Many of the people of the Red River Settlement felt that Mr. Alfred H.
Scott and Father Ritehot could hardly be considered representatives of
the whole community in the negotiations with the Dominion government and
were most anxious that Judge Black would consent to act as the third
delegate. Mr. Donald A. Smith also urged him to act, and he finally
consented and left Fort Garry 011 March 24th. The following commission
and letter of instructions were handed to the delegates on March 22nd:
"Government House, Winnipeg, Assiniboia.
Sir—The President of the Provisional Government of Assiniboia (formerly
Rupert's Land and the North-West), in council, do hereby authorize and
dele-1 gate you to proceed to the City of Ottawa, and lay
before the Dominion Government the accompanying list of propositions and
conditions as to the terms upon which the people of Assiniboia will
consent to enter into Confederation with the other provinces of the
Dominion. You will also herewith receive a letter of instructions, which
will be your guide in the execution of this commission.
"Signed this twenty-second day of March, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and seventy.
Thomas BcjnN,
Secretary of State."
"Sir—Enclosed with this letter you will receive your commission and also
a copy of the conditions and terms upon which the people of this country
will consent to enter into the Confederation of Canada.
"You will please proceed with convenient speed to the City of Ottawa,
Canada, and on arriving there you will, in company with the other
delegates, put yourself immediately in communication with the Dominion
Government, on the subject of your commission.
"You will please observe that with regard to the articles numbered 1, 2,
3, 4, 6, 7, 15, 17, 19 and 20, you are left at liberty, in concert with
your fellow commissioners, to exercise your discretion; but bear in
mind, that as you carry with you the full confidence of the people, it
is' expected that in the exercise of this liberty, you will do your
utmost to secure their rights and privileges which have hitherto been
"With reference to the remaining articles, I am directed to inform you
that you are not empowered to conclude finally any arrangements with the
Canadian Government, but that any negotiations entered into between you
and the said government must first have the approval of and be ratified
by the Provisional Government, before Assiniboia will become a province
of Confederation.
have the honor to be, Sir,
Your obedient servant,
Thos. Bunn,
Secretary of State."
List of Rights handed to the delegates to Ottawa was not identical with
that adopted by the representatives of the people on the 1st of
December, nor was it identical with that adopted by the convention on
the 5th of February and discussed with Mr. Donald A. Smith a few days
later. In both the earlier lists the admission of Rupert's Land and the
North-West to Canada as a territory was contemplated, for that was the
purpose of the Act for the Temporary Government of Rupert's Land and the
North-West Territory, passed by the Dominion parliament
011 June 22, 1869; but this third list of
rights distinctly stipulates that the country is to be confederated with
the Dominion as a province. From this it is plain that the plan embodied
in the motion, which Riel made in the convention on February 5th and
which was defeated then, had been adopted by his cabinet a little later.
The list of rights delivered to the delegates sent to Ottawa contained
the following clauses:
"1st, That the Territories, heretofore known as Rupert's Land and
NorthWest, shall not enter into Confederation of the Dominion of Canada,
except as a province, to be styled and known as the Province of
Assiniboia, and with all the rights and privileges common to the
different Provinces of the Dominion.
"2nd. That we have two Representatives in the Senate, and four in the
House of Commons of Canada, until such time as an increase of population
entitles the Province to a greater representation.
"3rd. That the Province of Assiniboia shall not be held liable, at any
time, for any portion of the public debt of the Dominion, contracted
before the date the said Province shall have entered the Confederation,
unless the said Province shall have first received from the Dominion the
full amount for which the said Province is to be held liable.
"4th. That the sum of eighty thousand dollars be paid annually by the
Dominion Government to the local Legislature of this Province.
"5th. That all properties, rights and privileges enjoyed by the people
of this Province^ up to the date of our entering into Confederation, be
respected, and that the arrangement and confirmation of all customs and
privileges be left exclusively to the Local Legislature.
"6th. That during the term of five years the Province of Assiniboia
shall not he subjected to any direct taxation, except such as may be
imposed by the Local Legislature for municipal or local purposes.
