majority of the English-speaking people who lived in the district around
Portage la Prairie seem to have favored confederation with Canada, and
they were ready to extend help and sympathy to those who attempted to
check the insurrection by force of arms.' When Colonel Dennis' efforts
to raise a force for the purpose of bringing Governor McDougall into the
colony failed iD December, several of the leaders in the movement
retired to Portage la Prairie for the winter. Major Boulton was one of
them. When some of Riel's prisoners escaped early in January, they found
refuge in Portage- la Prairie. The people there had little knowledge of
the events which were taking place in and around Fort Garry beyond the
meagre information brought by these refugees, for the mail service had
been practically abolished. They had friends among the prisoners immured
in Fort Garry and naturally wished to see them set free. Stories of the
hardships endured by the captives were brought to the district from time
to time, and one or two attempts had been made to raise a force to
liberate the sufferers; but these attempts ended in talk. When Thomas
Scott reached the settlement after his escape and gave the people an
account of his imprisonment, the project of rescuing the other prisoners
was revived. Several secret meetings were held, and a party was
organized to proceed to Fort Garry, capture it during the night, and
release the prisoners confined there. Although he disapproved of the
scheme, Major Boulton, who had seen considerable service in the British
army, finally consented to lead the expedition Mr. Farmer and Mr. Gaddy
were among the other officers chosen by the men who composed the party.
February 12th the party started 011 its march of sixty miles over the
snowy trail to Winnipeg. The weather was bitterly cold, the thermometer
registering more than thirty degrees below zero. The men, sixty in
number, had to make the journey on foot, they had no transport, carried
little food, and were poorly armed. That they set out under such
conditions shows how deeply in earnest the men were. Short halts were
made at Poplar Point and High Bluff to allow small detachments to join
the main body, and then the men pushed on steadily. Nine hours' marching
brought them to Headingly, where friendly settlers gave them shelter for
the night. Soon after the cold and weary men were housed, a blizzard
came up and continued for two days. This compelled them to change their
plans. They found that nearly all the English and half-breeds living in
the vicinity of Headingly were opposed to Riel, and at a meeting held in
the house of Mr John Taylor it was decided to ask the co-operation of
the English setters living in the parishes below Fort Garry as well as
the help of the Metis who were opposed to Kiel's policy. Mr. Taylor and
a companion were sent as delegates to the former, while Mr. Gaddy and
another man were commissioned to interview Mr. Dease, the recognized
leader of the Metis opponents of Riel. It should he said here that the
men from Portage la Prairie had not heard of the success of Mr. Donald
A. Smith's negotiations with the convention and the formation of a
provisional government; nor had they heard of Riel's promise to release
all his prisoners. If the people at Headingly had heard of these
matters, they do not seem to have told their friends from Portage la
eight o'clock in the evening of the next day the party left Headingly.
It was a cold, moonlit night, and as the intrepid band passed the walls
of Fort Garry, it was seen by a sentry, who fired a shot to alarm the
guard. The men were allowed to proceed however, without molestation.
Hoping to capture Riel and hold him as a hostage, some of the men
surrounded a house in the village of Winnipeg, where it was thought the
Metis leader might be spending the evening; but when the owner assured
them that Riel was not within, they went forward again. It was past
midnight when the party reached Kildonan and took up quarters in the
When morning came, it did not bring the enthusiastic welcome which the
Portage la Prairie men had expected. Then for the first time they seem
to have heard of all that had been accomplished by Commissioner Smith
and the convention towards bringing about a peaceable solution of the
colony's troubles, and they found that the settlers were greatly alarmed
lest the chances of this solution would be destroyed by such a hostile
move against Riel as that contemplated by the Portage men. The
gentlemen, who had been sent to the lower parishes, brought back more
encouraging reports, however, and about mid-afternoon a contingent from
these parishes, numbering more than three hundred men came marching up
to the Kildonan church, led by Dr. Schultz. They had a cannon, which was
drawn by four oxen, and were fully determined to storm Fort Garry and
free the prisoners who had been confined there so long. Major Boulton
thus found himself in command of a force of more than four hundred men,
whom he must feed and shelter. As ho had no money with which to secure
these necessities, the people of Kildonan provided the men with supper
and breakfast, and most of them slept in the church.
