cession of the vast North-West Territory to Canada in 186!) and the
rapidity with which many parts of the country were settled in the years
which followed made it important that the whole of the boundary between
it and the United States should be accurately defined and plainly
marked, and so Great Britain and the United States appointed
commissioners to determine the exact position of the international
boundary from the Northwest Angle of the Lake of the Woods to the summit
of the Rocky Mountains. Major Cameron represented Great Britain, and he
was assisted by an able staff of astronomers, surveyors, geologists, and
topographers, fourteen of whom were Canadians. The commissioners met at
Pembina m September, 1872, decided on the plans to be followed, and
commenced the work assigned to them.
Having located their starting point at the Northwest Angle, they ran a
line south to the 49th parallel of north latitude and then followed this
parallel due west. In the following summer the boundary was determined
for a distance of 408 miles. Between the 96th and 99th meridians of west
longitude it was marked by iron posts set at intervals of one mile.
Surveys were made for a distance of six miles both north and south of
the boundary, the British and Canadian surveyors doing the work on the
north, and the United States' party doing it on the south. West of the
99th meridian mounds of stones or of earth, placed at intervals of three
miles, were used as monuments to indicate the boundary. The work was
resumed early in 1874, and by October the survey of the boundary line
had been completed, although the work of placing monuments to mark it
was not finished until the next year. During 1874 the lateral surveys
were made over a strip of country only three miles north and south of
the 49th parallel.
During his term as lieutenant-governor of Manitoba Hon Alexander Morris
did valuable service to the country by his efforts to conclude treaties
with the Indian tribes living in districts adjacent to the province. It
will be remembered that Mr. Wemyss Mi Simpson, assisted by
Lieutenant-Governor Archibald and others, had negotiated two treaties,
known as Treaties No. 1 and No. 2, with the Indians living in the
province. This was done in 1871. Earlier in the same year they had
attempted, to make a treaty with the tribes living between the Lake of
the Woods and Lake Superior ; but the demands of the Indians in that
district were so unreasonable that the matter was postponed. When it
became probable that the Dawson Route would be followed by settlers
making their way to Manitoba, the great importance of having a treaty
with the Indian bands along the route was recognized, and in 1873
negotiations with them were renewed. The demands of the aborigines were
still exorbitant, but after some
delay the treaty was signed m October. It is known as, the Northwest
Angle Treat\ or No 3 Lieutenant-Governor
Morris, Mr. J. A. N. Provencher, and Mr S J Dawson were the
commissioners for the Dominion in negotiating this treatv. In June of
the following year, Mr. R. J. N. Pither. Indian agent, secured the
adhesion of bands of natives living around Lac Seul to this treaty
September, 1874, Governor Morris. Hon. David Laird, then minister of the
interior and Indian commissioner, and William J. Christie, Esq.,
concluded the treaty with the Indian tribes living in the territory
which was then west and northwest of Manitoba, but much of which is now
included in the province. This is known as Qu'Appelle Treaty or No. 4.
During the autumn of that year and the following summer several other
tribes of Crees, Saulteaux, and Assiniboines came under the terms of
this treaty.
Norway House on September 5, 1875, Lieutenant-Governor Morris and Hon.
James McKay concluded Treaty No. 5, or the Lake Winnipeg Treaty, with
the Saulteaux and Swampy Crees living in the district drained by streams
flowing into the northern part of Lake Winnipeg and into Lake
Winnipegosis. This lay beyond the area affected by earlier treaties.
Three, days later several bands of Indians living along the lower
Saskatchewan gave their adhesion to this treaty. Thus in less than five
years after Manitoba was organized as a province the Indian title to all
land within her boundaries and to all land adjoining those boundaries
for some hundreds of miles east, north, and west had been extinguished,
and the lasting friendship of the native tribes had been secured. The
feeling of security which these treaties gave to new settlers and their
influence on the prosperity of the province can hardly be overestimated.
Moreover the treaties were beneficial to the Indians themselves. By
keeping the various bands on the reserves selected for them, providing
them with schools, encouraging them to adopt agriculture and other
civilized occupations, and giving them a small yearly payment in money,
the government has put many of them in the way of making some advance in
the years which followed the organization of the province of MapitoftaJ
the population and the prosperity of its capital increased very rapidly.