"7th. That a sum of money, equal to eighty cents per head of the
population of this Province, be paid annually by the Canadian Government
to the Local Legislature of the said Province, until such time as the
said population shall have increased to six hundred thousand.
"8th. That the Local Legislature shall have the right to determine the
qualifications of members to represent this Province in the Parliament
of Canada and in the Local Legislature.
"'9th. That in this Province, with the exception of uncivilized and
unset-tied Indians, every male native citizen who has attained the age
of twenty-one years; and every foreigner, being a British subject, who
has attained the same, and has resided three years in the Province, and
is a householder; and every foreigner other than a British subject, who
has resided here during the same period, being a householder, and having
taken the oath of allegiance, shall be entitled to vote at the election
of members for the Local Legislature and for the Cana dian Parliament.
It being understood that this article be subject to amendment,
exclusively by the Local Legislature.
''10th. That the bargain of the Hudson's Bay Company with respect to the
transfer of the Government of this country to the Dominion of Canada, be
annulled so far as it interferes with the rights of the people of .Assiniboia,
and so far as it would affect our future relations with Canada.
That the Local Legislature of the Province of Assiniboia shall have full
control over all the public lands of the Province, and the right to
annul all acts or arrangements made or entered into with reference to
the public lands of Rupert's Land and the North-West, now called the
Province of Assiniboia.
That the Government of Canada appoint a Commission of Engineers to
explore the various districts of the Pru\ince of Assiniboia, and to lay
before the Local Legislature a report of the mineral wealth of the
Province, within live years from the date of our entering into
"13th. That treaties be concluded between Canada and the different
Indian tribes of the Province of Assiniboia, by and with the advice and
co-operation of the Local Legislature of this province.
"14th. That uninterrupted steam communication from Lake Superior to Fort
Garry be guaranteed to be completed within the space of five years.
That all public buildings, bridges, roads, and other public works be at
the cost of the Dominion Treasury.
"16th. That the English and French languages be common in the
Legislature, and in the Courts, and that all public documents, as well
as Acts of the Legislature, be published in both languages.
That whereas the French and English-speaking people of Assiniboia are so
equally divided as to number yet so united in their interests, and so
connected by commerce, family connections, and other political and
social relations, that it has happily been found impossible to bring
them into hostile collision;"'' although repeated attempts have been
made by designing strangers for reasons known to themselves to bring
about so ruinous and disastrous an event; and whereas, after all the
troubles and apparent dissensions of the past, the result of
misunderstanding among themselves, they have, as soon as the evil
agencies referred to above were removed, become as united and friendly
as ever; therefore, as a means to strengthen this union and friendly
feeling among all classes we deem it expedient and advisable that the
Lieutenant-Governor who may be appointed for the Province of Assiniboia
should be familiar with both the French and English languages.
18th. That the Judge of the Supreme Court speak both the French and
English languages.
"19th. That all debts contracted by the Provisional Government of the
Territory of the North-West, now called Assiniboia, in- consequence of
the illegal and inconsiderate measures adopted by Canadian officials to
bring about a civil war in our midst, be paid out of the Dominion
Treasury g and that none of the members of the Provisional Government or
any of those acting under them be in any way held liable or responsible
with regard to the movement, or any of the actions which led to the
present negotiations.
"20th. That in view of the present exceptional position of Assiniboia,
duties upon goods imported into the province shall, except in the case
of spirituous liquors, continue as at present for at least three years
from the date of our entering the Confederation, and for such further
time as may elapse, until there be uninterrupted railroad communication
between Winnipeg and St. Paul, and also steam communication between
Winnipeg and Lake Superior."
Certainly the delegates from the Red River Settlement did not go to
Ottawa as suppliants; instead there was an attempt to clothe them with
the dignity and authority of representatives of one government sent to
conduct negotiations with another. Yet the dignity of their position did
not save two of the delegates from harsh treatment when they reached the
end of the tiresome journey. The continued disorder in the Red River
Settlement and the failure of the government to put down the
insurrection had roused a great deal of resentment among the people of
Canada, and this was intensified when news of the death of Scott reached
the country. The accounts of the lawlessness prevailing in the west and
of the hardships endured by some of Riel's prisoners, brought by I)r.