During the evening a man named Parisien, supposed to be a Metis spy, was
captured and confined in the church. In the morning he asked and
received permission to go outside, accompanied by three guards. Many
people were coming and going, and a number of cutters were standing by
the church. Seeing a gun in one of the cutters, Parisien broke from his
guards, seized the gun, and ran to the bank of the river, which was only
a few yards distant. Just at that moment John Hugh Sutherland, a son of
the late Senator Sutherland, appeared on the ice near the bank. He was
riding across the river from his father's house to join the force at the
church and was not aware that a prisoner had been taken and was
attempting to escape. Wishing to obtain a horse, Parisien raised his gun
and fired twTice at the young man, both bullets taking
effect. Friends rushed to the wounded man's assistance, and he was
carried to the house of Rev. Dr. Black, where Dr. Schultz and another
physician did all in their power for him; but in spite of their efforts
he passed away at nightfall.

soon as Sutherland fell, the men on the hank opened fire on Parisien,
who, seeing that resistance was hopeless, surrendered. The crowd was
disposed to treat him roughly, but Major Boulton interfered and ordered
him to be confined in the church until his case could be dealt with in a
legal manner. "When the force disbanded next day, Parisien was sent as a
prisoner to Lower Fort Garry. On the way he made another attempt to
escape; but the guard fired on him, and he was so severely wounded that
he was easily recaptured. Parisien died of his wounds early in April.
Anxious to prevent a clash between the force under Major Boulton and the
Metis, who rallied to Riel's support as soon as they learned that his
supremacy was threatened, a number of the leading settlers opened
negotiations with the insurgent leader for the release of his prisoners.
He finally consented to set them free, and they reached the Kildonan
church about two o'clock of March 16, the day on which Sutherland had
been shot. Having accomplished one of the purposes for which they had
mustered, the men under Major Boulton wished to follow up their success
and oust Riel from Fort Garry; but the major urged that it was not wise
to attempt anything further, and in this advice he was seconded by
Bishop Machray, Archdeacon McLean, Judge Black, and others. Finally the
majority of the party decided that it was better to disband and return
to their homes. The men from the lower parishes departed at once, but
the Portage la Prairie contingent went up to Point Douglas and camped in
Boyd's store for the night.
the morning Major Boulton advised his men to accept the hospitality of
friends in various parts of the settlement for a time and then make
their way home singly; but forty-seven of them, believing that Riel had
given a pledge that they would not be molested on their journey, decided
to march home in a body. Under the circumstances Major Boulton felt it
his duty to go with them, and the party set off about nine o'clock on
the morning of the 17th. The beaten trail led close to Fort Garry, but
to avoid any occasion for a broil with the Metis there the Portage men
left the trail and headed across the prairie in a direct line for St.
James, although the snow was almost waist-deep. When they were opposite
the fort a party of horsemen came out of it and rode across the prairie
towards them, followed by about fifty armed men on foot. They were led
by O'Donoghue and Lepine, and the former informed the Portage men that
he had been sent by Riel to invite them to the fort for the purpose of
holding a parley. Suspecting treachery, but unable to offer any
effective resistance, Boulton and his men complied with O'Donoghue's
request. As soon as they had entered the fort the gates were closed,
about 400 of Riel's men surrounded them, and they were marched off as
prisoners to a building in the middle of the fort, used as a residence
for the clerks of the Hudson's Bay Company.
Major Boulton was confined in a room by himself and put in irons. In a
short time Riel came to the door and said, "Major Boulton, you must
prepare to die to-morrow at twelve o'clock." With some difficulty the
major secured permission to communicate with his friends, and as soon as
possible Archdeacon McLean came to see liim. The clergyman then tried to
persuade Riel not to take the major's life, but the Metis leader would
do no more than promise to postpone the execution for twelve hours.
During the next day many prorni nent people in the district did their
utmost to induce Riel to spare the major's life, but he was obdurate.
Finally Mr. Donald A. Smith brought him to a more reasonable mood, and
he promised a week's reprieve. He also promised to set Major Boulton
free, if Mr. Smith would go among the English settlers and persuade them
to send their delegates to his eouueil once more. This Mr. Smith
undertook to do, and Archdeacon McLean promised to help him. About an
hour before Major Boulton expected to be called out to be shot, the
archdeacon came to him with the news that his sentence had been
the major was to have another surprise .before morning came, less
pleasant, but certainly not less surprising. He says:
soon as Archdeacon McLean had left, I lay down and went to sleep. I
could not have been long asleep when I was suddenly awakened by some one
shaking me. I looked up and saw Riel with a lantern. He said, 'Major
Boulton, I have come to see you. I have come to shake you by the hand,
and to make a proposition to you. I perceive that you are a man of
ability, that you are a leader. The English people, they have no leader.
