Hudson's Bay Company seems to have made some provision for educating the
children of factors and servants employed in its northern forts, for in
1808 it sent out James Clouston, Peter Sinclair, and George Geddes to
act as teachers at some of these forts, paying each a yearly salary of
£30. Under the conditions which prevailed in the country, the
instruction given at these posts was not likely to he continuous or
systematic, and it is not probable that any teaching was attempted at
the inland posts previous to the arrival of permanent settlers in the
country. It should be added, however, that many of the company's factors
who had taken Indian wives sent their children to Great Britain or
Canada to be educated. The traders of the North-West Company were
equally anxious to secure a fair education for their offspring, and so
quite a number of the prairie people, in whose veins French or Scotch
blood was mixed with that of the native races, had received a fair
Lord Selkirk was very anxious to provide schools for the children of the
pioneers in the Red River Settlement. As early as 1813 Mr. K. McRae was
appointed to look after their educational interests, and he was expected
to organize a school for boys and another for girls during the following
year. The earl's instructions were: "He (McRae) has the improved methods
of Jos. Lancaster. Let him select some young man of cool temper as
schoolmaster. The. children should learn to read and write their native
tongue (Gaelic). I care not how little they learn of the language of the
Yankees. In the girls' school, needlework and women's accomplishments
should be taught with reading." That the earl's agents shared his
interest in education is shown by the fact that one of them organized a
school for the children on board the ship which brought out the fourth
party of Red River colonists.
Several years went by before Lord Selkirk's plans for establishing
schools in his colony were carried out. The future of the settlement was
most uncertain. Scarcity of food compelled the settlers to migrate to
Pembina when w inter approached, and the hostility of the Nor'-Westers
and the Metis compelled them to migrate to +he foot of Lake Winnipeg or
elsewhere on two occasions during the summer. It is not surprising that
such adverse conditions postponed the organization of schools six years.
his charge to the missionaries whom he sent to Red River in 1818, Bishop
Plessis said, "They should apply themselves with special care to the
Christian education of children, establishing schools for this purpose
in all the villages which they have occasion to visit." Father
Provencher was not slow to carry out these instructions, and as soon as
bis mission building at St. Boniface was habitable, he opened a school
there for the children of the neighborhood. This, the first Roman
Catholic school in Manitoba, was opened about the first of September
1818; and there for some hours each day the big, kindly priest taught
the children reading, writing, and the catechism. The little folks
proved apt pupils, and two of the larger lads had commenced the study of
Latin before the close of 1819.
soon as the building at St. Boniface was ready for occupation, Bishop
Provencher sent his colleague, Father Dumoulin, to the French settlement
at Pembina to establish a school there. A gentleman from Quebec, named
Guillaume Edge, was put in charge of it, and before the end of the year
sixty pupils had been enrolled. We are told that a school for the
children of the buffalo hunters was organized at a point some distance
west of Pembina soon after,: and that a French Canadian named Legace was
its teacher; but it is probable that the settlement was not permanent
and that the school was closed when the hunting season was over. Mr.
Edge remained in the Pembina school two years, and then Mr. Sauve took
his place. He seems to have remained in charge until 1823, when Pembina
was found to be in United States territory, and most of the settlers
moved to St. Boniface or to points along the Assiniboine.
Father Provencher went to Quebec in 1820, leaving Father Destroismaisons
in charge of his school, and when he came back two years later, he
brought with him Mr. Jean Harper, soon ordained as a priest, who acted
as principal of the school for about nine years. In 1823 Bishop
Provencher reported with some pride that two boys in the school, a Metis
named Chenier and a Canadian named Senecal, had mastered the Latin
grammar. A few years later we find that one of the masters taught
English, so it is probable that some English-speaking boys attended the
Bishop Provencher's educational work was not confined to St. Boniface.
