Perfect harmony had not always marked the relations of Riel and
0'Donoghue during the Metis insurrection. 0'Donoghue was a Fenian and
evidently hoped to make the brotherhood and the Metis organization
mutually helpful. He desired to prevent the union of Rupert's Land with
Canada, preferring to see it annexed to the United States. But while the
utterances of the
New Nation seem to show that Riel may have
been somewhat favorable to annexation during the earlier stages of the
rebellion, it seems quite certain that he soon abandoned the idea and
wished to maintain the country's connection with Great Britain. Indeed
in the later developments of the Metis movement Riel favored
confederation with Canada, provided terms acceptable to him and his
followers could be secured. While most of the demands of the Metis had
been met in the Manitoba Act, their leaders were not recognized in the
formation of a government for the new province. Indeed these leaders
were evidently regarded as rebels. They were fugitives and little better
than outlaws. To that extent the plan of their chief, Riel, had failed;
so his lieutenant, 0'Donoghue, decided to put his own scheme to the
Metis of Manitoba were in no pleasant humor. Their insurrection had
collapsed, and their "provisional government" had disappeared. As no
amnesty had been proclaimed, those who had taken an active part in the
rebellion were liable to arrest and punishment. The allotment of their
grants of land had been delayed, and the country was being tilled with
Canadians. There was less opportunity than formerly to follow their old
occupations of hunting and freighting. To crown all there was the enmity
of the settlers who had recently come to the province. Thoughtful
observers considered the situation very critical and feared that some
spark might kindle the discontent of the Metis into an open flame once
more. O'Donoghue and his few associates considered the time had come to
establish "The Republic of Rupert's Land."
abortive attempt of 0'Donoghue and his Fenian accomplices to bring an
armed force into Canada and secure the co-operation of the Metis is
usually spoken of as a Fenian raid; but O'Donoghue tried to make it
appear that the movement was a continuation of the insurrection of the
previous year. In a letter, which he wrote to the speaker of the
Dominion house of commons from St. Paul on February 26, 1875, he said:
"The so-called Fenian raid is a misnomer Fenianism had nothing to do
with it. It was simply a continuation of the insurrection of 1869, with
the same intention and by the same parties, a fact which the government
of Manitoba was cognizant of for months previous. My part in it was
simply that of an agent of the people, holding a commission signed by
the officers, civil and military, of the late provisional government of
the French party, and authorized by a resolution of the council held at
River La Salle in September, 1870, over which Louis Riel presided."
While 0'Donoghue's plans may have been discussed at the La Salle meeting
on September 17, 1870, and while Riel may have approved of them, it
seems more than probable that he had no part in making them or directing
the attempt to carry them out. An interesting document, entitled '' The
Constitution of the Republic of Rupert's Land," has been preserved. It
is dated at St. Boniface J on September 15, 1871, and appears to be in
the handwriting of W. B. 0'Donoghue. Six signatures are appended to
it—those of W. B. 0'Donoghue, John O'Neill, Thomas Curley, F. 0'Byrne,
Jno. J. Donnelly, and J. C. Kennedy. It provides for the government of
an independent state in the Red River country, to be called The Republic
of Rupert's Land. This republic was to be governed by a president and a
council of ten members. Five members of the council were to represent
the inhabitants of the country (i. e. the Metis
J, and the other five were to be chosen by
"the immigrants who shall come". The representatives of "the
inhabitants" were to be the first five of the six men who signed the
constitution—Messrs. 0'Donoghue, O'Neill, Curley, 0'Byrne, and Donnelly.
Mr. W. B. 0'Donoghue was to be president of the republic and,
president of the council. Courts were to be established, and Mr. W. B. 0
'Donoghue was to be chief justice. The means of defence were to be
provided, and Mr. W. B. 0'Donoghue was to be "commander-in-chief of the
army and navy of Rupert's Land."