Will you join my government, and be their leader?' The sudden transition
from being under sentence of death to being asked to take a position in
Kiel's government struck me as serio-comic; but I collected my wits and
replied that his proposition was so startling that I could not give an
answer at the moment, but that, if he would release ail the prisoners
and allow me to go back to the Portage to consult with my friends. I
would consider the proposition seriously. He retired, but I heard no
more about joining his government."
men who surrendered with Major Boulton were R. Adams, W. Bartlett, Thos.
Baxter, W. G. Bird, Magnus Brown, Robt. Dennison, J. Dilworth, Wm.
Dilworth, Wm. Farmer, John Ivy, James Jock, Arch. McDonald, Chas.
McDonald, James McBain, Robt. McBain, John McKay, Alex. McLean, John
McLean, M. McLeod, Alex. McPherson, Chas. Millan, J. B. Morrison, N.
Morrison, A. Murray, Geo. Newcombe, Jos. Patpiin, Wm. Paquin, Alex.
Parker, G. Parker, Sgt. Powers^ Wm. Salter, James Sanderson, Geo.
Sandison, Thos. Scott, Jos. Smith, Lawrence Smith, Ban Sissons, W.
Sutherland, John Switzer, A. Taylor, I). Taylor, H. Taylor, John Taylor,
II. Williams, Geo. Wylds, and two others whose names are not given. It
seems to have been Riel's intention to bold these prisoners as hostages
for the good conduct of the English-speaking people of the colony. Three
of them, besides Major Boulton, had been sentenced to death, but were
reprieved; and Riel promised to set all free as soon as the new council
met. In the meantime, however, a number of other men were arrested and
confined in the prison, Dr. Cowan being one of them. The prisoners were
allowed to receive food and other necessaries from their friends, and
they do not seem to have suffered such hardships as were endured by the
prisoners taken in December. They sometimes heard rumors of plans made
by friends for their release, but nothing was done.
Riel recognized Dr. Schultz as the most dangerous of his opponents and
was anxious to end his active opposition by putting him in prison once
more. Shortly before the hour first fixed for the execution of Major
Boulton. Riel came to him and offered to grant a reprieve, if he could
induce Dr. Schultz to surrender, or if he could secure the doctor's
capture. But to surrender to Riel was the last thing Dr. Schultz was
likely to do. He realized that his second attempt to raise a force for
the purpose of overthrowing the power of the Metis was an unpardonable
offence in the eyes of their leader and that his friends could no longer
protect him from Riel's vengeance. As soon as his followers had retired
from Kildonan church to their homes in the lower parishes, Dr. Schultz
left the colony. Guided by a half-breed named Monkman, who occupied a
little farm near the mouth of the Red River for many years afterward,
and accompanied by Mr. William Drever of Winnipeg, Dr. Schultz quietly
left the settlement and started for Duluth. It was mid-winter, there was
no trail through the woods, and the journey of five hundred miles must
be made on snowshoes; nevertheless the three intrepid men reached their
destination safely. Dr. Schultz and Mr, Drever went on to Toronto, and
their guide returned to his home. Riel did not realize that the doctor
had eluded him, and parties of his followers continued to raid different
parts of the colony for some time, trying to capture his implacable
opponent. On one occasion they went as far as Portage la Prairie and
seized property there supposed to belong to the doctor.
February 26th the election of the twenty-four members of the new council
had been completed. The English-speaking districts had chosen delegates,
as Mr. T. A. Smith had urged them to do, although he had advised them to
recognize no authority beyond that of the convention which had met
earlier in the month. The English delegates were John Sinclair from St,
Peter's, Thomas Bunn from St. Clement's, Thomas Sinclair and E. II. G.