The population was only about 250 in 1870; but in 1872 it had increased
to 1,467,j
and in 1875 it was estimated at 5,000. In
1871 the government authorized Mr. Elhvood to make a survey of Main
street, which up to that time had been little more than a variable
prairie trail, and soon after a part of the street was graded. At that
time the town seemed to have four nuclei—Port Garry, which bad been the
seat of government and the centre of business for the Hudson's Bay
Company; Winnipeg village, which was the centre of the "Canadians'' and
most of the other newcomers; Point Douglas, the old centre of the
Selkirk settlers; and St. John's, which might be called the
ecclesiastical centre. The residents applied for incorporation as a city
in 1873. The desired bill passed the legislative assembly, but it was
thrown out by the legislative council. Many people blamed the speaker of
that body, Hon. Dr. Bird, for the rejection of the bill; and soon after
he was enticed from his bed one night and badly maltreated by a mob. The
government offered a reward for information which would lead to the
arrest of those who perpetrated the outrage, but nothing came of it. In
the autumn of the year the demand for incorporation was renewed, and
several public meetings were held in connection with the matter, Messrs.

ALEXANDER MORRIS Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba,
the> Kortliwest Territories and Keewatin. Died in 1889.
Luxton, and others taking an active interest in it. In November of that
year the bill incorporating the city became law, and on -January 1,
1874, Winnipeg's history as an incorporated city began. The corner stone
of its first city hall was laid on August 17, the day being made a civic
to 1874 the city
had telegraph communication to the south only, but in that year the line
was extended to Lower Port Garry, and two years later there was a
telegraph line between Winnipeg and Battleford. In
1877 the
Prince Rupert inaugurated a steamboat service
on the Assiniboine river, and the venture proved so successful that a
company was formed and several boats were soon plying on that stream. In
seasons of high water these boats could go as far as Port Ellice. The
story of the efforts to connect the city with the outside world by rail
will be told in another chapter, also the determined efforts of the
people to secure a bridge across the Red River. A bill to incorporate
Winnipeg's first street railway was passed in 1882.
population of the surrounding country was increasing year by year in
spite of various drawbacks. The absence of railways was one of the most
serious; but the lack of good roads and bridges was also severely felt.
In 1874
grasshoppers did a great deal of damage to the crops; they renewed their
depredations in the following year; and in
1876 many farmers were well-nigh ruined by
them. The extent of the damage done may be estimated by the fact that by
June, 1876. 45,945
barrels of flour had been imported to meet the needs of the people of
Manitoba. Generous aid came to the suffering settlers from private
sources, and the Dominion
government advanced them about $60,000
for the purchase of provisions and seed grain. The
terms on which these advances were to be repaid afterwards formed the
subject of somewhat prolonged discussion between the provincial and
Dominion governments. Through the kind efforts of the United States
consul at Winnipeg, Mr. J. W. Taylor, the Washington government relaxed
many of its customs regulations in favor of supplies brought through the
United States for the use of the unfortunate settlers in Manitoba. In
spite of the ravages of the grasshoppers, there was wheat to sell in the
autumn of 1876,
for in October Messrs. Higgins & Young sent a small consignment to
Toronto—Manitoba's first export of wheat to eastern Canada. Tn October
of 1877 R. Gerrie
sent to a Glasgow firm the first consignment of Manitoba wheat shipped
to Europe, and in the following year 35,000
bushels were exported. The province was blessed with splendid crops in
1879, and in the autumn an agricultural
exhibit was sent from the province to the Dominion Exhibition at Ottawa.
Mr Alexander Begg had charge of it, and it aroused a great interest in
the agricultural possibilities of the prairie province.
the autumn of 1877 Lord Dufferin, the governor-general of Canada,
visited Manitoba. The vice-regal party came by rail via Chicago and St.
Paul to Fisher's Landing on the Red River, and thence by steamer to
Winnipeg. His excellency received a western welcome from the people of
the prairie capital, and wherever he went in his many excursions through
the province, he was loyally received. His acts, as well as his
addresses, showed his lordship's genuine interest in the welfare of the
new province and his confidence in her future.
people of the west never lost sight of the importance of the two
original routes of access to the Red River, and they cherished the hope
that these routes might be so improved that they would continue to be
great channels of communication with the outside world. Of the efforts
to make the fur traders' route from Lake Superior to the prairies
available for general traffic some account will be given in a later
chapter; in this brief allusion will be made to attempts to do the same
for the northern route of the Hudson's Bay Company.
the summer of 1875 Dr. Bell of the Geological Survey of Canada carefully
explored a part of the shore of James Bay, and continued the work during
the season of 1877. In 1878 the northern shore of Lake Winnipeg was
surveyed, also the upper
and lower stretches of the Nelson and Hayes Rivers; and in the following
year the middle parts of the courses of these streams were carefully
examined, and a map of the entire course of the Nelson was prepared.