Plans for the government of the new republic having been settled, its
president, who was also the president of its council, its chief justice,
and the commander of its land and sea forces, hied him south to arrange
for the co-operation of the "immigrants," whose leader was "General"
John O'Neill. O'Donoghue seems to have gone as far east as Chicago in
search of assistance, for the six men, who were conspiring to found a
new republic, had no funds. Indeed 0'Donoghue did not have the means to
pay his railway fare back to St Paul. The treasury of the Fenian
brotherhood seems to have been depleted at that time; but 0 'Neil!
managed to secure 250 breech-loading rifles, which had been originally
provided for the attack on Canada in 1869. These were sent from their
repository near Port Huron to Pembina, which was to be the rendezvous of
the Fenian invaders. It remained for "Commander in-chief" O'Donoghue,
"General" O'Neill, "Colonel" Curley, and the other officers to enlist an
army. This was to be done in the towns along the route from St. Paul to
Pembina, and it was not anticipated that the task would be difficult.
The approach of winter had thrown many men out of employment, and they
knew that Riel "soldiers" had spent pleasant months of leisure in Fort
Garry two winters earlier.
government of Manitoba was not in ignorance of the movement planned by
0'Donoghue, for early in September Mr. J. W. Taylor, the United States
consul at Winnipeg, had informed Governor Archibald and his ministers
that the Fenians would probably invade Manitoba before the year had
passed. Similar information was received by the Dominion government, and
its secret service men were watching the movements of the Fenian
leaders. Consul Taylor was assured that neither Dominion nor provincial
authorities would object if American troops crossed the international
boundary in order to prevent such a breach of the neutrality laws of the
United States as the threatened Fenian invasion. On September 11 a full
statement of the situation was forwarded to Washington, and on the 10th
orders were sent to Captain Wheaton, commanding the. United States
troops at Pembina, to make the proposed armed intervention, if he
considered it necessary. Strange to say, neither the Dominion government
nor the government of Manitoba seems to have taken any other effective
steps to prevent the raid and the coincident uprising. It is true that
the Canadian government made Mr. Gilbert McMicken, whom it was sending
to Winnipeg as its agent of Dominion lands, a commissioner of Dominion
police and instructed him to gather any information possible about the
movements of the Fenians. This action did little to check the raid, for
the raiders reached the boundary very soon after Mr. McMicken crossed
it. It is also true that Governor Archibald had requested Fathers
Ritchot and Dugas to do all in their power to dissuade the Metis from
joining 0'Donoghue's force; but this could hardly be considered an
effective measure for preventing an uprising.
Mr. McMicken travelled through the United States he learned that a few
recruits had followed 0'Donoghue from Chicago, and that a few more had
enlisted at Macaulayville, Abercrombie, and Grand Forks. He passed
0'Donoghue and his meagre army on the road, and did not believe the
"commander-in chief" would be able to muster more than 70 men at
Pembina. They had a wagon on which their arms, ammunition, etc., were
conveyed. In due time they reached Pembina. Across the river, in what is
now West Lynn, stood the Pembina post of the Hudson's Bay Company.
0'Donoghue's soldiers were looking for plunder, and the opportunity was
not to be missed; so the post was looted.
the trial of one of the raiders, Mr. W. II. Watt, who was in charge of
the Pembina post, gave the following account of what occurred: | "About
half-past seven on Ihe morning of the 5th of October a party of armed
men took possession of the place in the name of the Provisional
Government of Red River. I was taken prisoner while in bed and held
until our release by the American troops between two and three o'clock
P. M. The men who toon the place were armed with rifles and bayonets,
and some with side arms. The prisoner was one of them. I saw O'Donoghue,
O'Neill, Curley and Donnelly there. They were called generals, colonels
and commanders-in-chief. While I was a prisoner acts of robbery were
committed. A great quantity of pro-visions was taken out of the store
and loaded into wagons in the square of the fort. They plundered the
place and made prisoners of the people of the fort. They placed sentries
on the gates and made themselves perfect masters of the place. When
Curley and 0 'NeilI heard of the arrival of the United States troops,
the former said that the wagons with the plunder must be got out. That
was Cur-ley's last order before he fled with the rest. The rank and tile
were nearly all gone—some on horseback and some on foot. They scattered
in all directions. While the Fenians were in the fort the commands were
given in English, by all four officers. I counted thirty-seven armed men
inside the square at one time. While the armed men held possession of
the fort, their officers told me they had taken it in the name of the
Provisional Government of Red River, and that they were going to take
Fort Garry also. The Fenians crossed the river after they fled from the
troops. When the Fenians were apprised by the horsemen that the United
States troops were upon them, I looked into the square of the fort and
saw a great commotion among the Fenians. Each one ran hither and thither
—some escaping by one gate and some by another. I soon found myself
without a guard. All* the generals and colonels had skedaddled except
one man.