One by one, new parishes were organized in different parts of the
country, and many of them had schools, the priest being teacher as well
as pastor. Nor was the bishop unmindful of the educational needs of the
girls in his great diocese. His difficulty was to find teachers for
them; but this was overcome in 1829, when he induced Miss Angelique
Nolin and her sister to come down from Pembina and take charge of a
girls' school in St. Boniface. In 1838, through the generous assistance
of Sir George Simpson, he opened an industrial school in St. Boniface,
two ladies having been secured to give the young women of the settlement
instruction in weaving and other household arts. The school and its
equipment were burned in the following year, but with the help of the
Hudson's Bay Company, its work was soon resumed in another building. In
1844 Sisters Valade, Lagrave, and Lafrance, the first nuns to reach
Manitoba, took charge of the school which the Misses Nolin had managed
up to that time. Sixty girls were attending it then.
Fifty-three years after Bishop Provencher opened his first school in the
ill-constructed building, which served for church and residence as well
as school, the institution was incorporated as St. Boniface College; and
it is now attended by about four hundred students, engaged in secondary
and university studies® In the place of the one girls' school with two
teachers, there are many convents scattered over the province ini which
a very large number of girls are being educated.

"When Rev. John West, the first missionary sent to Red River by the
Hudson's Bay Company, reached his field, he set at work at once to
organize a school among the Scotch settlers. Jn his
Journal he says.^'Soon after my arrival I got
a log bouse repaired about three miles below the fort (Fort Douglas),
among the Scotch population, where the schoolmaster took up his abode
and began teaching from twenty to twenty-five children.'' This school,
which was opened about the first of November, 1820, was probably the
first school for English-speaking children organized in the Red River
Settlement. The teacher was a gentleman named Harbidge or Halbridge, who
had reached the colony just before the school was opened. In 1821 quite
a large tract of land was secured, and an attempt was made to erect
school buildings upon it. They were not completed when autumn came, and
during the winter the school was conducted in a building belonging to
the North-West Company. Owing to its distance from Kildonan, the
attendance of the Scotch boys fell off badly during the severe weather.
In 1822 the new buildings were occupied; and Mrs. Halbridge, who came
out to her husband that year, taught the girls of the settlement
household science as. well as reading and writing. Many of the boys in
attendance came from a distance, and it was necessary to build a
residence for them. The lads were instructed in the rudiments of
agriculture, and Mr. West speaks with pride of the wheat and potatoes
grown on the school grounds. lie seems to have had a few head of cattle
too, so that his school was an agricultural school in a small way.
Rev. Mr. West went home to England in 1823, and his successor, Rev. T.
D. Jones, seems to have managed the school for the next two years. Then
he went back to England for a visit, and Rev. W. Cochran came out to be,
as he said, "minister, clerk, schoolmaster, peacemaker, and agricultural
director." The school seems to have developed into the Red River Academy
about 1833, and under the management of Rev. John Macallum it did good
work for the youth of the colony for many years. That gentleman was in
charge of it when Bishop Anderson arrived in 1849; but some years later
the bishop found the expense of maintaining the school too great for the
limited funds at liis disposal, and it was closed. Its lineal successor
seems to have been a similar school in St. Paul's parish, which was
conducted by Rev. S. Pritchard, a son of the Mr. John Pritcli-ard who
was prominent in the early history of the colony. This school was in
operation when Bishop Machray reached the country in 1865.
the meantime educational facilities for the English-speaking girls of
the small and remote colony had greatly improved. The wife of Rev. David
Jones, who had joined her husband at Red River in 1829, was impressed
with the need of a boarding school for the girls of the settlement and
for the daughters of Hudson's Bay Company's factors living in other
parts of the country. She soon opened such an institution and, assisted
by a governess from England, taught in it until her death in 1836. Then
the wife of Rev. John Macallum took charge of the school until her
husband's death in 1849. Cupid seems to have interfered with the
management of this school very often; for no sooner was an assistant
teacher brought out from England than she was induced to become the wife
of some lonely officer of th& Hudson's Bay Company. In 1851 a new
building was erected for the school on the north side of the creek which
flowed into the Red River just south of St. John's cathedral; and Mrs.