This work had been done for the purpose of ascertaining how far the
river could be improved and utilized for heavy lx>at traffic between
Lake Winnipeg and Hudson Hay. The expense of constructing the necessary
canals and locks seemed to preclude the possibility of using the rivers
in that way for many years, but the possibilities of railways from the
prairies to the bay were clearly foreseen, provided the bay and straits
were navigable for several months of the year. The Churchill River was
carefully surveyed during the summer of 1880, and in the autumn of that
year Dr. Bell took passage on the Hudson's Bay Company's ship
Neptune at Churchill and made the voyage to
England. The voyage was a long one and he had good opportunities to
observe the difficulties in the way of navigating Hudson Strait late in
the season. Much interest was taken in these explorations, and a mass of
information regarding the country between the prairies and the bay and
concerning the bay itself was collected from many sources. Several
railway companies were formed to construct lines to Hudson Bay, and as
the success of such roads would depend on the navigability of its
waters, the Dominion government was induced to send several expeditions
to the bay and strait, to collect all the data possible in regard to
them. The Neptune
under Lieutenant Gordon was sent out in 1884 and again in 1885-6, and
the staff of scientists on board made valuable additions to the world's
knowledge of the waters and coasts explored.
During the summer of 1881, the Marquis of Lome, Canada's new governor
general, paid a visit to Manitoba and the North West. His party came by
steamer to Port Arthur, took an extemporized train from that point to
Wabigoon, and was carried thence in canoes to a point on the Lake of the
Woods. Chaging to York boats, the members of the party reached a point
on the new railway, and were conveyed by train to Winnipeg. Here they
spent a week, and then visited many other parts of the province.
Everywhere the vice-regal visitors were accorded an enthusiastic
reception. Nearly two months were spent in the far west, and it was
October before the party returned to Winnipeg.
1884 Lord Wolseley was chosen to command the expedition which was to be
sent to Khartoum for the relief of General Gordon. A part of the
supplies for his force were to be sent up the Nile in boats, and the
commander, who had not forgotten how well the Canadians served him as
boatmen in the Red River Expedition, asked that a number of them might
be sent to aid him in making the ascent of the Nile. Volunteers from all
parts of the Dominion were ready to respond to this appeal, and the west
contributed its share. Tn September about a hundred men, under command
of Lieutenant-Colonel W. N. Kennedy, left Winnipeg for service in Egypt.
Business men and members of the professions, as well as boatmen, had
joined the party, but all did their hard work so well that they received
the commendation of those in command of the expedition. Most of the men
returned in the following spring.
Many of the Canadian boatmen were anxious to return home to aid their
country in the restoration of peace within her own territory, for the
discontent of the Metis of the Saskatchewan valley had culminated in
open rebellion. There was a small half-breed settlement in the district
when the country was ceded to Canada, and it was increased by numbers of
people who had moved thither from Manitoba in the years which followed
the Red River rebellion. There these people exhibited the same unrest
and discontent which hail caused so much trouble in the older
settlement; there too the Dominion government showed the same inability
to realize facts and to deal promptly and justly with a critical
situation, which had characterized it in dealing with the Manitoba
trouble in 1869-70.
early as 1875 a number of the Metis on the Saskatchewan, led by Gabriel
Dumont, had attempted to establish a government of their own; but as
soon as the mounted police reached the spot Dumont's embryonic republic
collapsed, and he was glad to release the prisoners he had made and
restore the goods he had seized. In 1877 a petition signed by about 150
half-breeds was sent to Ottawa, asking that the established boundaries
of their farms, which had been laid out after the Red River plan, be
recognized by the Dominion in the sectional surveys being made by its
surveyors. For seven or eight years similar petitions were sent to
Ottawa from time to time. On several occasions they were supplemented by
requests for grants of land to half-breed children, such as had been
made in Manitoba. The government seems to have turned a deaf ear to
these petitions until 1884, when the claims of some of the settlers on
the North Saskatchewan were investigated and settled. On March 30, 1885,
the government appointed a commission, consisting of Messrs. W. P. R-.