That one man was 0'Donoghue.
Owing to the friendly services of Consul Taylor, Captain Wheaton had
acted promptly. He had taken his men across the boundary and surprised
the Fenians in the act of looting the Pembina post. Several of their
leaders were made prisoners. O 'Donoghue was captured by two French
half-breeds about five miles from Pembina on the Manitoba side of the
boundary. They took him to Mr Bradley, the Canadian customs officer at
the boundary, and he handed the prisoner over to the United States
officials. Before the day was over Consul Taylor received the following
"Headquarters, Fort Pembina,
October 5, 1871.
W. Taylor, United States Consul, Winnipeg:
Sir—I have captured, and now hold 'General' J. O'Neill, 'General' Thomas
Curley, and 'Colonel' J. -T. Donnelly. 1 think further anxiety regarding
a Fenian invasion of Manitoba unnecessary.
have, etc.;
Lloyd Wiii: a ton,
Captain Twentieth
For their services in
this affair both Consid Taylor and Captain Wheaton received, the thanks
of the British government,
report of the presence of a body of armed men at Pembina, brought to
Winnipeg by scouts on October 2, was confirmed by Mr. McMicken when he
arrived in the evening. After some consultation among the authorities it
was decided to issue a call to loyal citizens to enroll themselves for
the defence of the country. On the morning of the 3rd the following
proclamation was distributed through the settlement:
"Province of Manitoba Victoria, by the grace of God, of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, etc.
Sgd. Adams
George Archibald. To our loving subjects, the
inhabitants of the Province of Manitoba, Greeting:
"Whereas, intelligence has just been received from trustworthy sources
that a band of lawless men calling themselves
have assembled on the frontier of the United States at or near Pembina
and that they intend to make a raid into this province, from a country
with which we are at peace, and to commit acts of depredation, pillage
and robbery, and other outrages upon the persons and property of our
loving subjects, the inhabitants of this province. While not unprepared
to meet the emergency with our regular forces, we do hereby warn all our
said loving subjects to put themselves in readiness at once to assist in
repelling this outrage upon their hearths arid homes. We enjoin them
immediately to assemble in their respective parishes and
enroll themselves.
''For this purpose we call upon all our said loving subjects,
irrespective of race or religion, or of past local differences, to
rally round the
our common country. "We enjoin them to select the best men of each
locality to be officers, whom we shall duly authorize and commission,
and we enjoin the officers so selected to put themselves in immediate
communication with the lieutenant-governor of our said province. "We
shall take care that persons possessing military skill and experience
shall be detailed to teach the necessary drill and discipline. All
officers and men when called into service shall receive the pay and
allowances given to the regular militia The country need feel no alarm
We are quite able to repel these outlaws if they were numerous. The
handful of them who threaten us can give no serious difficulty to brave
men who have their homes and families to defend.
rally then at
rely upon the prompt reply of all our people of every origin, to this
our call.
testimony whereof, we have caused these our letters to be made patent,
and the great seal of Manitoba be hereunto affixed.
""Witness our trusty and well-beloved the Honorable George Archibald,
lieutenant-governor of our Province of Manitoba, member of our Privy
Council for Canada, etc., etc., at our Government House at Fort Garry,
this 3rd day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight
hundred and seventy-one, and in the thirty-fifth year of our reign.