Mills and her two daughters took charge of it. This school was closed
ill 1858, but its place in the life of the community was taken by a
school which the Misses Davis opened in St. Andrew's. Many ladies now
living in Manitoba received their education in that institution.
the clergy of the Church of England extended the field of their labors
north along the Red River and west along the Assiniboine, new parishes
were organized and a number of new schools established. One of the most
important was at Portage la Prairie. About 1851 Archdeacon Cochran
purchased the land on which the town now stands from the Indian chief,
Pe-qua ke-kan, and in the following year a number of people from Red
River moved west and formed a new settlement. As soon as his church and
rectory were erected, the energetic archdeacon built a log school, and
in it Mr. Peter Carrioch taught the children of the settlement for three
years. He was followed by the archdeacon's son, Rev. Thomas Cochran, and
he in turn by Mr. J. J. Setter, afterwards sheriff of the district.
Bishop Machray took charge of the diocese of Rupert's Land in 1865. From
the day of his arrival the importance of schools was always in his mind.
In his first conference with his clergy he urged that a school should be
maintained in every parish. Above all, he was anxious to reopen the
school at St. John's. He had a principal in mind from the first. "My
heart is set on an old college friend," he wrote; "1 feel sure he would
be quite a backbone to our whole system." That friend was Rev. John
McLean. So the old school was revived, Mr. Pritchard's school was
amalgamated with it, and the new institution was opened as St. John's
College on November 1, 1866. It was incorporated by the legislature in
pioneer missionaries of Manitoba were educationists, and Rev. John
Black, the first Presbyterian clergyman to settle in Manitoba, was no
exception to the rule. He came to Kildonan in 1851, and as soon as his
church and manse were built, a school was erected, in which the pastor
himself was one of the teachers. For twenty years this school served the
community, and then it was transformed into Manitoba College. Rev. Dr.
Bryce and the late Rev. Thomas Hart, D. D., were its first professors.
The college was incorporated in 1871, and a few years later it was
removed to Winnipeg.
was somewhat late m the history of the Red River country before the
Methodist church undertook missionary and educational work in it; but in
1873 Rev. George Young opened a small school in Winnipeg and placed Mrs.
D. L. Clink in charge of it. Later in the year he came back from Ontario
with money and equipment for a larger school. A building was erected on
the lots now occupied by (Trace Church, and in it the Wesleyan Institute
was formally opened on November 3, 1873. with Rev. A. Howerman as
principal. In 1877 the legislature passed a bill to incorporate Wesley
College, but the Wesleyar Institute does not seem to have had the
standing required for affiliation with the university, and instead of
being transformed into Wesley College, it was discontinued. It was ten
years before the Methodists organized a college and affiliated it with
the provincial university.
course there were no public schools in the province when it was
federated with Canada: but during the first session of the first
legislature an Act to Establish a System of Education in the Province
was introduced. It received its second reading during the afternoon of
May 1st. After a little discussion it was referred to committee, and on
the evening of the same day was reported to the house, read a third
time, and passed. Two days later it received the assent of the
lieutenant-governor. This law established a system of public schools,
provided for the organization of a board of education to direct the
educational affairs of the new province, provided for the election of
school trustees and defined their duties somewhat vaguely, and set apart
certain sums of public money for the partial support of the public
schools created by it.
act itself was somewhat simple, the Board of Education being empowered
to work out in detail the regulations necessary for the management of
the new schools. It was to determine courses of study, ln the
requirements for teachers' certificates, conduct the necessary
examinations, allot the government grants, etc. On June 21st a
proclamation of the lieutenant-governor appointed the following
gentlemen as a board of education: Rev. Alexandre Tache, Bishop of St.