G. Hay from St. Andrew's, Dr. Bird from St. Paul's, W. Eraser from
Kildonan. A. G. B. Bannatyne from St. John's and Winnipeg, James McKay
from St. James, W. Tait from Headingly, Geo. Gunn from Pojdar Point,
John Nor quay from High Bluff, and William Garrioch from Portage la
Prairie. The French representatives were W. B. O'Donoghue, John Bruce,
Louis Schmidt, A. Millet (dit Beauchemin), B. Millet (dit Beauchemin),
Pierre Parenteau, Pierre Dauphinais, B. Tourond, Pierre Poitras, Louis
Lacerte, A. Lepine and A. Harrison.
meeting of the new council was called, however, and so Riel had an
excuse for delaying the fulfilment of his oft-repeated promise to
liberate his prisoners. To further impress his followers with a sense of
his power and to intimidate his opponents more completely, he seems to
have determined to put some of his prisoners to death. Major Boulton's
life had been saved through the intervention of influential friends, and
Dr. Schultz could not be recaptured; but another victim was soon found.
It appears that some of the candidates, who wished to represent Portage
la Prairie in the new council, attempted to solicit votes among the
residents of that district who were confined in Fort Garry, and that
Thomas Scott warned his fellow-prisoners to have nothing to do with
candidates who were favorable to Riel. There was some disturbance, and
Scott was removed to a room by himself. Afterwards he asked permission
to leave the room, but his guards would not allow him to do so, and an
altercation ensued. In the afternoon and evening Riel and O 'Donoghue
visited him, and in his discussions with them Scott failed to show that
respect which the president of the provisional government and its
treasurer thought due to the; positions. Some time during the night Riel
summoned a court-martial, composed of Lepine and six of his men, to try
Scott. According to Riel's subsequent statements, Scott was accused of
disorderly conduct during the autumn, with having taken part in an
insurrection against the provisional government in December, with having
taken up arms against it again in February, with being abusive to his
guards arid insulting to Mr. Riel, and with inciting the other prisoners
to insubordination. When the accused mail was summoned before the
so-called court, he stated that, not understanding French, he did not
know the charge against him; yet no interpreter was provided, nor was
any evidence given in his behalf. .Upon this mockery of a trial he was
found guilty, and by a vote of five of the seven members of the tribunal
he was sentenced to be shot at noon the next day, the 4th of March.
When Scott was informed of the fate which awaited him, he thought it was
no more than an attempt to frighten him; but he sent at once for Rev.
Dr. Young. The clergyman came immediately, and inquiries soon convinced
him that Riel meant to have the sentence carried out. There was little
time to bring available influences to bear upon Riel, but everything
possible was done. Dr. Young pleaded with him to spare the man's life or
at least to give him time to prepare for death. Father Lestanc urged him
to be merciful; Major Boulton warned him that the crime of putting Scott
to death would alienate ail sympathy from hiin and prove disastrous to
his plans; Mr. D. A. Smith went to him and pleaded long and earnestly
for Scott's life. But the dictator was not to be moved from his purpose.
His final reply to Mr. Smith was.^'I have done three good things since I
commenced. I have spared Boulton's life at your instance, and I do not
regret it, for he is a fine fellow; I pardoned Gaddy, and he showed his
gratitude by escaping out of the bastion, but I don't grudge him his
miserable life; and now I shall shoot Scott.''
was past the time fixed for the execution when Mr. Smith left Riel to
report to Rev. Dr. Young that he had failed to secure even a
postponement of the sentence. Dr. Young went at once to prepare the
young man for death; but he had been in Scott's room only a short time,
when his guards came in to say that the hour had arrived. Scott was
allowed to say good-bye to his fellow-prisoners ; and then accompanied
by Dr. Young, he w as led out to the place of execution. His eyes were
covered, and he was made to kneel in the snow. There were six men in the
party detailed to shoot Scott; but one of them, the father of young
Parisien who lay wounded in Lower Fort Garry, is said to have refused to
take a part in the execution and to have removed the cap from his gun
before the order to fire was given. When the fatal word was spoken, five
shots rang out, and Scott fell, pierced with three bullets. He was not
quit! dead, however, and one of the Metis shot him through the head with
a revolver. Dr. Young asked for the body that it might be interred in
the churchyard at Kildonan, and Bishop Machray made a similar request;
but both were refused. Placed in a rough coffin, the body lay in the
southeastern bastion of the fort until night came, but just where it was
finally deposited is not generally known.
the following day, March 5th, Murdoch McLeod, one of the prisoners from
High Bluff, was singled out from his fellows and shackled. It was feared
that he would be the next victim of Riel's vengeance; but beyond being
kept chained, until all the other prisoners were released, and subjected
to other indignities, no further punishment was inflicted on him. Riel
seems to have feared a revulsion of feeling among his own people, which
would have been fatal to his schemes; for the brutal murder of Scott
roused as much horror and indignation among the majority of the French
and Metis settlers as it did among those of British blood.