THos. Howard,
Provincial Secretary."
response to this call to arms was prompt and general. On the evening of
the 4th a mass meeting was held at the police station in Fort Garry, and
loyal addresses were made by Rev. John Black, Rev. Archdeacon McLean,
and Rev. George Young; and before another day had passed 1000 men had
volunteered for the defence of the province. Mr. Stewart Mulvey, who had
come to Winnipeg as an ensign in the Ontario Rifles, had enrolled a
company of about 100 men, mostly members of the battalion to which he
had belonged; the officials and employees of the Hudson's Bay Company
had enrolled themselves in a company under command of Mr. Donald A.
Smith; and a company of home guards had been formed with Mr Cunningham
as its captain and Mr. John F. Bain (afterwards a judged as lieutenant.
Companies were promptly formed among the men of Kildonan and St.
Andrew's; and when the proclamation reached the western districts of the
province, companies were quickly enrolled at High Bluff and Portage la
Prairie. All the companies clamored for arms; but as there were only 650
rifles in Fort Garry, in addition to those belonging to the 79 men of
the force still kept there, it was impossible to furnish all the ardent
volunteers with weapons.
Friday, October 5-, at 1:30 P. M. an order was issued to the Winnipeg
men to parade; at 3 o'clock they were ordered to equip themselves and be
ready to march in an hour; and shortly before dusk the little force,
composed of about 80 men of the garrison and 120 volunteers and
officered by Major Irvine and Captains Walker. Mulvey, Plainval and
others, crossed the Assiniboine and marched south in a heavy rain. They
had a small cannon, which gave much trouble, and twenty wagons loaded
with supplies; but tents were few, and there were not enough blankets to
give one to each man. After a march of five miles in the darkness and
rain the force halted for the night. The next day it advanced to La
Salle River, and there the men learned that the Fenians had been
dispersed by Captain Wheaton "s soldiers. Nevertheless, the advance was
continued on the 7th until Ste. Agathe was reached. Then it was decided
to turn back, and on Monday, the 9th, the weary and mud-stained men
reached Winnipeg and were Allowed to return to their homes.
the meantime interesting events had taken place near Winnipeg. Riel was
in the neighborhood, but Father Ritchot had declined to urge him to use
his influence with the Metis against an uprising, unless Governor
Archibald would promise the long-sought amnesty for their former leader.
This the governor could not do, and so there was much anxiety as to the
attitude of the French half-breeds. However on Saturday, October 7,
Riel, Lepine, and Pierre Parenteau wrote to Governor Archibald from St.
Vital to say that the Metis meant to be loyal, that several companies of
volunteers were being formed among them, and that these companies would
respond to a call for their services. In reply his honor thanked the
three men for their loyalty and asked to be furnished with lists of the
volunteers who had been enrolled. During the forenoon of the next day
(Sunday) Riel addressed a number of the Metis from the steps of the
church at St. Norbert, urging them to offer their services to the
government; and in the afternoon many of them rode down to St. Boniface.
Upon their arrival Hon. Mr. Girard went to Governor Archibald and
informed him that about a hundred of the Metis had assembled at St.
Boniface and wished to offer themselves for the defence of the province.
Although the danger of a Fenian invasion had passed three days before,
the governor went to St. Boniface, met the men who had gathered there,
and thanked them somewhat effusively for their offer of service. It
appears that there was talk of using some of the Metis volunteers to
reinforce the garrison placed in Port Garry, when Major Irvine's men
marched away towards Pembina. This temporary garrison consisted of the
St. Andrew's company under Lieutenant Hay, the High Bluff company under
Captain Newcomhe, and the men of the Hudson's Bay Company. But when it
was suggested that they should make room for a Metis company, Lieutenant
Hay and Captain Newcombe declared that their companies would lay down
their arms rather than admit men of whose loyalty they were doubtful,
and the project was abandoned. On Tuesday morning Mr. Royal brought over
a band of about twenty-five mounted Metis scouts, captained by Pascal
Breland, who offered their services to the government. Their offer was
accepted, and they were sent to patrol a part of the road to Pembina;
but they soon returned, as all danger of an uprising had passed.