Boniface, Rev. Joseph Lavoie, Rev.. Geo. Dugas, Rev. Joseph Allard, Hon.
Joseph Royal, Mr. Pierre Delorme, Mr. Joseph Dubuc, Rev. Robert Machray,
Bishop of Rupert's Land, Rev. George Young, Rev. John Black, Rev.
Cyprian Pinkhain. C. J. Bird, M. I)., Mr. John Norquay, Mr. Molvneaux
St. John. This board was to work in two sections, one having charge of
Roman Catholic schools, the other of Protestant schools. The first seven
members named above composed the Roman Catholic section, the others the
Protestant section. Mr. Royal was named as the superintendent of the
Catholic schools, and Mr. St. John of the Protestant schools. When the
board met for organization on June 30th, the Bishop of St. Boniface was
elected chairman of the Catholic section, and the Bishop of Rupert's
Land as presiding officer of the other section.
July 13th Governor Archibald announced by proclamation the boundaries of
the twenty-six school districts into which the settled portion of the
province had been divided. The Protestant districts, numbered from 1 to
16, were North St. Peter's, South St. Peter's, Mapleton, North St.
Andrew's, Central St. Andrew's, South St. Andrew's, St. Paul's, Kildonan,
St. John's, Winnipeg, St. James, Headingly. Poplar Point, High Bluff,
Portage, and Westbourne. There were ten Catholic districts, numbered
from 17 to 26 inclusive, whose boundaries were determined largely by
those of the electoral districts in which the majority of the people
were French. Most of them lay along the Red River between the
Assiniboine and the international boundary.
elections of school trustees took place on July 18th, but the people did
not take a very active interest in them. Some of the trustees elected
were: Hon. Colin Inkster, Mr. Magnus Brown, and Rev. Archdeacon McLean
in St. John's; Messrs. John Bourke, A. Fidler. and R. Tait in St. James;
Messrs, W. 'fait, J. Cunningham. M. P. P., and J. Taylor in Headingly;
Messrs. Chas. Thomas, Hugh Pritchard. and J. Clouston in St. Paul's; and
Messrs. Stewart Mulvey, W. G. Fonseca. and A. Wright in Winnipeg. In
most of the districts the electors decided to levy a tax for the support
of the schools; but in Winnipeg, although it then had a population of
about 700, the ratepayers decided to raise money for their school by a
subscription rather than a general tax. Of course this was only a
temporary arrangement.
first public schools opened on August 28, 1871. Some of the teachers
were to become prominent in the life of the province a little later. In
the East Kildonan school the teacher was Mr. Alexander Sutherland, who
afterwards entered the legal profession and still later became a member
of Premier Norquay's cabinet. In the West Kildonan school Mr. George F.
Munroe was in charge. He was afterwards a barrister and prominent in
municipal affairs. The Winnipeg school board was late in getting its
school organized, and it was not until October 3()th that the first
pupils assembled in the small log building on Point Douglas, which the
board had secured as a school. The young man behind the teacher's desk
that morning was Mr. W. F. Luxton, subsequently founder and editor of
the Manitoba Free
Press, member of the legislature, school
trustee, and member of the Board of Education.
new school act was not without its defects. Some people declared that
many of the public schools were inefficient, others were dissatisfied
with the regulations which governed the distribution of the provincial
grant. There was a feeling that the grants to individual schools should
be proportional to the number of pupils in attendance as well as the
time during which the school was kept open. It may have been this
feeling which led Hon. Mr. Davis, when he became premier in 1874, to
insert the following clause in his published policy: "The amendment of
the school laws, so as to secure an accurate list of the attendance of
pupils in the schools, duly verified under oath.