March 5th, the day after Scott was shot, a proclamation was published
"by order of the president', .and over the signature of Louis Schmidt,
announcing that Winnipeg had been made the capital of the North-West
Territory. A few days later a notice in the
New Nation summoned the delegates to the new
council to meet on March 9th; but as few of the English members
responded, the meeting was adjourned until the 15tli. The following
notice was then sent to each of the members of the council:
are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Council of the
Provisional Government, to be held at Fort Garry on Tuesday, 15tli
instant, at 10 o'clock A. M.
order of the President,
Thomas Bunn,
Headquarters of Provisional Government, Fort Garry, 9th March, 1870."
Bishop Tache returned to St. Boniface on March 8th, and his arrival,
which had been awaited anxiously by all classes of people, helped to
improve the situation in some respects, although it complicated it in
others. The bishop had left the colony during the preceding summer to
pay a visit to Rome, but as soon as possible after he learned of the
outbreak in the Red River Settlement, he hurried home. It was felt by
all parties that his influence would go far to restrain Riel and the
more impetuous of his followers; and when the bishop landed on the
shores of America, he was summoned to Ottawa by the Dominion government
and requested to act as its delegate to Red River—the fourth which it
had sent to the Metis to induce them to lay down their arms and accept
the form of government which it proposed to give them. He undertook the
mission and resumed his journey as soon as possible.
the letter of instructions which Hon Joseph Howe, secretary of state,
wrote to the bishop on February 16th, we find the following paragraphs:
"Your Lordship will perceive, in these papers, the policy which it was
and is the desire of the Canadian Government to establish in the
North-West. The people of Canada have no interest in the erection of
institutions in Rupert's Land, which public opinion condemns; nor would
they wish to see a fine race of people trained to discontent and
insubordination, by the pressure of an unwise system of government, to
which British subjects are unaccustomed or averse. They look hopefully
forward to the period when institutions, moulded upon those which the
other provinces enjoy, may be established, and in the meantime, would
deeply regret if the civil and religious liberties of the whole
population were not adequately protected by such temporary arrangements
as it may be prudent at present to make.
convention has been called, and is now sitting at Fort Garry, to collect
the views of the people as to the powers which they may consider it wise
for parliament to confer, and the Local Legislature to assume. When the
proceedings of that conference have been received by the Privy Council
you may expect to hear from me again, and, in the meantime, should they
be communicated to you on the way, His Excellency will be glad to be
favored with any observations that you may have leisure to make."
letter also contains a few words of that adverse criticism of the
actions of Mr McDougall and Colonel Dennis, which appeared in many of Mr
Howe's official letters during the winter; and it was accompanied by
copies of a number of documents—proclamations, instructions to Governor
McDougall, Rev. Thibault, and Mr. Smith, letters, etc. Subsequent
letters to Bishop Tache seem to have given him fuller instructions and
wider powers than those contained in Mr. Howe's letter of February 16,
for he believed that he was authorized to offer amnesty to all who had
taken part in the insurrection, if they would retire to their homes arid
keep the peace. Of course the government had no knowledge of the death
of Scott when it made this offer. That event took place after Bishop
Tache left Ottawa and before he reached St. Boniface. It placed him in a
very difficult position, especially as the lack of direct telegraphic
communication between Fort Garry and Ottawa made it almost impossible
for him to get advice from the government promptly; but believing that
it was the best course to follow and that the minister's instructions
gave him authority to take it, he included Riel and the others
responsible for the death of Scott in the offer of amnesty. Many
complications grew out of this action later
new council met on the 15th, and after the president had made his
inaugural address, the following resolutions were adopted on motion of
Mr. Bunn:
"1st. That we, the representatives of the inhabitants of the North-West,
consider that the Imperial Government, the Hudson's Bay Company, and the
Canadian Government, in stipulating for the transfer of the government
to the Dominion Government, without first consulting, or even notifying,
the people of such transfer, have entirely ignored our rights as people
of the North-West Territory.