Schultz, Dr. Lynch, Colonel Boulton, Mr. Mair, Mr. Drever, and other
refugees, added to the excitement. Meetings were held in Moidreal,
Toronto, and other places, where thousands of indignant citizens
gathered to protest against the government's delay in suppressing the
rebellion and bringing to justice those responsible for the murder of
Thomas Scott, Almost as soon as they arrived in Ottawa, Mr. Scott and
Father Ritchot were arrested on a charge of being accessories to the
murder. When the ease came before Judge Gait, he dismissed it on the
ground that, as the warrant had been issued by a magistrate in Toronto,
he had no jurisdiction; but the two delegates were immediately
re-arrested on a warrant issued in Ottawa. As soon as their case came
before the court, it was found that there was no evidence to support the
charge, and the two men were honorably discharged on April 23rd.
soon as Father Ritchot and Mr. Scott were free, the delegates entered
upon the negotiations with the Dominion government. These were prolonged
for some time, for the delegates found that the government had drafted a
list of rights for the province which was to be created, and that this
list was quite unlike that placed in their hands the day before they
left Fort Garry. At first they were disposed to stand firmly by all the
rights and privileges which they had been sent to secure, while the
government seemed as determined to abide by its own list. For a time it
appeared as if a deadlock might be the only result of the conference;
but strong influences from several quarters were brought to bear upon
both parties with a view to some satisfactory compromise. Sir Clinton
Murdoch, who seems to have had some special commission from the imperial
government in the matter, did much to induce the delegates to abate some
of their demands and the ministers to' Concede more than they were
willing to offer at first. The delegates modified their list of rights,
and the government modified its scheme; but still the desired compromise
was not reached. The half-breed» title was one of the most difficult
points to adjust. The delegates maintained that the lands of Assiniboia
belonged to the half-breeds and that they and their children should
receive grants of land in recognition of their just claims; but the
ministers argued that their only claim must be based on their Indian
descent and that it could only be recognized if they consented to be
treated as the Indians were. Finally the delegates and the government
made a second modification in the terms on which the new province would
be admitted to the Dominion, and an agreement on all the more important
points was reached.
bill incorporating the general principles upon which both parties were
agreed, was drafted; and on May 2nd, Sir John Macdonald introduced the
Manitoba Act in the House of Commons. The province, as delimited in the
original bill, was very small, its northern boundary being on the 50th
parallel of latitude, and its western boundary being east of Portage la
Prairie. This would have excluded the English-speaking district of
Portage la Prairie and made Manitoba a province in which the French
element of the population predominated. The plan met with so much
opposition, both from members of the opposition and supporters of the
government, that the government abandoned it on May 4th, and Sir John
Macdonald announced that the province had been extended both northward
and westward and that the aggregate grant of land to half-breeds had
been increased. The increased area gave the province a greater
population and necessitated an increase in the number of its
representatives in the Canadian Senate and the House of Commons as well
as an increase in the subsidies granted to it by the Dominion. The
debate on the bill was warm and long; but the government declined to
accept further amendments, and the measure was passed. The act received
the assent of the governor-general on May 12th, and on July 15, 1870, it
came into effect. Thus July 15tli is the natal day of the province of
delegates, feeling that their mission had been accomplished when the
Manitoba Act had been introduced into parliament, soon left the capital
for their homes. Mr. Scott did not reach Fort Garry until July 8; but
Father Ritchot arrived on June 17th, and a week later he made a somewhat
informal report to the assembly. A special session of this body opened
on June 23d, and the next day Father Ritchot addressed it on the subject
of the work done by himself and his colleagues while at Ottawa. He
pointed out the differences between the list of rights, which they had
been asked to secure, and those contemplated in the original plan of the
Canadian government; and he justified the concessions, which the
delegates had made in order to reach an agreement. He believed that the
Manitoba Act was an equitable bill and that it secured to the people of
the country full recognition of their rights and a full measure of
self-government. The main features of the act were known to the members
of the assembly, and he believed it should be accepted as satisfactory.