Dissatisfaction with the practical working of the Education Act of 1871
seems to have increased rather than diminished as the years went by, and
by 1876 there was a very general demand on the part of a large section
of the community for radical changes in the law. Those who were anxious
to make the schools more effective demanded the abolition of the board
of education and the creation of a department of education with a
cabinet minister at its head, the establishment of a purely
non-sectarian system of public schools, all subject to the same
regulations, the appointment of one or more inspectors, the early
establishment of a training school for teachers, and a complete change
in the method of dividing the provincial grant for the support of public
schools. Fourteen years were to pass, however, before the most important
of these changes were made, although others were brought about much
act of 1871 had made no provision for secondary education, none for
university training. These departments of educational work were left,
for the time being, to the three denominational colleges, which had been
incorporated in 1871. These institutions, hampered as they were by lack
of funds, could hardly be expected to undertake the full work of a
university; and many public-spirited citizens looked forward to the time
when the province itself could undertake that work. It was an ambitious
project for a province so small in area and population and with such a
small revenue, and many friends of education feared that it would be
impossible to secure the co-operation of the different religious
denominations in any scheme for a provincial university.
Hon. Alexander Morris was very anxious to signalize his term as
lieutenant-governor of Manitoba by the establishment of a provincial
university, and he seems to have discussed the matter informally with
several leading men of the province. We are informed that he had urged
the members of the government to introduce a university bill into the
legislature; but they felt that the province was too weak financially to
undertake the establishment and support of such an institution. But
Governor Morris was too ardent a friend of education to relax his
efforts on behalf of a provincial university. On the evening of February
4, 1876, a public meeting was held in Winnipeg in connection with
Manitoba College. Two of the gentlemen who made addresses on that
occasion presented carefully considered schemes by which a provincial
university might be established at no great cost to the province and
with which the existing colleges could be affiliated. One of these
far-seeing, practical men was Mr. J. W. Taylor, the United States
consul, and the other was Rev. Dr. Robertson, superintendent of
Presbyterian missions in the west. Dr. Robertson's plan appealed to the
lieu tenant-governor, and it was not long before the two men met in
consultation over it. A detailed scheme was worked out, and a bill was
drawn up to embody it. There is good reason to believe that the governor
himself drafted the bill, and this may be one reason why the government
consented to introduce it.
third session of the second Manitoba legislature was opened on January
30, 1877. In the speech from the throne Lieutenant-Governor Morris said,
"In view of the necessity of affording the youth of the province the
advantages of higher education, a bill will be submitted to you,
providing for the establishment on a liberal basis of a university for
Manitoba, and for the affiliation there with of such of the existing
incorporated colleges as may take advantage of the university. Provision
will be made in the bill for the eventual establishment of a provincial
normal school for teachers. I regard this measure as one of great
importance, and as an evidence of the rapid progress of the country
towards the possession of so many of the advantages which the older
provinces of the Dominion already enjoy." Strictly speaking, the bill
was not a government measure, although Hon. Mr. Royal introduced it on
February 1st and moved its second reading eight days later. It received
a few amendments m committee, and on February 20th it passed its third
act provided for the establishment of a university which would outline
courses, conduct examinations, and grant degrees. It would not undertake
the work of teaching immediately, but professorships might be
established later so as to make the institution a teaching university.
The governing body, or council, was to consist of representatives of the
colleges which might affiliate with the university, a representative of
each section of the board of education, and a representative of the
graduates of other universities resident in the province. University
students were to be free from all religious tests, and in examinations
they might answer either in English or in French. The colleges retained
con trol of courses in theology and had power to grant theological
degrees, and they could select their own text-books in mental and moral
science. The financial burden, which some feared, was most carefully
avoided, inasmuch as one clause in the act limited the government grant
for university purposes to $250 per year. Of course this clause was soon
Boniface College, St. John's College, and Manitoba College affiliated
with the provincial university at once and elected their representatives
to the council; but Wesley College, which had been incorporated a few
days before the university bill passed the legislature, was not in a
position to affiliate then. At the first meeting of the university
council, held oil October 4, 1877, the Bishop of Rupert's Land was
chosen as chancellor, Hon. -Joseph Royal as vice-chancellor, Major
Jarvis as registrar, and Mr. I). MacArthur as bursar. A few days later
the first university students were enrolled, and on June 9, 1880, the
University of Manitoba conferred its first degrees.