Street, A. E. Forget, and Roger Goulet, to investigate and settle the
claims of other half-breeds living outside of Manitoba; but the
appointment was made too late to avert the threatened storm.
Indignant at the government's delay in investigating their grievances,
the Metis of the Saskatchewan sent a deputation to Montana in June,
1884, asking Louis Riel to come to their assistance. He accompanied the
delegates on their return, and in September he formulated a "Bill of
Rights" for the half-breeds, and it was forwarded to Ottawa. It appears
that the government sent a tardy reply, promising the appointment of
such a commission as that mentioned above, but there was a long delay
before the answer reached the petitioners. In the meantime Riel had
organized a government, and of course he was at the head of it. At his
instigation the Metis took up arms in March, 1885, and secured the
active co-operation of several bands of Indians. For two weeks events
moved with startling rapidity. Riel plundered the stores at St. Laurent
and took a number of prisoners on March 18; the fight at Duck Lake,
which resulted in the loss of twenty lives, occurred on the 24th; and
eight days later Riel's allies, the Indians, committed the massacre at
Frog Lake.
When the news of the actual outbreak of armed rebellion reached Ottawa,
the government awakened to the danger which threatened the country. Gen
eral Middleton, the officer in command of the Canadian militia, was sent
Vol. 1-21
immediately to take effective measures for
suppressing the insurrection. He reached Winnipeg on March 27, and
before night the 90th Battalion, Winnpeg Rifles, comprising 316 officers
and privates under command of Major McKeand, was on its way to the seat
of the rebellion. Its colonel, Colonel Kennedy, was with Wolseley far up
the Nile, but as soon as news of the outbreak reached him. he hurried
away to take command of his battalion. Fate had decreed, however, that
this patriotic officer should render no more service to his country, for
he died of smallpox in London on his way home. The 90th Battalion was
sent to Qu'Appelle and thence north to Clarke's Crossing. It took part
in the battles at Fish Creek and at Batoche and in the subsequent
pursuit of Big Bear and his Indians. No battalion suffered more heavily
m killed and wounded than did the 90th. On March 28 the Winnipeg Field
Battery. numbering 49 officers and men under command of Major .Jarvis,
was dispatched to the Saskatchewan and the Winnipeg Troop of Cavalry,
numbering 35, soon followed. The battery accompanied the 90th and took
its full share- in all the fighting.
members of military organizations already in existence were not the only
men to respond to their country's call. On March 31 Major Boulton, who
was then living at Russell, received authority from the minister of
militia to raise and equip two companies of Mounted lnfantry; and by
April 6 he was at Moosomin with 82 men, enlisted in his own
neighborhood, horses, arms, and transport teams. These companies took
part in the fighting at Fish Creek and Batoche and in the long pursuit
of Big Bear. Lieut. Colonel Osborne Smith was commissioned to raise a
battalion in Winnipeg and the vicinity, which was called the 92d
Winnipeg Light Infantry. This battalion, some 300 strong, was sent, to
Calgary to form a part of the column under General Strange which marched
to Edmonton and thence to Fort Pitt and took part in the fight with Big
Bear's braves at Frenchman's Butte. Lieut.-Colonel Thomas Scott
organized a third battalion of Manitohan Volunteers, known as the 91st
Battalion. It included 429 men of all ranks, its majors being I). II.
McMillan (now S.r Daniel), and the late Stewart Mulvey. It did not have
a chance to take part m the actual fighting, but it did good work at
Troy and Fort Qu'Appelle in protecting the transport service. Local
companies were formed in several towns of the province ready to lend
their aid, if the country needed it. These facts furnish striking proofs
of the loyalty of Manitoba to the Dominion. Before the rebellion was
quelled, the province had paid heavy toll to the cause of peace, for
fourteen of her sons had been killed or mortally wounded in action, and
many others had been maimed for life.
details of the campaign need not be related here, for they belong to the
history of the North-West Territories. By the middle of May the rebel
Metis had been defeated and Riel was a prisoner; before the end of June
the insurgent Indians had been effectually cowed, and many of their
chiefs, as well as the braves guilty of murder at Frog Lake and
elsewhere, were lodged in jail; and by the middle of July nearly all the
volunteer troops had returned to their homes. Riel had been committed to
prison in Regina, charged with treason. The trial began on July 20, and
although the prisoner was defended by several of the ablest lawyers m
Canada, he was found guilty and was sentenced to he hanged on September
18. A respite was granted to allow an appeal to the supreme court of
Manitoba and a subsequent appeal to the Privy Council on certain
questions raised at the trial; but the finding of the Regina court was
sustained, and Riel was executed on November 16, 1885.