When reports of the Fenian invasion and the uncertain attitude of the
Metis reached Ottawa, the government decided to increase the small
military force maintained in Manitoba. A call for volunteers to serve in
a second Red River expedition was sent through Ontario, and men enlisted
readily. On October 21, 1871, 200 men, led by Captain Thomas Scott, left
Collingwood by steamer. They reached Port Arthur on the 21tli, and
immediately commenced their toilsome journey over the route taken by
Wolseley's force in 1870. By November 12 they had reached the Northwest
Angle of the, Lake of the Woods, where they were met by the officer
appointed to command them, Lieutenant-Colonel Osborne Smith. Ice was
forming on the lakes and rivers; so the men abandoned their boats and
followed the Dawson Road to Fort Garry, which was reached on November
18, just four weeks after the force left Collingwood.
Three half-breeds were arrested for complicity in the attack on the post
of the Hudson's Bay Company at Pembina and were charged with treason.
Their trial took place at the session of the Quarterly Court which
opened at Fort Garry on November 17, 1871, Judge Johnson presiding. The
jury found that one of the men was not guilty; it disagreed in the case
of the second, and he was discharged, but it returned a verdict of
guilty against the third. He was sentenced to be hung, but was soon
There was much dissatisfaction among some classes of the people over Mr.
Bradley's action in handing 0'Donoghue to the officers of the United
States instead of the Canadian authorities. 0'Donoghue and the other
captured leaders of the Fenians were examined rather cursorily by Mr.
Spencer, United States commissioner at Pembina, and were discharged on
the ground that there was not sufficient evidence to warrant their
detention. Probably the Ottawa government was not averse to having the
matter dropped in this way, for it was relieved of further trouble with
0'Donoghue, who found it advisable to reside permanently in the United
States thereafter.
was different with Riel, however, who showed no willingness to exile
himself from his native land. Some have thought that one of the purposes
of the concerted movement of the Fenians and the Metis was to force the
government to grant amnesty to the latter; but if that were the case,
the movement had failed. Nevertheless, it was of some advantage to Riel
The government suspected him of duplicity in the affair, and it
recognized the great influence for or against law and order which he
could still exert over the Metis: so it was more anxious than ever to
induce him to leave the country. Finally it adopted the weakest and most
indefensible plan taken in the whole of its vacillating policy towards
the Metis insurgents, and offered to pay Riel, if he would retire from
Canada. There was some negotiation, and in January, 1872, Riel agreed
that he would quit the country, if he received $1,000 and his family
were supported for a year. The money was sent to Bishop Tache to be paid
to Riel; but then it was objected that the amount was not adequate, and
Mr. I). A. Smith was asked by Governor Archibald to advance $3,000 more
on behalf of the government. Riel then removed to the United States for
a time. The sum advanced by the governor of the Hudson's Bay Company was
repaid by the Dominion government after some delay.
Riel could not refrain long from taking part in the affairs of Manitoba
The general elections for the Dominion house of commons took place in
1872, and Riel was one of the three candidates nominated for the
constituency of
Provencher. The others were Hon. II. J. Clarke and Sir George E.
Cartier, -Before the day of the election, however, Riel and Clarke
retired and gave tee seat to Carrier. Sir George died soon after and
left Provencher without a representative. Riel was the only candidate
nominated, and so the seat went to him by acclamation in October, 1873.
In the general election of January, 1874. he was elected by acclamation
again. When parliament opened on March 30, he travelled to Ottawa, took
the oath of office, and signed the roll as a member of the house of
commons; but he was not allowed to take his seat, owing to events which
had taken place in Manitoba.