He and his colleagues had insisted strongly upon two points—a generous
grant of land to the half-breed inhabitants and complete amnesty- to all
who had taken part in the rebellion. In the first matter they had been
successful, for the government would set apart 1,400.000 acres of land
in order to make a grant to every adult half-breed and every half-breed
child in the province. They had not been successful in the other matter,
for the government would not promise amnesty to the rebels.
the conclusion of Father Ritchot's address Messrs. Bunn and Bannatyne
moved that the thanks of the assembly be given to him and his fellow
delegates for the valuable services which they had rendered to the
country, and the motion was adopted unanimously. The president, Mr.
Riel, then asked what action the assembly proposed to take in view of
the report made by Father Ritchot and the information regarding the
Manitoba Act previously possessed by the members. On motion of Messrs.
Schmidt and Poitras the assembly resolved to accept the Manitoba Act and
to enter Confederation on the terms contained in it. Later in the day it
was decided, on motion of Mr. Louis Schmidt, to extend a warm welcome to
the newly appointed governor, Mr. Adams O. Archibald, when he reached
the capital of the province over which he was to rule. This seems to
have concluded the business of the special session of the assembly, and
the next turn of fortune's wheel made another session unnecessary.'
passage of the Manitoba Act removed the alleged causes of the discontent
of the Metis and all ground for continuing the insurrection. Many of
them, who had been prominent in the movement, naturally became anxious
about the position in which they would find themselves when the country
was proclaimed a part of the Dominion and a new government was
established. The promise of amnesty made by the governor-general in his
proclamation of December 6th was conditional. His promise was, "In case
of your immediate and peaceable obedience and dispersion, I shall order
that no legal proceedings he taken against any parties implicated in
these unfortunate breaches of the law." But the condition had not been
met, and consequently the proclamation contained no comfort for the
insurgent Metis. It appears that soon after Bishop Tache returned to St.
Boniface in March, he gave another promise of amnesty on behalf of the
governor-general, and this, too, must have been conditional. But Riel's
men hod not dispersed. "With the advent of June came news of the
formation of a new province as a part of the Dominion and rumors of the
approach of a large military force, sent to establish and preserve peace
on the Red River. Stories of the treatment likely to be meted out to
them by the Canadians were circulated among the Metis by interested
parties and had a very disquieting effect upon them. They were in such
an uncertain temper that Bishop Tache considered the situation full of
danger, and 011 June 9th he promised, on behalf of the Canadian
government, that all who had taken part in the rebellion would receive a
full pardon. On the same day he wrote to Hon. Jos. Howe to report what
he had done and to give his reasons for doing it. He does not appear to
have been certain that the government had given him full and explicit
authority for the step which he had taken, but he believed that the
action was necessary and that the government had given him, by
implication, authority for taking it. But inasmuch as the Red River
country was not a part of the Dominion when the rebellion was in
progress, the Dominion government did not feel that it had power to
offer amnesty to the rebels; that could only be done by Her Majesty
through her representative, the governor-general. So the government
neither endorsed nor repudiated the action of Bishop Tache, who felt
that his well-meant act had placed him in a very unfortunate position
before his people. He went to Ottawa in connection with the matter, but
the government declined to endorse the promise of amnesty. It seems,
however, to have advised him to urge the leaders of the rebellion to
leave the country as quickly and quietly as possible.
July 30, 1870, the news columns of the
New Nation contained the following paragraph:
"By an order-in-council, passed on
the 23rd ult from and after the 15th of July, Rupert's Land and the
North-West Territory shall be admitted into and become a part of the
Dominion of Canada.' The old order had changed, "yielding place to new."
After years of agitation, the union with Canada was accomplished. The
old order had not passed without some months of lawlessness and
disturbance, but the new order was full of happy promise for the welfare
of the country. If August 30th ought to be celebrated in Manitoba as the
anniversary of the day on which the first weary settlers came to make a
permanent home for themselves beside the Red River, then July 15th ought
to be celebrated as the anniversary of the day on which the colony, that
they planted in the wilderness, became a province of the Dominion, the
day on which their descendants were formally accorded the right of
self-government. |