"2d. That notwithstanding the insults and sufferings borne by the people
of the North-West heretofore—which sufferings they still endure—the
loyalty of the people of the North-West towards the Crown of England
remains the same, provided the rights, properties, usages and customs of
the people be respected a and we feel assured that as British subjects
such rights, properties, usages and customs will undoubtedly be
Later in the day Bishop Tache was invited to address the council and
make public the messages which he had brought from the Dominion
government. He pleaded for peace, and urged the English delegates to
work in harmony with the French for the purpose of securing it; he
assured the members that the government of Canada intended to deal
generously with the North-West and to give it as full a measure of
self-government as was enjoyed by the older provinces; he stated that
the people's delegates would be received in the most friendly manner at
Ottawa; and he concluded by asking for the release of the prisoners
confined in Fort Garry.
bishop's appeal seems to have made a deep impression upon Riel, and he
consented to set his prisoners free. On the following day they were
informed that they would be liberated, if they would swear not to take
up arms again against the provisional government. Major Boulton advised
them to take the oath, and all seem to have done so, when Lepine came to
the prison to administer tt. Seventeen of them, including Major Boulton,
were released on the 17th; and all the others, with the exception of
Murdoch McLeod, were allowed their liberty on the following day. Major
Boulton remained until McLeod was set free: then he left the fort and
went to Kildonan.
Donald A. Smith, having done all that lay in his power to complete the
task which he had undertaken at the request of the Canadian government,
left Fort Garry on March 18th and started for Ottawa. The delegates, who
had beer chosen to represent the colony before the government, had been
ready for some time to take their departure, but had waited for more
definite instructions. Judge Black was unwilling to act as a delegate,
hut seems to have finally consented to do so. Father Ritchot and Mr.
Alfred Scott left Fort Garry for Ottawa on March 23d, and Judge Black
set out a day later. Major Boulton, having been warned by his friends
that it might not be quite safe for him to remain in Kildonan.
accompanied the judge on his journey to Canada.
new council, which assembled on the 15th of March, continued to hold
meetings until the 26th, attempting to formulate a constitution for the
colony and to draft laws for its government. The following resolutions
show some of the work accomplished:
"1st. That we, the people of Assiniboia, without disregard to the Crown
of England, under whose authority we live, have deemed it necessary for
the protection of life and property, and the securing of those rights
and privileges which we are entitled to enjoy as British subjects, and
which rights and privileges we have seen in danger, to form a
Provisional Government, which is the only acting authority in this
country; and we do hereby ordain and establish the following
"2nd. That the country heretofore known as Rupert's Land and the
North-West, be henceforth known and styled ' Assiniboia.'
"3rd. That our assembly of representatives be henceforth styled 'The
Legislative Assembly of Assiniboia.'
"4th. That ail legislative authority be vested in a President and
Legislative Assembly, composed of members elected hy the people; and
that at any future time another house called a Senate shall be
established, when deemed necessary, by the President and the
"5th. That the only qualifications necessary for a member of the
Legislative Assembly shall be, that he shall have attained the age of
twenty-three years; that he shall have been a resident of Assiniboia for
a term of at least five years; that he shall be a householder, and have
a ratable property of £200 sterling; and that, if an alien, he shall
have first taken the oath of allegiance."
Among the laws proposed was one regarding hay privileges—a matter of
great importance to all owners of stock in the settlement. It provoked
so much discussion that it was thought wise to let the matter stand
until the members could consult their constituents. Another matter which
seems to have required much consideration was the oath of office to be
taken by the members of the government. This was finally left to a
committee composed of Messrs. Beauchemin, Dauphinais, Bruce, Bunn,
Bannatyne and Tait; and on March 24th Riel, as president, took the
following oath:
Louis Riel, do hereby solemnly swear that I will faithfully fulfil, to
the best of my ability, my duties as President of the Provisional
Government, proclaimed on the 24th of November, 1869, and also all the
duties which may become connected with the office of President of the
Provisional Government of Assiniboia, as they may hereafter be defined
by the voice of the people."
Oaths of office were also taken by James Ross, who was to act as chief
justice Lepine, who was called the adjutant-general, and William
Caldwell, who was to serve as clerk of the legislative assembly. On
March 26th the council adjourned to meet a month later.
When the store of the Hudson's Bay Company in Fort Garry was closed by
the rebels, the trade of the colony was greatly impeded. There was less
market for the produce of the settlers, and much money was withdrawn
from circulation. To meet the wishes of the people Riel opened
negotiations with the company. looking to a resumption of business.
Finally he wrote the following ultimatum to Governor Mactavish:
William Mactavish, Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company in the
"Sir—In reference to our interviews regarding the affairs of the
Hudson's Bay Company in this country, I have the honor to assure you
that my great desire is to open, as soon as possible, in the interests
of the people, free and undisturbed, the commerce of the country.