About 1881 a Baptist college was organized at Rapid City by Rev, Dr.
Crawford, but it did not meet with the support expected and was closed
in 1883. A year or two later it was reopened in Brandon under the
direction of Rev. S. J McKee, D. I)., and received more generous support
from the denomination which it was established to serve. It has since
grown into a large institution, doing work in arts and theology and
furnishing a commercial training to those who desire it. It has never
affiliated with the provincial university; and although its friends have
asked the legislature to give it degree-conferring powers, the request
has not been granted.
1882 Manitoba Medical College was affiliated with the provincial
university, and six years later Wesley College was reorganized and
joined the sisterhood of affiliated institutions. The College of
Pharmacy was affiliated in 1902 and Manitoba Agricultural College in
1908, although the latter withdrew from the union in 1912 and became an
independent institution. The Law Society of Manitoba accepts
matriculation standing in the university as evidence of fitness to enter
upon the study of law, although it has not yet entrusted to the
university the work of examining candidates for admission to the bar,
and certain degrees in law are conferred by the university.
university council has not been a unit in regard to the lines on which
the institution should be developed, some members wishing it to remain
an examining and degree-conferring body, others desiring to make it a
teaching university. In 1886 the University Act was amended in such a
way that the university seemed debarred from assuming the work of
instruction; but a year later another amendment gave the graduates of
the university increased representation in the council, and most of the
new members joined the party which wished to make the university a
teaching institution. Circumstances combined to favor the policy of this
party. All over the continent there was a popular demand that the
natural sciences be given a larger place on college and university
curricula, and Manitoba's colleges were financially unable to meet this
demand. For a few years, commencing in 1890, they attempted to
co-operate in the teaching of science; but the plan was not
satisfactory, and in 1893 the University Act was amended once more to
permit the teaching of science and mathematics.
1878 the university applied to the Dominion for a grant of land as an
endowment, and this application was endorsed by the legislature a year
later. A grant of 150,000 acres was secured by the settlement made in
1885, although the patents to these lands were not secured until about
1898. The lands then became a source of a growing revenue to the
university. The other sources were the annual grant from the provincial
government and the income from a considerable bequest received some
years before from the estate of A. K. Isbister, the gentleman who was
the champion of the Red River people in their struggle; against the
monopoly of the Hudson's Bay Company in the pre-confederation years.
Under the circumstances the university council felt justified in
erecting a building. The Old Driving Park was secured from the Dominion
government as a site, and the first university building was erected on
it m 1900. A further extension of university teaching took place in
1904, and three years later the council decided that the university
should aim to give instruction in all branches of higher education. In
conformity with this policy a department of engineering was organized,
and its field has been widened as fast as the finances of the university
will permit.
fact that the University of Manitoba had been transformed into a
teaching institution gave increased strength to an agitation in favor of
making it a provincial university in every respect. In 1908 the
provincial government-appointed a commission to investigate the
educational needs and conditions of Manitoba, study the character of
university work done elsewhere, and make recommendations
in regard to the future policy and management
of the University of Manitoba. Unfortunately the members of the
commission could not agree, and the government received several reports
from the sections into which it divided. As a result the questions of
site, future policy, and control remained in suspense for several years.