has already been stated that warrants for the arrest of Riel and the
other leaders of the insurrection had been issued m Winnipeg soon after
the arrival of Wolseley's troops, that these warrants were not served,
and that Riel, Lepine, and O'Donoghue left the province. Lepine seems to
have gone to St. Paul and to have remained there some time; but finally
he returned and settled down to work on his farm. Riel and O'Donoghue
appear to have flitted back and forth across the boundary until the
collapse of the Fenian raid. About that time the Ontario government
offered a reward of $5,000 for the arrest of the murderers of Thomas
Scott, and this was supplemented by a reward offered by the county of
After these rewards were offered, efforts to secure the arrest of the
guilty parties were renewed; and on September 15, 1873, a warrant for
the arrest of Riel, Lepine, and others was issued. Riel fled, but Lepine
quietly submitted and was taken to prison. On the 23rd, the day fixed
for the preliminary hearing of Lepine's case, a deputation of Metis and
their friends waited on Governor Morris and protested against the trial
on the ground that amnesty had been granted to the rebels; but the,
governor explained that it was a matter with which he had nothing to do.
At the assizes in November the grand jury found a true bill against
Lepine, but the case did not really come to trial for a year. The number
of cases before the court, arguments on the question of jurisdiction,
and the unwillingness of Justice McKeagney to try the case caused
several postponements, and the actual trial did not begin until the
autumn of 1874. It took place before Chief Justice Wood and lasted
twenty-one days, several of the most eminent, lawyers of Canada being
engaged on the case. Lepine was found guilty and was sentenced to be
hanged, but before the day set for his execution arrived, the sentence
was commuted.
February, 1874, four of Riel's followers were arrested for the murder of
Scott, and two of them were tried. Of these one was acquitted, but the
jury disagreed about the other. Before he could be tried again, the
general amnesty had been proclaimed, and so the proceedings against him
were dropped .
charges against Riel and Lepine and the finding of a true bill against
tlie latter were some of the reasons which led the house of commons to
prohibit the former from sitting as the member for Provencher. On April
15, 1874, Hon. Mackenzie Bowell and Dr. Schultz moved the following
resolution: "That Louis Riel, the member for the electoral division of
Provencher, having been charged with murder, and an indictment having
been found against the said Riel, and warrants issued by the Courts of
-Manitoba for his apprehension and that the said Riel having fled from
justice, and having refused to attend in his place in this House on
Thursday, 9th April, be expelled from this House."
After considerable discussion the motion was carried by a vote of 123 to
68. Riel was again elected in September, 1874; but a sentence of
outlawry was pronounced against him in October, and he fled to the
United States.
Through all this time the agitation for a full amnesty to those who had
taken part in the rebellion of 1869-70 continued. A resolution of the
provincial legislature asking the imperial government to deal with the
matter had been forwarded to the governor general at Ottawa in 1872. In
June, 1873, the Dominion government referred the question of an amnesty
to the imperial authorities, and in July the Earl of Kimberley sent a
dispatch to Lord Dufferin in which he stated that, in the opinion of Her
Majesty's government, an amnesty should be granted for all offences
committed during the disturbances at Red River in 1869-70, except the
murder of Scott, and asked the opinion of the Canadian government upon
an amnesty limited in the way suggested. The matter seems to have been a
difficult one for the Dominion government, and nothing was done for more
than a year. Finally on December 10, 1874, Lord Dufferin transmitted an
exhaustive report upon the matter to the imperial authorities, in which
he suggested that he should relieve his ministers from responsibility in
the case of Lepine and deal with it himself in virtue of the power given
him by the crown. The Earl of Carnarvon replied on January 7, 1875,
approving of the governor-general's suggestion; and on the 10th of the
month his excellency commuted the sentence of Lepine to two years'
imprisonment and the forfeiture of his political rights.
February, 1875, on motion of Hon. Alexander Mackenzie, the following
resolutions were adopted by the house of commons:
"That in the opinion of this House it would be proper, considering the
said facts, that a full amnesty should be granted to all persons
concerned in the North-West troubles, for all acts committed by them
during the said troubles, saving only L. Riel, A. D. Lepine, and -W. B.
"That in the opinion of this House it would be proper, considering all
facts, that a like amnesty should be granted to L. Riel and A. D. Lepine,
conditioned on five years' banishment from Her Majesty's dominions.
"That an humble address be presented to His Excellency the
Governor-General, embodying this resolution, and praying that he will be
pleased to take such steps as may be best calculated to carry it into
this way the amnesty question was settled. |