"The people, in rallying themselves to the Provisional Government with
unanimity. prescribe to each of us our respective conduct.
"The Provisional Government, established upon justice and reason, will
fulfil its work.
the action of the Hudson's Bay Company, its commercial interests may be
saved to a certain extent, but that is entirely for your consideration,
and depends upon the company itself. I have had the honor to tell you
that arrangements were possible, and the following are the conditions:
"1st. That the whole of the company in the North-West shall recognize
the Provisional Government.
"2nd. That you, in the name of the Hudson's Bay Company, do agree to
loan the Provisional Government the sum of three thousand pounds
"3rd. That 011 demand, by the Provisional Government, in case
arrangements with Canada should be opposed, you do guarantee a
supplement of two thousand pounds sterling to the above-mentioned sum.
"4th. That there shall be granted by the Hudson's Bay Company, for the
support of the present military force, goods and provisions to the value
of four thousand pounds sterling, at current prices.
"5th. That the Hudson's Bay Company do immediately put into ciiculation
their bills.
"6th. That the Provisional Government shall also retain an additional
specified quantity of goods in the store of the Hudson's Bay Company.
accepting the above conditions, the Hudson's Bay Company will be allowed
to resume its business under the protection of the Provisional
"Fort Garry will be open; but, in the meanwhile, it being the seat of
government, a small guard of fifty men will be retained.
"Only the buildings at present occupied by the government will be
retained for government purposes.
"Such, Sir, are the conditions which the situation imposes upon us.

have a duty to perform from which I shall not retreat. I am aware that
you fully possess the knowledge of your duty, and I trust that your
decision will he favorable.
"Allow me here to express my deep feeling of sympathy for you in jour
continued illness, and to sincerely trust that your health may be
speedily restored.
have the honor to be, Sir,
Your most obedient servant,
Louis Riel,
Government House, Fort Garry,
March 28,1870."
Governor Mactavish was practically compelled to accept the terms offered
by Riel; so the stores were soon opened, and business began to flow
along the old channels.
About the same time, M. II. Robinson, who had acted as editor of the
Neiv .Nation., retired to become United
States consul, Mr. Malmaros having been recalled. The new pdit or of
Riel's organ was Mr. Thomas Spence, the organizer and president of the
ephemeral "Republic of Manitoba." Soon after he assumed the management
of the paper it published a proclamation, issued by Louis Schmidt ."by
order of the President" and dated April 7. It was addressed to "the
inhabitants of the North and North-West;" recited the circumstances
which led to the formation of a provisional government and the work
which it had done; and urged all the people of the west to keep the
peace and support the provisional government in every way possible. The
same number of the
-New Nation
contained a proclamation over Riel's own name, dated April 9th and
addressed to "the people of the North-West." He assured them that the
provisional government was fully established and that the peace of the
country was secured; offered amnesty to all who had been foolish enough
to take up arms against his government; warned future disturbers of the
peace that severe punishment would be meted out to them; announced that
the public highways were open and that the Hudson's Bay Company had
resumed business and declared that the country was about to be admitted
to the Dominion on equitable terms.
April 20th Riel ordered that the Union Jack should replace the flag of
the provisional government, which had been flying over Port Garry since
December 10th. This roused the wrath of O'Donoghue, who attempted to
restore the ensign, bearing the shamrock as one of its emblems, to its
place of honor. But Riel was determined that the British flag should
remain and placed Andre Nault at the foot of the flagstaff with orders
to shoot any one who attempted to pull it down. To satisfy O'Donoghue,
however, the flagstaff standing on Dr. Schultz's property was removed
and set up inside the walls of Port Garry, and on this the banner of the
provisional government was hoisted.
second session of the provisional assembly opened on April 26th with an
address from the president. On May 5th he announced the names of his
cabinet —Thomas Bunn, secretary; W. B. O'Donoghue, treasurer; A. G. B.
Bannatyne, postmaster-general; A. Lepine, adjutant-general; James McKay,
superintendent of Indian affairs; and John Bruce, superintendent of
public works. A few-days later a number of laws relating to the
administration of justice, the supreme court, district courts, duties of
constables, the collection of customs, postal service, intestate
estates, fires, animals at large, hay privileges, roads, sale of liquor,
etc., were finally passed. The names of the magistrates appointed under
the new law were announced on May 7th, and on the 9th the assembly
adjourned. |