A president for the university was chosen in 1912, and it is hoped that
he will lead the institution out of the wilderness.
amendment to the school law, passed in 1879, fixed the number of members
in the Protestant section of the board of education at twelve and the
members of the Catholic section at nine, provided for the appointment of
inspectors, and defined their duties. The government grant in aid of
schools was increased about the same time. Previous to 1881 the
government had made no provision for secondary education, but in that
year an amendment to the School Act remedied the defect. The Winnipeg
school board promptly took advantage of the amendment, and in the summer
of 1882 it established a high school, calling it a collegiate
department. A collegiate department was organized m Brandon a year
later', and in a short time a similar secondary school was established
at Portage la Prairie. A few years later schools, known as intermediate
schools, were established in several of the smaller towns for the
purpose of providing a certain amount of secondary education; and still
later a number of larger and better equipped secondary schools, called
high schools, were organized.
1882 a normal school department was opened in connection with the
schools of "Winnipeg, its first principal being Mr. E. L. Byington, and
ir a few years it developed into an independent provincial normal
school, to which a model school was subsequently attached. There are
also normal schools for the training of third class teachers at Brandon,
Dauphin, Portage la Prairie, and Manitou; the French teachers receive
their professional training at a normal school in St. Boniface; there is
a training school for Mennonite teachers at Gretna, one for Ruthenian
teachers at Brandon, and one for Polish teachers in Winnipeg.
story of the dissatisfaction with the School Act of 1871, which resulted
in its repeal during 1890, has been told in a previous chapter. Most of
the changes made by the new law had been favored by Mr. Norquav; but he
hoped that they could be made gradually and with little friction between
Roman Catholics and the remainder of the community, and during his
premiership the time did not seem ripe for legislation in the matter.
One clause of the repealed act provided a compulsory attendance law for
any school district which wished to adopt it; but this clause did not
find a place in the new act of 1890. Since that time there has been a
strong conviction in the minds of many friends of education that a
compulsory school Law for the province should be enacted, and this
conviction is strengthened by a knowledge of the conditions and problems
which are growing out of the great increase in Manitoba's foreign-born
Commercial education has never been neglected in Manitoba. The first
commercial college of Winnipeg was opened in September, 1876, and since
that time many similar schools have been established with varying
success in "Winnipeg and other towns of the province. In 1896 the school
board of "Winnipeg made a commercial course a part of the curriculum in
its collegiate institute, and similar courses of instruction are now
provided in the other collegiate institutes of^ the province.
Through the generosity of Sir William Macdonald manual training was
introduced into the schools of Winnipeg in the latter part of 1900. Sir
William supplied the necessary equipment and paid the salaries of
instructors for three years, and at the end of that period the school
board, thoroughly convinced of the value of the work, made it a regular
part of the school course. About the same time it arranged to give the
girls in its schools instruction in needlework, cookery, and other
domestic arts. The movement spread, and in most of the towns and in some
of the rural districts manual training and domestic science now find
places in the school programmes. Quite recently steps have been taken to
make technical training a part of the work done in the public schools.
The government took the matter up and appointed a commission on
technical education in 1910; but without waiting for the report of the
commission or for the formulation of a definite policy on the matter by
the department of education, the Winnipeg school board decided to
undertake technical education, and in 1912 two large and completely
equipped technical high schools were opened in the city.
agriculture must always be the leading industry of the province, the
government recognized the importance of providing for all who wish it
instruction in the scientific principles which underlie successful
methods of farming, as well as some practical training in farm work. A
farm was secured on the south side of the Assiniboine River a short
distance west of the limits of the city of Winnipeg, suitable buildings
were erected upon it, machinery and stock were provided, a staff of
instructors engaged, and on November 6, 1906, the Manitoba Agricultural
College was opened. There were 68 students in attendance and
applications from 90 more had been received. Within a few years the
college was affiliated with the provincial university, and special
courses were arranged for students who wished to take the degree of
bachelor of scientific agriculture. The value of the college was soon
recognized, and the attendance increased beyond the capacity of the
buildings. A larger site was secured on the west bank of the Red River,
and on it a number of commodious and well-designed buildings are being
erected. When they are completed, the institution will be moved into
them, and Manitoba will then have one of the most complete agricultural
colleges in Canada. |