Riel's body was sent to his old home in St. Vital for burial, and the
interment took place in the churchyard of St. Boniface a few days later.
The events of the rebellion on the Saskatchewan, Riel's trial, and his
death had naturally fanned into a brief flame the few embers of the old
animosity between the English and French people of Manitoba, and there
was talk of a possible clash at the funeral and of the necessity of
appointing special constables to keep the peace. But there was no need
of such precautions. If there was any lingering animosity in the hearts
of the English people, it must have died out, could they have seen the
little funeral procession of Riel's relatives and friends come down the
St. Vital road in the bitter cold, bearing to the old cathedral of St.
Boniface the remains of the man, who, whatever his faults, had been the
hero of the Metis. No more pathetic funeral has ever been witnessed in
Manitoba. And if there was a sense of injury in the hearts of the Metis,
it must have died out before the genuine sympathy of many of their
English neighbors. Much of the old ill feeling between the two sections
of Manitoba's population lies buried in Riel's grave beside the
is difficult to form a just estimate of Riel and his aims, and his
occasional letters and the journal which he kept during the time he
spent on the Saskatchewan mystify rather than help the student of
history. In the journal prayers, hymns, and soliloquies on moral
questions are mingled with notes about the acts of his council and with
military orders; some of the entries are in English, some m French, some
in Latin; parts are in prose form, others are written as poetry. The
whole gives few clews to the real character of the man who wrote it. He
seems to have had unusual ability in some directions, but to have lacked
the mental balance essential to a good leader. Under other conditions he
might have done much good for his own people and the country at large;
as it was, much trouble and suffering were mingled with whatever good he
soon as the plans for holding a World's Exposition in Chicago in 1893
had been made, the government of Manitoba decided that the fair would
afford the best opportunity of advertising the resources of the
province. It immediately applied for space for an adequate exhibit of
the products of the country; and when this could not be secured near the
Canadian exhibit within the fair grounds, the provincial government
rented a site close to the main entrance, but outside the grounds, put
up a building, and tilled a part of it with a very interesting exhibit
representative of the products and life of Manitoba. Public opinion in
the province was divided in regard to the wisdom of making the exhibit
in this way; but results seemed to justify it, for it appears to have
helped in a marked way to increase immigration into the province, from
distant countries as well as from the United States.
James C. Aikiris was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba in 1882,
and when his term expired in 1887, Sir John Schultz, who had occupied a
seat in the Canadian senate for many years, was made lieutenant-governor
of the province. When his term expired, there was delay in
appointing his successor, and he retained the
office until 1895. Then it was given to Hon. James Colebrooke Patterson,
who like all his predecessors, except Sir John Schultz,
been a minister in the Dominion cabinet. Sir Daniel McMillan followed
Mr. Patterson in 1900, and when his term of office expired in 1905,
there was general satisfaction with his appointment for a second term as
lieutenant-governor. He retired in 1911 and was succeeded by
Lieutenant-Governor D. C. Cameron.
Boer War, which broke out in the autumn of 1899, afforded an opportunity
for Canada to show her loyalty to the empire of which she forms a part.
Three contingents of volunteers were sent from Canada to South Africa,
and each of them contained a number of men from Manitoba, officers as
well as privates. The first left for the seat of war in October; the
second, which contained about fifty men from the province, was
dispatched just at the end of the year; and the third was sent early in
1900. The men from Manitoba acquitted themselves well on the field.
Perhaps this practical exhibition of Canada's loyalty to the Motherland
hastened the visit of the heir apparent to the British crown to Canada.
Soon after King Edward VII ascended the throne the Duke and the Duchess
of York, now King George Y and Queen Mary, made a tour of Canada.
Manitoba was included in the journey, and the royal party spent some
time in the province, where the members received a reception whose
warmth was a tribute to the personal worth of the noble guests as well
as a mark of the loyalty of Manitoba's people. |