtually setting at defiance the
Royal authority, instead of adopting those lawful and constitutional
means, which, under the enlightened rule of Her Most Gracious Majesty,
our Queen, are sufficient for the ultimate attainment of every object
that rests upon reason and justice.
"The persons who have been engaged in committing these unlawful deeds
have resorted to acts which, directly tend to involve themselves in
consequences of the gravest nature, and to bring upon the colony and the
country at. large the evils of anarchy and the horrors of war.
"Therefore, in the interests of law and order, in behalf of all the
securities you have for life and property, and. in a word, for the sake
of the present and the future welfare of the settlement and its
inhabitants, I again earnestly and emphatically protest against each and
all of these unlawful acts. I charge those engaged in them, before they
are irretrievably and hopelessly involved, immediately to disperse
themselves, and peaceably to depart to their habitations or to their
lawful business, under the pains and penalties of the law; and whatever
in other respects may be the conclusions of those who meet to deliberate
upon the present critical and distracted state of public affairs, I
adjure you as citizens having the interests of your country at heart, to
ratify and proclaim, with ail the might of your united voices, this
public notice and protest and so avert from the country a succession of
evils, of which those who see the beginning mav never see the end. .
"You are dealing with a crisis, out of which may come incalculable good
or immeasurable evil; and with all the weight of my official authority,
and all the influence of my individual position, let me finally charge
you to adopt only such means as are lawful and constitutional, rational
and safe.
"Given under my hand and seal, at Port Garry, this 16th day of
Governor of Assiniboia,"
When Mr. McKenney, to whom Mr. Hargrave had handed the proclamation,
attempted to read it to the convention, the French delegates objected,
while the English insisted upon hearing it. The wrangle which followed
tended to create a feeling of antagonism between the two factions and to
destroy the little chance." of unanimous action which may have existed
at first. The convention sat until the evening of .November 17, without
having made any headway,-and then adjourned until the 22nd. When the
convention reassembled on that date some of the English delegates
proposed that Governor McDougall should be admitted in order that they
might discuss the grievances of the people with him. But Riel declared
that he should not be permitted to enter the colony either as its
governor or as a private citizen, and this irreconcilable attitude of
the Metis leader widened the breach between the two parties in the
convention. On the next day he had Governor Mactavish, Dr. Cowan, and
other gentlemen arrested; and when the convention met, he declared his
intention of forming a provisional government to conduct negotiations
with the Dominion authorities for the federation of the colony with
Canada and asked the English-speaking representatives to join him in the
movement. Fearing lest they had already countenanced some of his illegal
acts by sitting in the convention which he had summoned, these delegates
declared that they could not discuss his latest proposal without
consulting the people who hail elected them; and so the convention was
again adjourned to December 1st.
proclamation, which Governor Mactavish sent to the convention on
November 16, states that up to that time the Metis, who had taken
forcible possession of Fort Garry, had "committed no direct act of
violence to person or property,'' beyond occupying some of the buildings
of the Hudson's Bay Company; but Riel's moderation in this respect was
of short duration. Winter had come, and he knew that to keep his band of
armed men about him he must feed and pay them, as well as find
comfortable shelter for them. He had no means to do these things for
more than a hundred "soldiers," and therefore means must be found. The
simplest way was to seize the store of the Hudson's Bay Company, which
was well stocked with food, clothing, arms, and ammunition—the things
Riel needed most. This was done in spite of the protests of the governor
and the factor in charge, and the leader of the insurgents did not
neglect the opportunity to take from the company's strong box the money
needed for his campaign. Father Moriee has given the following
euphemistic account of the affair:

"Eventually the inexorable necessities growing out of the prolongation
of the struggle, the formation of a regular government, and the
opposition which it met, compelled Riel not only to seize arms and
ammunition, as well as supplies of food belonging to the company, but
also to negotiate a loan of money and to force the manager of that
corporation to consent to it, on the condition that Canada, which was
the cause of the uprising, would reimburse the said company when it
should take possession of the country."
is said that Riel used a part of the money so obtained to purchase the
a newspaper which Mr. Caldwell had established a short time before.
Thenceforward this journal was to some, extent the organ of Riel and his
party. On November 23rd, he seized all the official records of the
Hudson's Bay Company, and as these included titles to lands and other
important documents, the act created much uneasiness among all classe-3
of people. About the same time rumors that the friends of Governor
McDougall were holding secret meetings came to Riel's ears and led him
to keep an armed patrol on the streets.
Some friends of peace now made an effort to induce the French to change
their programme so far as to acknowledge tne government of the Hudson's
Bay Company until a joint committee of Metis and English-speaking people
could be selected to treat with Mr. McDougall on behalf of the Dominion
government or with that government directly. At first the suggestion was
favorably received, and Riel gave an assurance that this would be done.
But renewed rumors that friends of Governor McDougall were planning to
retake Fort Garry gave the Metis leader an excuse for changing his mind,
and in a public meeting held in Winnipeg soon after he stated that a
provisional government had become a necessity because the Hudson's Bay
Company was powerless to govern the colony longer. He added that there
was no desire on the part of the Metis to force their special views on
the rest of the community and that he wished to act in conjunction -with
representatives of the English. This assurance induced the English
delegates to reconsider the question of attending the adjourned meeting
of the convention, and a report that the Queen's proclamation, annexing
the colony to Canada, had been received, led them to decide to attend
the meeting called for December 1st. |